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Racial Allergies


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((It has been my longstanding goal to make all elves lactose intolerant and I decided to take everyone else down with me))


Iblees, the Archdaemon, is well known in all societies of Axios. He is the grand antagonist, the one who put the iconic curses on the four main races of the realm- Men, Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs. Iblees was known to want to meddle in all aspects of the descendant races’ lives, and in many aspects he succeeded. Short lifespan, greed, infertility and bloodlust permeated and dramatically changed the society of each race. However, unbeknownst to us all, Iblees had cast subtler, unnoticed hexes upon our people before his demise…


The Dietary Curses of Iblees


What mortal being can live without food? Wars are fought over it, from the means to grow it, to frivolous things such as spices to enhance it. Food controls the world in many ways. In the archdemon's eyes, it was an excellent way to hamper the growth of his longtime enemies. So, during the course of the first great war, Iblees set about formulating and chaining the various peoples of the realm to his dietary laws.


The Elves


“Malin, you whose people cherish their goats and their cows, who delight in milk of the udder and your many fragrant cheeses… May your bowels constrict at their consumption, may your stomaches turn, and your skin grow sickly. Never again shall your people enjoy the delights of the dairy.”


Malin’s people had long been fervent enjoyers of the fruits of other animals udders. Milk was a staple at elvish dinner tables, and old Malinor boasted a variety of cheeses, what is today known by Auverngian titles such as brie, gouda and camembert was once known by ancient elven names lost to time.


Iblees’ dietary laws hit the elves hard, as all of malin’s children found themselves quite lactose intolerant. A hole had been cut in a major part of the elven diet. However, as the elven subraces diverged, each elven people found themselves building up a tolerance for various dairy products, while developing weaknesses to others.


Wood Elves

The Mali’ame are perhaps the worse off, with no real tolerance for any dairy product. However, the curse effects them more mildly as a whole. Wood elves can consume milk and cheese, but will surely find themselves hit with waves of heavy nausea, constipation and vomiting should they eat any more than a small amount.


Dark Elves

The Mali’ker are a hardy people, and therefore eat hardy foods. Over time, their stomachs have built up a slight tolerance to heavier cheeses such as cheddar, and gouda. However, softer cheeses like boursin make them seriously ill. Milk is still a major weakness for mali’ker.


High Elves

The Mali’aheral enjoy more delicate foods like tea and cakes. As milk gradually became a staple again in high elven diet, the race grew slightly more tolerant of it, although guzzling large amounts of milk will still make a high elf seriously ill. However, High Elves have no tolerance for hardier cheeses, the likes of which the dark elves enjoy.


The Dwarves

Image result for shellfish

“Urguan, I see all, and I observe your people delighting in the joys of the water. May your brothers in the mountains never again enjoy the kingly crabs of saltwater, may your skin swell and turn to rash as you consume the crisp shrimp of your cavern pools.”


Shellfish had been a delicacy among the dwedmar before the war with iblees. Their kin dwelt mainly in the mountains in-land, but some coastal settlements existed. This made seafood an accessible, but rare food item in most of the dwarven kingdom, and therefore one highly coveted.


Of all seafood, shellfish was the most highly coveted. It’s popularity began when Urguani ministers fed them to Khorvad cultists as a torture method, thinking lobsters to be cruel and unusual. However, seeing that the Khorvadites infact really enjoyed the grilled lobster, shellfish quickly became a must-have throughout Urguan. Iblees however, nearly put an end to that.


Mountain Dwarves

Historically, mountain dwarves have been more likely to live by the sea. Stubborn creatures, they were determined to overcome their shellfish curse. Crabs were the most common catch among mountain dwarven fishermen, and as such they ate and ate, enduring allergies and rashes and the occasional death until they could more or less enjoy crab meat again with only minor skin itches.


Cave Dwarves

Much like their mountain cousins, cave dwarves were stubborn and sought to overcome their curse. The most readily available shellfish to them was a special species of shrimp which swam in underground caverns in which the cave dwarves dwelled. Consuming them gave the cave dwarves swollen skin and constipation, and still does, but they learned to conquer it without dying. Eventually.


Forest Dwarves

Probably the worst off of the dwarven races, forest dwarves were not as fiercely stubborn in the face of curses like their cousins, and as such never incorporated shellfish into their diet. There is no shellfish which they can really tolerate, and they develop fatal swollen skin if they consume it.


The Orcs

Image result for nuts

“Krug, fiercest of the brothers. Your kin have adapted well to the jungles, harvesting the almonds and cashews which bare fruit on your trees. I curse you to never again consume such harvests. May the touch of hazelnut blister your skin, and may cacao close your throat.”


Deserts and jungles were the primary home of the ancient orcs. As such, farming was not something which could be done easily. Nuts, however, were easy to cultivate, especially as many species were indigenous to the orcish jungles. Cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and so forth became staples of orcish culture.


With iblees’ curse, the orcs became intolerant of nuts. In major cases, consumption of them would constrict their throats and make them suffocate to death. Rashes and vomiting were common in lesser cases. As such, the orcs turned to hunting as their main food source.



Uruks are the worst off of the orcish races, being able to consume no nut without getting seriously ill. Uruks have tough stomachs and can usually keep down even rotten meat, but nuts they cannot handle. There is always a chance they will suffocate if they eat them.



Goblins seem to be able to eat cashews. The reason for this is unknown. Ancient goblins seemed to take this as a point of pride, believing themselves stronger than iblees’ curse.



Ologs have stomachs of stone. Iblees curse seems to barely affect them, as they can guzzle down mounds upon mounds of nuts without ever breaking a sweat, with one exception. Peanuts. Peanuts seem to be absolutely fatal to ologs, and consuming even the tiniest fraction of one will kill it outright.


The Humans

Image result for meat

“Last and youngest of the brothers, Horen. Your cities stink of butcher shops and pig pens, but no more. May the flesh of your livestock turn your stomachs, may the skin of poultry blister your skin, and pork ruin your innards.”


Iblees seemed to have been out of strength by the time he performed the human’s dietary curse, as the race seemed to have been hit the lightest. The curse of meat on the human race seemed to effect each sub-race differently, as each was capable of consuming some meats completely fine, while others not so much.



The heartlanders long practiced animal husbandry. Cows, chickens and sheep were the most common, and therefore they had no real issue consuming these. Wild animals, however, cause heartlandic humans to turn seriously ill, causing vomiting and even heart failure. These include the meats of buffalo, wild pheasants, and wild boar. Curiously, deer, elk and caribou meat seem to be fine.



The hardy men from the frontier have no trouble consuming hardy foods, meats included. The wild animals they hunt they eat without much problem, as well as the more winter-friendly domesticated livestock they hold, such as goats and sheep. Highlanders, however, seem to have trouble with duck meat, veal, and some mutton.



Farfolk is a diverse blanket term for many human peoples, but by in large, the most commonly stomached meats of farfolk-kind are lamb and beef. For some reason, pork is intolerable to the stomachs of farfolk, which is why it has been labeled as “haram” in many farfolk cultures such as the Qalasheen.

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As long as it's optional to RP, like the normal racial curses nowadays.

please don't kill me

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What value does this have but to further hinder our role-play because one certain person felt High Elves can't ingest a certain amount of milk?

This is further proof that the server's trend leans towards preset defining traits rather than the freedom of whomever designs said character.

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Just now, Kenzi The Demon (Kry) said:

This will ruin Cookie.



jk, i donno, let people do what they want with food, some people rp having food allergies, while others dont.

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Tbh this lore just doesn't make any sense. I can't get behind this, sorry man.

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