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A Mali’thill’s Statement







I would like to begin with a short introduction, lliran, as it seems many who are not resident in the Silver City have taken my simple proposals from an inaccurate perspective.


My name, good lliran, is Lleinde Tillun’sae ; also known as puerir’arche, for any interested in my written work.

I hold no position on the Silver Council, no formal duties, and no stake in challenging current regimes held by our dear Sohaer and Elheial’thilln.


I can, however, give proof of my own merit - I constructed, by hand, the Arts Centre which faced vandalisation. I founded the Haelun’orian Societies Initiative, bringing forth Culinary Societies, Debate Societies, Literature Societies, with the assistance of my fellow Mali’thill citizens. I served as Medi’ir, then Okarir’mali, under Sohaer Arelyn and our late Sohaer Orrar before passing on the position to miss Ayliana. 


Yet, with the observation of a decline in Elcihi since I departed from the public eye to attend to my own studies, the lull in presence within Elcihi, a lack of proper debate and discussion  - well, one can hardly sit about and simply watch as their child crawls blindly into a fireplace, ne? 







[!] A painting of Mali’thill children reading in the Eternal Library



“When the Republic collapsed”, you say - well, why  did it collapse? This is what I enquire to my republican-aligned lliran, as someone who was not indeed present for such a time - returning only to find my blessed cihi a mere shadow of what it once was. 


In an equal sense, I wonder about their admiration of the Sohaeriate state. If the Republicans' foundational premise was the decentralization of power, the Sohaeriate state surely took a step in the opposite direction, centralising power beneath just one individual. By direct definition, the only constitutional suggestion made to favour the ‘Diarchy’ is the return of the Maheral - a dual-power system, creating checks-and-balances and bringing back the most important cultural figurehead of Elcihi, empowering the people with the presence of a revered representative who they might approach for guidance, for teaching, for assistance in returning to the Silver Path should they have strayed. Still, perhaps I misinterpret - perhaps some of these individuals who despise my ideas so greatly are in fact staunch Sohaerists rather than Republicans. In this case, I raise the following:

Have we not learnt what is lost when our Maheral is lost, lliran? Did we not mourn the death of Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal, this striking blow to our tradition, our leadership, our wellbeing? Yet still, we are complacent to hold a state without Maheral, without Guidance. 


Yet still, an even more important question is posited: why are you afraid of debate? 


Debate has always been the language of the Mali’thill. From Elervathar and Elibar’acal, to Sullas and Uradir, to Larihei’s council itself, the logical debate of the Silver People has always been our most valuable tool to prescribe the next steps of the State. 


I have set no decrees, no commands, no authoritative measures - one has simply asked for the signature of the citizenry should they agree, and the constructive critique of those who may not. There is no decree to prohibit proper debate upon the foundational ideals of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya either; no negative consequence to those who have differing opinions. The Elibar’acalian anti-mages and the Mages of Elcihi may coexist, as can others of differing views. So why, then, the refusal to debate?


The actions of those who claim to follow the path of Silver seem to be quite contradictory to the foundational callings of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, to silence formative debate in this way.


Acts of arson, acts of vandalism.. through such, you have shown only a disregard for public wellbeing and the people’s voice, disallowing any discussion to even occur. Through your actions, you have not stopped the oem’ii from reaching the fire, my pyromaniacal lliran, you have attempted to quite literally push them in. 


And, if one believes truly that the Silver State is set on fire by my simple suggestions, then leaving Elcihi rather than presenting due argument against such is to clearly state an ill-will towards their fellow Mali’thill; rather than putting out the fire, bringing forth their own visions for the Silver City, one would prefer to abandon ship, to leave their lliran to burn within.






[!] A painting of a High Elf reading through the works of old.



I set before me a list of queries - a genuine concern for why those who assumedly do hold the same virtues as I, hold the same thoughts of the importance of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and the path of Larihei, would disagree.


What is it about Haelun’orian Labs that you despise, llir? Haelun’or is a place of progress - a proper working environment for our fine scholars is essential. Is it the opportunity of progress, the scientific arts themselves? Surely, such could not be - you claim to seek progress in line with the maehr’sae hiylun’eyha. So then, must it be a simple, blind hatred of all that is not-new?


What is it about the elimination of Mali’ata that you despise, llir? Is purity, is the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, not something we should uphold? Should we not be dealing with criminals in an appropriate manner - ought we allow creatures of the dark, corrupted Mali and child-murderers to roam our streets? Are my lliran truly against re-educating ‘ata, bringing them back towards the light of Larihei - do they wish to leave them in such a state of agony? Surely, this is not what one argues - in following the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, one must indeed seek to uphold purity - our hiylun, both physical and mental - in order to achieve the progress of maehr’sae? So then, must it be a simple, blind hatred of all that is not-new?


What is it about even the Acid Pits that one despises, llir? Has acid not been the traditional method of removal in the few cases it has been needed? Would one not consider it the most kind method of execution for those few who cannot be redeemed - a full dissolvement of the tainted being, creating no mess nor fuss. Do my lliran argue instead for murder in the streets - either committed by the ‘ata who we assumedly allow to roam, or by Elsillumiran who have no choice but to strike down ‘ata in broad daylight, with no procedure of acid-pits in place? Surely not, as the Mali’thill are a people of logic and efficiency - what method of removal is more appropriate than Acid Pits for those ‘ata who truly are disgraceful, for the Izalith of the world? Acid Pits, a swift and painless death, is almost too kind - yet, we recall our mercy and benevolence as a higher people, doing these ‘ata the service of purifying them entirely. Then, if it is not an argument either in favour of ‘ata roaming the streets, or for messy Sillumiran public executions upon the street of these irredeemable, murderous ‘ata, must it be a simple, blind hatred of all that is not-new?



Let me remind my lliran that our progress is built on the foundations of past progress, stacked atop each other until we reach our true goal of enlightenment. 



Can any argue that, through reading the works of old, they have not become more enlightened upon our history as a people, and the direction to which we ought to take? That the works of Sullas on purity have not moved you, that the findings of our scholars of the past have not contributed to progressing the Silver State forth?







[!] A painting of a sorrowful Mali’thill, looking upon the possessions of their lost family member.



Yet, I shall provide still another chance - it is sorrowful to my own heart to see misguided Mali’thill not be provided with an open redemption. I shall provide our lliran with the benefit of the doubt - that they are simply lost, a temporary lapse in their judgement. If any Mali’thill of such anti-traditional ideals would wish to engage in debate, I will be ready and glad to do so. My arms are open wide to embrace my lliran and their range of ideas - our newly-founded Debate Society is proof of such.


As my name suggests, I shall offer tillun’sae - the spread of forgiveness. Should the arsonist Mali’thill, or any misled Mali’thill for that matter, return with apology for the possible endangerment of the citizenry with the recklessness of fire spread, and be willing to engage in debate over the proposals they hold issue with, I would plea for no consequence to them for their dangerous actions - my testament in Silver Court to be the dismissal of their purity trials, for such actions would show proof of growth and realisation. I look forward to speaking with them once more.




Ahernan for your time in reading this, under the assumption that one does not succumb to the immediate instinct of throwing more of my work into the fireplace, a destruction of written work that seems all too common these days. One can only aspire to a better future: as always,


maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.



L. Tillun’sae | puerir’arche

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"Words of grace, of insperation! To what fool would ignore such pure passion, who dedicates so much to the state while some people miss treat her ideas. Those traitors are nothing more then 'ata, and they shall see the error of there ways" a high elf says as he looks over the posting, agreeing with it completely.

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The Okarir’maehr hums softly as she read this missive before nodding in approval. She’d have to thank Lleinde for attempting at the very least to prevent the chaos that likely was to come. 

Valindra, the master evocationist and firefighter extraordinaire also grumbled at the fact she’d now missed not one, but two fires in the state. She was losing her touch, though the second one was missed largely thanks to her skygod drinking and nursing a hangover.

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"Acid pits. Never forget what they wish to inflict upon you for not prescribing to their silly notions of racial purity, and narrow way of thinking - and then they shall call it a mercy that there's no mess for the people to mourn over." Minuvas would sit around his family home in Providence, speaking to the members of his family, over why their ancestors left the demesne of Elven Princes. He does not throw it to the fire, but instead leaves it plainly for his family to read and judge the words for themselves.


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Seraphite Viradiraar took one glance at the first word of the missive and cackled, slapping her knee"There!" She exclaims, crumpling the paper beneath her hands. "This is what I wanted! A statement! An actual response!" 


She soon tossed the missive into the open fire, walking away as the flame soon consumed the paper, her eyes never scanning past the first word.

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[!] In response, an open letter is placed on several notice boards around the Silver City, open for all to read.




Dear Lleinde Tillun'Sae,


We have spoken before. In fact, I'm the one you trusted with running the Literature Society, something I have done with some joy. The need for our people to divide as much as they do, however, concerns me. We tell each other we live by the ideals of maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, but we so often forget what this means.

To remind my fellow mali'thill, maehr'sae hiylun'ehya means progress and health. There have been times when the perpetuance of our kin could only be preserved by making sure we rid of the 'ata. These times, however, have passed. Long gone are the days where our very existence relied on the Silver State, where we were looked down upon by some others in much the same way we look down on them.

I was the one to destroy the petition on the wall with the names on mali'thill who have passed from our realm. I tried to make a statement, but I fear it has failed to be delivered by the actions others have brought upon the Arts Center for their own ideals. Untruth would be spoken if I were to say I do not agree with their ideals to some extent.


Our people face a problem. Our Sohaer rarely leaves the state, our council is lacking, and our quest for progress and health has delivered neither our nation nor our people anything in the past centuries. We ought to look both back, to history, when our nation was still great, and forward, to the future, where we could be great once more.

This is not the first time I voice my concerns about our state. I have spoken with the Sohaer, with the Okarir'maehr, but none seem to be willing to preserve. And preserve is what we must; Our State is Silver, our people live long. We should guide, record, explore, yet the people of the Silver State would rather sit in their homes, drinking their tea, pretending the outside world does not exist.


An Elven day ago, I attended a meeting of some concern. The Sohaer met the Prince of Ando Alur in a talk that should have happened years ago, offering the man empty threats. He didn't seek for progress, not for pursuit of knowledge, but he sought for power. Yes, Ando Alur is a vassal. Yes, Ando Alur stepped over boundaries that should be obvious. Regardless, Kolvar Uradir's position within this meeting.

This is but one of many interactions I have had with the State that worry me.


Allow me to explain why I destroyed the aforementioned petition.

When I first proposed it, the wall was not meant for mali'thill only. It was meant for all that we had lost. I am not old by high elven standards, not old compared to some I have met, but some days I do feel it. I recall the people I have lost in my near four hundred years, and I remember their names.


As mentioned earlier, I have spoken about these concerns before. I mentioned them to our current Sohaer, Kolvar Uradir. I mentioned them to the Okarir'maehr, Valindra Viradiraar. Before that, I spoke out my concerns to Dimaethor Visaj. Even before that, centuries in the past, I spoke about my concerns to other members of the State.

For this, I have been beaten, threatened, called to trials of purity, much like the things that are currently happening to our lliran, Seraphite and April. and during this time, I have seen the Silver State bleed. Bleed out its people until they grew discontent. Until they left.


Thus, I wish to ask you now, as you asked for public debate;

How much longer will we watch our State bleed? How much longer will we lock ourselves within our walls with closed gates, living in the lies of what we think is our purity? How much longer will we fail to fulfill our duty to the realm and Mortalkind by remaining stagnant? How often will we repeat the mistakes of the past?



In search of Truth,

Telos Andria'liene,


Head of the Literature Society






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April glanced over the missive at her desk, furrowing her brows. "you know, I could spend all day arguing with these people and nothing would get through their thick heads." She'd muse, glancing over to wherever Seraphite [ @chezel_ ] had wandered off to, before laying down the missive on the floor, as means for her pet to sh*t on. "at least you will make good use of this, good Noodle"  She'd coo downwards to the creature. 

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