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EXPLANATION: Enchantments

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This thread covers the explanation for why enchantments and abilities such as that have been changed.


To combat the fact that non-mages are utilizing enchantments, it has been decided to streamline the amount of enchantments that can be utilized. Each magic will need to have their abilities marked whether or not they can be used for enchanting, and a large list will be compiled off of this. This will allow members of Story to moderate what is enchantable and allow us to compile a large list that non-mage and mage RP’ers alike can use for reference on spells. People arguing that this limits creativity simply need to shape the spell into something broader or rely on MArts as described below. This list will be ported in-game via the /help menus so anyone can look up a spell that is described. This will allow less characters spent on describing what the spell can do and more characters spent detailing the item in question. 


Enchantments not on the list can still be created, but will require a MArt. MArts will be split up into two types, creative MArts and Lorebending MArts. Creative MArts will be those that are enchanted items based on pre-existing spells in the lore. Lorebending MArts are the traditional MArts that bend lore. The former will be able to be made at a higher rate than the Lorebending MArts.


Lore writers will need to write up what needs to be included in the enchantment description when they work on the guide. This will help anyone learning the lore get a grasp on what key points need to be made clear when creating the item.


Enchantments will now be limited to 3 per person when in a combative situation. This was decided after looking at the Your View results (found here), along with wanting to balance enchantments in general. The lore reason for this will likely come with a change to how enchanting works in general. The specifics for it are not set in stone, but it will likely come with making all enchantments fueled by the user’s mana pool. This also gets rid of the recharging issue, as no one will need to RP recharging anymore (which the majority weren’t doing already).


Instead, recharging will be replaced with the item naturally recharging on its own. This will be dependent on the level and strength of the spell, with minor spells taking less time to recharge. Either that, or the enchantment will require a hard date on when it will become defunct and no longer usable. The hard date is meant for lore pieces that want to control the amount of items floating around created by it or for temp items. It is up to the lore writer on what to use though, so long as they respect the recharging change.


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