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A Thesis on Charity


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We, the children of GOD, should strive to be as virtuous as the exalted. One way we can do this is by charity. Charity is not only giving away the wealth we have, but also the spirit, virtue, and true way of life, that being the way of being a child of GOD. The greatest charity we can give is by lifting up men of false faiths to the true faith, so they may embrace virtue and all that is moral. As GOD had gifted us men of spirit and virtue, we shall do the same to the pagans and those that stray far from virtue. These heathens are not beyond saving, of bring into the light. Every man can repent and redeem himself the eyes of us mortal men, and almighty GOD. We must, as men o’ cloth and all that is holy, help these men begin their path to righteousness and redemption, and finish it with them, every step of the way, like GOD is with us, guiding us every day. It should be in every canonist heart’s, not only men o’ cloth, a passion to help those less fortunate, those being heathens and men who have strayed far from the path of morality and virtue. In this divided time, unity under GOD is more important than it ever has been, we should try to help bring unity by guiding every man through the path to virtue and continued worship.

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Javier Fransisco-Altamirano, nods in approval while reading the thesis, signing the loraine then getting back to work crusading. 

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The Prelate nods a few times, saying to himself, "Good. Though, ich should point dear acolytes towards writing a longer thesis. Ich have no doubt in them, after all.", he says with a light chuckle, putting a seal on the document.

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