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‡ The Order of the Holy Cross ‡

Order of the Holy Cross

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The Origins of the Holy Order


Throughout the years from 1590, the Cardinal known as Rory of Karlsburg traveled throughout the known realms of man and beast. A perilous and great pathway laid ahead of him, though the man did not seek out an end but rather was guided by the warmth of GOD’s light. Returning to his flickering hearth within Karlsburg, the GOD-fearing man sat in thought having returned with naught but the clothes on his back, grand spiritual growth and a new outlook upon the lands around him. Seeing the world around him with his very own eyes and coming to the realization that the canonist church stood without ironclad safeguard, did the man begin to take pen to parchment and began recruiting men of both GOD and sword to take up arms in the defense of the true faith of GOD. As recruitment began, Father Rory undertook the task of approaching those with the power to legitimise a militant of the faith, and once that had been procured, was the Order birthed and the Holy Order of the Cross born.


Wulf Asgeir was one of the first to be contacted in hopes of garnering a veteran of the battlefield, one who had the respect of friends and foes alike, one who would make recruiting for the Order an easier battle than any he had fought prior. Letters would soon be sent out to Cayleb de Rolle and Albrecht Von Klause, steadfast GOD-fearing nobleman whom stood for many traits that are considered ideal within the canonist faith, both equally grand swordsmen and solemn leaders in their own rights. With the blessings and guidance of Father Rory, the Order was officialized under the church of the Canon. Giving their official name of ‘The Order of the Holy Cross’ with it’s leyman name coming into fruition years later as ‘The Templars of the Cross’. With the creation came the autonomy of the Order under the newly appointed Grandmaster Cayleb de Rolle, with Albrecht Von Klaus as Lord Commander and Wulf Asgeir as Captain of the Order.




The Ring of the Holy Order


As decided by the Grandmaster, and agreed upon by the High Command, all those who pledge their life and service to the Order would receive a physical token representing their loyalty to GOD and the Order, bearing the ring and keeping it safe at all times. The steelforged band bears the Canonist lorraine cross upon it’s face.


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Tenets and Doctrine of the Holy Order


‡ To serve GOD and the Order with courage and loyalty ‡


‡ To protect those faithful to the true doctrines of Canonism ‡


‡ To uphold and guard the honour of the church and The Order of the Holy Cross ‡


‡ To respect the laws of the land in which you tread upon ‡


‡ To destroy any abominations and creatures who would practise evils against GOD’s creations ‡


‡ To offer guidance for those who seek to find GOD’s light


‡ To offer death for those who seek to dismantle GOD’s light ‡


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The Ranks and Hierarchy of the Holy Order

Sorted in ascending


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Initiate- Initiates make up the first rank of the order, those who wish to seek to serve as an Ordermen within the order but have yet to proven themselves are given this ranking, and as not a fully fledged member of the Order are not given the right to bear a tabard with the Holy Cross. However through diligence with their martial warfare training, are able to rise through the ranks. Initiates are bunked together in a separate barracks to promote bonding in their ranks and are expected to attend at least two training sessions for evaluation before earning the Cross.


Armsman- Armsman make up the body of the Order as the base rank of proven soldiers. Those who have shown their loyalty and martial prowess, and have proven their worth through passing their evaluations are given this ranking as well as the right to bear the weight of the tabard of the Holy Cross. The first rank to be given a room, which is shared with a fellow Armsman, within the main barracks of the Order and are also given a key which grants them access into the under keep.


Man-at-Arms- Master-at-arms make up the elite corps of the order and is a very honourable rank given to very deserving soldiers. Those who have consistently proven themselves in terms of bravery, combat prowess and loyalty, often priding themselves on exercising discipline to the highest degree when put under pressure and obeying every command given down to the letter. Those chosen to be given such a rank are personally handpicked by the Higher Command and as such are often given the opportunity to fill in a specialised role on top of their daily duties.


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Sergeant- Sergeants are the lowest ranking officer in the Order and are those who have vast experience within the Order. Having shown their ability to lead and are given the chance to do so within this ranking, being handed a specific duty by the Captain of the Order and are expected to fulfil their duty with utmost professionalism. Be it from a recruitment position where they take on the role of a Recruiting-Sergeant, to a Sergeant-at-Arms who is given the role to lead training, it is expected to be done with extreme efficiency.


Lieutenant- Lieutenants are the highest ranking officer in the Order and are those that are highly respected by their brethren for their efficient leadership abilitied within the Order as a whole, both in and off the battlefield. They are trusted to lead various patrols, assigning tasks to footmen and the day to day training of the soldiers, be it in discipline or social conduct. Often times put in command of large scale assignments by the Grandmaster, and as such is seen as a ranking official for one to look up to.


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Knights of the Tower


Residing within the Grandmaster’s tower, the Order’s designated knightly quarters. The Knights of the Tower are a highly distinguished and honourable subsection within the Holy cross and as such, only those who have gone above and beyond in showing their extraordinary devotion to the Order are even considered eligible to take on the road of squireship. Because of how much of an honour it is, all members of the High Command must be in agreeance, unanimously, before one is granted such a ranking.




Squire- Squires are those that have been hand-picked by sworn knights of the tower and are often chosen for their overall potential as a future member of the tower. They are tasked with serving their knight master throughout his entire squireship, seeing to all his militant needs and even personal needs, learning all the skills of knighthood along the way with hands on experience, such as proper care for one’s horse and armoury. It is the hopes of the squire to one day prove themselves worthy enough to the High Command to be knighted themselves.


Knight- Knights are the those who have dedicated every ounce of their being to the welfare of the Order. Being knighted personally by the High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon himself, these men are often bestowed with a unique title which represents either their personality, or a key point in their life. Highly skilled and experienced warriors in the ways of swordsmanship, and cavalry, these men have a strong sense of honour and proper conduct, they are among the most trusted within the Order and as such take in the same ranking level as that of a Lieutenant.


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High Command


Knight-Marshal- Knight-Marshal is the commander of the Knights of the Tower, and as such resides atop the Grandmaster’s tower which overlooks the Order’s fort. The position is entrusted upon the most senior knight of the Order and while is part of the High Command, takes on more of a supporting role rather than a direct command and still follows orders from the rest of the High Command.


Captain of the Order- Captain of the Order is the balancing role between the gentry of the High Command and the lower rankers within the Order. The position is entrusted with many roles, some of which being the personal leadership of the elite members of the papal guard, those who are tasked with the direct protection of important clergymen. The Captain takes a personal interest in the battle skill of all soldiers within the Order, making sure everyone is at top performing ability and as such consulted with the High Command when needed. In the absence of the Grandmaster and Lord Commander, the Captain may act with the authority of the Grandmaster.


Lord Commander- Lord Commander is the calvary de facto military leader of the Order, leading the heavy cavalry of the Knights and Men-at-arms. Tasked with the complete training of mounted combatants and the upkeep of the various bastille's, and fortresses, of the Order. Keeping their maintenance on top of the repair, and the stores well stocked. Only one with years of martial experience and a tactician's mind can ever hope to ascend to this ranking. In the absence of the Grandmaster, the Lord Commander may act with the authority of the Grandmaster.


Grandmaster- Grandmaster is the Orders commander and serves the Order until his death, marking all commands as law and all decisions as final. The position may only ever be bestowed upon someone deemed worthy by the High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon himself. Tasked with steering the order through the chaotic times that engulf the realms of man and beast, and as a result only a man with proven natural born leadership skills with a keen talent for diplomacy will ever ascend to this ranking.


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Specialised Ranks


Members of the Order are able to hold a specialised rank which offers a secondary duty on top of their initial rankings duty. Rarely is one given the rank as the only given ranking within the order, as such these rankings are only able to be given by those of High Command.


Medae- Medae is a ranking given only to those who are skilled in the field of medicine, surgery or both, and as such are tasked with the various medical duties that harbour within the Order. Often times those given the rank are trained by past Medae to pass on the knowledge and keep the Ordermen healthy, and strong.


Standard Bearer- Standard Bearer is a ranking given to a singular person who is responsible for carrying the Order’s banner upon the battlefield and on patrol. The rank is also considered a courier of sort, as they are often given the task of relaying orders on and off the battlefield.


Quartermaster- Quatermaster is a ranking given to one who is responsible for keeping their respected bastille’s store stocked. Be it anything from armoury, to various resources and even foods.


Battle-Priest- Battle-Priest is a ranking given to a sworn priest of the Church of Canon who has taken on the Order’s tabard to stand by the Ordermen to increase their religious morale on and off the field, through prayer, sermons and various other religious matters.


Magus- Magus is a ranking given to an Orderman who has an affinity to the arcane, and are often consulted on all things magical and are trusted in the usage of their learned abilities.


Disciplinarian- Disciplinarian is a ranking given to a singular Sergeant, and is in charge of whipping the Ordermen into shape and insuring that no man disobeys an order twice. The ranking also gives command over the prison, as well as the added responsibility of extracting confessions and information from those who are targeted by the High Command.


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Attire and Armaments of the Holy Order


Initiate: Initiates wear the base uniform without the tabard which bares the Holy Cross and are given a set of old steel plate armour that is expected to be well looked after for the duration of their initiate life, and a choice from the various castle forged steel weaponry the Order Stocks.


Armsman: Armsman are given the tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and are given a new set of steel plate armour which is expected to be well looked after for the duration of their tenure as a member of the Order or until it has broken on the battlefield, and are given access to the Order’s armoury.


Men-at-arms: Men-at-arms are given an epauletted that is to be placed upon the left shoulder and given a war stallion which is expected to be well looked after and kept in the best of care for the duration of it’s life.


Sergeant: Sergeant are given a set of epaulettes that are to be placed upon both shoulders and a set of castle forged steel horse armour, which is expected to be well looked after for the duration of their tenure as a member of the Order or until it has broken on the battlefield.


Lieutenant: Lieutenant are given a set of red-silken pauldrons to be worn upon both shoulders and a set of golden horse armour, which is expected to be well looked after for the duration of their tenure as a member of the Order or until it has broken on the battlefield.


Squire: Squire are stripped of their Holy Cross tabard to be earned back and given a single red-silken pauldron to be worn upon the left shoulder, is also given an old set of steel plate to be well looked after throughout their squireship.


Knight: Knight are given the tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and are given a new set of steel plate armour, and are also occasionally gifted diamond studded horse armour, all of which is expected to be well looked after for the duration of their tenure as a member of the Order or until it has broken on the battlefield.


Knight-Marshal: Knight-Marshal is given a silver lining tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and two red-silken pauldrons with silver lining to be worn upon both shoulders.


Captain of the Order: Captain of the Order is given a gold lining tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and two red-silken pauldrons with gold lining to be worn upon both shoulders.


Lord Commander: Lord Commander is given a gold lining tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and two red-silken pauldrons with gold lining to be worn upon both shoulders, as well as a singular elbow-guard made of red silk and gold lining to be worn upon the left elbow.


Grandmaster: Grandmaster is given a gold lining tabard which bears the Holy Cross upon it and two red-silken pauldrons with gold lining to be worn upon both shoulders, as well as a pair of elbow-guards made of red silk and gold lining to be worn upon both elbows


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Oath and Ceremony of the Holy Order


Upon joining The Order of the Holy Cross, and in order to receive their Order ring, one must place their right hand upon their heart and left hand in the air, whilst swearing an oath that all have sworn before.


‘I, [name], do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’


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How to Join the Holy Order


Before one can even consider writing a letter of interest, or approaching Fort Lumen to join the Order as an initiate, you must pass two simple prerequisites. Must be at least fifteen years young, and a follower of the Canonist faith, or willing to convert to the true faith. If you wish to send a letter of interest, be sure to include your name, race and age, with additions such as your military skills, and profession abilities. End the letter with the oath, placing your name where it it states.


(Join by responding to this thread with an in-character letter, with a spoiler that has a filled out version in it with your details filled out in the appropriate spot.)


Minecraft name:


Roleplay name:




Militant skills:






‘I, [name], do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’


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The public roster is pinned and displayed; here.



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Minecraft name: man814


Roleplay name: Gavin Harkness


Race: Human(highlander)


Militant skills: Swords, Shields, Axes, Heavy Armor


Professions: Tinker, Blacksmith(And miner once I can get bonus profession)




‘I, Gavin Harkness, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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Minecraft name: aerialkebab


Roleplay name: Sanguine


Race: High Elf


Militant skills: plenty


Professions: enchanting




‘I, Sanguine, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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Philip, though not legible to apply, bounces happily around the Keep training occasionally and seemingly making sure everyone's spirits are up!

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Minecraft name: Vetren54


Roleplay name: Albrecht von Klaus


Race: Human


Militant skills: Swordfighting


Professions: Smith




‘I, Albrecht von Klaus, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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Minecraft name:


Roleplay name:

Morgan van Sturmland



Militant skills:

Mostly in terms of disciplinary and information gaining




‘I, Morgan van Sturmland, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’


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Minecraft name: YungFarles


Roleplay name: Artosi Demasi


Race: Dark Elf


Militant skills: Enough


Professions: Miner, Stonemason, Blacksmith




‘I, Artosi Demasi , do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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Minecraft name: KleineMeer


Roleplay name: Ara Tanar'ri


Race: Dark Elf


Militant skills: Sword fighting


Professions: None




‘I, Ara Tanar'ri, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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51 minutes ago, KleineMeer said:

Minecraft name: KleineMeer


Roleplay name: Ara Tanar'ri


Race: Dark Elf


Militant skills: Sword fighting


Professions: None




‘I, Ara Tanar'ri, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’


‡ A bird delivers you a letter. The envelope is sealed with the Order's logo. 


Please report to an Officer at Fort Lumen, near Sutica, for your orientation.

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Minecraft name: Reznc


Roleplay name: Urtrurus


Race: Uruk (Orc)


Militant skills: Sword & Shield & Heavy Armor


Professions: Blacksmith, Leatherworker, Lumberjack




‘I, Urtrurus, do swear upon the Holy Cross of the Canon to live up to and honour the tenets, and doctrines, of the Order. I do swear to be true to my brethren and be zealous upon the battlefield, to show no mercy to those who stray from GOD and to guide those who seek HIS light. I promise to follow any, and all, that is asked of me by those in command. Crucem aurum!’

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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