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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Fire Evocation


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Ever since the discovery of fire, descendants have strived to be able to control it, to harness its power and use it for their own purposes. Whether it be used to warm oneself at the fireside, to lighting an enemy camp aflame, fire was always a vital tool, playing a crucial role in descendant development. As magic was discovered, so was the use of flame in Voidal Evocation, the very element which descendants strived to control now within their grasp.



Fire Evocation, in essence, is the pulling of fire directly from the Void and projecting or ‘casting’ it in a certain direction and shape. While most spells of Fire Evocation are quite simple, some of the higher Tiered can be a bit more complex, anything from throwing a fireball to conjuring forth a storm of flames to rain down upon foes.

  • Fire Evocation takes up one magic slot.

  • Fire Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered Fire Evocationist with a valid [TA].

  • Fire evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. 


Learning and Casting

In order to learn Fire Evocation, a Mage must rigorously study the properties of natural fire for many years, understanding its function and behavior to the tee, as well as how it may be fueled and snuffed out. Yet to even conjure the fire itself once studied requires the Mage be able to establish a Mana Anchor, picturing the flame they wish to summon, and pulling it out from the Void into reality. This requires an adequate teacher who is well-versed in Fire Evocation, though it may also be learned from Fire Altars found throughout the realm. 


Once one has both learned to connect to the Void and studied flame itself, they will be able to draw fire from the Void. They must connect, picture the fire in the void, form it, then summon it from the Void and project it. 


Properties of Conjured Fire

Fire possesses a wide range of properties, making it a formidable weapon if used properly. However, a hotheaded Mage with Fire Evocation may lead to some difficult circumstances for themselves and others - hence why a Fire Evocations should be extremely careful when casting. 


  • Fire slowly consumes whatever it touches, so long as the object is flammable. Once it makes contact with a flammable object in the physical realm, voidal fire is no longer under the mage’s control. 

  • Fire burns, meaning that any flammable objects it touches will slowly and painfully be consumed by its searing touch. Should flesh be the surface upon which the fire is caught, a typical orange flame will yield first to second degree burns assuming the flesh is unprotected, though it may worsen with time.

  • Fire is not a solid nor a liquid, but rather gaseous. Fire may be given harsh solidarity in the form of an explosion by making a spell combustive. Fire also cannot pass through objects, especially water or sand, though it will begin to consume them assuming they are flammable. 

  • Despite the tenacious nature of the fire, it is fairly easy to put out if one has the proper means. Water or suffocation are the easiest way to get rid of lingering fire, though simply ‘brushing it off’ will likely not yield much effect. Assuming the fire is not impeded, it will usually die out after combat is over. 

  • Fire may only be red-orange, blue, or white, with the last being impossible to cast without the Mage  killing themself in the process, thus marking an irreversible PK of the mage. 


Upscaling Spells

As a Mage grows more proficient in Fire Evocation, spells learnt at previous tiers may be scaled upwards in power according to the mage’s current skill level. This comes with a cost proportionate to that of a spell of the mage’s current tier. For example, while a regular fireball might not exhaust an expert Mage after casting, a fireball upscaled to T4 would render them as exhausted as if they’d cast a T4 spell. 


The Powers of Fire

The powers of Fire Evocation are dangerous and hard to control, especially when starting out. Even masters of this art have some trouble controlling their conjured fire. Yet over the course of years, mastery of fire has come a great way, allowing mages to manipulate their fire to a much finer degree than before.


Abbreviation Key:

N - Non-Combat

C - Combat


Conjure Fire - [T1] [N] 

For artistic and utility purposes, a Fire Evocationist may evoke quantities of fire as they please.




  • This spell has no effect on combat and is intended to be freeform. Flames may be shaped in a variety of ways, such as small butterflies or a clash of swords. 

  • It is limited in the sense that it may not be used in any destructive manner and cannot be incredibly precise (razor thin). 

  • At the very minimum the spell requires [1] emote if small enough to be done in that span of time.


T1: The Mage struggles to conjure fire, but may turn their flame into crude shapes.


T2: Conjuring fire for aesthetic purposes, such as lighting a candle or torch, becomes much less difficult, and addition of crude, yet smaller details becomes possible.


T3: The Mage has proficiently grasped the conjuration of fire for aesthetic purposes. From this point on, ease and level of detail only increases until they reach T5.



  • Cannot be used in a combative/destructive manner.

  • Color of fire cannot be changed.

  • Use common sense when casting. Larger spells will take more emotes. 



Cauterize - [T1] [C]

When in a controlled and less stressful area, a Fire Evocationist may burn other’s own wounds in order to temporarily seal them shut. While this is a very crude and painful method of temporarily sealing wounds, it’s better than bleeding to death or risking infection.




  • A Fire Evocationist may briefly seal the wounds of themselves or others by burning them shut. This method is excruciatingly painful, forming a dark red or even blackened scab around the wound itself.

  • The seal only remains for about one OOC hour and can easily be torn back open. Even after the seal fades, a burn will remain in the formerly sealed area.


T1: Minor cuts and penetrations up to an inch deep may be sealed shut.

[1 connect + 2 cast]


T2: More severe cuts and penetrations up to two inches deep may be sealed shut.

[1 connect + 3 cast]



  • Cannot be used to treat fatal wounds.

  • Pain must be emoted.

  • A Mage must be within arm’s distance of someone in order to cast this spell on them.

  • A Mage may use this on themselves, so long as they are standing still and there is very little distracting them, such as dodging or moving. They cannot cast anything else for up to [2] emotes after using Cauterize on themselves. 


Ignite - [T2] [C]

Among the first combative spells learned by a Fire Evocationist , allowing them to spark a flame to life presuming that the material in question is flammable.




  • This spell requires [1] emote to connect + [1] cast emote. 

  • The material in question must be flammable, such as cloth, wood, or dry grass. 

  • The potency of the flame, the range of the spell, and its ability to spread are based on the tier of the Mage in question.


T2: Within a 3 block radius, the Fire Evocationist may cause hot embers to flare on a flammable material, igniting a small flame. Due to its small size and weak energy, this may be easily smothered by the target unless it begins to spread, but serves as a good distraction.


T3: Within a 4 block radius, a larger palm-sized flame may light upon a flammable surface. This flame may not be easily patted away, and instead would require at least two emotes of extensive smothering to put out, or via water. This flame will spread much faster and can easily bring first, and sometimes second degree burns if unattended.



  • In accordance with the properties of Voidal Fire, once ignite is used, the produced flame is out of the Mage ’s control and may not be further influenced by it.

  • Can not be cast with Combustion.

  • Ignite will only prove effective if cast on a flammable surface.


Flame Projectile - [T2] [C] 

Allows a Fire Evocationist to cast simple projectiles composed completely of flame. Though not totally refined as per the limits of shaping fire, these allow magi a greater affinity for shaping. 




  • A Fire Evocationist may create projectiles to cast towards their targets. 

  • While the size is fairly limited, the shape and detail of the projectile may be more complex than a mere ball of flame. For example, one may choose to create a small knife of flame rather than just a fireball. 


T2: A single projectile of baseball size may be conjured and thrown towards a target, travelling at the speed of an arrow. Upon impact, fire will rapidly spread in a half meter radius up any flammable surface in a series of small flames.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T3: Up to three of the previously described projectiles may be conjured and thrown towards a target, with each additional projectile requiring another emote. 

[1 connect + 1-3 charge + 1 cast]


Alternatively, a single larger projectile about the size of a beach ball may be evoked and cast towards a target, spreading initially in a two meter radius and inflicting second to third degree burns upon impact as flames mercilessly eat away at cloth and flesh.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T4: A projectile roughly a meter in diameter may be conjured through intense focus. Although this iteration bears the same burn severity as tier three, the area of effect is much larger, causing flames to rapidly eat away at anything flammable within a radius of three meters.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]


T5: A large orb of flame two meters in diameter may be conjured through intense focus. Bearing the same burn severity as tier three, the area of effect is much larger, with flames beginning to eat away at anything flammable within a radius of five meters.

[1 connect + 4 charge + 1 cast]


Combustion: Applying Combustion to a baseball-sized projectile causes them to detonate with fierce power, capable of breaking bones and possibly rupture an organ. Beach-ball sized projectiles are much more devastating, breaking many more bones and posing a threat to the victim’s life. Projectiles a meter in diameter or larger are borderline lethal, breaking many bones if made Combustive, and certain to leave the adversary in critical condition. Additionally, it should be noted that Combustive projectiles will have an additional wave of knockback that may either push people back in proportion to their distance to the spell and its tier.



  • Can be any shape for aesthetic purposes only.

  • The shape of the projectile cannot change the effect of the spell. For example, a fire knife cannot be sharp.

  • Travels at arrow speed unless purposefully slowed by the mage.

  • Fire projectiles are never solid unless combustion is added and will simply dissipate upon making contact, leaving several smaller ‘fires’ in the area which it touched.

  • If multiple projectiles are fired at the same time, they must all be fired in the same direction.


Smokescreen - [T3] [C] 

A Fire Evocationist is able to evoke smoke, the byproduct of fire at will, useful for occasions requiring distraction or surprise. 




  • A Fire Evocationist may create a cloud of smoke, the cloud itself able to be any shade of colour ranging from gray to black the Mage wishes without effect on visibility. 

  • When looking through smoke, one will be unable to see more than a meter in front of them very much, save maybe very faint shadows all about. 

  • All spells within the smoke may be held back for 3 additional emotes after initial charging before being released and will dissipate if held for too long.


T2: An impromptu jet of smoke can be conjured for close combat scenarios where a gout of billowing smoke is sent forwards in a range of four blocks.

[1 connect + 1 charge/cast]


T3: A wall of smoke can be conjured in front or around the mage.

[1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast]


T4: A cloud of smoke five meters in radius can be conjured within a range of six blocks, be it around the Mage or funnelled elsewhere.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]



  • A Mage cannot see clearly through their own smoke.

  • Smoke may be uncomfortably warm though it cannot burn.

  • Smoke cannot be used to suffocate, though it may induce uncontrollable and uncomfortable coughing.


Flame Trail - [T3] [C]

Should a Fire Evocationist so wish, they may send a trail of flames spiraling or extending in any direction along the ground. Such a spell can be used for multiple things, such as making a wall of fire or creating a direct line of flame towards a target.




  • A jet of flame may be expelled across the ground in various shapes, such as around the Mage , around a person, or in a linear manner. 

  • Over the course of a single emote, the height of the flames may be changed, scaling between about half a meter to two meters tall. 

  • Flame Trail will only grant 1st degree burns upon brief contact, with the occasional 2nd degree.


T3: A trail of flame may be conjured up to five meters in length, or in the form of a ring around either the Mage  or another person with a radius of two meters. This may be sustained for up to [8] emotes.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T4: A trail of flame up to seven meters in length may be conjured, or in the form of a ring around either the Mage  or another person with a radius of three meters. This may be sustained for up to [8] emotes.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: A trail of flame up to nine meters in length may be conjured, or in the form of a ring around either the Mage  or another person with a radius of four meters. This may be sustained for up to [8] emotes.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]


Combustion: The trail of flame will erupt with explosions as it moves towards the target, having the potential to break a couple bones at most, with mostly just harsh bruising and slight knockback of about one meter.


  • The fire must remain on the ground.

  • Cannot be cast on a wet surface.


Fire Pillar - [T3] [C]

Packing a powerful punch, a proficient Fire Evocationist may create an uprising of fire in a small radius from the surface around them to fry their adversaries.




  • Within a five meter radius, a Mage  can cause fire to rise from a spot on the ground, dealing mostly 2nd degree burns.


T3: The Mage  may cause a burst of fire roughly half a meter in diameter to rapidly rise from a flat surface up to 2 meters in height. The pillar may be sustained for 2 emotes.

This spell requires [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast emotes]


T4: The Fire Evocationist may increase the diameter of the Fire Pillar to be 1 meter thick as opposed to half a meter, and the flames will rise up to 3 meters in height. May sustain for 2 emotes.

This spell requires [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast emotes]


T5: The diameter of the Flame Pillar may increase to 2 meters in diameter, and flames may rise up to a limited height of four meters. May sustain for 2 emotes.

This spell requires [1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast emote]


Combustion: A Fire Pillar made with Combustion would detonate as it rises from the ground, likely to knock the target off their feet and break a bone or two, as well as suffer the general effects of the spell.. Those wearing protective plates would suffer a broken bone at most.



  • Fire Pillar may take on any aesthetic shape, but it does not change the spell’s effect.

  • Fire Pillar’s cast emote may be delayed by an additional two emotes. Otherwise, the spell will activate by default.

  • On the second charge emote, a proper tell is required on the surface being cast on (e.g. embers will flare on the ground or aura will manifest).

  • Incredibly jagged/irregular/wet surfaces may not have Fire Pillar cast upon them.

  • Fire Pillar may only be cast on structural surfaces (you can’t cause Fire Pillar to sprout up directly from something on a person).


Flamethrower - [T4] [C]

By concentrating their fire into a small area, a Fire Evocationist can then effectively project their attack in front of them in the form of a jet of pure fire. Such an attack can be devastating if maintained upon a target for long enough, doing enough damage to near charr their flesh.




  • A continuous fluid-like burst of flame may be propelled by the Mage , instantly dealing 1st-2nd degree burns and even drifting into 3rd if enough contact is held. 

  • This is a very concentration-heavy spell, and as such, would require the Mage  to either be entirely still or move at a pace of one block per emote.


T4: A stream of flame up to four meters in length and a meter in diameter may be cast outwards. It may be sustained for up to [5] emotes.

[1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]


T5: A stream of flame up to six meters in length and two meters in diameter may be cast outwards. It may be sustained for up to [5] emotes.

[1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]



  • Cannot be made Combustive.

  • Requires complete line of sight.


Firestorm - [T4] [C]

By channeling an immense amount of Mana into the area above, a Fire Evocationist may cause projectiles to fall from the sky at an immense speed, capable of easily lighting material aflame as a relentless area of effect spell.




  • Within a ten meter radius, a series of flame projectiles may be called down. 

  • As the spell’s source, the Mage acts as the “eye” of the Firestorm, making them mostly unaffected by it as they are beyond its range. 

  • The Mage  is stationary while casting this spell, and any disruption will cause the spell to fail.


T4: Within a ten meter radius, a series of base-ball sized flame projectiles may be called down from the air above at roughly arrow speed, setting anything flammable ablaze and rapidly spreading. At worst exposure, victims can suffer several 2nd degree burns. Upon being cast, Firestorm will rain down projectiles for three emotes.

[ 1 connect + 4 charge + 1 cast]


T5 [Event only]: Within a fifteen meter radius, a series of basketball sized flame projectiles will fall from the air above roughly at arrow speed, setting anything flammable ablaze and rapidly spreading. 2nd degree burns will be inflicted with the occasional 3rd. This spell will drain most of the Mage ’s Mana after being cast.

[1 connect + 5 charge + 1 cast]



  • The storm cannot be moved once it is cast.

  • Any disruption in casting will cause the storm to immediately disperse.

  • Attempting to make the storm combustive or consist of blue fire is equivalent to conjuring white flame and will result in death and a PK.

  • This spell will never outright kill someone unless they are in a weak state.


Blue Fire - [T4] [C]

By infusing a greater amount of Mana into their spell, a Mage may create a new type of flame which is twice as hot as regular fire, though twice as costly, applying it to their spells and casts. Such flame is much more potent than average, causing devastating damage to descendant flesh and flammable objects alike




  • Blue Fire spreads the same as normal fire, but burns twice as hot, and as a result, easily inflicts 3rd degree burns and leaves charred skin. 

  • Unless specifically red-lined, this attribute may be applied to any spell with the addition of [2] charge emotes added to the spell’s cast time.



  • Does not change the effects of the base spell outside of making it burn hotter.

  • Blue Fire cannot be stacked with Combustion, and vice versa.


Combustion - [T5] [C] 

A destructive augmentation of Fire Evocation, allowing the Mage to make their projectiles explode with deadly blunt force on impact. 




  • This trait takes [1] additional emote to apply to a spell, and must be displayed with an obvious tell, such as air being pulled into the flame. 

  • Upon a projectile with combustion striking an unarmored individual, not only do the general effects of the parent spell apply, but a wave of blunt force will come with it, which will deal specific damage based on the parent spell. 

  • Those clad in thick gambeson or plate would sustain less damage, though an unarmored target may be placed in critical condition should they suffer a direct hit and go unaided. 



  • Combustive projectiles have a range of [10] meters before fizzling out.

  • Combustion cannot be stacked with Blue Fire, and vice versa.

  • Unless specifically stated otherwise, the size of a Combustive explosion is equivalent to the base spell’s area of effect.

  • Being interrupted while charging a combustion spell will result in the exploding, severely wounding or killing the Mage in the process.

  • Applying Combustion will raise a spell’s Mana cost by approximately one tier. If this is applied to a T5 spell or a spell upscaled to T5, it will exhaust a Mage  of all of their usable Mana.

  • You must emote a proper tell for the application of combustion to a spell. 




When used in conjunction with transfiguration, an enchanter can imbue the effects of Fire Evocation into their enchantment, whether that be in the form of a tool, weapon, or other miscellaneous object. The general effects of a Fire Evocation enchantment are to produce flame and project it in some way, shape, or form. In non-creative enchantments, most of the enchantment is limited to producing one of the typical spells of Fire Evocation. However, in the form of creative enchantments, Fire Evocation can be used in much more inventive ways, which can break the limits of the typical caster.




  • All non-creative enchantments must use one of the spells listed above, holding all of its properties aside from not needing to be cast directly due to the fact that it’s an enchantment.

  • Creative Enchantments, while more freeform, must adhere to most of the base redlines of Fire Evocation, aside from any the MArt permits to be cast aside.



  • Cannot enchant in the middle of combat, and one must practice transfiguration to enchant.


Enchantment Spells

Unique spells may be done with enchantments that cannot be performed by the Mage alone.


Enwreathe Object - [T3] [C]

A minor spell wrought of fire conjuration, through which a Mage may imbue an object, such as the blade of a sword, with the ability to light itself aflame. 





  • Flame may be focused upon a specific part of an object or weapon to keep it aflame, giving it a deadly edge in combat. 

  • The effects of the enchantment may last up to [6] emotes on the weapon in question, and takes 2 emotes to activate [1 activate + 1 cast].



  • Unlike other spells, the material in question does not need to be flammable for the fire to maintain, and in fact, should not be.

  • As a clarification, an enchantment like this does not follow the traditional rules of enchantments in the regard that the charge and effect of the enchantment will not be disrupted through blunt force.



Pure Combustion - [C] [T5]

The effect of combustion, that being the explosion of force, may be imbued into an item via enchantment. Such an item would have to be constantly held and could only be wielded by one of sturdy build, such as a construct or seasoned warrior. 





  • Pure Combustion may be applied to an item via Transfiguration and, once activated, explode with force outwards of a chosen point. 

  • Someone being struck with such a weapon as it combusts has the potential to break a couple bones if unarmored, with even the possibility of a ruptured organ. 

  • An enchantment like this would have to be constantly held and could only be wielded by one of sturdy build (such as a construct or seasoned warrior) and be resistant to the recoil of the detonation. 

  • Should someone of non-muscular makeup like a learned Voidal Mage  use a Pure Combustion enchantment, the recoil would be strong enough to break their arms and hands. 

  • The item can only be used once per combat scenario, and requires 2 emotes to use [1 activate + 1 cast].



  • Application of Pure Combustion to an Enchantment requires a valid MA in Transfiguration.

  • Pure Combustion may be applied to an enchantment, but these enchantments will fail to work if the user ceases contact with the enchantment (no frag grenades). 

  • Pure Combustion enchantments may only be effectively wielded by those of strong build (constructs or rather muscular) to sustain the recoil of the enchantment’s detonation. Anyone on par or below the strength of a Voidal Mage  would suffer from broken arms and hands even with adequate protection.

  • The item the enchantment is placed on must be made out of Arcanium or Magegold in order to hold the sheer amount of Mana required the enchantment uses.

  • As a clarification, an enchantment like this does not follow the traditional rules of enchantments in the regard that the charge and effect of the enchantment will not be disrupted through blunt force.




Tier Progression

As any sort of skill or art requires practice and dedication, so too does the art of Fire Evocation requires time, effort, and study in order to be mastered. While some mages may seem to master their magic faster than others, there is a bare minimum requirement for how long it takes for the Mage to reach each tier. They are listed below.


* Marks Enchantment-unique spells


T1 - Novice

The Mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few small sparks before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one square meter at [T1]. The detail level of fire at this stage is very crude, practically nonexistent  as they can only conjure up to a few sparks before becoming exhausted. This stage is typically used for studying fire itself, rather than casting.


T2 - Apprentice

The Mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to use conjured fire in combat to a limited extent. They can mold simple shapes, though nothing complex or large. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Ignite, Flame Projectile


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of fire at this stage is still rather crude, though the Mage is able to conjure flames with moderate success. This is the stage where the first lessons of real combative casting typically begin.


T3 - Adept 

The Mage has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure much more threatening spells. They also are able to form their fire into more defined shapes, albeit a bit crude. Lasts five [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Ignite, Flame Projectile, *Enwreathe Object, Smokescreen, Flame Trail


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of fire at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube. They may now learn to use their flame more effectively in combat as well as begin to conjure smoke.


T4 - Expert

The Mage now has nearly mastered their fiery element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Lasts six [OOC] weeks.



Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Ignite, Flame Projectile, *Enwreathe Object,  Smokescreen, Flame Trail, Flamethrower, Firestorm, Blue Fire 


Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of twenty-five square meters [T4]. The detail level of fire at this stage is much more precise, able to have more refined details in their fire, albeit still a bit more crude. The Evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and is able to use their fire diversely in combat.


T5 - Master

The Mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their fire to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before. 



Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Ignite, Flame Projectile, *Enwreathe Object,  Smokescreen, Flame Trail, Flame Shield, Flamethrower, Firestorm, Blue Fire, Combustion, *Pure Combustion


General Redlines of Fire Evocation

  • A Fire Evocationist cannot control real flame, only flame conjured from the Void, as well as voidal flame that makes contact with the real world. For example, if a Fire Evocationist sets a house on fire, they cannot simply will the fire away.

  • All spells are only limited by line of sight, with any spell being cast outside a radius of [20] meters requiring an additional emote for every [5] meters unless a hard range is specified in a spell.

  • All spells require line of sight. Should this crucial factor be taken away from the mage, they cannot cast.

  • Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, one could make small birds out of Fire Evocation as projectiles only, though not as primordial conjurations but rather just projectiles that appear like birds.

  • Fire is only limited to the colors of orange and blue.

  • Conjuring White Fire will result in an irreversible PK due to heat intensity or Mana exhaustion.



The purpose of this lore was to create a Fire Evocation rewrite that has been slightly revamped and added to in some places in order to more accurately reflect the server’s gradual move out of Flam Era lore criteria. This is part of a cooperative initiative between ST and players to rework and slightly touch up on Evocation. It should be noted that much of the flavorful descriptions and word choice used in this lore are largely reminiscent of Pundimonium’s, if not exactly the same



Pundimonium - Author of previous Fire Evocation write, format.

Isaac - Rewrote and clarified most spells and mechanics found within this lore.

Johann, Kunuk and SquakHawk - Gave new ideas for spells and assisted with writing.

Toxzero, Gladuous - Original Authors



Pundi’s Fire Evocation Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187996-%E2%9C%93-magic-lore-fire-evocation/

Toxzero’s Fire Evocation Lore prior to lore games: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163032-fire-evocation-lore/



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The Ideal Fire Evocationist

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kunuk is the avatar

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A few neat changes, don't know if it needed a full rewrite though.

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2 minutes ago, Sri said:

A few neat changes, don't know if it needed a full rewrite though.

The way we wanted to implement the changes where just so immense (with how it was going to be formated), that we decided on just making a new rewrite instead of a massive amendment post.

if we did go with the amendment post, it would literally look exactly like this. Thus a rewrite was considered to be a better way to fix everything, rather then having to go back into the old write and fix it section by section

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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