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Blessed Prerogative


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Pinned around Haelun’or, is the following missive


Blessed Prerogative


5th of The Deep Cold, 

Year 69 - S.A







It is through my blessed prerogative, so inherited by the will of elMalauriran, those most blessed who have come before, that I decree an end to this current conflict which ravages our dearest Haelun’or. I have heard the cries of elMali’thill. The fate of our cihi, shall be decided via an election of Sohaer, the culmination of which, shall, without dispute, signal a new dawn for our Silver State. I urge those who style themselves ‘republican’, and those who support Ivarielle Ibarellan, who styles herself ‘Uthir’, to, and with immediate effect, cease all hostilities to ensure the legitimacy of this election.


For too long, has Haelun’or been plunged into disarray. For too long, has wanton murder and bloodshed held a fierce grip over this State. For too long, has vice held a stranglehold over virtue. 


The time has come for the citizenry of Haelun’or, to decide who shall rule over Haelun’or, as her Sohaer. Those who wish to run in this election, may announce their candidacy below.


This election shall be supervised by elMalauriran who shall oversee the counting of legitimate, pure votes to ensure the legitimacy of this ancient institution. 


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya 




Maheral Braxus Ni’leya

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[!] Alaion Miravaris would, upon seeing this, immediately issue his own self-nomination.


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ChildTea shrugs, beyond caring at this point. I would vote, but it would change nothing.. and I'm not even a citizen, despite all I did for them.

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"Instead of self declarations and the spouting of titles, let us hope the wisdom of our elven years may finally shine through this conflict.  We are elves, immortal with this blessed blood and headstrong; we are not a flock of lost cattle needing herding and we make complete fools of ourselves to wish to cut the extended years of our kin so short for a squabble like this."  Celiasul had found herself writing into her journal again, seated on her bed.  The filled pages were illuminated by the flickering candle on her nightstand.  She hadn't taken up this hobby again until recently, it took her a great deal of effort to wish to sift through any of her thoughts or memories.  For many years, too many, she made the nasty habit of avoiding such things.  Yet, it was times of turmoil as these where she was often in that sullen wakefulness in the small hours of the morning, unable to lift that flask of hers to her lips to dull the sharp edges of her lucidity anymore for the thought of such an image began to leave her disgusted with herself.


"So much foolishness I have come to see, and all in the name of Larihei.  She is gone, no longer among our people; the closest we shall have to her is our memory.  Yet there are those who speak for Larihei's behalf, offering assuring words of prosperity and dignity returning to the name of our people.  How is it that no one sees the wickedness in these promises, for either elf?  We've assumed ourselves to be too high.  These elves, foreign and local. . claim to know the sight of Larihei and what she desires for us; they presume themselves to be too close to her.  They know what Larihei desires, for it is also what they desire."


"The day will come where they will drown in their own reflections, and drag the rest of us with them."

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"I always loved democracy." A crusty delusional Elf says to his wife and daughter.

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2 hours ago, UnBaed said:

"Instead of self declarations and the spouting of titles, let us hope the wisdom of our elven years may finally shine through this conflict.  We are elves, immortal with this blessed blood and headstrong; we are not a flock of lost cattle needing herding and we make complete fools of ourselves to wish to cut the extended years of our kin so short for a squabble like this."  Celiasul had found herself writing into her journal again, seated on her bed.  The filled pages were illuminated by the flickering candle on her nightstand.  She hadn't taken up this hobby again until recently, it took her a great deal of effort to wish to sift through any of her thoughts or memories.  For many years, too many, she made the nasty habit of avoiding such things.  Yet, it was times of turmoil as these where she was often in that sullen wakefulness in the small hours of the morning, unable to lift that flask of hers to her lips to dull the sharp edges of her lucidity anymore for the thought of such an image began to leave her disgusted with herself.


"So much foolishness I have come to see, and all in the name of Larihei.  She is gone, no longer among our people; the closest we shall have to her is our memory.  Yet there are those who speak for Larihei's behalf, offering assuring words of prosperity and dignity returning to the name of our people.  How is it that no one sees the wickedness in these promises, for either elf?  We've assumed ourselves to be too high.  These elves, foreign and local. . claim to know the sight of Larihei and what she desires for us; they presume themselves to be too close to her.  They know what Larihei desires, for it is also what they desire."


"The day will come where they will drown in their own reflections, and drag the rest of us with them."

A handsome beautiful elf finished a tour in an outer realm. Having heard the will of Larihei first hand! Though he held strong views, the bend before her facts and logic!

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