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Back to Her Roots



A portrait of Sanja Kutznetsov, and her young daughter Dijana.




    Through the loud stormy night, Alexander Kutznetsov coughed and coughed, his fever rising within each passing minute. He laid there, tended by his dutiful wife, and looked upon by his concerned children in the small doorway of the bedroom. 

      Sanja hushed her love softly, pressing a cold cloth to his forehead near frantically. His body had rejected the food she attempted to feed him, and she was at a loss for what she should do. Tears pierce in her eyes as she stares down upon him, but she does not cry. 

       Medics had been called, but many were much too busy with a noble patient of theirs. The Kutznetsov family was placed second on the list. It was expected, for a peasant to not be as important as a noble, but in this case of life or death, who knew if the roles should have been reversed. 

       The storm of the night raged on, as well as the coughs of Sanja’s beloved. She grew frantic as his breaths became short. She sputtered out nonsense, proclaiming her love for him, pleasing him to hang on, and an assortment of other things all at once. She felt her heart beating out of her chest.

      Through broken breaths, Alexander managed to express his own love for his wife, and his two beautiful children. “I’ll get to meet Nikolai,” he notes with a saddened smile, causing the reality to set in for his family. 

       Sanja reached down, hugging onto him with all her might, and he reciprocated, weakly. It wouldn’t even be thirty seconds into their last embrace before his arms would go limp, and his breathing would pause. 

        He was dead.

        The family mourned for his loss then, though keeping mostly to themselves in this time of strife. Though if anything was made clear during this whole situation, to the commoners and the few nobles who cared to hear the news, 

         It was that the Haeseni Harlot was back on the prowl. Hide your husbands.




Xoxoxoxoxo luv u stal 

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Johann Barclay hurried off to find a certain Duke of Vidaus, so that the two could prepare their joint response in case any rumors started to spread around ... again.

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"Poor Marie," murmured the Duke of Valwyck, yet remained relieved as he remembered he had the she's actually my bastard half-sister card in case of allegations.

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The Duchess of Vidaus scowled, bitterly remembering the trouble Sanja had plagued her with in their youth, how she had led her precious betrothed astray...


It would not happen again.

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Milo Kutznetsov weeps in his bed as he laments the loss of his dear Brother in law.. Not being able to bear being locked up in his home any longer, rises from his small bed. He makes his way to the door of the farm house, he picks up his boots, strapping upon his feet.. And out for a walk he goes.

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