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[✗] Ferals ~ Primitive Beasts


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Ferals ~ Primitive Beasts



Ferals are vile creatures which come from an old form of yore magic, many say is akin to druidic shapeshifting but this is not the case. The magic began long ago and was bestowed to the original Feral by Tayl the Daemon of Companionship; with the first Feral being, a creature by the name of Lakota. The creature was not always in possession of the title Lakota. Seff was a young Heartlander and trapper from a small independent settlement affiliated with Oren. He and his companions, whom were all huntsmen often trapped the forests around his home. There were five within this group, they were extremely close and shared a bond that not many of man possess. Their brotherhood and kinship did not go unnoticed. The Daemon Tayl saw this and was pleased, he bestowed the huntsmen the ultimate predatory gift which they shared. Tayl bestowed to them canine abilities through a magical art that enabled them to take wolf-like forms. The Daemon told them to use this gift to keep their companionship and bond strong, like that of a pack of wolves. However, there was a condition which Tayl stated was primary to any other among their pack. They must keep their brotherhood strong, or be at risk of corruption and eternal suffering. The pack could not fall apart and disperse, otherwise their gift would become a burden. The magic was imbued into their souls so that it could only be removed by the Daemon or the Alpha of the pack, Seff. The same was the established with the addition of new members. The wolf-kin took upon new names resembling their titles and new found forms. Seff was known as Lakota, a stern and poised man who was gifted with the ability to lead. The pack grew strong over time, their bond strengthening through each hunt and their abilities only amplified as this occurred. However as their skills and attributes enhanced, so did their desire for power and greed.


A lust for flesh became a curse for the beasts. The Daemon Tayl took notice of the groups problems and as the pack began to fall apart and individuals became consumed by the thought of a further power, the members of the group became twisted and lonesome, being casted away and cursed to live a life of solitude in their bestial form. They sought to spread their magic in order to rekindle their kinship and form their own packs in hopes that the Daemon would allow them the gift of redemption, however their lust for flesh hindered their abilities to grow faithful and strong packs so the Ferals took upon a corrupt and distraught nature. Even when not in their bestial forms, they carried the curse among them causing them to suffer immense pain and suffering. They were then hunted down by the descendant races and four of the five were slain, leaving the alpha of the pack Seff on his own. The creatures mission is still that to please the Daemon of Companionship yet his gift was considered Dark and Taboo, and not appropriate for the children of the creator. The creature has since gone into solitude, his intentions still true but his gift corrupts his abilities to do as Tayl wishes.      d8220758ca5fb30ca9ab1b3f53d13165.jpg 

~Seff "Lakota" Beaumont, The Alpha of the Feral~



Ferals are the transformed form of their descendant body. They take upon a similar look to their human host. A Mali’thill with white hair and pale skin would most likely be a white feral with pale skin and so on and so forth. When in their Feral form, they have an increased sense of smell, hearing, and vision. Their gift of being natural predators has bestowed them these abilities, as well as their bestial forms giving them massive frames and increased movement speed when on all fours. A Feral appears like that of a massive wolf, their noses elongate into snouts and teeth sharpen to fine points. They usually are covered in a thick fur and are not able to only half-way transcend into their bestial form, it must be one or the other. Their size and height depends on their descendant form spanning from 7 to 9 feet in length and their size depending on their weight in their human form. For example, a more plump man would be a heavier Feral, making him slower in movement but stronger in strength. A thin woman would take form of a Feral with fast movement capabilities but where the heavy man excels in strength, she lacks. Ferals also bring their traits into their human forms. Primal looking eyes and sharp canine teeth make a Feral easily distinguishable to those looking closely. Their sight, hearing, and smell remains increased yet their speed and strength return to normal when in a human state.



~Adolphus, A Feral Consumed by greed. Slain by Orenian forces in The Deep of Cold, 908~


The process of turning into a Feral form is extremely painful and taxing to the user. The magic in which they use alters their physical forms, elongating their bones and muscles whilst causing their bodies to contort. Ferals become immortal age wise but are susceptible to death by magics such as Ascended and Fi Magic (However this would not block the magic, but force them into their bestial form), their minds are able to be easily entered and manipulated by mental magic as they are essentially an animal. Their weakness to Gold Weapons makes them able to be purged by weaponry alone due to gold’s effect on a corrupt soul. Their skin is tough however and is able to take blows from blunt weaponry to a certain amount but it can be pierced when stabbed but a slicing motion of a sword only aggravates their leather-like skin. They’re weakened when they transform into their bestial bodies which takes about 4-5 emotes, almost being rendered to the point of helplessness. The process begins with their spine expanding and skin becoming thickened, next their noses elongate into snouts and their teeth would sharpen into fang-like canines. Their legs would expand into long and jointed rear limbs. Afterwards, their leather-like skin would begin to grow long hairs at a rapid rate until they are entirely covered in fur. Their ears form into points until they entirely change into wolf-like ears. A Feral must eat human flesh once every three elven days at most and when they smell blood, they would be inclined to change into their primal and primitive form. Rogue Ferals are frowned upon and are at risk of being killed by the pack they left or the Alpha of the pack could remove their form by an advanced process of Howling (An Ability akin to their bestial form.) In the beginning, a newborn Feral would have an immense need to feed. Over time, a Feral will be able to consume their need to feast but the desire will be very much there. Ferals are unable of communicating with people when in their Feral form through word of mouth but Druids can commune with them if the Feral allows it, however Ferals can communicate with each other through howling or low toned throaty whimpers/barks. 



Blood Lust / Superior Smell:


~Lakota in Feral Form~

The Ferals are blessed with the abilities of the hunt, the instinct imbued within wolves from the beginning of time. A Feral would have the ability to sniff out wounds or blood, along with scents they are familiar with, and each other. Ferals feast off the flesh of descendants and are cursed to be this way. Within a certain proximity a Feral would be able to sniff out a freshly cut wound or a fast beating heart. The smell of blood brings out their inner beast, most definitely inclining them to change forms and to hunt for their meal. These beasts are akin to wolves, and wolves have a superior sense of smell. When a Feral grows familiar with a specific scent they are able to track it within a set proximity. This can be used to find missing kin, a lost item, or a stolen valuable. Finally, Ferals have the ability to sniff each other out. Ferals, to one another, have a strong scent that could not be overpowered. Within a crowd they could easily sniff out another of their kind.


Superior Dexterity:



Within their bestial state, a Feral may move on all fours and have the ability to run with greatly increased speed and stamina. A Feral, however, would not have any increased speed or stamina when in their decedent guise. When the smell of blood is in the air, a Feral would be able to only very slightly increase this time and stamina for the sake of needing to feed when in their human/descendant body. They would have immense strength and their jaw strength could easily snap a bone or skull with little ease or effort. Ferals can move swiftly through rugged landscape but can not do anything out of the ordinary for a wolf, such as scale a wall or bite through armor.




~A Feral in Feral Form~

The Howl is an ability of communication between Ferals and can be heard from miles around. A Feral on the other side of a small island, is able to be heard by all as they emit a loud and elongated cry. The Alpha of the pack, is able to remove the ability to change into Feral form by an advanced process of ritualistic howling which the Daemon Tayl will take notice of and know there is an issue or problem within the pack. The Howl also is able to buff speed and agility as it allows more air to enter the Feral’s lungs, causing them to expand for a brief moment in time. (Howl only can travel distance of /s)



T1 - The First week after they have been given the ability to become a Feral, they can not change but their senses sharpen and their need to feast is amplified 10 fold.

T2 - After the affliction has set in, the Feral will find their need to feed strong, but not nearly as strong as when they were first turned (this progressively goes down with tier to the point where they will be able to act natural around people starting at tier 3). May only change to their form twice a day.

T3- The Feral is able to control their transformations at will and is able to freely switch from Descendant to Beast every 2 days.

T4- The Feral at this point is able to freely switch from Beast to Decedent and vice versa at free will with no time wait in between.


~A young, newly formed Feral~

T5- Alpha, this is only achievable by becoming the Alpha and this allows the Feral to create other Ferals. To become an Alpha, you must first challenge the current Alpha to a deathmatch, winner takes the spot and the current Alpha will be removed. This must be overseen by an LM.



  • Increased Speed and Agility.

  • Stronger when in their bestial form.

  • Enhanced sense of smell and sight.


  • Easily manipulated by Mental Magic, as they are part animal their mental barrier is not as strong.

  • Staggering/stunning by a druid using Communion, depending on tier of Druii (T3+)

  • Weak to Fi that will force them into their bestial state and Ascended Magic which will have a similar effect on them akin to any other dark creature i.e Striga, Izkuthii.

  • Susceptible to Sharp Weaponry

  • Gold Weaponry could be used as a hinderance to their soul and would be effective towards the beast.

  • Extremely weak when in their transforming state.



Disclaimer: Can not FTB when in their bestial form.

(Thought we'd answer that question now rather then later)


A Special Thanks to Luv and Perrin for helping me write this lore.

And Jaeden for moral support yay.




Can Ferals Wield Weaponry?

The answer to that would be no, their hands form into paws and their nails elongate to claws. Thus, they would not be able to use weapons and their instincts as animals would make them veer away from the more man-like objects.


"However the strengths and weaknesses are pretty good, could you go into more detail in how strong they are when compared to normal people?"

Heya! Sure! I'd love to go in depth on those points! So essentially their jaw strength is extremely powerful, we used this so they're basically not just dogs. They can crush bones and the the like but when it comes to metal, they'd only be able to dent, not snap entirely. The strength all depends on the size of the Feral, remember up in the lore it is stated some are faster than others, and some are stronger. All depends on their descendant. 


Can a Feral learn magic?

Ferals can learn magic, but their magic slots are reduced to two slots and can only be used when in descendant form.



Edited by Sug
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Image result for Jacob twilightI'm really excited +1

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Just now, fighting evil by moonlight said:

truly the most crippling weakness



I'm sorry, we assumed we'd have to put this as a Red-Line for obvious reasons. :ohplz:

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I really like this +1

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10 minutes ago, Sug said:

Can not FTB when in their bestial form.






But seriously, always a fan of Lycanthropes, however on the previous servers I have been on, it has always been done poorly when left in the hands of players. Although I love the idea of Lycans, I am concerned with people just begging to be bitten and RPing as an overgrown dog. However the strengths and weaknesses are pretty good, could you go into more detail in how strong they are when compared to normal people? also on the weakness against Ascended magic, could you go into more detail on that? since their Soulfire affects undead differently (not VERY differently, but some take longer to burn in compared to others.) It is well written, however, good work!.



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Just now, LordCommander said:

But seriously, always a fan of Lycanthropes, however on the previous servers I have been on, it has always been done poorly when left in the hands of players. Although I love the idea of Lycans, I am concerned with people just begging to be bitten and RPing as an overgrown dog. However the strengths and weaknesses are pretty good, could you go into more detail in how strong they are when compared to normal people? also on the weakness against Ascended magic, could you go into more detail on that? since their Soulfire affects undead differently (not VERY differently, but some take longer to burn in compared to others.) It is well written, however, good work!.




Heya! Sure! I'd love to go in depth on those points! So essentially their jaw strength is extremely powerful, we used this so they're basically not just dogs. They can crush bones and the the like but when it comes to metal, they'd only be able to dent, not snap entirely. Also with the part about begging to be bitten, they're created by the Alpha so the Alpha decides who's in and who's out. A normal unarmored person with no weapon would not really have a chance, but armored individuals would pose a fair fight. When on the part of the Ascended, their soul is technically corrupt, however soulfire could potentially hinder them but it would take a shorter time to purge due to their soul not being terribly too corrupt.


Hope this helps!


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2 minutes ago, Sug said:


Hope this helps!



Alright, and their physical strength outside of bite? like could they pull down an armored knight from a horse with ease? do they have orcish strength, higher, lower?. 



4 minutes ago, Sug said:

could potentially hinder them but it would take a shorter time to purge due to their soul not being terribly too corrupt.


Could you go into more detail on this? how would it hinder them? define a shorter time? and if their souls are not terribly corrupt, wouldn't that mean that Ascended magic isn't as effective against them as against Darker beings? 

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Just now, LordCommander said:

Alright, and their physical strength outside of bite? like could they pull down an armored knight from a horse with ease? do they have orcish strength, higher, lower?. 



Could you go into more detail on this? how would it hinder them? define a shorter time? and if their souls are not terribly corrupt, wouldn't that mean that Ascended magic isn't as effective against them as against Darker beings? 



Their physical strength is very strong, they're able to pull beings off horseback and the like due to them being massive-wolf like creatures, however magic such as pyromacy would most likely demolish the creature. They're meant to be strong at close range but at a distance they're not as capable of defending themselves. Their strength all depends on size however, some are more agile and others are stronger. It's in the lore :D

Ascended magic is meant to purge souls, this can be done due to their corrupt nature but as to time, it all depends on tier of the Ascended. and when referring to to it's effectiveness, it would probably be about the same.

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1 hour ago, fighting evil by moonlight said:

truly the most crippling weakness




crippling like goosey's alzheimer's  

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1 hour ago, Thomas said:




Glad people are noticing the only part of the lore I contributed to  !!!

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Finally we can truly indulge in twilight RP

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