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[✗] Infernic Castors; Firearms

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1 minute ago, Man of Respect said:

it's not like i'm reading this right now, but, to know what I want to know, does it has ANYTHING related with magic?


Nah. Unless you consider Alchemy as a magic

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6 minutes ago, Man of Respect said:

it's not like i'm reading this right now, but, to know what I want to know, does it has ANYTHING related with magic?



It's alchemy-based technology so not really.


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**blows his fat and rather long nose???


**suddenly rubs his belly as he counts his shek- minas... 

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So You Want to Be a Gunslinger. So You Want to Be a Gunslinger It's the wild, wild west now, and the new sheriff's in town Ah, Gunslingers, yet another of my fa

Gunslingers work in DnD, I don't see why not here. I've been on LotC since the beginning and it's actually stupid we've tech locked this easily accessible and once doable ability to utilize primitive firearms. At one point 'hand cannons' were already in existence during Anthos by the server's own design of a plugin that allowed any ol' player to shoot fireballs out of golden staves using emeralds as ammo. Woe upon those who decided to supplant lore behind a plugin that had no explanation.

Make it exclusive like Golem making once was and go from there. Only a handful of players will actually have the tech and will rightly be superior. Screw this lemming mentality taken where one character can't be more powerful than another. In real life, there are superior and inferior people. All are able to technically be superior, but because they don't aspire to it, they aren't. I don't see the point in barring characters from being better than other players. Some people are just better than others in life and that's purely due to the mentality people take with life. Sorry to break the ice.

In future it'll be widely accessible I imagine, but that day will be around the day this server comes to a close, so what does it actually matter? Nothing will last forever. Too long has this been coming. Too long has the staff blindly denied technology from progressing even though we constantly cite the real world in relation to our tech. It's time to break the bonds and get beheaded for it. The Lore Staff has in the past played the role of the Church to Lotc's Galileo. Today that Galileo is Phil. To deny this is to accept you're no better than the Church of his day: A stagnant and dogmatically ignorant force of power.

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13 minutes ago, Skellington said:

we dont need guns pls stop


Form an actual argument.

Necessity is the mother of invention. It's inevitable that someone was going to figure out a way to defeat an armoured knight with tools other than the norms. Be it telepathic steel balls or alchemical firearms, fast moving projectiles are possible using the current lore/mechanics of LotC. I'd stand with a well thought out post akin to this OP over some other lore. It's got mechanics instilled. Won't offset anyone's ability to simply bash a man in the face with a hammer before they can do their magic. Do not fight inevitability. As the mages have been cut down despite their lore induced empowerment, so will the gunslingers. A non-threat to any real sword.


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Saying no guns without giving a detailed reason why is as useless as saying remove nexus without coming up with a system or lackthereof to replace it.

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Just now, The Lion said:


An actual argument? how about how the server is plagued with power-gaming and nobody does a thing about it, and giving people alchemical-weapons that will HEAVILY be misused and the faults of the tools completely ignored is just opening more routes for bullshittery and powergaming. If you want an actual argument I'll give one.


We do not need guns because we have enough crap on the server as is, and giving people guns is opening another route for power-gaming, people will start out by mass-producing these, then it'll go to ignoring the red-lines of the magic, then it'll go to one-shot killing everyone, and nobody will do anything. Now you can give me promises on "Oh the MT and LT will keep track of it" but they seriously won't. WE ARE A FANTASY MEDIEVAL SERVER. NOT A STEAMPUNK SERVER. 

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Guns are only steamspunk? Hrm, what's warhammer? You could argue powergaming and bypassing redlines for various magic lore and materials. You can only hope for a well defined piece because when someone tries to piss around with guns, then the player can call them out. Alternatively, call an LM or a GM around if they're available to try to remedy the situation. I can understand your arguments @Skellington, but I agree to disagree that it will cause BIG issues. 

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2 minutes ago, Skellington said:



Having a gun is not the defining characteristic of steampunk. Nor is it exclusive to that genre. The lore isn't even up yet and already people are losing their shits about it. If a weapon is introduced into the server that's more effective or easier to make than what's already common than of course it's going to be mass produced. However, that doesn't mean people will stop using crossbows and bows entirely.

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Just now, Skellington said:

An actual argument? how about how the server is plagued with power-gaming and nobody does a thing about it, and giving people alchemical-weapons that will HEAVILY be misused and the faults of the tools completely ignored is just opening more routes for bullshittery and powergaming. If you want an actual argument I'll give one.


We do not need guns because we have enough crap on the server as is, and giving people guns is opening another route for power-gaming, people will start out by mass-producing these, then it'll go to ignoring the red-lines of the magic, then it'll go to one-shot killing everyone, and nobody will do anything. Now you can give me promises on "Oh the MT and LT will keep track of it" but they seriously won't. WE ARE A FANTASY MEDIEVAL SERVER. NOT A STEAMPUNK SERVER. 


We the people are responsible for reporting powergaming and metagaming. I've gotten plenty of people their due justice for enacting the offenses you worry about because I'm not trying to placate bs.

Nor will 'people' be getting these on the snap of a finger. Did you read the lore? Additionally, you'll obviously have to join some well-regulated RP clique to get them (cause why would it be any different than anything else on lotc?). I don't have any faith in the MT and LT keeping track of it. I imagine you'd have to register your firearm with the Lore's creator anyways and that's how we'll be able to take justice against those who commit the injustices you fear.

I'm willing to be surprised, but where does it actually state LotC is a 'Medieval' Fantasy server? Because I'm fairly certain we're just a Fantasy RP server.


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39 minutes ago, RobertGoodwill said:

**blows his fat and rather long nose???


**suddenly rubs his belly as he counts his shek- minas... 




looks good though +1 im gonna have a retinue of MERCS with these things, lets see the orenf4g guards do anything then !!

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8 minutes ago, Grubgoth Wud said:

looks good though +1 im gonna have a retinue of MERCS with these things, lets see the orenf4g guards do anything then !!


better get a hold of some and better hope those guards dont got shields

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15 minutes ago, Skellington said:

HEAVILY be misused and the faults of the tools completely ignored

A table top style modified roll system is included and is required to be used.

20 minutes ago, Skellington said:

people will start out by mass-producing these

An application is required to make firearms and a crafting cool down exists. Previously mentioned roll system insures that a firearm will eventually be removed from circulation. Each firearm is required to be a signed item aswell.

27 minutes ago, Skellington said:

it'll go to one-shot killing everyone

The damage is defined in the lore. Plate armor can stop a shot, most of the time.

29 minutes ago, Skellington said:

"Oh the MT and LT will keep track of it"

Actually I formulated many of the things in the lore to be simple enough for the GMs to be moderating, and not the lore team.

Do you have anything that we didn't address before writing the lore?

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

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