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Landing Lanterns


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L A N D I N G  L A N T E R N S




[ 着陸灯籠 ]


After prolonged and tedious months of journeying upon a single ship, the staunch people of Oshima have made vigorous haste - landing near the Kingdom of Haense and being welcomed by their rather hospitable subjects. As they wait impassively for their own land to call home, the Oshiman seem to make do with the vessel their people landed within. To pass the everlasting time, it is seen fit to hold a celebration of sorts to commemorate the devoted and unswerving spirits of the Oshima individuals. 




Feast of Humble Spirits

With the disembarkation of the ship after months of travelling upon harsh seas and climates, the feeling of land has become a strange comfort. The taste of normal food is a luxury the Oyashiman followers long for, and such is at their grasps as land is present in front of them. This effervescent occasion will begin with a collection of different delectable dishes for those to dine upon, popular ones including yakiniku - barbecued bite sized meats in an array of different Oyashiman seasonings and flavours and nimono - a heavenly simmered dish containing shiru stock and seasoned with sake and soy sauce. All seasonings being stored upon the vessel for such a juncture!


Landing Lanterns

An array of lanterns - all intricately crafted and stitched by the unfaltering hands of women Oshimans - will be handed out to all in attendance. All are encouraged to write a pragmatic or positive message to their future self upon the surface of the lantern, an encouraging symbol of growth and healing. As we approach a full moon, it is considered a time to meditate, reflect and observe our actions and how we act upon them as a collective. At sundown, everyone’s lantern will be lit and plopped into the water in a methodical manner, floating outwards towards the sea and far away from the shoreline. Each Oshima inhabitant silently observes the ordeal, wishing that somehow their wishes will transpire and become tangible!







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Akahana began to work away at preparing the spices and cuisines required, at least with directing around Xiang Yu to make preparations for her.  The woman then made preparations to begin inviting those she has met along her travels through Almaris. 

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Aigiarn Sayana sits within her private quarters in the boat, unable to attend the landing today due to her weak health! Nonetheless, she nods her head happily upon finally arriving on land. The Aigiarn made sure to, at the very least, make her way around  to ensure that she had placed the appropriate protection talismans about the vessel.

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Saigō smiles at the thought of eating proper food after braving days upon days with just a ration of rice pickled food. For now, the man must rest as a long journey awaits him within the land they've landed. Yet, his mind wasn't at rest from seeing foreign men who showed them new food and strange custom such as "Handshaking". 

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