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Electrical Evocation Fix


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OOC: All credit goes to the original creator of the lore, Supremacy and all those that helped him write it, I am not taking any credit for it. The only things that are being changed for the lore are the suggested learning time and the amount of tiers in the lore. All these changes are being made using the original lore, with minimal additions. The suggested fixes were created to try and match the recommended magic progression system in this post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150070-recommended-magic-progression/, and the other evocations progression systems.


Electrical Evocation


((DeepChrome, Devianart))



Electrical Evocation is the arcane magic form whereby a mage creates Electrical bolts for his or her purposes. Unlike other types of Evocation electrical bolts is intended to be much more difficult to control due to its high speed and high energy nature. Mages who specialize in electrical evocation will be able to form electrical bolts and streams of electricity to electrocute their targets. However, electrical evocation requires much more energy than for example fire and therefore a single electrical bolt requires much more energy than a fireball. This however is made up for by the fact the lightning bolt is somewhat equal in power to the two fireballs which could be made in the same time period.


This magic is intended to add a form of electrical manipulation which has many times been inquired about in magic Q&A however it was never recorded.


The use of electrical Evocation:

An electrical evocationist creates their electrical by creating a charge between their source point and their target location. A small amount of electrical requires a great amount of energy and the further the electrical or electrical charge is from the mage the more difficult the creation of the electrical will become. For example a novice evocationist of a mere 6 weeks may only just be able to create an electrical current which may jump the width of his/her outstretched hands.


Electrical evocation always will result in a fast moving product. In no way can a electrical evocationist form an 'electrical orb' as a fire evocationist may form a 'fireball'. As a general rule electrical evocation takes longer than other types of evocation but makes up for this with powerful results. A fire evocationist for example may be able to create and throw multiple (2+) fireballs in the time a electrical evocationist of a similar level can create a single electrical bolt.


It is assumed that an electrical mage will be more vulnerable to an instantaneous attack. However, if a situation is to occur where they are allowed enough time to build up and cast their spell (For example an extended stand off) they will be more powerful than if surprised.

When it comes to the difficulty of creating an electrical bolt there are a few factors which influence the difficulty:


1.Distance between two points

2.Number of electrical points at once

3.Distance from mage

4.Power of bolt


Distance between two points:

Quite obviously the longer a bolt of electricity the more difficult it will be to create. As an evocationist becomes more and more proficient at evocation they will be able to create electrical currents which jump greater distances.

However, those who are not adept at electrical evocation are almost incapable of generating a current which jumps between themselves and another object. It becomes much more difficult to have a current jump between two points which are non self, than between two points on the mage's person such as between their hands.

This therefore limits those who are not yet adept to be unable to create electrical bolts, just as fire evolutionists are unable to create fireballs until they are adept.


Number of Electrical Points at Once:

Just as a telekinetic's ability to weight decreases exponentially when more than one object is lifted so does the power of an evocatoinist when creating more than one electrical bolt at once.

Creating one electrical bolt or even a small spark is already difficult and the creation of increasing numbers of such cause the power to decrease with each new spark/bolt.


Distance from Mage:

As the intended origin and target point grow in distance from the mage the power of the bolt will become less and less. This power however is constant up until 15m. After such a distance power decreases linearly.



Additionally some things are altogether impossible or incredibly difficult to manipulate:



  • An electrical evocationist is capable of producing powerful electrical bolts
  • Bolts may travel from any point to point with speed and reliable accuracy.



  • Electrical evocation takes a greater amount of time to produce a bolt than other types of evocation
  • Electrical evocation is dangerous to learn and during some phases of learning the mage can be incapable of producing any spark which will not injure themselves.


The requirements:

  • Requires a MA for Electrical Evocation
  • Requires intellect to be able to learn magic (just as normal mages do).
  • Evidence the character has put some effort into experimenting and understanding electricity.


Progression over time:

Electrical Evocation will take a similar amount of time to learn as all other Arcane Magic types. I have broken down the progression into a rough order so that it may be known.

Add an average of 2-3 weeks if self taught or 1.5-2 weeks if it is ones second type of Arcane magic or if extensive research has been done into lightning or electricity by the character (Must be their own research and not read). No weeks are added if the student has a teacher.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part Changed-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tier 1:

  • Students who had recently connected to the void. Unable to use any electrical evocation. Time in this tier is usually spent working on improving their connection to the void. When in this tier students would be get extreme fatigue after each connection to the void (1-2 weeks)


Tier 1 Practice (Fail)


Ashton focuses his mind. His eyes fix in front of him.

Ashton's hand trembles at his side as he envisions sparks.

Ashton glares in front of him. Nothing happens.

He sighs and then stops for a moment, glancing up at the roof of his home.

He sits again, glancing at the floor in front of him.

He breaths in and out slowly, his hand outstretched slightly.

He exhales slightly and suddenly he can feel a small charge

The small charge can be felt building by Ashton

It suddenly disappears.

He sighs and mutters "Soon".

He lies back, having failed again.


Tier 2:

  • Sparks can begin to be produced. At first these sparks can barely deliver any charge and will completely drain the mage, up to 5 sparks can be produced. But after practice the mage will be capable of creating up to 15 small sparks which will lightly shock anything on touch. When in this tier students will not get as fatigued from connected but will get extremely fatigued after creating the sparks. (2-3 weeks)


Tier 2 Practice (Successes)


Ashton focuses his mind. His eyes fix in front of him.

Ashton's hand trembles at his side as he envisions sparks. Ashton glares in front of him. Nothing happens.

Suddenly a charge can be felt by Ashton in his hand.

It grows until suddenly a bright spark is seen, it jumps from one part of his hand to the other.

Aston suddenly falls back in exhaustion he barely realizes what he had done.


Tier 3:

  • Capable of creating electrical bolts which on touch is capable of inducing medium shock and small burns.At first only being able to do this within 30-35 centimeters. Small bolts can be easily produced which jump between two points at a distance, and will be as powerful but take longer to produce than fireballs at this point.(1-2 months)
  • Lightning_Mage_by_yuzchris.jpg

    ((Yuzchris, Devianart))

Tier 3 Surprise:


Albus walks into Oren, the cool night air biting his skin.

Albus shivers for a moment before continuing on his way.

Winding through the streets eventually Albus finds his way to the palace, the stone walls rise high above the low ground.

Guard_Gerome has fallen asleep at his post, his bow at his side.

Albus walks up behind him, his hands extended out, hovering inches over the guard's clothing.

Albus calms his mind, his eyes fixed upon the spot he intends to shock.

Albus envisions the charge building, fibers on Gerome's clothing lift slightly as it builds.

Suddenly a bright light flashes from Albus's hands, electricity jumps towards Gerome as the medium intensity shock rips its way through his body.

Gerome stands suddenly awoken by the shock.

Albus mutters "Not... Strong enough" and turns to a run.

Gerome looks about dazed as Albus gets away.

"Fecker" he swears as he sees a flicks of Albus' cloak as he turns the corner.


Tier 4:

  • Capable of creating medium-large electrical bolts capable of inducing a slightly more powerful effect than a fire evocationist of the same abilities however they take more time to produce. Large bolts can easily jump between two points at a distance. Electrical bolts are more powerful than equivalent fireballs but still take longer to produce (Essentially equal at this phase. Two fireballs could be produced in the same time it would take to make one bolt of equal power) (3-4 months)


Tier 4 Bolt:


Jennifer stands attempting to shock a wooden block but her shock is redirected by a near by anvil.

Jennifer stands her hands outstretch in front of her.

Her eyes fix on her target - The wooden block. Static slowly begins building.

Small sparks begin to appear inches from her hands, heat can be felt from her hands.

Suddenly the electrical tension builds and a bolt is sent outwards it rips through the air but suddenly turns.

The bolt buries itself into the anvil, small blue sparks can be seen flickering from it for a few moments and then nothing.


Tier 5:

  • Capable of creating very large electrical bolts capable of inducing a slightly more powerful effect than a fire evocationist of the same abilities however they take more time to produce. Large bolts can easily jump between two points at a distance. Electrical bolts are more powerful than equivalent fireballs but still take longer to produce (Essentially equal at this phase. Two fireballs could be produced in the same time it would take to make one bolt of equal power) Electrical bolts may be called down from above to produce a lightning strike with medium-high reliability.


Tier 5 vs. Orc:


Averroa looks up to the massive orc in front of him. The cool winter makes water condense as the orc exhales blowing in her face.

Averroa coughs and steps back slightly.

"H-hello... would you... erm... mind backin' aways a bit, aye?" She says politely

The Orc lumbers forward "Lunch" he mutters

Averroa scrambles back, her eyes fix on the orc.

"N-now n-now... No need t' get all angry..." she stutters

Aveorra outstretches her hands.

"Nub" the orc replies in a monotone fashion.

Averroa focuses, a charge slowly begins building.

She lies "Err... I-I'm good friends with ye R-Rex! He'll be righ' awful upse' if you g-g-gobbled up his good f-friend A-Averroa..."

The orc pauses for a moment in thought.

Aveorra takes this moment, refocusing on the charge and building it more.

"Yu nub rendz!" He mutters "Me flat latz"

Averroa's sparks slowly emerge, they flash, dancing inches infront of her hands as the charge continues to build.

"Wait! Just a... moment..."

The Orc stands stupidly in amazement, unsure of what is about to occur.

Suddenly a bright flash shoots from Averroa running straight into the orc.

The electrical bolt strikes and the orc stumbles back and falls to the ground.

A slight smell of burnt flesh quickly rises into the air.

Averroa's mind reels for a moment as she recovers from the strike.

The orc lies on the ground, barely conscious.

"You nasty brute; goin' 'round bullyin' poor l'il 'arflin's! I 'ope you 'ave 'orrid dreams! About rotten cabbages, or somethin'!" she mutters before walking away.


Side notes:

  • Electrical bolts are attracted to large amounts of iron or gold. If more than 3 blocks are arranged in continuous line, all electrical shocks within 15m will be attracted to them instead of the intended target.

  • Electrical bolts can not be projected through metal bars as they are attracted to the bars and unable to pass through.
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So... I've read the ooc. Buuuuttt... What exactly is the purpose of this?

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1 minute ago, Nekkore said:

So... I've read the ooc. Buuuuttt... What exactly is the purpose of this?

The purpose was to make the lore more up to date with current recommended learning times and tiers levels

In the original lore it would take 1+ years to reach the highest tier which was tier 8

I asked a couple of magic team members and they said that the lore was extremely outdated and that this progression system should be followed instead, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150070-recommended-magic-progression

So I made the lore follow this system


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59 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

Electrical bolts may be called down from above to produce a lightning like strike with low reliability.(1-2 months)

this is a t5 spell stop that

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25 minutes ago, Fury_Fire said:

this is a t5 spell stop that

Thank you for the feedback

Things happen when trying to compress 8 tiers into 5

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1 minute ago, SaviourMeme said:

Thank you for the feedback

Things happen when trying to compress 8 tiers into 5

Make it a t5 only spell then. Simple fix.

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4 minutes ago, Fury_Fire said:

Make it a t5 only spell then. Simple fix.

Did that

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Does this mean the electrical evocaters can't put hastily written emotes together, fire at a person and go in looc "Right you're dead, d40."  without even giving them a chance to respond or anything like that?

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This was needed, yeah. But I believe electric evocation should have more... Uses, or spells. As well as more examples on chain lightning, call down and electrical surge (palpatine electricity stuff), as well as the effect of lightning on the body, and on the body of those clad in iron armor. 


Just my two cents

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This lore is pending, as a few issues have been spotted. Specifically in how vague this piece is in terms of the abilities that one has with electrical evocation. Someone will be contacting you on fleshing it out and once that's done this can be accepted.


Edit: Denied, as there is an updated version of electrical evocation.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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