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Not many people bring life to their human characters by bothering with an accent, be it laziness or just not knowing how. 



The cockney accent in real life comes from East London, traditionally those who are born within earshot of Bow Bells.


The cockney accent in popular culture, however, is widely used in movies and video games to portray poor, ugly or brute characters. Think of the Orcs from Lord of the Rings. 


I've used this accent in Roleplay to give characters like Garman, a crusty, old, illiterate and uneducafed infantryman some more character, instead of him speaking perfect and clear English like you're reading right now. 


So let's dive in!


Accent Difficulty: Medium-Hard


Rule 1: "I" is now "Oi"

Americans tend to emphasize letters when they say words, like the R in Artist, whereas Englishmen might sound like they're saying "Autist" when they speak the word. (It all depends on where you're from over there. Some say "Glass" while others say "Gloss" purely based on where in the U.K. they're born.)



Same goes for I. When you type a word with an "I" sound in it, like "while" for example, simply write it out like "whoile." If the word makes an "I" sound but uses a Y to do it, like "Dry," use OY instead of OI.


Words like: I, Hi, Crocodile, Style, Pile, Nile, Trial, File, Dry.


All turn into: Oi, Hoi, Crocodoile, Stoyle, Poile, Noile, Troil, Foile, Droy.



Rule 2: "What" is now... "Wot"

That's right. U wot m8.


Write What as Wot. That's all, really.


Rule 3: No more H!

You're gonna want to drop the H in a lot of words. Pretty much every word that starts with H will be altered. The French have this similarity with their accent as well, but it sounds more deliberate than Cockney.



Replace H with a ' 


Words like: Hello, Hotdog, Half, Happy, Hinder, Harmony, Help, Hunt, Harp, Hang.


All turn into: 'Ello, 'Otdog, 'Alf, 'Appy, 'Inder, 'Armony, 'Elp, 'Unt, 'Arp, 'Ang.



Rule 4: "You" is now "Yew"

With an American accent, 'you' sounds like 'yoo.' There's a very slight difference at the end of the word with a cockney accent, so we represent that with the W.


"Yew wot maite." 


(If yew toiped 'maite' as 'moite', yew'd soun' Australian)


Rule 5: Lose parts of certain words

This rule is a pretty loose one, since it takes a bit of practice to nail it without sounding dumb. 


Basically you want to remove the letters of certain words to emphasize the accent. 



Words like: After, Harmony, Tatiana, Lumberjack, Grumbling, Over


All turn into: Affer, 'Armny, Tat'yana, Lummerjack, Grummlin', O'er


Again, use this rule very loosely and not very often.



Rule 6: "ING" is now "IN'"

Pretty simple rule that I've seen done with lots of other accents out there. Doesn't have to be done all the time either.



Words like: Nothing, Happening, Crapping, Trapping, Something, Dumpling.


All turn into: Nothin', 'Appenin', Crappin', Trappin', Somethin', Dumplin'.



Rule 7: Th is now F (or V/D)

Don't ask me, it's just how they say fings.



Words like: Nothing, Birth, Three, Thoughtless, Another, They're, Their, Father, Mother


All turn into: Nuffin', Birf, Free, Foughtless, Anovver, Vey're (or Dey're), Veir, Fawver, Movver



Rule 8: Don't overdo it 

It's easy when typing out any accent to overdo it and look like you're speaking gibberish. Just try to avoid it.


Pro Tip: Learn some Cockney slang.

Cockneys have a very strange list of slang words that only really make sense to other cockneys. 




For example, if an agitated Cockney man asked "Yew 'aving a Turkish, maite?" 


What he's saying is "Are you having a laugh mate?" or "do you think this is funny?" 


Why? Because Turkish is short for the term Turkish Bath, which rhymes with Laugh. 


So Turkish = Laugh, in short. 


Why? I have no ******* idea.



A simple google search of "Cockney rhyming slang" will enlighten you on further phrases if you're truly interested.


Here's one of my favourite videos about Cockneys. Here you'll hear firsthand a whole bunch of slang, accent, and swears - so watch at your own risk.



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Bloody smashin' mate, this 'ow yew do thu accen' innit? Now cmon, lots guh smoke sum fags be'ind mcdonalds.

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The cockney accent is an abomination!

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Still not dropping the cockney accent thing, huh?

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1 hour ago, Mullraugh said:


I SEE YOU @Mullraugh


(also ur really busy on the forums today dood how's it goin)


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My family are cockney and this hurts. It's close, though.



... you tart.

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Now I can finally go to England and pretend I have a Brit accent

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