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Of Power and Precision

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Of Power and Precision



"A piper spends half his time tuning and the other half playing out of tune"




[!] A poster is placed in various places throughout Urguan

I am sick and tired of the lack of standardization and proper use of an instrument so subject to dimwits who think they know what they're doing. As such, I am out to announce that I have compiled the tunes of old from all corners of the kingdom, and some abroad, into two forms of pipe music: Glymja Varekan and Glymja Ahran or in common: Light music and Big music. This new anthology of tunes will serve as a base to teach those new to the art and those who think they know what they are doing but are horribly mistaken. 


The defined art of playing the bagpipes is far more delicate than many presume. The brash nature of those who play it and in the manner they often play it gives it a reputation not befitting of skill required to balance the acute balance of simultaneous power and precision. If any of those who don't know what they are doing seek to learn the fine balance come seek me out and I would appreciate being able to spread the art in the way it was meant to be played.


If you do choose to find me, be prepared to begin your work on a practice chanter, as I teach the proper way, I am willing to make and sell them to you by my own hand or you may come with your own if you like. Understand that finding the balance of power and precision requires much work and many years of study. The theory behind it all requires even more. While I hope to have eased the process through the standardization of movements such as taorluaths and leumluaths it is still an intense study.


-Craegorn Grimgold

Tagar Tazarak






I'm a bagpiper irl and as such its my eternal duty to constantly mock various media form's showing and representation of bagpipes. I have literally only seen one movie ever that has gotten the basics right. Anyway, I figured I might as well see LOTC have properly represented bagpipes if I'm here. I've seen some... incorrect rp surrounding them so I said to myself why not fix it since I'm here. I'll be teaching actual bagpipe music theory and methods if you're interested.

Fun Fact: Glymja Varekan and Glymja Ahran aren't just names I made up, they're the dwarven names for the 2 main categories of bagpipe music: Ceol Beag and Ceol Mor/Piobaireachd.




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A wood elf wandering through Urguan lands happens to come across one such poster. With a curious gaze, he pulls out a notebook and records the writer's name. "That's a plan, then. Always had a passin' interest in them pipes." The elf grins happily to himself, continuing on his way.


When might his journey lead him to this dwarf? Only the Song could say.

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Ajax frostbeard reads the missive somewhat confused "Searching for tunes far n wide across the kingdom, and then some... I do hope a few of my songs make the cut.. Allfather knows I've been one of the few musicians and composers of the entirety of our people to publish works in the past 50 years... I'd be sad if I get overlooked once more.."

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