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Refuting a Refutation


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Refuting a Refutation


A Public Response

Dated the 3rd of the First Seed, Year 21 of the Second Age



Allow me to preface this work by explaining that I am not a woman of elaborate words and that much of this writing will be rather dry and uninteresting. For that, I apologize in advance. However, there have been a series of issues raised and rebuttals made regarding my recent work, and so I find myself obligated to issue a response. While it is heartening to see discussion of the Faith in a broader sense, the current terms of the debate are, unfortunately, less so. With this document, my aim is primarily to address the criticisms raised, and to clarify some of my own statements.


Firstly, I will address the statement made in regards to my work’s characterization of the Father. Here, the criticism of my writing appears to be a matter of semantics, specifically in regards to the connotations of the word ‘chaos’. As such, I will attempt to clarify my use of the word. I must begin by explaining that chaos is not, necessarily, synonymous with evil, and it certainly was not used in such a way by me. Chaos is a force of creation, and nothing more. Chaos is defined, simply, as change or turbulence. As far back as the works of Gareth Faretto of Seahelm, the Father has long been described as an agent of change in the lives of the Faithful, and as an entity of righteous wrath and retribution. High Keeper Arthas himself referred to the Second Tenet as a “calling to hold righteous fury in our heart”. This is what is meant by chaos; Not a force of negative persuasion, but of change. This is neither incorrect nor an unheard of statement to make.


Secondly, I shall address the matter of the Father’s Flame, hopefully in fewer words than my last point, as in this case the misunderstanding appears to simply be rooted in the miscomprehension of what I have written. It is stated that I have written that the Father’s Flame is metaphorical, and that I have implied that the Hearthfire and the Flamebrands of the Keepers do not contain the Father’s presence. This is demonstrably false, as in the very paragraph that has been quoted I have clearly stated that the Holy Flame is “of the Father’s Essence”. Nowhere was it implied otherwise. Further, it is not incorrect to say that the Hearthfire represents our covenant with the Father, for His Presence is, alongside the salvation it granted, quite literally the boon he gifted to The Herald in exchange for their loyalty to His Faith and His Mission. Further, it is also not inaccurate to say that the Hearthfire or the visual of fire in general is used as a metaphorical symbol within the Faith. To again quote High Keeper Arthas, particularly in regards to the Second Tenet;


“The Father calls us to spread his flame to the hearts and souls of the blind. The blind being those lacking the faith of the All Father which in this context is referred to as his ‘flame’.”


As we can see here, the Flame is used in a metaphorical context, clearly and openly. To say anything less is quite simply dishonest.


Thirdly, I will address the matter of tolerance. Yes, it is true that Tyrian doctrine has embraced a policy of increased tolerance, compared to the Arthurian. However, there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding by the writer of what the phrase ‘left to the consequences of sin’ means. Punishment, as was written by High Keeper Alisa when she herself was an initiate, must be equivalent to the transgression committed, so as to avoid the vices of excessive wrath and malevolence. This is what is meant by these ‘consequences of sin’, and it bespeaks a poor reading of the High Keeper’s own works to imply otherwise. It is clear, if one was to read the current laws of the Kingdom of Norland, that punishment of the wicked is still paramount to our society. We simply have a narrower, less totalitarian view of what wickedness is. Wytches are still burned, and the sinful are still branded for their penance.


Finally, we shall address the matter of shirked duties. This, I will answer very directly. Where were the Arthurians when the Inferi came knocking at the doors of the descendants in Arcas? Where were the Arthurians during the Final Battle of Korvassa, where the world was nearly undone and an Aengul slain to prevent such from happening? It was not they who wore the crimson armor of the Father’s Faithful in the blackened battlefields of that war. It was us, the Tyrians. We were among the first to answer the call when the Infernal Horde emerged, and we fought the demons with steel and wit at every turn. In short, to accuse the Tyrians of backing down from their duties is to forget one’s own failure to appear when the Agents of Ruin appeared at the threshold of our home. Had one been present for such a conflict, perhaps one’s understanding of the decisions surrounding it would be better in line with what is actually true.


Hearth Sister Mera Camian


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Vykk shakes his head "I can see it now, 'A refutation of a refutal of a refutation of refuting tyrism' I can only imagine this ends with severe carpal tunnel syndrome."

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Theoderic would read the document briefly chuckling as the Tyrites conceded to each of his points before coming to the third "There is no such thing as 'excessive wrath'" he'd quip before turning to the  gathered men and barking several orders. Theoderic would then toss the missive into the gutter, returning to the great task that had begun to assemble before him.

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8 hours ago, AstriaS said:




Aurea would squint at the word. She strikes it out for the keeper, replacing it with the proper term 'Arthasian.'


She then goes back to her cave, waiting, preparing. 

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45 minutes ago, rukio said:

Aurea would squint at the word. She strikes it out for the keeper, replacing it with the proper term 'Arthasian.'


She then goes back to her cave, waiting, preparing. 


I just use the words people use themselves. Don't blame me.


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Somewhere, a cloaked figure would begin preparing a series of pyres and Ash burials for the Tyrites. 

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1 hour ago, AstriaS said:
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I just use the words people use themselves. Don't blame me.



I'm just roleplaying how my character would respond- its nothign personal.


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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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