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Venator Application (for GMs, LMs, and ETs)


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To start off, I'm going to note I have spoken to many GMs, LTs, and other staff about the topic of being a Venator. Generally I've been told yes, but others have told me no, and some others have said they'd get back to me. I've heard nothing on that account. Therefore I have chosen to post my application here for it. I had quit LOTC, but I plan to come back if this works, as it is my dream persona to play. Thanks!

Habitat: Jungle, warm, forest, plains
Description: Venators are basically velociraptors, and are violent killing machines. They are very advanced and intellectual. They usually hunt in packs, though I could RP as if my pack had died if there are no other Venators. They stand at 2 meters, and can run at 40 miles per hour in an open area.
Author: TauFireWarrior
LM Approval Required:

MC Name: HugTheWorld
IC Name: Nameless, or to be given a name (i.e. A Venator)
Original Race (n/a if not applicable): N/A
Transformed Form: Venator
Creator (MCname and RP name, n/a if not applicable): N/A
Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: A Venator is the equivalent of a Lord of the Craft velociraptor. It is a killing machine which generally hunts in packs (though since I know not of other LOTC Venators, I would probably RP it alone or as its pack had been killed). They live and hunt in plains, forests, and jungles across Vailor. Generally they live in warm environments, often with some form of shade. They are bipedal creatures, and stand upright at two meters (approximately 6.56 feet). With extreme advancement and intellect, it would be unwise to tangle with a Venator. Not to mention, they can run up to forty miles an hour (approximately 64 kilometers per hour) in an open area, and are great jumpers. They have long tails used for balance, better jumping ability, and for fighting (including with descendants). Venator colors differ depending on pack, ranging and changing depending on their group.

Creator of Lore: TauFireWarrior
Link to Wiki Lore: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Venator
Link to mentions in the forums of Venators (noted here for validation by some staff): https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/141138-mics-actor-app/#comment-1332163

Skype: alex.gruenenfelder
Time on LOTC: Almost a year, maybe officially a year soon (about 11 months)
Why do I want to play a Venator?: I feel like it would be interesting new RP and I would thoroughly enjoy that. I also very much like dinosaurs, and I feel that playing one would be a dream come true for me.
Why am I qualified to play a Venator?: I have RPed various creatures in my time. These include a massive Olog based on a different dinosaur (Tyrannosaurus Rex) and a troll (Trull). I also played a fairly unauthorized monster, which was a severely mutated and murderous human (An Abby).
What could I contribute by playing a Venator?: By playing a Venator I could do a lot for the RP of others by exposing them to a new sort of creature they probably haven't RPed with before. I also, as I mentioned before, love dinosaurs. This means I know about velociraptors and would love to contribute to lore if I could. There are so many options with RP: someone could fight and be eaten by me, could kidnap and exhibit me, send out a search party to fight me, observe and document me, etc. I think me as a Venator would contribute a lot to LOTC.

Thank you so much for reading through all that I've written here. I've talked to multiple staff members with varying replies. As I believe I mentioned before, I was told they'd talk to other LTs and get back to me, but never did. I have left my Skype here for you to contact me if you would like. It would truly be an honor, a privilege, and a great joy to get to RP this creature. I would give up my current persona that I've RPed with about 80 hours for just one hour as a Venator. Thank you for the opportunity, and hopefully thank you in advance!


[If you're not officially able to accept me, but think it's good, or if you have notes, PM me and I'll respond ASAP. I'm happy to take advice to make this as good as possible. Spread the word of this application so that my mission and dream could be reality.]

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(Ignore this)
You're supposed to post magical applications in the applications forum category.

not here within the lore submission area. Post here in the magical application area
There is also a pre-made format for it, Which you can find here.




Now that I look over your previous MA for this creature, I see that it is a new creature you are trying to get accepted. However I personally believe there isn' t enough lore for these creatures, nor should you playing a new creature determine if you stay on lotc.

A -1 for me.

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7 hours ago, TheDarkIsEternal said:

(Ignore this)
You're supposed to post magical applications in the applications forum category.

not here within the lore submission area. Post here in the magical application area
There is also a pre-made format for it, Which you can find here.




Now that I look over your previous MA for this creature, I see that it is a new creature you are trying to get accepted. However I personally believe there isn' t enough lore for these creatures, nor should you playing a new creature determine if you stay on lotc.

A -1 for me.

Oh, I was told to move my application here from the magical creatures forum because I need Lore Team approval. Also, playing a new creature less determines me deciding to stay on LOTC, but rather is a reason for me to come back because I'd see it as a positive bonus. I recruited a friend of mine to LOTC and we plan to start playing together soon possibly, and so she should add a new experience to the game anyway. But obviously, this would be my ideal persona.


There's not a lot of lore, but the creatures are really a cross between Velociraptor and Deinonychus, so it'd be fairly easy to RP one based on some assumed lore. I also specify I would be happy to write lore for this creature, which is featured in the Creature Index as appearing to be playable with LM approval, which is something I seek. Therefore, for these reasons and others, I think playing a Venator would be perfectly fine.

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This creature is an animal, and animals can't be played by players, only ETs. Sorry.

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1 hour ago, Jistuma said:

This creature is an animal, and animals can't be played by players, only ETs. Sorry.

I know that's the normal rule, which is why I had specifically applied. Also, I've seen many people RPing animals who are not ETs. According to the Creature Index, it only requires LM approval to play.

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The notion of animals being playable is for the sake of RPing with said animal, as in your character interacts with the creature, and not as the animal alone. You may not play an animal, it is a policy long upheld and reserved for members of the ET for events.

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