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Canonist Service Center Rules and Guidelines


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Rules and guidelines of the Canonist Service Center

At the opening of the Canonist Service Center, it has almost immediately began servicing the the poor among us. Those who are down on their luck now have a roof over their head, food, and a jobs program that helps them find employment. And I can say with a heart filled with joy that it is working. However, the lack of rules and guidelines for the use of the service center has hindered it's effectiveness. Thus requires these new rules to be established.




1: Follow all rules and laws of the local municipality of which the service center is located in.

2.:  Follow all rules and laws of the nation the service center is located in.

3. As it is a Canonist establishment, Canon law is valid here (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197696-codex-iurius-canonici-danielus-pontifex-second-edition/). Though I find myself in disbelief that the establishment of such rule is necessary and vital to the operations of the Canonist Service center, I must reiterate that PDA, Fornication and any such immoral acts do not have a place within the Canonist Service Center and will result in immediate removal.


5. For the use of shelters, no one person shall spend more than 2 years within the shelter after finding a job, to ensure that we have room for all who need to use the services. 




All rules will be enforced by either local leadership or church officials and knights. Violations will be looked upon on a case by case basis. And punishments may vary from breach of rules. 



I now ask that you join me in prayer, for the poor and those having a hard time,

Sanctus Pater vester voluntatis est finalis voluntatis, et arbitrium nostrae sunt libidini obnoxius. Oro te sumus in dolore succurrendum pauperes, et orate ut eos mox ut indentured et liberavit in tua erat gubernata. In nomine Patris, amen.



Holy Father, Your Will is the final will, and Your Whims are our whims. We pray that You alleviate the suffering of the poor, and we pray that those indentured may soon be liberated with Your guidance. In nomine Patris, amen.


Heilige Vater, Ihre Wille ist die Endwille, und Ihre Grillen sind unsere Grillen. Wir beten dass Sie das Leid der Armen erleichtern. Und wir beten dass die, die verpflichtet sind, wird bald bei Ihre Beratung befreit sein. In nomine Patris, amen. 




Hernando Altamirano, Bishop Cordoba













Edited by bugbytes21
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Acolyte Agustin sighs bits of relief looking over the rules while standing on the roof of the church. He looked down to the tavern, where all the gossip and sin happened after that absolute mess of a wedding happened, he would then look to the skies and sign the lorraine, saying a prayer.

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