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The Council of the Lost - Recruiting Now!


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I'm in no interest to join. But I could protect it for you, for free.

Because lovey wovey dove you :P.

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As the third highest ranking member of the guild, yes, you have the ability to recruit.


William Treaty

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As the third highest ranking member of the guild, yes, you have the ability to recruit.


William Treaty

Am I allowed to recruit people?

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Yes kido122, you can recruit asa we need lots of new soldiers. I may possibly send you to a new guild house that I am talking to the leaders of Lunavaria about. Also, if someone could, I need someone to make a double chest of stone swords for the troops. For all of the new troops in the guild. The main rule of the land is not to steal or touch Ye Old Tavern or the farm near it or steal anything in the guild fort.


William Treaty

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Yeah, of course. I just thought, if we could gain forts in several different cities, our range of influence would increase greatly. I would only be sending 2-3 men.

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Who is getting the idea we are leaving? I am only working on spreading the guild farther in the future. Haha.

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Minecraft Name: UrbaN1nja

Rp name: Eir-ryn Anea

Previous Jobs: Farming, Hunter, Merchant, Banker, Miner

Skills: ((skills is bugged)) but I would consider myself high in archery, above average in swords, and I can farm, build, and mine like a maniac.

I try to make sure that I am 100% in rp mode when playing and since I have started playing on this server I have non-stop gone out and attacked monsters that way I have minas and items for me to sell.

Also I have been a leader of a guild in another server and am used to leading raids and attacks to other groups of people.

Why you want to join. I feel like I could be of a great help to The Lost and when it comes down to it I can be part of politics while also being able to do the nasty jobs that most people would not morally accept.


I am a donator with lwc and I am more than happy to help out locking anything that we need.

I am the co-owner of the shop that Aragorn ((kido122)) was talking about earlier. so I have no problem with helping to add a shop as well in or near the fort strictly for the guild's benefit.


I am wishing to be a ranger if that is alright otherwise I just request that I am in a position where I am out on the field more than I am sitting around doing nothing.

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