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Summons: Krawn z. Kovachev


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This Summons, issued on 13th of Joma and Umund, 356 ES by the Crown and represented by High Justiciar Lauritz H. Christiansen and Royal Jurist Lord Matyas Baruch, the Duke of Valwyck,


Compels the Aulic Court to call upon Sergey Kovachev to appear before it and answer the following charges:


416.071: The crime of harming or attempting to bring harm, or kidnapping or attempting to kidnap, the Crown or the royal family shall constitute a treasonous offence.

404.01: An individual who intentionally inflicts bodily harm on another shall be guilty of the middling offence of assault.


Arisen from these circumstances:

Sergey Kovachev was having an argument with Mariya Amador, Ramdir Amador, and her Highness, Prinzenas Katerina. After a while, Prinzenas Katerina and Sergey Kovachev began in a shouting match with each other. This resulted in Prinzenas Katerina jumping on her. Sergey Kovachev proclaimed that his ancestors had been right to abandon Haense before kicking Prinzenas Katerina. During his arrest, he also declared that if he was not hanged, he would flay Prinzenas Katerina. Afterwards, it was revealed that Sergey Kovachev had a knife hidden in his boot, which cut Prinzenas Katerina during the attack.


I swear the contents of this Summons to be true and accurate to the best of my belief before Godan.




Sir Lauritz H. Christiansen


Lord Matyas Baruch


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Ser Brandt Barclay sighed havily as his head dipped low and shook "To think that fathering children and claiming to reform would change a man"

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"Who knew my nephew could do this. . . another crack of my heart in my time here." Sabrina Kovachev nee Halcourt de Artois commented sorrowfully while in the Seven Skies, she frowned as she signed the Lorraine while making a small prayer for the Barbonov family and her for the life of her nephew to be spared by the Haensti Crown. As the Kovachev had gone mad, first his wife, now, his honor and dignity.


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Stefjan Kovachev rises from the depths of the Seven Hells to slap his father Drasko Kovachev!


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Following his execution by firing squad, Sergey Kovachev is sent to the Oblivion, where he is forced to suffer his worst nightmare: Sitting through a college lecture jointly taught by an educated woman and an elfski mage.

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