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A Letter Of Belief | Father Ivarus


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A Letter Of Belief | The Most Important Factor Of Life


Father Ivarus of Jorenus, Saint Henrik Basilica



"This letter goes out to all people who believe in the only One God, our Lord in the Seven Skies, and his word." ~ Father Ivarus


It has been known, that the friendships between Apostates, Pagans and Heathens have been widely known across all nations of our World. But my message, to the believers of the Church is to not engage into the things that Apostates, Pagans and Heathens do, as they are the work of Iblees. If you are going to do it despite my warning, it could either get you into political or religious trouble. This is why I request all of you, believers of God, to not lose your belief into God and his works.


But when you do lose your faith and belief in God, your life shall not be the same, your life would be guided by Iblees, a path to the Void and his Daemons, eternal suffering and pain. Even in the most hardest of times, I request you once again, do not lose your faith and belief! God shall judge you upon your deeds towards your fellow Brothers and Sisters, as he will see the postive side of yourself as an individual, perhaps, a side no one else has ever seen of you. But if you commit sins, these can only be revoked by God and the Church in confessions..


As we speak of Iblees his deeds, there was one act of crime in Haense, near the Basilica of Saint Henrik, someone stabbed a fellow citizen, lit a shop on fire and eventually claimed to be a "A Product Of God and the Seven Skies", it is my belief, that this man has turned his back towards God, and all of our beliefs in the Church.


The Scroll Of Virtue, Chapter One: Canticle of Faith, verse 9 says;

"I am the Lord God without peer, and my Word, is the holy Word, and My path is the virtuous path, and all the blessings and all the blessings of the Virtue shall fall before the righteous who tread it"


As this verse has stated, God is the only one God, the criminal who committed the crime in our city is not a Canonist, though, he may sound as a devout Canonist as he mentions himself as a "Product Of The Seven Skies and God Himself", I give you my word, this man is nothing more then the equivalent example of a Daemon from Iblees. Which is why I advice all of you, in good faith, to pray to God in these times, as the events happening among us may effect your belief. Explore, in the Words of God, as His advice to you is the best advice, God is the one who shall expell the Evil Iblees, as he is still trying to pull you to the other side.


May God bless you all for your entire Life and keep you off the path of Iblees, blessings be upon the Only One Lord who keeps us safe, and protects us from Sin.









Edited by sashimchopped
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Such a missive would find its way into the clutches of a loathsome hound, a small frown of dissatisfaction stretching across it's wolven countenance. 


"This is scribed well, yet... Feels incomplete. As if written in a fog, where one might never find their way." It mused, tilting its head. "Mercy must not be offered unto the Heretic nor the Deceiver, in all quarters; this is for the good of the Canon, and the sanctity of all Mankind. For if one is to suffer evil to exist, are they then not perpetuating evil themselves?" An idle query made into the thin air of a frigid night, unanswered by the carcass which lay below that damnable mutt. 


"GOD is good..."

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Petyr Bishop would read his copy of the missive, "The boy is talented, God has truly blessed him which such skill"

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