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Written by Philip Hughes de Rosius Esquire, from The Supreme Order Of Exalted Owyn


A thesis as tasked by Holy Sir August Jazloviecki.



Swordsmanship; a very essential thing for those who wish to become the combatants for GOD and to guard those who spread his word. One must become educated on this part of becoming a part of the Order. For the protection of the Canonist flock is the utmost important for the perseverance of our faith.


The important aspects of swordsmanship for a Squire of the Order are;


Your faith,

“Lo and attend, for I am the Lord GOD, and I am in the foremost part of heaven. Though the spring flower withers and the fruit of the tree falls to the ground, My Word lasts into the eve of the world, and the fruit of virtue cannot rot.” - 3. Canticle of Temperance, 1-2


Your perseverance, 

“And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My trials are the holy trials, and My cure is the virtuous cure, and all the reliefs of the Virtue are open to the righteous forbearer.” - Canticle of Patience 10.


And the will to protect the Canonist people, 

And if need be; take the risk of meeting your demise while doing so.  For one of the most Holy Order must be able to sacrifice his life to save another; even in the most dangerous times. For it is GOD that provides you with the blessing of knowing how to handle a sword to protect others. 


For some, swordsmanship is a GOD-gifted skill. But most do still have to train themselves in order to become the best. As you wield your sword; know that there are important people watching you from the Seven Skies; for they are your motivation to become a swordsman; those people are; The Almighty One GOD, his Angels and those who are with them right now. With GOD on your side and together with your skill as a swordsman; you shall succeed in protecting those who you love; your Canonist Brothers and Sisters and His Holiness, High Pontiff Everard VI. 





Philip Hughes de Rosius Esquire

Squire of The Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn




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Holy Sir August nodded his head, a wide smile appeared on his face as he started to read the treatise

"Good job, Armiger Philip...I knew you are a capable manhe said under his breath








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