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[✗] [Lore Submission] Lycans



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Glad someone saw us talk about this in chat. :^]


We had guns implemented before werewolves what is this server smh

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17 minutes ago, Elindor said:

. For its strengths to be all improvements upon the physical aspects of a normal player and its weaknesses to be only external influences

Edit; I added some more physical weaknesses, Because you were right, All weaknesses were external influences.


Hopefully this will make the creature slightly more balanced!

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I believe your idea is a good start but you should definitely plan the creature around an event race, a guild locked creature race is pushing it a tad bit. Either way, I wish you luck. The origins of your lore conflict with the Druidic Shapeshifting magic, I'll link you it here so you may see what I might be getting at. 


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4 minutes ago, Harold said:

Go play a Kha and experience the server a bit more

I played a kha for about 2 months at one point ?

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49 minutes ago, jyecarson said:

Edit; Made it a requirement to be bitten by an alpha wolf to play one


Though this still wouldn't make Lycans ET only it would at least make sure they're played by trusted people, Hopefully helping avoid this creature being used to power game in any way.

and yes it may have quite a few strengths but it also has a lot of weaknesses. There are also a lot of playable creatures that have a lot more strengths then them but i do see your point.

My tip: make two types of Lycans. One weak, lesser one (player only) and a more powerful one kinda like the one you have as of now, which would be only usable by the event team.

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3 minutes ago, Sythan said:

This is a very big negative in my opinion, and a reason why you should leave it as an ET only creature. Why open up a playable creature that will be locked out to people, who may go through all the required things to become one of these creatures, but won't be classified as 'trusted enough' to play one, so all their efforts are disregarded.


Yes I know that there are other groups currently that people may say are similar to 'locked for only friends' and 'trusted players' such as Frost Witches (Back in Vailor at least I heard a lot of issues. Not so much nowadays) and Ascended (To which I would personally argue against but I don't want this part of my comment to become a source of argument. But you get the point.).  Locking playable creatures and such for OOC reasons like trust and maturity is not good for player retention. Imagine a new player who comes along and tries to become one. Despite doing all the lead up correctly, they are slapped in the face with an OOC 'Nope buddo' and that's it. All motivation in that player is gone, and depending how new he/she is, that player might as well just leave.


So overall, your views on what this should be like if accepted are not server friendly. Best course of action would be to change it to an ET only.

I'm really trying to meet people halfway and from the people I've spoken to they'd like it to be more rare and a smaller group much like Frost witches, but i really am trying to avoid making this ET only as i I'd like to see these be played by the normal RPer. But thanks for the comment and I'll be sure to think about changing it.

14 minutes ago, Freema said:

The origins of your lore conflict with the Druidic Shapeshifting magic, I'll link you it here so you may see what I might be getting at.

From the druids I've talked to a lot of them seem fine with this form of shape shifting and i strongly based this re-write off the feedback i got from druids in the previous version of this lore.



But i will look into finding a different origin if needed.

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Immortal sense heightened beasts with very few repercussions? No thanks. 

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I'll add a few things but yeah. They are currently much too op, there should be a lesser form of them for players to play, they shouldn't be stronger in human form, and should have drawbacks, maybe the Lycan becomes infertile?


It ages badly and becomes some twisted ugly guy? Maybe it ages faster? Perhaps they slowly go crazy, mad? They should have to replenish they're powers with something, a bit like a ghoul needs to eat flesh?


Perhaps they cannot survive in hot desert places? Perhaps they can be tainted and corrupted, hence making the gold weaponry usable against them, because as of now, there's no real reason, unless the transformation slowly taints them in a way or an other, making them slowly evil? These are some ideas of mine.

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6 hours ago, jyecarson said:

Edit; Removed immortality.

Edit; Changed abilities slightly.


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9 hours ago, jyecarson said:

-Kha, halflings and Orcs can not become Lycan due to bone structure and size, The transformation process would kill them.


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No werewolves. 


unless they are ET-only

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You've improved it a lot, and you're really getting there. It just needs a little more tweaking, yo! Don't quit just because some dudes don't like it! Here's a few notes I wrote down while I was reading:


-Nemiisae isn't public knowledge, and the aspects tend not to reveal themseleves directly. Further, a lot of Druids get violent about Nemiisae, so maybe having it be something they aren't really sure about would be better. Maybe have some real spooky nightmare on the night of their first transformation that involves vague forces of nature and death, but not which aspect specifically did it. Nemiisae can still be responsible, of course, but having it be something outright known without a lot of soul-searching can lead to them having a bad relationship with a lot of people who are meant to help them from the looks of this lore. I was one of the people who suggested Nemiisae be responsible, though, so I still think it's a good idea.


-The shapeshifting should be a little more imperfect, like coming out a little wrong. Breaking your entire body is a good start, but that doesn't change that the end product is the same as a real shapeshifter would get. Maybe it should not quite be a literal wolf, more of a.. Werewolf, y'know? Like being able to clumsily stand on their hind legs if they need to, or something. If it's already meant to be like that, clarify it yo.


-Alignment restrictions ain't good. Chaotic good is chaotic cool, but it isn't good to tell people what alignment they have to play. Bad people can hate spooks too.


-Maybe cut out the healing factor, except like... Broken bones or something, since their bones reknit themselves anyway. It makes sense to me, since folklore werewolves do it, but it does seem a little difficult to balance out.


-Maybe make it so wolfsbane makes it so they can't transform. That isn't a fault, that's just a suggestion.


-You gotta try to find more substantial weaknesses, yo, or make the current ones a little more obvious to the reader. This is something I'd love to play with, but as it is now it wouldn't be acceptable as a player creature with so many strengths and so few weaknesses.


-I think limiting the ones who can spread it to ETs at first is a good idea, but perhaps clarify like... There needs to be special conditions for the curse to spread, or something else that stops it from spreading willy-nilly from every bite.


please don't make it ET only we need werewolves we have vampires ghosts and frankensteins people can play dreadknights paleknights and those muscle-liches which are ******* impenetrable give nature guys something that's cool and edgy too please




edit: Also please make sure it will be seen as cool werewolves and not weird furries. good luck with that one

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5 hours ago, Pixelation4 said:


The curse will only effect humans, elves and dwarves.


7 hours ago, TheLemonHead said:

Why not just make this a race you gotta apply for :D

It is.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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