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The Bavarian Fever RP Thread (1947)


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French Republic



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The Seizing of Paris

With Parliament refusing to pass Vallat's Bill, at the next session of Parliament the military floods the building, seizing and arresting its members while Vallat makes a public announcement, stating "Parliament has become corrupted by the German Threat, we must push forward without this roadblock that opposes our Mothercountry." Parliament is declared disbanded and without power, placing the power of the country into the sole hands of Vallat. (mod)


Internal Affairs

With Success of the film industry. Money is poured into the launching of a state-run television channel that will run pro-French content and a news agency that runs French approved content (mod)

Two-hundred-fifty million Francs are invested into the building of a basic water system within French Indonesia(mod)

International Affairs

Prime Minister Vallat praises Long for his swift work in opposing Communism

After successful negotiations with Kai-Shek Prime Minister Vallat announces an upcoming expansion to the Peking Pact. (mod)


GIAT Industries begin research into a new armored personal Carrier (mod)

The French begin research into an Aircraft Carrier, taking inspiration from the American and British Success(mod)


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Shèhuì zhuyì guómíndang

Leftist Kuomintang


Party flag of the Leftist Kuomintang






Madame Soong Ching-Ling


Exiled but not gone:


Chiang Kai Shek might’ve slaughtered much of his opposition but he has not snuffed it out. The fire of Chinese Revolution still shines in Ulaanbaatar, though not as bright as before. When the Shanghai Massacre occurred, and Chiang defended the slaving merchants over the oppressed workers many in the Kuomintang knew that a new wave of feudal repression was headed towards China.


When the venerable Wang Jingwei, who now is with his ancestors, split with the vile capitalist regime all of China suffered Chiang’s repressions. Thousands of our ardent comrades were slaughtered, many more died whilst fleeing across the border. The party carried the Will of Heaven with it, however, and found refuge within the Mongol step, thirty-three thousand made, and thirty-three thousand voted.


The ballots spoke true, Madame Soong Ching-Ling was the next President of China. Known as Madame Sun Yat-sen, due to being his third wife, Soong knew that her nation needed to be free from feudal repression; but she also knew that it needed to return to its roots. The President quickly consolidated the splinter party’s ideology, combining State Confucianism, Marxist-Leninism, and Libertarian Socialism into the “宋主席语录” or “Quotations of President Soong”.


The manifesto was distributed throughout the Leftist Kuomintang followers, it preached collectivism, spirituality, nationalism and decentralized governance. It quickly became known as the “Little Red Book”.


With stable footing and a solid ideology, the Socialist Kuomintang now was poised to retake China and claim the mandate of the people! To unite all people under Heaven and to break the chains of the worker!




Solidarity between the workers:


Soong knew that whilst her current militia was hardened and moralized, 30.000 men would not suffice. Many in her staff, like the trustworthy Captain Lei Feng, knew that they would never amass enough soldiers to wage conventional warfare against Kai Shek, but right now they needed to bolster their numbers. Soong began meeting with the Prime Minister of Mongolia, Khorloogiin Choibalsan, she hoped to sweeten relations between the splinter party and the Mongolian State. [Mod]


Attempts at recruiting some Mongolian volunteers are made, promising them future homes in the region of Inner Mongolia if they help free China from slavery to capital. [Mod]


Eating at the foundation:


Attempts are made at creating leftists cells within China. Illegal printing presses are set up, the Little Red Book is distributed, all in hopes of spreading the ideology of Red Confucianism to the workers. Rice farmers are promised collective ownership of the rice fields, industrial workers are promised democratic representation within their factory. Everyone is promised an egalitarian and equal society, based upon socialistic and democratic values. [Mod]


The Crane and the Bear:


Overtures are made to the Soviet Union. The Socialist Kuomintang asks the Kremlin to give help both financially and in terms of equipment. Soong requested enough equipment to outfit her militia of 30.000 men, and, with the approval of Stalin, that was accomplished, strengthening the power of solidarity between the workers! [SOVIET UNION APPROVED!]


Partisan Activities:

Across the border of Mongolia several raids would occur. They would be focused on infrastructures like Railways. Rails would be blown up and trains boarded. Whatever the militia gathered from the train would be re-distributed to the poor in the region in order to foster relations with the locals. [Mod]

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Saudi Arabia


Abdulaziz and his family convened at the royal palace in Hejaz. Matters were more and more being taken into their own hands. Gone was the peace after the bloody unification. The Italians had seen to that. The entirety of Saudi Arabia had mobilized to what seemed a looming invasion. But Abdulaziz knew more then everyone else. He kept a tight grip on communication and royal transactions. There was no regulations against him, most were too concerned with farming. They were not invited into the palace. The Italians had apologized to him, and sent a certain amount of funds. It was not released to the public, or replied to. Instead it was another card to be tucked up the King's sleeve. He would need every one he had in the days to come....


The first fact was that their entire army was active. The reserves and militias had left their homes to muster. They expected to be paid, and also still expected to fight the Italians. The House of Saud had used this. It was them and their commanders who picked the rotations. Early on they had placed the majority of their forces on the coast. The Royal Army had remained in the interior. It was they who garrisoned the armories, oil fields, and cities. High command had placed much of their known opposition and extremist on the coast. Mixed in were their own loyal militias and Royal family members who mustered their own men. Many more were neutral, there to defend the country.


For weeks secret communiques and backdoor meetings took place. The higher ranking family members were taken under the plan's wing. They then made sure their sons, cousins, and extended relations were on the Monarchs side. It trickled down to the loyalist forces, following the House of Saud. The two million from the Italians was used generously. Any who would accept a bribe and was trusted to keep quiet would be subverted. New concessions with the U.S government and Aramco had led to increased House Saud shares. They used this revenue as well to pay their core army double and keep the generals happy. It was sapping house funds, but they did not need to wait long.


The order is given, and the generals and family members ready their troops. Abdulaziz issues a royal decree to the country. Saying little personally, it is more an official notice. The House of Saud and it's armies had discovered corrupting evidence. Several top ranking members of the militias and army had been discovered to be collaborating with the Italians. They were known opposition, and wanted to use the Italians to depose the royal family. The people of Saudi Arabia are encouraged to assist the royal house in any way. Neutral militias are encouraged to go home, or join the Royal Army and it's increased pay.


Shortly after the the Royalist forces spring their trap. The mobilized and British equipped Saudi Royal House forces spring from their bases. Convoys travel into villages of known opposition. Many of whom were on the coast, waiting for Italians who would never come. Their families would be rounded up if successful, and put into temporary camps. The cities would be occupied and put into curfew to ensure peace. The armories seized, to supply a potential total war. Any known opposition or political/personal enemies of House Saud are rounded up and imprisoned. 


The majority of the Royal Army however would head out in their mobilized columns, Picking loyalist and bribed mercenaries up on the way, they head for the coast. The opposition and extremist forces would have hopefully surrendered with the knowledge of their families and speed of the operation. Or at least be bogged down by loyalist forces in the area. The next few days of battle would determine the war....



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The German Empire


The Reichstag.


-In his first address to the Reichstag, the new Kaiser, taking the name Wilhelm III, stressed the importance of remaining united as one German peoples. “No matter Protestant or Catholic, Bavarian or Prussian, in the end, we must all remember we are all German, and to further our nation through these construction times should be our number one priority.” In a well televised speech, the Kaiser stressed the principle that all German working are not working for their company, but are working for their nation. He promotes unity among Germans in Germany and Germans in diaspora, and called for the Reichstag to continue its work in the reconstruction. The Kasier also called upon Germans abroad to contribute to the rebuilding of their fatherland by returning to it, or if not making donations to rebuild their mother nation. The Kaiser ended his speech with the timeless cry, “Gott mitt uns!” which was met by an ecstatic response by the Reichstag, especially Von Papen and Kliest.(Mod for reactions).


Lights being made for homes, cars, trains, and cities.

-The National Conservative party leads the way in establishing basic governmental services under the name of the new German Empire, and converting old ones ran by the communist regime to the new, rightist, and democratic services. The first thing they worry about is basic needs for society to run like water, utilities, sewage, and electric pipes. A large amount of this is focused on the war torn areas such as the Rhineland or Saxony, where the brunt of the fighting took place in.


-In the Reichstag,  2 trade deals are proposed. The first is a economic agreement encompassing all of the Scandinavian countries, in which there is a discount on Germany’s behalf for natural resources, and they receive a discount on manufactured goods. There is also essentially free trade between Germany and the Scandinavian as tariffs are heavily reduced. As part of a second deal, Germany also announces a trade deal with the USSR, where like the Scandinavian deal, the same discounts are given for both sides, as well as practically free trade. Von Papen stresses that these deals are crucial to ensure a quick economic reconstruction from the civil war, and has stated that the deals are temporary for the time being. The best economists are put at the forefront of the management of these agreements to ensure maximum and mutual profit of both sides. These deals, in the eyes of von Papen, will shorten the reconstruction period substantially. (Mod)


-German cultural societies abroad are contacted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs office, under the orders of the Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop. They are told to promote donations of any kind to better their home nation. (Mod)


A Farmhouse donated to a family of a veteran of the civil war by a wealthy German Family.

-The Kaiser also encourages incoming noble families to oversee the reconstruction of their surrounding areas if they were affected by the civil war. If this is not the case, then a donation to the Minister of Welfare services will be acceptable and they will redistribute the donated funds to the areas of the country in need, and use them in the reconstruction of the Rhineland and Saxony. The Kaiser sets an example, as well as Rupprecht, by donating a sizeable amount of funds from their personal house treasuries to the office of the minister of the welfare services. Noble houses who do this are given the utmost respect by the Kaiser.(Mod)


-Churches, both Protestant and Catholic, are encouraged to take in needy citizens or even support families which find themselves financially struggling as a result of the civil war. They are also encouraged to as a part of their charity collections and tithes, also collect money to reconstruct and rebuild their homeland. The idea is for the government to provide as little welfare money as possible and to focus as much of its resources as possible to the reconstruction effort in the Rhineland. (Mod).


-As a part of the widespread efforts to quickly rebuild the nation, the Government grants preference to several industries which are deemed to be ‘vital’ to the German economy. These are the arms industry, the dye industry, and the machine industry. These industries are given encouragement to sell their goods abroad, to other nations. Some restrictions are placed however, such as the fact that companies cannot sell weapons or equipment currently in use by the German Armed Forces. (Mod)


Returning soldiers being happy greeted by family.

-As a result of massively increased efforts to speed up reconstruction, it is hoped that some time could be shaved off the expected time reconstruction is supposed to end. A further 200,000 men are laid off from the army and placed in the reserves to add more jobs into the economy and alleviate more economic pressure by dedicating more funds into the army. These 200,000 men are however practically placed on temporary leave as the high command does not expect the men to be out for more than a year at most.(Mod for reconstruction)


A peice of Propaganda spread by German government officials.

-The German  Empire also spread nationalistic propaganda, urging unity. Three recurring themes are found throughout all propaganda pieces. Kaiser,  Nation, and Family. (Mod)


-Germany looks into the prospect of building a large artillery piece, however still being accurate and effective in war time. No major research project are ordered aside from this as the majority of the money is being funnelled into reconstruction. (Mod)


-The Heer also seeks to update German Military uniform. The Uniform is ordered to be both combat effective, and embody German Military  Traditions and culture. Variants are ordered for different climates. The pickelhaube is reduced to something only present in ceremonial uniforms only, and excluded from combat uniforms. (Mod)

Edited by Alfonso X el Sabio
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Empire of Japan




The Chinese menace had begun to show his true colours to the world, with its aggressive activities lining up troops at the Korean Border while the Japanese were merely under a training exercise. The Emperor promises that if the Chinese dare cross the border the crops of Korea will grow from the blood of the invader. Though despite this rhetoric the Japanese Foreign Office would reach out to their Chinese counterparts to try and cool these tensions down before they boil over.


Military Actions


The Korean-Chinese Border would be fortified heavily, seeking to build a line of Forts that the Chinese would have to go through with too many bodies that would be worth it. Interestingly another back up line of Fortifications would be set up at the 38th Parallel should the first line not be sufficient to begin with. (Mod)


More troops are shipped off to the Korean Border to meet any potential standoff with the fury of the land, the heavens and the ocean if need be. (Mod)


More Planes would begin to be transported to Korea in preparations for an invasion on the Peninsula, a large portion of them being Zero’s, ready to take on any Chinese fighter. (Mod)


The Kempeitai would crack down hard on dissidence, seeking to recruit from the now loyal Youth of the Occupied territories so they know best how to crack down on resistance movements in Korea. (Mod)


Diplomatic Actions


China would be invited to the table, the olive branch would be established but with the United Kingdom as a mediator. (Mod)


The Japanese would seek to build ties with Iran and its Shah, realising that the two Countries were old and now oil producing economies, warmer relations were in the Japanese best interest. (Mod)


Economic Actions


The Scholars in many Economic Departments of Japanese Universities would seek to further their knowledge on management styles using American and British influences. (i.e I wish to create the Kaizen Model to make my businesses and general Government follow its example) (Mod)


The Japanese Petroleum Company would begin to seek to buy out Ocean extraction rights from smaller independent weaker nations around the world. (Mod)


Military Production


The New Rifles would be brought into production, that which was completed would be sent to the Korean Front as tensions between the Japanese and Chinese flared, slowly beginning the replacement of the current service rifle. (Mod)


More Zero Fighters would be put into production, the Navy largely behind this causing a disparity between fighters, though the Zero being the superior above anything that the Army and Navy fielded as their main fighter aircraft. (Mod)


Research Actions


The Japanese would seek to look into rocket technology, gathering the finest minds across the Empire for such a heavenly purpose! (Mod)

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Holy Roman Dominion


Ministry of War
To deal with upcoming news in Anatolia, the Papal Army buys more trucks and air supply planes, while at the same time transferring thousands of railroad and dock workers to Antalya to facilitate a quick advance. Additionally, more than two million gas masks are moved into Antalya. The Papacy really begins to lay down the groundwork for a large offensive.


The Papal Navy, with its newfound ships, begins to build and integrate them into the Papal Navy. (Basically, after a few years my historical number of ships will be of the new design, for the most part).


Diplomatic Relations
Given there are no objections from the Brazillian government, the Catholic Church opens up APAC prisons in Brazil to help Brazillian convicts and improve the Brazillian prison system. (Mod).

The Catholic Church attempts to expand in the East Asian sphere, specifically, missionaries are sent to China and Japan. (Mod).

The Swiss Proposal in the League of Nations is vetoed by the Holy Roman Dominion.

Working with the United States, the Papal States work to make a modern armoured car. This armoured car will be used as an all-terrain reconnaissance and patrol vehicle. Hopefully, with expertise from both countries, something exceptional might be made. (Based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoblinda_Fiat-Ansaldo). (Mod).

Internal Affairs
With the dawn of a new nuclear age, the Papacy unveils the new "Noah's Ark Shelter Program" to protect the Christian faithful against nuclear attack. The Ministry of Interior announces the secret construction of multiple state-of-the-art nuclear bunkers to safeguard critical areas, the exact locations and abilities of these are kept secret. But what isn't kept a secret is the new rules and regulations regarding fallout shelters. Every communal grounds and house is equipped with an appropriately sized nuclear shelter with three weeks of food, enough for nuclear radiation to sufficiently die out with minimal chance of death.


The NASP Program will safeguard the Papal citizens against the tides that will erase sin from the earth. Along with the fallout shelters, a new system of nuclear alarms and early warning systems are set up. (Mod).


Enrico Fermi is offered a fifty thousand dollar grant for his research and a tax rebate provided he returns to work in Italy now that the racial laws are long gone, as well as the men who set them up. (Mod).

The Papacy invites foreign competition to attempt to race the Papal Chariot Racing teams, specifically the blue team. The Papacy attempts to encourage a new age of international Chariot Racing. (Mod).


The Papacy opens up a prestigious sailing club and begins hosting major sailing events throughout the Mediterranian, the Papacy attempts to bring up some of the finest sailboat racers. (Mod).

The search for oil continues in Lybia. Meanwhile, energy companies are let loose in Somaliland and it is wondered what percentage of Italy's oil demand can be met by Somalia. (Mod).


The 5th Council of Rome
On June 13, a fifth conference on the schism is called. The meeting is meant to continue to build on the past several years of discussion, but with both the Pope and Patriarch too busy to attend, it quickly turns into a non-event and the conference ends early with little discussed.

Ministry of Research
The Papacy begins research on a desert reconnaissance vehicle and they begin production once it is done for all desert divisions. (Based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPA-Viberti_AS.42). (Mod).

Edited by SuperKeziak
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The United States of America


The Rise of Communism
President Long sat in the Oval Office one evening, penning a new Executive Order while awaiting the arrival of the Chief of the Minutemen. The Minutemen would begin to work closely with the CIA which would investigate the presence of potentially dangerous organizations in the US. These organizations would strictly be defined as, being of the communist variety, or those seeking to undermine and dismantle United States Constitution and what the country stands for.  [Mod Plz]


The United States Armed Forces
Beginning in 1944, President Long began to issue massive overhauls to the United States Military. The Army was authorized to begin the admission of 600,000 new members. A portion of these would be officers, and this would be decided by the Secretary of the Army. The navy already was undergoing a revamp, and the new ships would require men to man them. Another expansion was soon ordered by the President. In addition to these expansions, he would formally establish the Air Force, as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff in order to ensure cooperation between the three branches of the military. The Army Air Force would break off and form the basis of the new branch, but new positions are added. The JCS would work as a unified High Command for the military and would help to oversee the structure and formation of the air force, which would work closely with the army. [Mod Plz]

  • The United States Army's max capacity would be expanded to 1,000,000 men, and equipment to outfit these men would be ordered. The M1 Carbine would be the standard issue weapon among the new recruits, and the M3 Medium Tank becomes standard in armored units. [Mod Plz]
  • The Panama Navy would continue its expansion again, with 15 new battleships, 20 new heavy cruisers, and 30 new light cruisers would be ordered. [Mod Plz]
  • New factories and shipyards would be opened in order to produce this equipment at a faster rate, as well as handing out production deals to certain companies. The new factories and shipyards opened would be located in regions throughout the US, many in the south, offering work to African American workers, as well as in the major cities, where they would hire from the halls run by the Democratic Machines. [Mod Plz]


President Long would order the United States Army Engineers Corps to prepare an area in the Death Valley region of Nevada. A bunker would be set up to test the work of the Manhattan Project, as well as recording the events to be viewed in Washington D.C. where President Long would host foreign dignitaries, and show the world the creation of the Allies. The top-secret test site would be checked numerous times before the test date, and numerous announcements were made to stay well clear of the area, with military patrols ensuring the test zone remain free of civilians. A fence is also constructed, and a small military outpost with suitable scientific equipment and research devices. The test is set for May 1, 1944, and the footage will be kept secret, with very little on the nature or quality of the test being revealed. [Mod Plz]


Foreign Affairs
President Long meets with the British Prime Minister in Washington D.C. again in the early portion of the year. They discuss America’s plan for the future, and he hopes to bring the country back out into the world during his third term. Discussions on lowering tariffs, and how to deal with the rising communist threat in the east. President Long ends his speech with the promise of American military bases opening up throughout the world, and intends for America to take a step outwards, in order to grow its economy. Finally, a new tariff at $5 a ton is decided upon between the two nations. 

  • Separate offers to meet in Washington D.C. would also be sent to the leadership of the HRD and the Japanese Empire. 
  • See Kez's post on the armoured car.


General Motors
The United States Army orders two new military vehicles, a half-track suited for rough terrain that is both cost-effective and durable as well as a new truck to be used for transportation of supplies and manpower. [Mod Plz]

Edited by j0k3rf99
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Roman Empire


Anatolian Crusade

200 000 soldiers are moved to Thrace and 150 000 are moved to Western Anatolia to re-take Constantinople. Meanwhile, 150 000 Kurdish forces move into Trebizond. The military is given orders to plan extensively to ensure that casualties are kept to a minimum. Civilians, specifically women and children, in the war-zone are gathered into "safe zones" mostly inside and around urban areas under Roman control protected by the police force for documentation, education, and work. Any criminals are put into separate camps with very harsh regulations and strict rules. [Mod]

War-time Economy

Economic development is restricted to Greece-proper and emphasis is put on resource extraction, weapons production, and industrial goods. Companies from Eastern Bloc members are given discounts on factory use for goods being used in the war. Foreign companies are given higher tariffs. [Mod]


Soldiers who have been severely injured, both domestic and from abroad, are offered to settle in lands which have been deemed safe for living. The government prepares re-construction projects in the war-torn east. [Mod]


Diplomats are sent to the H.R.D. and Germany.

Volunteers from over-seas are integrated into military in country-specific battalions. Greek or English are used for communications.

Athens is used as a centre for administration until Constantinople is re-taken.

Current Eastern Bloc members : Roman Empire, USSR, Bulgaria.

Edited by Dex
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Roman Empire


Anatolian Crusade

As many of the areas formerly under Turkish control are secured, the military and police force sweep the area for any sign of resistance or criminal activity. Areas which have been cleared of hostile forces have safe zones set up and strong military presence. Meanwhile, with the restoration of Pontus, the half of the soldiers are ordered to sweep the country-side from Kurdistan to western Anatolia where they will join the rest of the army. The remaining soldiers in Pontus will protect the safe zones. In the west, what is declared the "Road to victory" is declared with more specialised equipment such as artillery being further implemented into the military, and a new anti-guerilla doctrine is developed and utilised until it is made as perfect as possible. [Mod]

Queen of Cities

With Constantinople being relieved, work is put into its return to its former glory. Emperor George II declares "The city will become more grand than ever before", and plans are drawn to expand the city further up the peninsula with better organisation of the city. A new palace, the "Glass Palace", is to be built in the centre of the city, and the Hagia Sophia would be restored. Artefacts found within the city are stored in the near-by Adrianople. [Mod]

National Restoration

As the war comes to an end, development is planned throughout the nation, especially in the Aegean and Kurdistan. As with Constantinople, many major cities are re-planned to be better suited for modern industry and the development which comes with the recent economic boom in the empire. As well, Surveyors and Geographers are sent to these regions to search for more resources. [Mod]


Diplomats are sent to the HRD and USSR.

Additional aid in the re-construction process is provided by the HRD and USSR.

The church bans the use of contraceptives and puts heavy emphasis on sexual abstinence prior to marriage. [Mod]

The Tsar of Bulgaria and his family are offered refuge in Greece.

The Montreaux Convention, signed by The U.K., U.S.S.R., Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia, France, Japan, and Australia, states that no non-Black Sea nation's ships are to enter the Dardanelles.

The Kurds are guaranteed that they will be protected as Roman citizens.

Edited by Dex
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Holy Roman Dominion


Crusade in Anatolia
Critical Song: youtube.com/watch?v=_FdnA4SyYzE


Pope Pius XII calls for a crusade for Anatolia among all Christians, to finish driving the invading infidel from the lands of the pious and holy, citing the genocide and massacre of the peaceful Greek populace. Famously, Pope Pius quotes Pope Urban II.


"What shall I say of the abominable rape of the women? To speak of it is worse than to be silent. The kingdom of the Greeks is now dismembered by them and deprived of a vast territory. On whom therefore is the labour of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not upon you? You, upon whom above other nations God has conferred remarkable glory in arms, great courage, bodily activity, and strength to humble the hairy scalp of those who resist you."


"Therefore I say to you that God, who implanted this in your breasts, has drawn it forth from you. Let this then be your war-cry in combats, because this word is given to you by God. When an armed attack is made upon the enemy, let this one cry be raised by all the soldiers of God: It is the will of God! It is the will of God!"


With the call for a crusade, the Papacy calls for fanatical and loyal fighters to join a new armada being assembled to head to Anatolia. With a strict personality check and rigorous training, not all will be accepted on the critical journey, but the Papacy still hopes to recruit some 200,000 fanatical soldiers to send into Anatolia to drive off the invaders. (Mod).



The Papacy denies allegations of any atrocities or "Satanism" within the Papal intervention. The Papacy prints an official statement describing this in all major HRD newspapers and the priest that fled to Switzerland is excommunicated. (Mod on public image).


Diplomatic Relations
The American Embassy in Rome is restored by the Papal Government. The Papacy, upon invitation, visits Washington. 


The Papacy funds the construction of a new, and massively enlarged hippodrome in Constantinople. With the surrounding streets covered in rubble, there is newfound room to expand the stadium and it is hoped that this will raise the morale of the Greek citizens in their time of need. (Mod).


Chariot Racing booms as the winner of the "The Great Contest" turns in a tense win for the small Italian, Angelo after his strong posture and tight turns consistently beat Robert's tired horses. Inspired by the competition, the Papacy offers to help fund a new Hippodrome in Nigeria with Robert being asked to assemble a new team for next year to hopefully put up strong competition to the well funded Italian racers. (Mod for sponsorships helping turn the sport big and Robert's team).

Germany is given a 15% reduction in chromite and oil prices for the next 6 years. This being given in return for the use of military equipment. (Mod affect on Germany).

Internal Affairs

Slowly but surely the Papal Government, with lots of help from the municipalities and companies that want a hippodrome, begin building them across Greece. Tito is even encouraged to help build them throughout the Balkans if they find popular, as a way to unite the HRD in the sport. (Mod).


The Papal Government slowly amasses large reserves, preparing for future financial difficulties that might arise.

With it being thought that oil in the Papacy is basically tapped for the moment, natural resource experts move into different fields like iron, copper and gold mining and begin exploration. (Mod).


Making a deal with Germany, the Papal Army makes 6.3-inch mortar standard issue with a mixture of licensing and imports coming from Germany helping their industry reap large profits. It is to be noted though, that Germany only sells them on a harsh no-reselling policy.  (Mod).


The Councils of Rome

For the duration of the ongoing crusade into Anatolia, the remaining councils of Rome and are put on hold.

Ministry of Research
The Papacy begins research on an industrial crop and wildlife killer. (Based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange - Ahead of time). (Mod)


The Papacy begins research on a new model medium tank, not to replace the Italian model Tiger held in high regard by the Pope. (Based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_M16/43). (Mod)

Edited by SuperKeziak
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The first half of 1945




As the effects of the purge begin to die off, and Zhukov's new tactics come to be the dominant ideology, this marks a new beginning for the Red Army.  Greater emphasis is put on quality and supply, as previous production and technology acquisition efforts finally come into full force. More weapons are stockpiled, and equipment production is ramped up to make sure every soldier is supplied with the latest in protection and infantry equipment.  No soldier in Russia shall go hungry. (mod)


The USSR begins investment into its agriculture sector, especially in Ukraine, to increase production with modern equipment and farming methods.  Graduates of the Soviet University system are set to this task. (mod)




Soviet Intervention in Bulgaria:


200,000 Red Army forces enter Bulgaria under the pretense of ensuring a peaceful and bloodless transition from a free market economy to a planned one.  “This is the will of the Bulgarian people, and the international community must respect this,” declares Marshal Stalin. “We stand behind our slavic brothers, no matter what happens, and will do our part to ensure that the revolution takes a moderate course.”


The USSR deploys fighters and bombers across the northern black sea and over Bulgarian skies, declaring a restricted airspace.  Air support is provided to land forces in the region engaged in combat and air patrols regularly begin to make runs over the black sea.  Foreign aircraft that break the contained area will be escorted out by soviet fighters. The new Chapayev cruisers are deployed to the Black sea and form a protective barrier around Bulgaria’s coast and are ordered to prevent foreign vessels from delivering support to non-communist elements. (mod)


With the support of the Red Army, Stalin announces a lenient policy in Bulgaria.  The previous administration under the Tsar will be allowed to leave peacefully to Byzantium as well as any citizens uncomfortable with the new communist regime.  For any that chose to stay and fight, they will face the might of the Red Army and the communist Bulgarians. As soon as the fighting ends, the USSR will make due haste in providing resources to the bludgeoned Bulgaria.  “The capitalist world has ruined Bulgaria, and left our Slavic brothers impoverished, destitute, starving,” barks Stalin in a public announcement. “We will do our part to bring prosperity back to Bulgaria and will invest $1 billion into reviving the economy and rebuilding.” (mod)


The USSR seeks to reassure its neighbors of its commitment to peace.  A delegation is sent to the Sobieski pact offering a non-aggression pact.  A summit is proposed between the USSR and the Sobieski pact to build lasting peace in Eastern Europe, whatever the cost. (mod)


The USSR sends aid to Byzantium to rebuild, understanding the toll the civil war has taken on the country.  “Solidarity with our friends is our ambition, not confrontation with our enemies,” proudly declares Stalin.




"British imperialism shows no end!  They threaten Spaniards for simply choosing their republic!  The USSR stands against this blatant bullying by the United Kingdom." Stalin promises any military and economic aid Spain asks for, and offers to build military bases and house a limited number of troops.  The USSR offers to bolster Spanish defenses and equip and train the Spanish army so that the nation can defend itself against any British threat. (mod)

Edited by Vetren54
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Domestic Policy


  • MacMillan takes bold new steps to boost british industrial power by investing heavily in the modernisation of industry by ensuring all new equipment is up to new regulatory standards to ensure continued growth of the economy in areas such as the steel and iron industries to ensure the further development of the new booming aeroplane sector.


  • Tax is set to a state in which all peoples pay the same towards the state at a 30% of all income. MacMillan defended this position at Prime Minister's questions declaring “ If you live in this country you must pay for the privilege of living here! Be thee a factory worker or owner!”

He further declares to the Parliament that “The barbs of Opposition benches lack the courage needed to implement radical change to this country to ensure we remain the dominant force of Europe and the world! Rule Britannia! For Britannia rules the waves!”


  • Investment in shipyards and the military, with the government pledging “If you want a job you will have one!” opening up positions in both navy and army for new recruits, wanting a standing army of 1 Million within the next year.


  • New military training is implemented by the newly formed Military High command with Montgomery and Mountbatten as leading members of this new organisation. To “Defend this island from the endless tides which is socialism! To beat it back with every fibre of our being! We shall stand, and never surrender!!” as Minister for War Churchill proclaims as the launching of new destroyers from Liverpool.


  • Investment is pushed heavily into the car business as well in Britain to give huge block grants to companies such as Aston Martin, Jaguar and Bentley to develop their companies to compete on the global market better. Putting luxury and comfort as Britain's top priority.


International Policy


  • Britain begins constructing a large base within Gibraltar to put pressure on the communist government in Spain to reform the government to allow for greater freedoms of the peoples. Proclaiming “Britain as long as she remains strong will enforce democracy, Freedom, and political liberty!”


  • Similar pressures are put on Bulgaria, with the government pledging british troops finance and support in the bulgarian fight against the communist coup! Claiming communism to be the biggest threat to global security since the outbreak of ww1! Macmillan denounces the actions of Stalin calling it a sabotage to peace in Europe.


Edited by mcginty85
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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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