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[✓] [Region / Creature?...] Beasts of Ceru


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((So, multiple people have expressed the desire and apparent need for this to be written down somewhere, a few have even requested I write it, and I continue to fail to find it mentioned anywhere official, so...


Just as an explanation as to why this isn't on the creature index or something; It's a little too broad to be considered a single creature, or even proper creature lore at all in my opinion. So, there's no harm done by proposing something people asked me to. Worst thing that can happen is I get told no, after all.


Generally a lore gets accepted more often if a reason is listed for its existence, and I suppose the only one I can give here is... To give validation to the RP that's already been going on in various places on Ceru, and to add a little more flavor to our universe. I wouldn't say giant animals are overly fantastical, to the point where they'd offend the low-fantasy preference folks. Nor are they mundane enough to be considered dull and redundant by the high-fantasy folks. Y'know, just... "Eh that's alright I guess." Right? Also, I personally would enjoy roleplaying with these creatures, as a Druid. It feels bad roleplaying something that isn't official, to me, so I've been avoiding it. If I was an ET, I'd totally use some of them.


Half of these are creatures I've encountered in RP or heard of others encountering, the other half are just me getting carried away!


Oh also a problem some people have with lore is that it's explained OOC when it really doesn't need to be, and adds unnecessary detail to clog them up. So, here you have an entirely IC lore post. Keep in mind, the animals listed are just examples, not the absolute limit to what can be found.))


The Beasts of Ceru

(Or, creatures of unusual size.)

Oliver, Druid of Solace


     In my time watching over the lands of Ceru (with my brothers and sisters who moved here as well,) I have observed many strange things that are just barely on the crux of being alien- Familiar, but extreme. The first thing that can be noticed when arriving in Ceru, heading to the city of Sutica, is the absolutely majestic size of the avians here. Mundane species of gargantuan proportions, with songbirds the size of eagles and swans large enough for children to ride upon.


...If swans weren't ornery and territorial.


     It is for this reason that I felt it apt to begin documenting these species as I come upon them, to try to discern how broad this phenomenon is, how common it is, and what exactly may be causing such bizarre deformities. Having studied this for a few years, I have come to the decision that it's enough to state: Beasts, in general, are giant in Ceru. Normal sized creatures can be considered small here, but are still more common. There are also a few strange notes among creatures and unique species that are worth documentation, but aren't necessarily just beasts of unusual size. I suspect the differences here from the fauna of nearly any other island is simply a matter of isolation and a harsh environment suiting more extreme animals. Much of Ceru is covered in icy tundra and winter forest, with the warmest regions being temperate at best. So, to survive, larger size and more aggressive natures would be required.


So, I will document here a few common creatures I have run across in my journeys.


A few general notes on common observations:

- Most predators larger than your average black bear stay in the northern, snowy parts of Ceru,

- Giant insects and arthropods seem to roam only in the southern forests, with exception to some spiders,

- While most giant creatures here replace the niche that their 'normal' creatures would fill, some coexist in a competitive balance,

- Giant birds seem to migrate to all parts of Ceru, limited to neither part of the isle,

- Many of the giant mammals demonstrate a more aggressive and primal temperament, though not to an unreasonable extent.


Chapter 1:

Avian Beasts





Great Sutican Duck (Or, DIRE DUCK!)


Area of habitation: The Cerulean Bay, ponds, rivers.


Diet: No specific diet. Common meals include fish, other birds' eggs, crabs, fruit, aquatic plants, and giant insects.


Relative size: About the size of a large dog on average, and a pony at the largest I've seen- Large enough for a halfling to ride, with some training.


Entry: A very common bird around the city of Sutica, found paddling and waddling around its waterways and rural areas. Very frightening when aggressive, but less finicky and more likely to let altercations go than its smaller cousins on account of having fewer predators to worry over. They do hunt larger prey, and tougher plants, however, and require a little more muscle. They bite hard, and their beaks have some serration at the edges to act as a sort of set of makeshift teeth when biting.


Ceru Swan


Area of habitation: The Cerulean Bay, ponds, rivers, and coasts.


Diet: Roots, tubers, stems, and leaves of aquatic plants, and fish when opportunity arises.


Relative size: About equivalent to a horse in size, females slightly smaller. Or, coincidentally, about the size of a swan boat.


Entry: Giant Swans tend to be rarer to spot than their duck cousins, as they migrate very often. While seasonal migration still happens, they also migrate when food becomes scarce- Something that happens very often, as an adult requires a much higher amount of food to survive than their smaller brethren. Entire banks can be stripped of reeds and other aquatic plants by these menaces, but their beauty is undeniable.


They tend to be fairly even-tempered, with females nearly docile when approached by humans. However, this temperament is completely flipped over when one approaches a male roosting on a nest, even if empty. A bird the size of a horse can be incredibly intimidating, when it wants to be.


Great Cardinal


Area of habitation: Rimial Woods, Endil Forest (Summer), urban areas.


Diet: Fruit, nuts, insects.


Relative size: About the size of your average eagle.


Entry: Perhaps one of the most boring creatures in this book. Little is different beyond a different melody, voice, and diet. I find it at least a bit interesting that its dynamic has hardly changed; Rather than eating berries, seeds, and grubs, it now eats fruit (such as apples), nuts, and larger insects.


Great Bluejay


Area of habitation: Rimial Woods, Endil Forest (Summer), rural areas.


Diet: Virtually anything small enough, preferring nuts, fruit, and small creatures.


Relative size: About the size of your average eagle.


Entry: A giant bluejay is very similar to a small bluejay. This is difficult to imagine, I realize, so here are the major differences, instead: Interestingly, a giant bluejay eats many things that a hawk may, however hunts differently. They tend to land and eat slow prey, rather than actively hunting for faster animals. Creatures I've witnessed them eat were squirrels, giant slugs, and the occasional, unfortunate, baby animal. However, do remember that most of their food comes from vegetation, and they won't go after anything they cannot surprise or outpace. So, your children and cats are safe from bluejay attacks, should you move to Ceru.


Giant Cave Swallow


Area of habitation: Endil Mountains, Serif Mountains, deeper caves.


Diet: Rodents, large insects, creatures of similar size.


Relative size: About as large as a barn owl.


Entry: One of the more interesting 'giant birds' here, drawing many comparisons to a sort of diurnal bat, with the habits of an owl. Note I use the term 'cave swallow' loosely, as these don't seem to be directly related to them at all, more of a convergent niche coincidence. During nesting season, they will flock to the caves beneath the Endil and Serif mountains- (Which, if you were not aware, open up into a vast, interesting underdark. A good tourist destination.)- and form colonies there. Though they can be found all over the country, the cave swallows always return there in large communities, where tales good foraging spots are communicated and mating takes place. I haven't had much chance to delve into the dark down there, but it seems as though at least a few go into the caves past where light reaches, perhaps to cross the mountains easier.


Morighaen's Crow


Area of habitation: From southern Ceru up to Mokh Ilzggul. Urban areas, rural areas, wilderness.


Diet: Carrion, as well as anything they can fit their beaks on.


Relative size: About the size of a vulture.


Entry: A beautiful corvid, not truly a crow in more than name, but rather a cousin. It fills a similar niche to vultures, has a similar social structure and intelligence to a raven, and seems to bear more traits in common with a crow than either one. Little else is to be said, being a rather simple bird to describe. Still, it remains my favorite among the endemic birds.


Ceru Owl


Area of habitation: Endil Forest, Rimial Woods (Less commonly), cliffside caves.


Diet: Prey as large as a female deer.


Relative size: As large as a horse, though I have only seen them a few times.


Entry: Farmers have long complained about half of their animals vanishing seemingly overnight, with no explanation. No broken fences, no blood. What few ever see, however, is the more frightening truth behind these mysterious overnight slaughters: Giant owls, of course! Great, beautiful beasts with a terrifying cry and even more terrifying talons. They appear much like a barn owl, but being so large, rather than having brown and tan feathers to blend with the environment around them, they bear sleek, black feathers to better disguise themselves against the night sky. Their facial disc is a stark white, which can be quite intimidating if one disturbs them in daylight.


Thankfully, people seldom seem like appetizing targets for them, being too different in shape and strategy than their usual prey. They would much prefer the livestock the humans keep, or their natural prey of deer, hogs and other land-roving quadrupeds.


Another point to be thankful for: They are few in number. Not as though they are endangered, but being such large, apex predators, they do not sustain a very large population over the whole of Ceru. Hopefully this does not change with the abundance of prey that comes with descendants.



Chapter 2:

Prey Beasts





Ceru Elk


Area of habitation: Migratory, Ceru in general.


Diet: Grasses, branches, roots, the occasional small creature when opportunity arises.


Relative size: A few feet larger than a horse.


Entry: Another intimidating beast. Skittish and ornery in general, with males that can become irrationally aggressive in rutt. Your standard deer, just in gargantuan (relatively speaking) proportions. The only differences perhaps being requiring more frequent eating, putting up more of a fight when apprehended by predators, and having antlers that can become so large they can actually make traversing thick woods painful and difficult. A hunter would perhaps do better aiming for smaller elk or deer, who still coexist even with larger cousins about.


Giant Beaver


Area of habitation: Endil Forest, Rimial Woods, rivers, Cerulean Bay.


Diet: Interestingly, not trees. Roots, stalks, and aquatic plants.


Relative size: About the size of a brown bear.


Entry: A giant, aquatic rodent, with big vicious teeth that can snap a branch in twain with a single bite. That's not what they use them for, however, as I've yet to see a giant beaver attempting to forage on trees. Perhaps they're too large to make dams, so never began to eat barky plants? Regardless, those teeth aren't to be trifled with. Their temperament is relatively docile, until you get close enough that they begin to feel intimidated. They won't come charging out of the woods to ruin any picnics, but they will fight back to a perceived threat.


Ground Sloth


Area of habitation: Southern Ceru, occasionally rural areas.


Diet: Tree leaves, shrubs, fruit.


Relative size: From the size of a black bear to as tall as an elephant.


Entry: By far the most unique species I've come across on Ceru. This entry doesn't necessarily describe a single special "giant" variant, though they do certainly have their giants among them. There are actually a few types of "ground sloth" I've seen, dwelling in the warmer parts of southern Ceru, browsing on open plants, with small ones dining on shrubs, and large ones browsing on short trees. They certainly aren't slothlike in nature, but the only creature that I've seen even resembling their appearance is the tree sloth. They have large claws to grasp at foliage and help climb trees to stand on their hind legs, as well as to fight off prey. Much like a tree sloth's claws, indeed, but they are fast enough to actually make effective use of them. Thankfully, they would rather waddle off than use them, but aren't afraid to do so if a predator were to pursue. They also have a tail to keep balance when standing upright, another obvious departure from their tree-dwelling ilk.


They don't appear to find descendants very threatening, not registering our kind as potential predators, just strange creatures. So, it is my hope that whoever reads this book is kind and doesn't over-hunt them, lest we cause their poor, naive extinction.


Ceru Hare


Area of habitation: Southern Ceru, Endil Forest


Diet: Nearly any vegetation. Flowers, twigs, grass, leaves.


Relative size: About the size of your average dog.


Entry: Strangely, these hares don't out-compete their smaller cousins, despite nearly filling the same niche. I suppose they don't argue over territory very often. The ceru hares display intelligence enough to be trained to respond to commands in common, and perhaps even understand the language in general at the same capacity that a ferret could. They are a fairly common prey item for many of the giant predators around the isle, as well as some normal ones that can keep up with their pace, or ambush them.


Giant Ram


Area of habitation: The Shallow Peaks, Serif Mountains, Endil Mountains.


Diet: Nearly any vegetation, but mainly grasses, shrubs, roots, woody plants, and small trees.


Relative size: About the size of a kodiak bear, with the largest sighting being an abnormally sized ram slightly smaller than an elephant.


Entry: A very, very intimidating mountain sheep that nearly challenged me for entering their territory, even with my Druidic presence. They're built quite like the smaller bighorn sheep that roam other mountains, but they are built woollier, stockier, and more muscular. Their horns are much more prominent, and their wool shags quite a bit. The first time I saw this species was an encounter with an enraged ram that was nearly twice their normal size. And they're already fairly large.



Chapter 3:

Predatory Beasts





Giant Stoat


Area of habitation: Southern Ceru, Endil Forest, rural areas.


Diet: Prey up to twice their size, so anything the size of a herding dog and smaller. Primarily giant hares and young animals.


Relative size: About the size of a house cat, with an ego many times larger.


Entry: Stoats are vicious, predatory animals to begin with. A stoat can tackle and kill a hare on its own, despite being half its size. House pets who share an environment with them know full well the dangers of playing with a stoat. However, I have found in Ceru, the stoats can grow up to the size of an average housecat, greatly increasing their danger. A colony of these could be the bane of an unwitting trapper. Beyond that, they behave much like their puny cousins, with the exception of being more prone to defend themselves rather than scamper off, even to larger animals. A bit of trivia: A stoat with its white winter coat on is sometimes called an ermine.


Cave Bear (Or dire bear!)


Area of habitation: North Ceru, primarily Endil Forest, occasionally found in Rimial woods.


Diet: Surprisingly, mostly vegetation, including roots, tubers, tough plants, and fruit. Any prey animal it happens across while foraging, primarily deer, elk, and hares, giant or small.


Relative size: Nearly the size of an elephant.


Entry: Another great beast, a very capable apex predator. They tend to be fairly uncommon, as their territorial aggressiveness keeps the population from growing too large. Named "cave bear" on account of spending their time in caves and burrows even when not hibernating, very often returning there when not foraging or patrolling their territory. It may be surprising, but as aggressive and predatory as the cave bear may be, there is simply no way for it to hunt and kill as much prey as it would need to sate its appetite, so it consumes a diet of mostly plants and only hunts what it happens upon... Be it deer, hare, or person.


Cave Lion


Area of habitation: North Ceru, as far south as the Endil Forest.


Diet: Nearly any prey, large or small, up to the occasional giant ground sloth that wander by.


Relative size: Slightly larger than a horse.


Entry: Another "cave" beast, named so because of their habit of living so far north that even with their fur, they would freeze if they did not base their territory around a cave or burrow. Interestingly, they have the presence of mind to fill their dens and line their walls with grass and other insulating materials. They tend to be greedy for prey, to the point of seeking out any beast of any size to consume, though this hunting drive seldom goes far outside of their territory. I have no doubt that a descendant not attuned with nature would have had much worse luck than I, had they met the beasts.


What's worse, I've also met a few of them hunting together, implying they may form prides, like their true lion cousins.


Great Wolf (Or Ice Wolves, apparently.)


Area of habitation: North Ceru, and occasionally as far south as the Rimial Woods.


Diet: Meat of any kind, from carrion to large prey. They also consume the occasional fruit or root, as seen with smaller wolves.


Relative size: About the size of a brown bear, on average.


Entry: A very similar species to the dire wolves that I've seen the Orvar clan breeding, however I've yet to see their kind in the wild. These seem to be a totally different species of wolf, having gone down the same path as their smaller grey brethren. They lack the stocky, big-boned and muscular bodies that the Orvar's dire wolves have, rather seeming like a large subspecies of the grey wolf. They have a much higher propensity for white fur than normal, and can live as far north as the ice plains past the northern mountain ranges, coining the name "ice wolves" by some, who enjoy using more creative names than "wolf of unusual size." They tend to stay in packs only as large as their environment can maintain, usually just a breeding pair and their youngest children. They could likely maintain stability in families much larger, however, which could pose threatening if we encroached too far on their livable territory.


In my time interacting with them, they display a much more organized, social and aware intelligence than any other species of wolves I've seen, rivaling even the domestic cat or dog in their ability to carry on a coherent conversation, emotional depth, and ability to use reason. If they could speak, (and weren't giant predatory beasts,) they would probably get along quite well with some niche of the descendant societies.


That doesn't, however, change their nature. I feel obliged to warn the reader that they will still behave as a wolf does, but they are much larger. If a small threat approaches a pack of wolves, they will annihilate it. Imagine how a descendant seems to a pack of wolves the size of bears.




Chapter 4:

Giant Insects, Arthropods, and Similar Creatures





Giant Bird-eating Spider


Area of habitation: Caves, Rimial Woods, occasionally Endil Forest.


Diet: Primarily giant birds, occasionally medium prey up to the size of, worryingly, people.


Relative size: Main body about as large as a standard dog.


Entry: A big hairy spider, quite the frightening hunter. It's certainly large enough to hunt descendant prey, however I've yet to see one do so, as my status as a Druid generally places me off of the menu for most creatures. It builds webs only when nesting, and otherwise runs, leaps, and tackles giant birds who haplessly land in the wrong neck of the woods. It is indeed venomous, however it's not a particularly powerful bite. Its venom causes pain, localized paralysis, and fatigue. Repeated bites has the potential to kill a grown man, however the punctures from the biting is what is more likely to kill prey faster.


Giant House Spider


Area of habitation: Caves, Southern Ceru, occasionally Endil Forest, rural areas, and occasionally urban areas.


Diet: Rodents, birds, insects, other prey of similar size.


Relative size: No larger than a tarantula.


Entry: Thankfully many of the descendants live in tightly packed urban settings, else I'm sure these would be considered a very frightening pest. Spindly, delicate web spiders the size of tarantulas, who happen to have a propensity to seek out places that share many traits with houses. Their bites are unlikely, as they tend to avoid areas with too much activity, but on the uncommon occurrence that they do happen, they are about as potent as a wasp sting. This shouldn't be dangerous unless one stumbled upon many, many spiders- Or, if they are allergic.


Giant Centipede


Area of habitation: Caves, Southern Ceru, rural areas.


Diet: Any prey small enough to be caught, usually rodents, but likely up to the size of a hapless housecat. In cases of abnormal size, likely anything as large as a person.


Relative size: From two feet in length to, in extreme cases, six.


Entry: There are few things in nature that disturb me, and centipedes are one of them. Their wiggly, strange rear legs. Their absolutely unnecessary quantity of legs. The way their head is shaped. I don't hate them, no. They just give me "the creeps." That being said, a fairly common sight I'm confronted with in the woods are something of a niche replacement for snakes: Centipedes of unusual size. Their size varies greatly, with the largest specimen I've spotted being a total of six feet in length. The variation in size may be caused by an abundance of food, or different environmental conditions, but... It's certainly disconcerting.


As a Druid, I feel it apt to say: Centipedes are an important member of nature's court, and should not be killed simply for being creepy.


Giant Moths


Area of habitation: Caves, Southern Ceru, occasionally Endil Forest, rural areas, and occasionally urban areas.


Diet: In larval stage, grasses and grains- Including farm stock. In adult stage, generally nothing.


Relative size: Anywhere from six inches to a foot long in larval stage. Anywhere from the size of a songbird to the size of an eagle, in adult stage.


Entry: Provided you are neither a farmer or allergic to moth dust, I happen to find giant moths quite beautiful, and interesting, and their larva quite cute. They tend not to have bright colors, the most colorful having shades of yellow, orange and red, and in my experience, those being rare. In their larval stage, they eat grass stalks ripe with seeds, wild grains, and other such foods. The problem arises with the descendant's propensity for storing food, and their ability to burrow through barrels and under granary walls. In adult stages, they normally eat nothing at all, not needing much to make it to mate and have offspring. Some few species are able to suck blood to extend how long they can mate for, but this carries no toxin, so it's about as painful as being poked by a needle. I suspect the reason not many drink nectar like smaller moths is due to their size making such acts difficult.


Giant Slug


Area of habitation: Southern Ceru, potentially urban and rural areas.


Diet: Everything. Plants, fruit, poop, dead things, other slugs, prey tragically slow enough to be caught, and in particular, giant mushrooms.


Relative size: About the size of a housecat on average, with occasional specimens growing up to a large dog's size.


Entry: Giant slugs are fairly common, but tend to keep out of sight, crawling along the darker areas of the forest floor acting as one of nature's custodians. Many of them can swarm one of the giant mushrooms in the Rimial Woods, when a generation manages to crawl their way onto one. Otherwise, the appetite of a hefty giant slug can be great enough to eat an entire plant in the span of a single day. That said, I imagine the results would be drastic if one was to lay eggs near a farm, or garden.


They produce copious amounts of slippery, sticky mucus. If one were to somehow devise a use for such a substance, I imagine they would quickly become a wealthy man.




Chapter 5:

Aquatic Beasts







Area of habitation: South Sea, Cerulean Bay (in infancy).


Diet: Large aquatic prey, or entire schools of fish.


Relative size: Large enough to capsize a boat.


Entry: It just so happens that this entry isn't my documentation, I just felt I should mention it here for those who aren't aware of what a lubba is. A lubba is a massive, carnivorous sea serpent, sometimes associated with the spirit Ankrus. Sutican folklore tells of them mistaking entire ships for prey, and engaging in spectacular battle with their crew. In reality, this is entirely possible, as a lubba's appetite can drive it to attempt to consume nearly anything it sees. It has no specific prey niche, being a roaming predator, and it requires a great deal of food to grow and sustain itself. It is among the apex predators of the sea, and rightfully so. If you would like to learn more in-depth about the Lubba, seek out a book detailing it specifically.


The lubbas you may see in the Cerulean Bay are in their infant stages. A lubba returns to where it hatched to lay its own eggs, and the bay is one such place.


Squid Man


Area of habitation: Cerulean Bay?


Diet: Apparently, giant mushrooms.


Relative size: According to claims, as tall as an elephant.


Entry: This creature is more of a cryptid than a proper animal, having only been seen a handful of times by a handful of people. It apparently has a bipedal stature when foraging, a squidlike appearance, and perhaps a layer of mucus to keep itself moist when foraging on land. A desolate village in northern Ceru has statues of their ilk in places of cultural importance, and a few people have claimed seeing creatures of such a description on the banks of the Cerulean Bay consuming giant mushrooms, and displayed an apparently shy demeanor, immediately turning and retreating back into the lake.


I can't exactly dive into the bay and call for them, so I put this here in hopes that another naturalist may find more information on this strange species in the future. To start, whether they are beast or man is a good thing to know.


Ceru Orca


Area of habitation: South Sea, Inner Sea, Cerulean Bay.


Diet: Presumably, what a large predatory whale would eat. Squid, large fish, schools of fish?


Relative size: About the size of a sperm whale.


Entry: To be honest, I know very little about the intricacies of what marine life does or eats. I know only what they tell me, and relaying information through word of mouth when the origin is an animal is vague at best. What I do know, is that the Ceru Orca is a gargantuan example of your average Orca, with a more primordial appearance. Their diets are likely more taxing, but all they will tell me is that they eat "prey."


One has to love the innocence encountered while trying to get research data out of animals.



((I had intended to write more, but I started feeling really sick about halfway through this. I promised to release it tonight, though, in all its "glory". Can't even go back and proofread I'm feeling so sick oh gosh bye.))

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Ram Druid Jeremiah and his friend Bertrand the pony-sized dire duck approve of this lore submission. 


Honestly, this all has been RPed already IG so this is just a means to document such things if it is accepted. A very nice compilation by Gallic. The choice of making it an IC research writing made it a lot easier to read imo.




EDIT: Also just wanna say the squidman was like twice the height of an elephant. Think it's maybe part of some kind of eventline.

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"tepah wants to kill a lion for muuna!" he mutters while reading over the written stuff that he somehow found in some place that he probably shouldnt be!


all that aside et plox do lion plox make pretty make big give animal please



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i support this only because a halfling riding a giant duck makes me laugh everytime

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Many of these creatures have already been RP'd in and around Sutica since coming to Axios. We currently have some ideas for events and Druid activity that can be done involving these creatures. I'd really enjoy having this be official rather than just made up on the spot type of stuff that we do throughout Ceru. 

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Just now, morrisaye said:



Many of these creatures have already been RP'd in and around Sutica since coming to Axios. We currently have some ideas for events and Druid activity that can be done involving these creatures. I'd really enjoy having this be official rather than just made up on the spot type of stuff that we do throughout Ceru. 

Just to clarify: It's not meant to remove "made up on the spot type of stuff," just make it a little more stable and less iffy to RP this sort of stuff. Also to give a list of some things that it's definitely okay to mention or include IC.


Come to think of it, I should probably put in a part to mention if a creature should require a certain level of permission to be included in things... Oh whatever I'll do it later if this seems like it'll actually get accepted.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.


As an added note: In the future please submit creatures through the creature index.

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