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Sheriff Election of Knoxville!

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[!] A note is pinned to the Knoxville Noticeboard

Sheriff Elections!


~The Grand Knoxville Harvest!~

Since it has been a while after the nominations for Sheriff, I say it's time we run the election proper! Just put the candidate you wanna vote for on a li'l slip and put it into the ballot box by the Sheriff Office!

Here be the form ye needa use:

Are ye a village resident?:

Who do you vote for?:

Filibert Applefoot [ ]
Cuthburt Weedfoot [ ]

Apples 'er Pumpkins?:


May da bes' candidate win!

-Filibert Applefoot, Sheriff candidate and notable halfling.

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Minto would approach the ballot box, ruffling through his pockets for a crumbled piece of paper as he did his best to unfold it and deposit it.

The slip would read as follows:


Name: Minto Townsend
Are ye a village resident?: YES

Who do you vote for?: 

Filibert Applefoot [ X ]
Cuthburt Weedfoot [ ]

Apples 'er Pumpkins?: PUMPLES

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Belladonna would be passing it by on her way to the storage burrow, shrug, and say, "Haven' even me' the other person ye'." She'd pull out an old flyer (from the most recent harvest fest) and write on the back:


Name: Belladonna Proudfoot-Maelstorm-Aurelius (or just Donna)
Are ye a village resident?: Aye!

Who do you vote for?:

Filibert Applefoot [X]
Cuthburt Weedfoot [ ]

Apples 'er Pumpkins?: Apples!

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Delphi would wander to the sheriff's office with a fresh piece of paper. "T'ey bo' would be foine s'eriffs bu' oi trus' Filiber' ta keep Knoxville safe fer sure" she said nodding writing down in shaky script


Name: Delphi Wanderfoot

Are ye a village resident?: Aye

Who do you vote for?:

Filibert Applefoot [ ✓ ]

Cuthburt Weedfoot [ ]

Apples 'er Pumpkins?: Pump'in's!

Edited by Frogger16
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