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[✓] [Alchemy] [Lore Addition] Gemforging


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[!] An opal that has been applied with the alchemical wonder that is Gemforged with Lavaforging after.


       A unique feat of alchemical prowess that provides dwarven crafters and gemcutters great accentuations to their craft, as well as dwarven merchants a pretty object that serves for great bluffs; Gemforging is an additional step to Warforging that provides the ability to do warforging on gems and having the effects permeate the gems. In contrast to metallic Warforging, Gemforging gives the appearance of the gem at hand being permeated by the Warforging applied to it. A sapphire Gemforged and then Lavaforged twice allows for molten magma to seemingly flow within the gem, or a ruby Gemforged and then Stormforged will have lighting crackle within the red gem in heat-lighting formations.







Connection x4

Balance x2

Clarity x1

Oil base




       The extra step of Gemforging must be done after all steps of the soon-to-be-applied Warforging are done. As the oil sits in whichever mixing container, one must add lard to the mix. The two materials then need to be set on a flame to heat it so that it becomes liquid and mixes naturally. With the ingredient of Connection sufficiently extracted and prepared, one may begin mixing the four measures into the liquid. With lard and oil being a thick substance, this must be thoroughly mixed, so that the Connection element of the oil may be mixed enough for the warforging to affect all of the gem. Once homogenous, the lard will agglomerate and pulse along with any other effects the Warforging already has such as arcs of lightning or molten rock, seemingly of a mind of its own, despite still being liquid. Next comes the introduction of Balance, which is put in by two measures, and once mixed, the lard and oil’s pulsing ceases, and one may stop heating. At the cooling of the mixture to room temperature, Clarity is added to the mix, turning the mixture into a more clear substance, and giving it less viscosity, for ease of application and less globules of material on the gemstone. One now has Gemforged oil, whichever base Warforging that was used is now able to be applied to a gemstone of the alchemist’s choice. 



  • Gemforging does not have to be reapplied until after the covering Warforging wears off.
  • Gemforging is an aesthetic alchemical method and is considered rare in RP. One must learn this recipe IRP.
  • Items that are Gemforged do not require ST signature.
  • Warforged does not seep into the crystalline material, but it visually appears to do so.





  • All of the redlines of Warforging.
  • Cracking open gems with this alchemy property does nothing volatile, but rather curiously only displays the fascinating view on the unbroken side-if split in half and viewed from the cleave, the alchemical oils are not spread on that surface and do not display the effect.
  • This only applies to crystalline materials such as semi-precious and precious gemstones.
  • Crystalline materials (not those metals of crystalline grain structure such as iron and steel) like anorum, refined anorum, and quartz work with this technique well.
  • Gemforging does not work with ST materials, both noded, and open. Specific items from ST events that don't fall under these categories are up to the discretion of the ST overseeing the /sreq if one wishes to Gemforge the item.



[✓] [Alchemy] Warforging - Alchemy - The Lord Of The Craft

Plus Noobli for letting me steal his idea



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it was my ******* idea you ****

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Lightstones really shouldn't work with this, as their appearance is derived from the divine energies they grow from. Otherwise, I vibe w/ it. 

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**** you if you used this camo btw

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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