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A Game of Hide and Seek


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12th of Tov and Yermey, 411 ES



The painting would depict the Kortrevich triplets in their youth, playing hide and seek within the walls of Jerovitz. Their mother Tatiana watching over them, adorned in the colors of their house, circ. 385 E.S.

[!] A missive would be sent around, stamped with the Kortrevich wax seal…

“To the citizens, friends, family, and allies of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

You all are formally invited to the County of Jerovitz for a feast, followed by a game of hide and seek.When I reflect upon my early childhood spent within the company of my siblings, I can only recall that such games brought us closer. I wish to stir up some of that childish delight once more. The beautiful halls of Jerovitz have settled in dust and silence for far too long, so I ask you all to join me to witness a new era for the House Kortrevich."


The itinerary for the day is as follows…




This feast will be the first to come. Everyone in attendance will gather to listen to a speech from the Lord Kortrevich present. Following will be a meal, prepared and served within the dining hall of the keep. As soon as the meal is over, the games will be set to begin.




The first game will be led by the children who are in attendance. The seeker will be chosen at random and the time allotted to find everyone within Jerovitz will depend on the number of those who attend. If the seeker finds everyone, then they will be awarded a mina prize of 50! Everyone who still has not been found when the time ends will split a prize of 100 mina (Or 50 if only one)!

Then there will be a second game, everyone who is in attendance will be allowed to play. It will work the same as the first game, except instead of one seeker- we will elect two. If the seekers find everyone, they will be awarded a mina prize of 100! Everyone who still has not been found when the time ends will be awarded a small mina prize as well.




His Lordship, Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich





This event will be on Sunday, February 13th @ 4pm est (Or right after Duma)



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Borris Kortrevich jumped up and down, his hands clapping after he was read the poster. . A party at Jerovitz?! Yam so excited! Yam going to invite all of mea friends!

Edited by tcs_tonsils_
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A creature deep within a northern forest recalls an enjoyable game of hide and seek they had played with a Kortrevich some years ago.

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