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Stand Together

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A Mali’thill treads forth upon the slight podium, located within the Silver District of Haelun’or, it had been a long two days indeed, of riding to allies, of assisting where she could to drive out the enemies of the Silver Phoenix that tried to lay their roots within the city. The sash wrapped around her waist blew with the gentle breeze that rolled over Haelun’or, as her dulled eyes blankly stared over the once again bustling city.

Tales of this speech may travel far and wide, the ‘thill did not care if the enemies of the Silver Phoenix, of Haelun’or, of Larihei, heard them or not, for they are of little consequence. As she stepped furthermore, her fingers clasped around the cane she held, that retained bark upon its form, a set of hands laid upon the railing, and so she began her speech.



“Hear my voice! These past two Elven days have been filled with chaos, chaos sowed into our city by those who refuse to accept that Ivarielle had Haelun’or handed to her justly. There are likely some of those who do not know my history with Haelun’or, I will briefly explain, I arrived in the Silver State several Elven Months ago, my intentions were simple. I wished to help Haelun’or however I could, I had assisted the old barkeep and had plans to aid with the agriculture of Haelun’or. But I left, like many others at the time, I believe only two remained.
This was due to Sohaer Kolvar Uradir’s inaction, the lack of a Maheral, the lack of progress caused many to leave, so as Larihei did, dissatisfied with Malin’s Realm, many of us left in search of what we innately yearn for, progression and knowledge.


I did from time to time, briefly return to look upon the matters of Haelun’or as they unfolded, as Sohaer Braxus Ni’Leya had obtained the position Sohaer, his tenure during such, is disappointing, to say the least. I knew from one event, that this man single-handedly is the reason Haelun’or suffers so as it does today. In a room from what I gathered containing twenty individuals, he spoke of a better future, of how he was going to form alliances with the other Nations, even those that support Ivarielle’s claims at the time. An individual spoke up, are these Nations to be trusted? They had asked, informing Braxus Ni’Leya of the events that had supposedly transpired in Oren, of how the Emperor was murdered so another may take the Empire. His response, in this very public meeting, was to remark.

‘Which of these snakes are to be trusted?’ He rhetorically inquired of the gathered crowd.

Not a single alliance was signed, from what I recall, with Sohaer Braxus. With his remarks, he painted a target upon all who resided in Haelun’or, and put countless lives in danger with careless words. Anywho claims to be a leader of a group has one ultimate duty, the duty to those that follow them, to protect them from the dangers of the world, to aid them when missteps are taken, to guide them to a better place. Though as a result of Sohaer Braxus’ words, whatever hope there was for a peaceful future was tarnished with a single sentence.


After such, my visits became rarer and rarer, as I sought out whatever knowledge and skills I could, because despite my efforts, to try and warn Sohaer Braxus, to offer mercy, to listen to reason, to change for a better future, he simply refused, completely unaware of the dark clouds he brought upon Haelun’or and himself, for he believe he could do no wrong, so he did not listen to any others, despite whatever warning any could have been given to him. 


His response to the Princedom’s movement was simply to belittle it, yet twice he was captured, to give Haelun’or peacefully to Ivarielle, but he spoke like a mad man. Simply pretended that we were not a threat, for that we did not exist, that no Mali’aheral of any kind would support Ivarielle’s movement. Blatantly, he was dead wrong. We existed, hearing the insults as our people and rightful home was being dragged through the dirt, yet still for months did she offer mercy to them. 


Some Mali’aheral simply do not understand our ways, and of how the world functions, we are a people of progress. Progress is change, of moving forth into a brighter future. Progress is rebirth, as Larihei’s pursuit for progress ultimately blessed the blood that flows through us. 


No longer will we suffer fools who can not change.”




“Some might call into question Ivarielle herself, that she is naught but a murdering bandit, so tell me, if she were a murdering bandit, why has she dedicated herself to Mali kind, to Larihei’s flock. I recall when Fenn was set upon dark retainers, that sought to kill the Fennic people, she stood forth, and with power that she had gathered and trained over years, unleashed a colossus inferno to drive them right back, though this was without great strain upon herself as she fell upon the snow-covered ground. Others would have perished doing what she did, but by Malin’s Blood, by Larihei’s Blessed Blood that flows through her veins she survived and awoke in due time. She was willing to lay down her life for what she believed in, to stand with her people and allies, but I hear no tales of such bravery from those who constantly slander her name, at the first sight of ‘trouble’, they flee as fast and far as they can. They have to spread constant lies about Ivarielle, to slander her name, to make her feared,  because ultimately, they have no other recourse. Through her talkings of individuals, not constant attempts to brainwash those who follow her, like those of the Hydra, were she able to sway the entire realm against Haelun’or’s old leadership that was frankly stagnant. She has from nothing, formed an invincible force to protect all Mali’thill, yet none since Kolvar sought to build a force to protect their own home, and as such be unable to deal with the Voidal Hollow that threaten all within the realm.

No longer will we suffer from leaders who are impotent.”




“They lie constantly, yet they change their lies at the same rate they spew them, I am unsure if their lying is on purpose, or if they’re genuinely unwell in mind, having grand delusions overtake them. Anywho were ACTUALLY present likely know what I speak of that unfolded in Haelun’or, a crazed Mali the prior day was speaking of conspiracy, of some hidden national power that was taking control from the ‘rightful’ National power or some such claim, and that the ‘women’ were taking control of the city. I was furious, at such slander being spoken, the unfiltered opinion of a Mali who is convinced that Mali’thill women are evil, such are primitive views not befitting of our kind, but yet, I also felt sorry for him.


The Hydra has utterly deluded those who have opted to follow him, into nothing more than lowly, deranged insurgents. First, they claim that we, those who truly care about progressing our people, are nothing more than ‘invaders’ from Fenn, but then as that outburst I spoke of tells, some shadowy National power that lies in the waits, to randomly seize control of what they already controlled? Such monumental claims, though they are conflicting, are they not, lliran? They attempt to deceive those who are unable to be around, in hopes that they will believe their falsehoods so that they may gather support for their stagnant cause. It was ironic that the Hydra accused me of violence, yet he approached me, Warhammer clutched within his grasp, before quickly fleeing and shouting in the distance, like the coward he is.


Yet they claim they speak for the majority of those who are older in Haelun’or. Is this the legacy they believe that you and our ancestors taught, through your words and actions, to believe and spread erratic lies, to attempt to sway the opinion of whoever listens to the vile they attempt to sow? To act upon and hold primitive views upon gender? To try and disrupt what should have been a peaceful transfer of power? 


No longer will we suffer attempts to destabilise Haelun’or.” 




"So I ask all you, lliran, to simply stand together. We must remain vigilant at all times, they will  simply take hold of what they can, be it through attempts to take buildings, or your opinion to taint them with nothing more than slander. Make no mistake, these people, if given the chance, would’ve taken you one by one, to butcher you, as I know they have done before. Do not fall for the, they will constantly and thoroughly attempt to pick through anything those who have sided with the rightful Sohaer Ivarielle, and even fabricate lies if they so believe is necessary in order for them to regain control of Haelun’or for their own benefit, not the Mali’aheral. For those who still remain undecided in this conflict, in this battle of the very meaning of Haelun’or, of the Mali’Aheral, if you are of ‘Aheral blood, I implore you, to speak with Ivarielle in person, not third hand accounts of those who barely have met Ivarielle, let alone not even spoken with her. For those who would seek to sow more chaos upon the blessed land Haelun’or, you are not welcome. You are nothing more than cowards that deserve nothing from the blood and sweat of the labour we have spent, for your actions against Haelun’or hold us back.

The world is watching us, lliran, make the right choice. We should not be found wanting, however this attempted and pitiful insurrection ends. With pride I call out.

Haleun’or Ay’Ivarielle
Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya"


So the woman concluded, a rare smile upon her face, as she turned to step away from where she stood, a passionate display of her thoughts upon the state of affairs.



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The Silver Lubba shouts towards his men of The Silver Lubba Band holding the city secure alongside his allies "Eshtael keeps balance, Eternal we stand. Together." 

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Ivarielle stood behind Laerdya as she spoke outward to the filled streets, her gaze searching the crowd for Republicans- yet she could not find any! Truly, though, this made her sad- as for all intensive purposes there was no competition, the few rats that scurried through the streets during the night fleeing once more.

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Celiasul furtively peeks through her curtains to see how the streets of Haelun'or are now:



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6 minutes ago, UnBaed said:

Celiasul furtively peeks through her curtains to see how the streets of Haelun'or are now:





A group of Fennic peacekeepers are drawing straws for the last alcohol ration in the middle of the street.

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As the speech is given, a citizen calls out. "There is no need to lie! She IS a Kinslayer and murderer! Admitted not only by others, but also herself! Impure! If you fear the citizenry taking individuals one at a time, then your solution is the same? Why do YOU do the SAME! YOU even admit you were a non-citizen! A deserter of this place!" He calls again later "To abandon your freedoms to a Tyrant who comes forth as enemy to kill us! You show your colors, servants of the Deepstate. You seek to cast delusion to those around! As usual of your ways, as slaves to worms! You say you are lawful, yet you participate in crime! Stagnation? BAH! Quite literally intended by the deepstate to buy them more time, greater opportunity. After all, was it not our brightest most effective councilors who were slain? Why did they avoid the false Valwynn? Because since the beginning this was a plot by 'Them'. It matters not gender. It just so happened 'The Girls' were this deepstate sorority.

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9 minutes ago, SteppeNomad said:

As the speech is given, a citizen calls out. "There is no need to lie! She IS a Kinslayer and murderer! Admitted not only by others, but also herself! Impure! If you fear the citizenry taking individuals one at a time, then your solution is the same? Why do YOU do the SAME! YOU even admit you were a non-citizen! A deserter of this place!" He calls again later "To abandon your freedoms to a Tyrant who comes forth as enemy to kill us! You show your colors, servants of the Deepstate. You seek to cast delusion to those around! As usual of your ways, as slaves to worms! You say you are lawful, yet you participate in crime! Stagnation? BAH! Quite literally intended by the deepstate to buy them more time, greater opportunity. After all, was it not our brightest most effective councilors who were slain? Why did they avoid the false Valwynn? Because since the beginning this was a plot by 'Them'. It matters not gender. It just so happened 'The Girls' were this deepstate sorority.

Ivarielle swears she could hear someone calling out from behind the gate, but she dismissed it.

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"The bandit elf is only held in power by bandits and foreign forces such as the snow elves." remarked Walton.

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