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[✗] Ish'Urkal Addition: The Rukh


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The Rukh





It is the condition of the mind to search for more, even when faced with abundance; and it is this blind ambition that drives the Ish'Urkal onward in their horrendous pursuits. And so, when the Tome of Ixli presents itself once more, these voracious and precarious Shamans are helpless but to consume the sour nectar of Ixli's darkness.


In recent times, the tome was opened by the revitalised Ish'Urkal, who, in this process discovered a means of trapping Spirits and forcing them into a host, one that would proceed to haunt the lands so unfamiliar to it.


Sseket, a loyal servant of Ogrol, was revealed to those that read from the tome. It became apparent that he (like his master) was well versed in the process of entrapment; specifically of the Soul and of the Spirits. And he would offer them guidance in their wicked schemes, for even the entrapment of his underlings flushed power through his realm; an unforeseen and effective event indeed, one that would spell an unholy union between the servants of Ogrol and the Ish'Urkal.



Sseket, the Coil of Despair





Sseket materialised before the group as soon as they had closed the tome. He was a long and slender figure of ashen scales, his face bearing a human resemblance comprised of malformed and broken bone. He shot a glance at them through deep purple eyes, assessing them carefully for a moment. And before long, he brought forth his minions, who rose around each of the Ish'Urkal, squeezing and choking them as they were dragged slowly into his realm.


For to learn this process, they would be required to experience it themselves. And so they remained in that timeless dimension, breathless and coiled by the many serpents that had been drawn to them. And as they remained stationary, unable to move, Sseket told them of his secrets.


And so did the Ish'Urkal learn the secrets of the Coil, and how to make the Rukh. It was a process through which they could trap Spirits and merge them into abominations of complex and misguided energies. They would call upon Sseket's countless minions, who would seize the Spirits in an inescapable coil, forcing them together in a slow and agonising process. From here, the Shamans would transfer this Spiritual abomination, awakening a host that would rage across the lands of Mortal Men.



How it Works







- Ritual Master - One Ish'Urkal with a consumed Spirit of Ogrol, T4+

- Four other Ish'Urkal, T3+

- A host body, which must be deceased

- Ceremonial grounds dedicated to Sseket and the Coil, a central circle from which to pool the Spirits



The Shamans must start by placing the corpse in the Coil, the central area of the room where the Spirits will be drawn to. From here, they must take their positions on the platforms encircling the Coil, and the Ritual Master will summon the Four Serpents, those that will encircle each of the remaining Ish'Urkal and draw one of their Spirits from within them.


Once these serpents have consumed a Spirit each, they will make their way toward the Coil, where they will create a scaled circle around the corpse itself. From this point, their flesh will begin to burn and sear as they begin to dematerialise, thus releasing the Spirits from their bodies.


From here, all of the Shamans must work in unison to force the Spirits into submission. This process is achieved through chanting, which is intended to frighten the Spirits into submission out of fear of being consumed once again by their former masters. While they are doing this, the Ritual Master will awaken the Coil, which will begin the process of trapping all of the Spirits into a central point.


An enormous pillar of smog will release from the ground, entrapping all of the Spirits in a coil of smoke and despair. They will writhe in agony and desperation as the Coil draws them ever closer, locking them away within the host body that lay in the centre. It is in this process that the Spirits will merge, awakening the corpse.


This corpse is then referred to as a Rukh, or Horror, an entity far too powerful for the Ish'Urkal to control for any significant length of time. It is an awkward, meshed combination of the latent energies within the Spirits, and for all intents and purposes is an utter abomination desperate to destroy itself.


The Ish'Urkal will have to act quickly in order to guide this abomination wherever they wish, utilising the Ritual Master's power in order to put it in a state of lethargy. Once they arrive at their destination, they must just as quickly vacate the area. If they linger, they will surely be destroyed by this monstrous entity.



The Rukh




These angered abominations are fueled only by their desire to escape the prison they find themselves in, and will harness their powers in an attempt to do so. Unfortunately, their mixed and malformed energies cause them to wreak havoc on the outside world instead. 


They may take on any form, dependent on the energies that are mixed within the host. For instance, if one of the Spirits were an Element of the Earth, it may surround the host in this material, growing to a considerable size.


The intended purpose of these abominations is to terrorise the enemies of the Ish'Urkal, in a collective effort to wipe out a town or a settlement that has caused them some form of grief. It will only be possible through the assistance of an ET character, who will have to take on the role of the Rukh during the events that come from this ceremony.


The Ish'Urkal will work with the ET OOC in order to establish the rules and limitations of the Spirits prevalent within the Rukh, and it is at the ET's discretion what capabilities may be used.

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Seems nifty, I approve of the idea behind it. Perhaps some red lines on what it can and can't do would be needed.

28 minutes ago, Smaw said:

This corpse is then referred to as a Rukh, or Horror, an entity far too powerful for the Ish'Urkal to control for any significant length of time.

Perhaps going into more detail on how much 'time' that is. Is it enough time for you to point it in the general direction of the town and send him on his way, or enough time to travel with said creature. You also mention putting it in a state of 'lethargy', is he able to move during this? If so how fast, etc etc. I think there are a few more details you are missing but I'd start with that for now unless I missed something.

28 minutes ago, Smaw said:

The Ish'Urkal will work with the ET OOC in order to establish the rules and limitations of the Spirits prevalent within the Rukh, and it is at the ET's discretion what capabilities may be used.

I think some rules on the actual lore would be helpful instead of leaving it so ambiguous. 

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8 minutes ago, PtahWithin said:

Any relation to Muyakelgs?


The rukhs are lesser immortal or elemental spirits forced into a body while muyakelgs are ancestral spirits offered to inhabit a body

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1 hour ago, PtahWithin said:

Any relation to Muyakelgs?


I'd imagine to some degree, though Sandk1ng explains the brunt of the difference. 

On top of that, this can be achieved with an in-tact corpse, as opposed to one that is sewn together and blessed by several Shamans. It's also impossible to control after being set on its path and cannot be PK'd as easily as the Muyakelg; insofar as saying its real name kills it.


@Wendigo Aye, I'll be expanding on it when I can. It was a bit rushed.

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Guck off with your Magi: Kingdom of Magic spiritus mundi ****


JK, +1

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4 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:

Guck off with your Magi: Kingdom of Magic spiritus mundi ****


JK, +1


I tried Googling it but nothing came up. What is it? I'm curious!

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6 hours ago, Smaw said:


I tried Googling it but nothing came up. What is it? I'm curious!




It's an excellent anime featuring a young Alladin, a Magi, as the main character. Simplistic and kind, and blessed with natural control of Rukh, he must select a king as a candidate and fight for them and himself to better the world. 



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Much like Muyakelgs, I think these need a susceptibility to holy magic like every other malformed atrocity that other certain magics are capable of brewing up. Otherwise the concept seems neat.

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It is generally believed by the majority of the LT that dark shamanism is strong enough as it is, along with how encompassing it could become. It is very well written, but we do not believe that dark shamanism additions will benefit all too much.

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This Lore has been denied. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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