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Update: Not Leaving, Just Need More Time For Health Issues, Activity Check Help From Mods


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Heyo, everyone!



If you know of me, you know I've been almost completely inactive for a few months thanks to on-going health issues. Unfortunately, those issues are getting worse. Fortunately, treatments for 2 of them have been invented and passed FDA approval, so my return to the server is inevitable! ?


That means Rangers of the Wild, my main character's tree-hugging, undead-slaying, people-protecting guild is NOT going away and is currently accepting members still. I'm still active on Discord nearly every day. Ping me/DM me there if needed/curious about the guild.


In the mean time, however, I ask that activity checks on my free-builds and houses be put off until I can actually get on LotC on a regular basis. I know that's a lot to ask, but it's worth a shot to do so. My characters and their respective homes are:


* Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow (Free-build RotW headquarters relatively near the Dominion and the Druids)

 Kaelunor Ryvuunos (Home in Fenn and free-build just on the edge of the frozen lands)

 Tlaloc (Home in Holm)


I'd like to thank the leaders of the Snow Elves and Holm for being patient with me. A few have already told me my homes in Fenn and Holm are safe, but I just want to make doubly sure I don't lose all my builds and items while I'm busy... trying to continue existing lol.


I know it's been super long in the scheme of how fast time moves ICly in LotC, but there's little I can do. Thank you in advance for reading, your patience, and consideration.


Much love,


- Nanners (TheBananasaurus)

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Welcome back friend!


Don't know you too well, but if you need anything let me know!


Discord: Torky#3015

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Take it easy!! ? Hope you get better soon.

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Hey friend, hope things get better for ya, and if ya need anything let me know alright

Discord: Star Gazer

Image result for zen peace


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Thank you, everyone. You're all beautiful ?

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Don't know you, but I hope you get better.

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Hi everyone.

An update on my health I'm sure you're not sick of hearing about :D : I'm still sick, and losing more weight. I'm down to 107 pounds and mostly bedbound. So, that's fun. Possible hospital trip in my near future because my mom thinks there's something else going on. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me, and I hope to hear from you lovelies soon. @ me on Discord if you're talking to me or need an activity check, I'm in a lot of Discord and will miss the message otherwise. ❤️

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