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The Bavarian Fever RP Thread (1947)


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The first half of 1946


The USSR begins to wind down its large military expansion and instead dedicates its resources to the Soviet Space Program.  Production lines are trimmed down. The new additions to the red army reserves are demobilized in favor of the more quality troops trained earlier. (canceling out previous turn’s actions).  Stalin picks a young and ambitious scientist, Sergei Korolev to lead this program. Korolev and his team are given access to existing research into missile programs. “We shall not fall behind in the exploration of what lays beyond our world!” declares Stalin.  Such marks the beginning of the Space Race. (mod)


An American spy is found by the KGB, working against the interests of the USSR.  “Under ordinary circumstances, the penalty for sedition is death. But, given the thaw between the United States and the USSR, I am willing to send this man home to the U.S. on the condition that the U.S. agrees to stop spying on the Soviet Union,” declares Marshall Stalin.


Development begins on a new APC, designated the Type 4.  The new french Armored Personnel Carrier is  equipped with a completely sealed carriage and a back door, it provides rapid deployment for infantry under fire.  The chassis features a bulletproof cage designed to offer all around protection from hand-held arms and shrapnel. Although a mine would do a significant amount of damage and injure the men inside, the vehicle is designed to protect its inhabitants from instantly dying from at least one hit. A shielded machine gun sits on top of the vehicle, providing its operator with a 360 degree arc and suppression capabilities.  It has a 10 man capacity, including its driver. Soldiers have the option of using firing ports located on the sides to engage in fights from the APC. On the inside, it features padded seats and air conditioning/heating to ensure soldiers remain comfortable in hostile environments such as the desert or tundra. (mod)


Construction begins on a set of 10 new Chapayev class cruisers in a variety of Ukrainian shipyards.   Accompanying this effort, an expansion of the Soviet Union's ship producing ability is pursued.  New shipyards are queued to be built across Crimea and the black sea, near major ports. (mod)

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Empire of Japan




The Empire once more feeling betrayed by the likes of Europe finds a friend in President Long who has been consistent in their support of the Japanese people and self determination of the Asian peoples. It was time to seek closer relations with the Americas, as opposed to the Europeans. Hirohito had travelled to Washington DC to sign the treaty in person, something usually unprecedented for Japanese Royals, signifying the importance of this alliance.


Covert Actions


[Will PM the Mod]


Domestic Actions


The Secret Police of the Japanese Empire would seek to route out any possible espionage from Foreign Powers. (Mod)


The Japanese Interior Ministry would seek to create a positive image for the Americans, citing that they had never once attempted to impose their Imperialistic will on Japan, that they had never been in conflict with Japan and it was the United States that ended the corrupt Shogunate that restored Hirohito’s Grandfather Meiji to the throne. (Mod)


Diplomatic Actions


The Pacific Alliance is signed between the Empire of Japan and the United States of America, marking a new era of Japanese Diplomacy and effectively securing the Pacific for the United States and Empire of Japan.


The Japanese would continue to seek to arm, train and modernise Siam and invest heavily in the Country to make it a middling power in the region that is aligned with Japan. The Imperial Household even goes far to suggest a Royal Wedding between the two Asian Royal Houses. (Mod)


In an unprecedented move and one not wholly supported by the Japanese Foreign Ministry the Emperor speaks out against Europe, condemning European Imperialism in East and Southeast Asia and remarks that Asia should be ruled by Asians. (Mod)


The Imperial Japanese Foreign Ministry would seek to formalise a pact of Non-Aggression with the Chinese, stating that they have no further interest in Mainland China for territorial ambitions and only seek to foster trade and invest in the Chinese Economy. (Mod)


The Netherlands are once more sent a request to sell the Dutch East Indies to the Japanese, now directly citing the Pacific Alliance and the joint Japanese-American declaration against European Imperialism, that Japan can begin a mandate to build the East Indies into an independent state in Asia in time. (Mod)


The Soviet Ambassador in Tokyo would be contacted, the Japanese Emperor is very interested in talking with Stalin about liberalising and introducing Market Elements to the economy of the USSR, citing that they can keep calling themselves Communists to their people if they wish, but the Japanese just want trade and access to the vast resources of Russia through consensual trade.


Economic Actions


The Japanese Zaibatsu conglomerates and corporations are encouraged to increase their manufacturing in regards to electronics and machinery to ready to export as the Kaizen model begins to show its success. (Mod)


As mentioned in the Japanese Diplomatic actions, Japan seeks to heavily invest in Siam to make it a Modernised Economy in Indochina. (Mod)


The Japanese would seek to expand its offshore oil fields, contacting Independent States in the more impoverished parts of the World to buy Ocean drilling rights. (Mod)


Military Actions


The Japanese would seek to expand its Panzer IV styled tank fleet again. (Mod)


The Imperial Japanese Navy receives mandate to expand the Cruisers and Destroyer Fleet to increase the size of the Imperial Japanese Navy. (Mod)


The IJN Yamato and a screen Fleet would begin a tour of the Pacific and Coastal United States with the permission of President Long, while it is showing the world's Largest Battleship it is also there to attempt to encourage American Industrialists to invest in the Japanese on a private level by showing the engineering skill and ingenuity of the Japanese. (Mod)


Research Actions


The Japanese would seek to expand its universities in the areas of STEM (I.e expand research slots) (Mod)


The Imperial Japanese Government Mandated research institutions would begin [Redacted] after [Redacted] some very interesting [Redacted]. (Mod)

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French Republic



Image result for french flag picture







Xavier Vallat spoke to a jubilant crowd in front of the EIffel tower, proudly announcing he lea Europe to avoiding war. He also denounced the recent speech from president Long, completely refuting the Monroe Doctrine. “Monroe Doctrine is nothing but modern day Slavery” Puts the Prime Minister, before later stating “Long wants to be Emperor of the Americas, he is a hypocrite for criticizing the progress we’ve caused in Africa.”   .(mod)

I Am Not Caesar!

In a speech in front of the old parliament building, Prime Minister Vallat announces that a new constitution will be drafted and elections will be resumed by 1950. He reiterates that the red menace is no more and the time has come for democracy to return to the great French Nation.(mod)


Internal Affairs

Prime Minister Vallat announces a deployment of 20,000 troops to French Guiana in light of President Long’s recent comments. (mod)

Xavier Vallat announces a plan to organize all of the French Africa soccer teams, mostly a loose collection that play occasional friendlies into a tiered pan-african system featuring pro/rel. (mod)

The French Ministry of Education announces a new round of scholarships for all disciplines, with a particular focus in economics. (mod)

Xavier Vallat announces a 1 billion franc investment into the French Manufacturing industry, stating that this is the start of a new future for the nation. (mod)

The new fighter is put into mass production, wanting to produce thousands to replace its last attempt at a fighter. (mod)

Leaders of the French military are excited to put the new Anti Air weapons into mass production. (mod)


External Affairs

France announces selling its holdings in Syria and Lebanon to the British Government in exchange for two aircraft carriers, five heavy cruisers, ten destroyers and thirty patrol boats. “This is the best for both nations.” Xavier comments when questioned by a French Reporter(mod)

Prime Minister Vallat announces that the French Nation stands with its British Ally, stating that France will defend British holdings like her own in case of foreign intervention. (mod)



The French Government begins research into new bullet technology, hoping to get better ammunition for their already elite weapons(mod)

France begins work into mortar technology to be used by infantry(mod)

Xavier Vallat orders work into a new submarine that they envision to continue the rapid improvement of their navy (mod)

Taking after the successful of French Small arms, GIAT industries uses this to develop the first French assault rifle . (mod)




Edited by Pyro™
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Saudi Arabia


For some time now Abdul Aziz and his court had been slaving away. They had accomplished so much, all in one man's life time. He would fondly look back on the days of old. When ottomans were the enemy. When he and his tribes had stood shoulder to shoulder. They had fought tyranny, and then became the rulers. Well no more. Abdul had killed them all, and his opposition. It had been a master stroke. But one that left plenty of inner demons. But Abdul's will was absolute. Now he had secured trade and free borders with his British neighbors. People and goods will begin to flow. He had transformed Arabia into a modernizing state. Nothing would stop him now, not even death.


Saudi Arabia had now formed the basis of a good local trade network. When the Balkans was a looming threat, they had to focus closer to home. But the uncertainty was out of the air. War was not to be, though there had been many deaths. Abdul had formed contacts and recommendations from the last wave of potential investment. Now his staff was busy making inquires. They yet again reached out to foreign investment, citing the time was now. Saudi Arabia had made it's own foundations, and was ready to massively expand it's market.


Military training continues as planned. High command expected by 1950 to have an army somewhat up to standards. Abdul had recently made some more deals and orders. The Saudi army was purposely kept small. It was making training and modernization far easier. He wanted to ensure every solider was well equipped. Thanks to the U.K and U.S, this was becoming a reality. Every solider could be lavishly armed and equipped, as there were so few. Of course reserve armories and warehouses held all the second rate stuff in case of a potential expansion.


Saudi Arabia and the U.S will begin a new arms deal. They had been buying outdated ships, and now expanded upon it. The U.S would help Saudi Arabia grow it's air force for real now. The Old Guard were starting to realize it had it's benefits. So Abdul had managed to persuade them to form a small corp to see what it could do. They would also help with general factory expansion and equipment production. The main point however was the joint deal for Thompson guns. It would work in two parts. First was the formation of Royal Army Commandos. They would receive very special training, and be the Saudi's best. Top members of the new S.A NCO class would help head the formation. Second would be the armament of them. Saudi Arabia wanted their troops to have the best weapons possible. And this was the most reachable and utility valued. So the two states will work on making a more military focused Thompson, and then exporting it Saudi Arabia.


-Local trade solidifies


-Second wave of foreign investment


-Military reforms 


Other Actions


-U.S expands ARAMCO further. Saudi's grant more exploration and harvest rights.


-Agriculture growth continues. Large shipments are sent to other M.E countries. Egypt and Iran though skeptical for now are assured to watch and wait.


-Work continues on University of Riyadh


-Work continues on service highways for Oil sector





Edited by GrimBeard
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German Empire.

-With reconstruction complete, Germany enters rearmament. A massive recruiting spree is called for.

-Nationalist Propaganda is spread.

- Germany also begins a space program.

- The German Army begins to replace the horse completely with the truck.

- The German Army attempts to mount it's field gun on a tank chassis, creating a powerful machine.

- Germany seeks to find a new train variant, one that will be more effective for trade.

-Further investigation into Baltic oil is ordered.


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Roman Empire


Central Anatolian Re-Habilitation

Re-Construction begins in central Anatolia and prospectors and explorers are sent to the region with some teams going to the Sebastia and Salt-Lake Basins to search for possible resource deposits. [Mod]

Smyrna Communications Hub

The R.A.D.A.R. station in Smyrna under-goes an over-haul to bring it to modern standards and act as a hub to provide security and traffic information across the Aegean. [Mod]


A urea-formaldehyde fertiliser with a sulphur coating is developed for extensive use across the nation and higher effect than standard fertilisers. A computing machine is developed for banks to create coded cheques which can be read by these machines and cannot be created counter-fit. [Mod]

Ancient Texts

Linguists and archaeologists are hired for a project to translate every ancient text that can be found and attempt to create dictionaries for the ancient languages. A large museum, the "Mouseio Archaias Istorias" is to be constructed in Constantinople and hold the largest collection of ancient Greek artefacts and texts in the world. [Mod]


Turkish refugees and prisoners are requested to be returned to the empire.

Northern Epirus is integrated into the nation as its own province.

Two major aeroports are constructed, one designed to handle international traffic in Athens, and one to handle domestic traffic in Ancyra.

Edited by Dex
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   The Federal Republic of Mexico


Manuel Gonaléz, president of the Federal Republic of Mexico stood before the gathered national assembly of Mexico. As he stood from his elevated position and looked down into the crowd he could see the gathered parties and people. Many of these politicians had once been his enemies and still were but he knew that no matter his dislike of them he would need any help he could get to make sure the Republic of Mexico retained its freedom.  Thus President Gonaléz spoke the national state of the Union address to both the people (those who could afford a radio or tv anyway) as well as those politicians in front of him. 


"Fellow Mexicans, today we are gathered at twilight, the last few bright moments of this nation before it will fall into the darkness of Imperialism and war. If possible it is something we should avoid but the choice has been made for us, president Long has made his intentions clear, he wants to go South to expand."


 Manuel let out a look of sadness at this but also of determination as he straightened himself once more.


"The Americans have always had a desire for expansion and power, it reared its head first hundreds of years ago as the Americans settled West and went to war to take our territory from us. After this, we and the world thought that this desire for expansion was gone, but it was merely sleeping. Now it has reared it's ugly head again and we will need to put it to sleep forever.  "


" The coming war will not be easy, not by a long shot but it is necessary to keep our freedom and way of life. The Americans might not be coming for us now but they will soon. Thus I have a number of acts proposed to the parliament here to guarantee the safety of our country.  "


The president then continues on to propose a number of policies which serve to increase the capacity of Mexico to wage a defensive war.



The Gonalez Security acts


- A large government investment is put into the Mexican arms industry, with the focus being on small arms industry. As it is more achievable in the short run and needs less supply and is thus more viable than for example tanks which the country can not manufacture yet and not maintain due to a lack of oil. Though if possible a large amount of anti-tank and anti-air weapons would also be produced


- President Gonalez repeals the laws that stop a citizen from having a gun. And whilst all guns sold must be registered to their owner and can't be sold or traded by non-licensed personnel any citizen can now buy a gun. 


- A plan is put in preparation to if necessary implement scorched earth tactics on its northern border against a possible US invasion


- The taxes on horses breeding and ownership is nearly abolished in an effort to encourage more horse ownership. This is to make sure that Mexico has a larger amount of horses which can possibly be used in a Guerilla war and could be effective to disrupt American communications and supply lines.


- A minefield is laid on the western coasts of Mexico in locations not actively used for trade. This is to make the possibility of naval bombardment less likely.  To still protect the harbors in case of invasion several naval guns are installed near coastal cities with a harbor


The same is done on the east coast though on a lesser scale 


- A series of fortifications are created, with the most northern series of defenses mostly consisting of trenches and less fortified locations but at least enough to at least slow down the American troops. With the second and third line near Mexico city being even more fortified with bunkers and modern defenses


- Every Town in Mexico must form and train a militia consisting of all adults males above 22 and 50


- Every adult male above 22 and 50 years of age will go through the basic training of the Mexican army with the younger men going first and then the older men following that. They will not need to all join the army but they must all join their local militia and train for guerrilla tactics and other types of local combat at least two days in the week so most likely the weekend


-an effort is made to make the Mexican populace aware of the threat of the USA and to help unite the country with inspirational posters and broadcats



The purple lines indicate the locations of the defenses.



The various scientists of Mexico are tasked with creating a large number of traps to be used in Guerilla warfare. These Traps would range from possible new types of mines, for  either infantry or Tanks to traps aimed to slow down an enemy approach. Anything that can be used against a superior invasion force like the Americans


The American Defence Pact

The Federal Republic of Mexico invites all nations in Latin and South America to join the American defense Pact, though the emphasis is put on its southern neighbors. 

This pact will consist of a defensive-pact if any of the signatories of this pact are attacked by a foreign nation the other members of the pact will aid it. And whilst no official accusations are made the underlying tone makes it clear this pact is intended to serve as a counter-balance against the USA's attempt to influence Southern and Latin America

Edited by Roberik
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Empire of Japan




The Foreign Ministry delivers a statement towards the Dutch for their scathing comments against the Japanese “The Kingdom of the Netherlands is formally requested to retract and apologise for their statements implying His Imperial Majesty is a hypocrite, a Monarch cannot be insulted in such a way in a scathing personal attack. Her Royal Majesty Wilhelmina I of the Netherlands was not personally insulted as a Monarch, only the ideals of European Imperialism outside of Europe were attacked. If the Netherlands does not retract this statement then formal diplomatic relations will cease between the two Nations. The Netherlands is warned that the Oil Platforms off the coast of the Dutch East Indies are owned by Japanese Companies and they will be protected as this in no way violates the contract signed.”


Covert Actions


[Will PM the Mod]


Domestic Actions

Continued Propaganda efforts would be made to paint the allies of Japan, namely the United States and Kingdom of Siam as friends of the Japanese people. Especially with the upcoming wedding between the two Royal Families. (Mod)


Preparations for the Royal Wedding between the Royals of Siam and Japan would be undertaken, to ensure security is tight so that the local foreign leaders along with President Long are protected. (Mod)


The State visit between the United States and Japan goes ahead as planned, with President Long visiting Tokyo to meet the Emperor and his Cabinet to further the alliance between the two Nations.


Diplomatic Actions


The Japanese Foreign Ministry issues its statement for the Dutch to retract their statements against Hirohito and Japan, if this demand is not met then Japan will withdraw formal diplomatic relations between the two Countries. (Mod)


The Chinese are sought out once more to sign a pact of Non-Aggression, simply out of formality now as part of the current Foreign Ministry Policy on China. (Mod)


Economic Actions


The Japanese Zaibatsu Companies are now encouraged to export, now following the Kaizen Model to attempt to begin to outcompete European and other modern Asian manufacturing. (Mod)


Attempts are made by the Government to begin start-up’s of Electronic businesses outside of the traditional Japanese Zaibatsu, seeking to create something from nothing through careful Government guidance. (Mod)


Siam would continue to receive Private and Public Foreign Direct Investment to help modernise the Country still and of course allow the Japanese to own a piece of it. (Mod)


Military Actions


The Japanese would seek to attempt to expand the Navy in the areas of Destroyers and Cruisers, if financially viable. (Mod)


The Japanese would wish to attempt to establish a system of Military bases, airstrips and Naval Bases on the various Islands in the Pacific that it owns. To create a network to distribute aircraft and troops to make any major naval power have to “Island Hop” before even considering an invasion on Japan. (Mod)


Research Actions


The Japanese would seek to expand its universities in the areas of STEM (I.e expand research slots) (Mod)


The Japanese would seek to create Armoured Personnel Carriers (Mod)

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The second half of 1946


“We are entering a new era,” remarks Stalin to the general assembly. “It is one driven by the promise of a better life from technological advancement.   Our space program is truly a defining moment for us, and we shall not fall behind.”


The USSR begins an extensive campaign to drive forward support for its space program and catch up to Germany and then the United States.  A new T.V. show which debuted in September 1946, called “Ztar Trekke” details the adventures of the charming Captain Sergei Petrov and his crew, including women, and their exploits across the galaxy.  (mod)


New resources are allocated to the development of a new major, called aeronautical engineering.  Universities receive grants to expand their labs and receive some opportunities to engage in model rocket developments. Experts in these fields are few and far between because of the truly cutting edge nature of these courses, and the USSR begins a drive to attract more attention to this major and train the next generation of engineers.  Talent from the USSR’s world class universities is scouted to supplement the Space Program under Korolev’s discretion. (mod for Space Program and tech slot)


The USSR begins construction of a major spaceport in Kazakhstan.  It is colloquially referred to as the Baikonur Cosmodrome, and will support the infrastructure required to conduct space operations and realize the objective of putting a satellite into space. (mod)



Construction moves on for the Baikonur Cosmodrome


The USSR begins an expansion of its consumer goods production.  Appliances, clothes accessories (Adidas tracksuit confirmed), and other luxuries in particular are set to development and then production.  The committee of market affairs is created to manage consumer goods, and their development. The primary directives are to raise the quality of life within the Soviet Union, reduce the chronic shortages of consumer goods and other luxuries, and research and develop new consumer goods to ease the life of the Soviet working citizen.  Soviet designs must be engineered to be reliable, and have a long lifespan. One of the first projects is the development of a new cheap family car. (mod)


A second special economic zone is opened up in Kiev, especially to support the expansion of consumer goods.  Foreign investment and operation of manufacturing and retail will allowed, under supervision and with extensive background checks.  The Japanese offer for trade is cautiously accepted, and they are given rights to work with Russian government companies to develop the new car and sell it from Kiev.  The Kremlin makes it clear that foreign nationals doing commerce in the USSR must abide by its laws and strict codes in order to do business there.  Any merchant who commits espionage, sedition, or similar acts will incur the maximum penalties for this crime.  They should not be surprised to be under close monitoring by the NKVD. (mod)


The Crackdown


Following the discovery of an American spy within the USSR, a widespread KGB search is initiated. High value locations are given additional scrutiny, and new security measures are added.  CCTV cameras, a relatively new invention, are picked up on by the NKVD and begin to be rolled out en mass. They are installed around anywhere with the possibility of an espionage or sedition risk.  (mod)

Edited by Vetren54
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The United States of America


Communism in America
On August 1, 1946, the Central Intelligence Agency released a report stating that a high number of countries in South America were at risk for communist revolts. The report outlined the chances and level of the populations who were communist supporters, potential communists, or radical socialists. The report lists most of the countries on the continent, with the exception of the British and French territories, Brazil, and Argentina. President Long spoke a day after its release, calling for an American intervention in the southern countries, starting with Mexico, who was included on the government report. [Mod for support of intervention in potentially communist southern American countries]


Colonial America
President Long issues a statement making clear that he does not intend to declare war upon or attempt to capture any of the European colonies in the Americas. His ambitions do not include war with Europe, which he believes is pointless and would result in a long and arduous conflict. He still hopes to maintain good relations with Canada. He reaffirms the American friendship with Canada and hopes that the current situation with Britain would not affect the relations between the United States and Canada, as they had established an independent friendship years before. [Mod for Canadian relations]


The American Union State
President Long outlines his new idea for the countries warned of potentially being communist. He hopes to create a new state, one federation between the different nations of the Americas. The American Union State would be a collection of the various democracies in the Americas and would be based out of a new capital in Panama. The plan would include massive infrastructure overhauls for all the nations involved, selective technology sharing to help begin to modernize their economies and countries, and free trade, to promote investment and a shared future. This would be a collective country, known as the American Union State, which would be helmed by a democratic system similar to the United States’ own system. President Long makes it clear under this, each nation would still have a degree of freedom, but the union would operate largely as one. One thing is made clear in his plan though, extremist groups, such as fascists and communists, would not be supported or allowed for entry. An invitation to this group is immediately extended to Brazil and Argentina. [Mod for American Union State support]


The Egalitarian Kingfish
Huey Long orders the broadcasting of a special radio speech throughout as much of the world as possible and hopes to reprint the issues and spread the speech far and wide. In this speech, President Long calls for equality for all in the world, showing how America has moved beyond its past, with all Americans being equal under the law, he believes that all other nations should adopt such policies too, as well as with colonies. He reminds the world of why America revolted in the first place, they demanded representation. The people of the world should be granted equal representation, and those countries who choose to do such are an enemy of their people. This speech would be circulated throughout the world and printed in a large number of languages. [Mod for an increased desire for freedom in parts of the world]


Technological Developments
NASA begins testing rocket designs in an effort to send the first rocket into space. They hope to finally breach the atmosphere. [Mod for space research]


President Long grants North American Aviation funds to develop their proposed North American F-86 Sabre, which would be the United States first jet fighter. The Pacific Alliance would be granted this technology upon completion. [Mod for jet fighter]


The United States commissions the designs for the Midway-Class Aircraft Carrier, also simultaneously commissioning the building of four of these new carriers. The Pacific Alliance would be granted this technology upon completion. [Mod for Midway-class carrier design and construction]


American Spies
The Director of the CIA apologizes to the Russians and agrees to remove their spies.


The education push continues, with President Long calling for more enrollment in universities during this current year. He hopes the number of applicants will rise significantly, and that more people will pursue an education. [Mod for finishing the tech slot]


Foreign Investments
President Long encourages investments with the Holy Roman Dominions and following their admission into the Pacific Alliance the new tariffs are much lower than before. President Long pushes for a government investment into their modernizing industry, hoping to help bring them out of being an agricultural based society. [Mod for foreign investments in the HRD]

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French Republic



Image result for french flag picture





One Man, One Gun!

Xavier Vallat announces a new militia plan, stating that every man will be required to attend 3 months of military training between the ages of 16 and 21, teaching them the basics. At the end of it they will receive a Napoleon I and 100 rounds of ammo.


The Nation of Evil!

Xavier Vallat gives a speech to the French People, denouncing the acts of the “nation of Evil” as he calls them. “Japan believes it may try and bully a nation of Europe! All of Europe must show its might in response! The Prime Minister announces he and the Entente stand with the Dutch while also mentioning of a new alliance between the Chinese and the Entente.(mod)


Internal Affairs

The French Football Association announces that the Coupe De France will feature teams from the French African Continent while significant money is spent advertising the best French African teams and players to the mainland. (mod)

Xavier Vallat announces a 250 million franc investment into the french lumber industry, stating that this is an important step in securing frances future. (mod)

The French Military announces a plan to lay down 5 light cruisers.. (mod)

Xavier Vallat announces a plan to make the Napoleon II standard issue, with the old Napoleon I’s being used for the One Man, One Gun program. . (mod)

Xavier Vallat announces an Entente Space program, with scientists from all 5 nations working together to lead the charge into space. (mod)

External Affairs

France announces the Entente and China have signed an alliance (mod)

French companies are encouraged to invest in the Soviet free economic zones. (mod)

GIAT Industries announces a deal where in exchange for massive investment in China they will be the exclusive foreign provider of arms to the nation.(mod)



The French Government begins research into a new destroyer model. (mod)

France begins work into prosthetic technology for injured troops (mod)

GIAT Industries begin working into an armored personnel carrier(mod)

France begins work into better tank shells (mod)

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Holy Roman Dominion



The 4th Council of Berlin

Protestant support for Church unification has so far been stagnant, with the Protestants still clearly against a "corrupt" Church. So, to make the Protestants open up to their Catholic brothers and sisters, the pope offers concessions. The Pope offers to end Papal indulgences and continue to ban the sale of them, as well the Pope is willing to let a group of Protestant Ministers in to investigate the inner workings of the Church and determine how to fix it and remove corruption in the eyes of God.  (Mod for unification).


Diplomatic Relations
The Papacy, after being approached by the Americans, decides to join the Pacific Alliance (despite not having any land in the Pacific). The Papacy agrees to a defensive pact, economic support form the Americans and spearheads a technology sharing program.


Papal Officials actively support the idea of an American Union State, stating that it would help form Catholic community. (Mod).


Being a part of the Eastern Block, the Papacy opens up its own shops and factories in the area at the cost of a few million dollars. Combined with these is a small mission that offers religious guidance as part of the business (Mod for the profitability and religious effect).


Internal Affairs

Football has recently shown a rather poor fortune for the Italians, to focus away from such defeats a new Global Chariot Racing Commision is formed to host an International Chariot Racing game every year in a city that has applied to host it, starting with Rome.  (Mod).


The new prison system is immediately rolled back and an apology is issued for the mishandling of the whole issue. Prisoners released early during this time are given back their original sentences and taken back in.


Following investment from the Americans, the Papacy begins working on lifting poor agricultural areas of Italy out of poverty and into the 20th century. (Mod).


The Papacy begins a renewed push towards the mining and oil industry now that the initial craze over oil in Libya and Somalia has hopefully died down. (Mod).


Papal Research

The Papacy begins trying to increase the amount of research done in Papal Institutions. (Mod).


Research is put into new electrical appliances to help consumers in prosperous Italy, specifically, the "microwave". (Mod and shared with the Pacific Alliance).


Research is put into a new and modern fighter-bomber. The Papacy plans for this to be the last mass produced plane before the age of the Jet fully hits.  (Mod and shared with the Pacific Alliance).

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  • Britain asks for a joint meeting of the commonwealth to discuss a joint foreign policy position on the evolving diplomatic relations with numerous nation states.

  • The British government would demilitarise her colonies with the words of assurance from the U.S President stating “Despite the differences of the old world and new I’m glad borders can be secure for both our nations.”

  • The British government offers universal european cooperation they therefore  reach out to the Portuguese, Nordic nations and even the sobeski pact to join the Entente


Home affairs


  • MacMillan claims before the house that an impromptu election is not necessary it would cause unnecessary turbulence in this critical time, with the labour party out to seek power rather than govern!!”

  • British industry is pushed towards improving work environment and increasing work conditions for all workers to increase productivity

  • Plans are made to increase the budget for the health service to increase life expectancy

  • Plans are laid down with this new rocketry technology the Prime Minister meets with experts to see the possibility of Britain entering the space race, or if its unaffordable

  • A 5 year conscription law is passed in Britain for all 17-30 year olds. To be trained a s reserves.

Edited by mcginty85
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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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