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Renewed Hospital of St. Amyas Code of Conduct

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Renewed Hospital of St. Amyas Code of Conduct

As of the 9th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 75 of the Second Age

As of Wzuvar ag Byvca, 424 E.S.








On Medical Personnel:

  • Surgeon General: The head medic of the hospital and in charge of everything relating to health and recovery of all citizens and allies of Hanseti-Ruska. This includes: running and maintaining the hospital, educating all apprentices and practitioners in the ways of medicine, and assisting in BSK operations as either a combat medic or a field doctor.

  • Deputy Surgeon General: The second in command to the Surgeon General and appointed as they see fit. Their duties are to educate practitioners and apprentices while acting as the Surgeon General while they are not currently present.

  • Physician: A medic that has completed the training and passed the exam given by the clinic management. They may practice medicine within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and accompany the BSK on operations where the medic corps is required.

  • Apprentice: A medic that has not completed the training and/or has not passed the exam given by the clinic management. They often assist physicians with patients to gain practical or theoretical knowledge as teaching, and many gain the opportunity to treat patients when physicians are unavailable or occupied.

    • An apprentice may only perform on patients with injuries they have been fully taught in.

    • An Apprentice may not perform autopsies or enter the morgue without the supervision of a licensed practitioner or higher.

  • Auxiliary Medical Personnel: A medic that does not reside in the Kingdom and has been verified by the Surgeon General in order to practice medicine in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. 

  • Active Duty: Any Practitioner or Higher informing the Surgeon General or Deputy SG they are on active duty before giving care to a patient, if they enter the hospital of St. Amyas upon a medic being summoned or attending official missions with the BSK will be deemed as an active duty practitioner. 



On Defining Medical Terminology:

  • Medic: Any practitioner or higher with sufficient training and licensing.

  • Combat Medic: A medic trained to fight and treat the wounded while in a battle setting. In order to be a full Combat Medic, one must have licensing from the Hospital and be at least an Oathedman in the BSK.

  • Alchemist: A person with the knowledge of the science of Alchemy. They are versed with the application of and knowledge to craft alchemical solutions.

  • Therapist: A medic with specialization in mental health and trauma. 

  • Herbalist: A medic who specialize in the use of, harvesting and culturing of herbs in their treatment.

  • Midwife: A medic who specialises in labour and pregnancy in women.

  • Family Nurse/Doctor: A medic who specialises in the care of children through infancy to adulthood.

  • Malpractice: When a medic purposefully injures/cripples/ kills a patient, causes physical or mental harm to a patient, and/or practices without proper training or proper license, that medic shall be banned from practicing medicine in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska on the grounds of malpractice. 

    • Malpractice can be brought up in the Aulic courts by an injured party (wronged patient or family) seeking monetary reperations for the negligence or misconduct.

  • Autopsy: A study of a dead being for the purposes of determining a cause of death or furthering an education of the personnel of the hospital.

    • Invasive: An autopsy where the cadaver is cut open for one of two purposes: to determine cause of death when a non-invasive autopsy is unable to do so or to provide further knowledge of the body to the Hospital staff.

    • Non-Invasive: An autopsy where the corpse is not cut open for the purpose of determining the cause of death. The corpse must remain intact till the next of kin or state is able to come collect said corpse.

  • Cadaver: A deceased body meant to be studied for furthering the education of the Hospital staff.

  • Corpse: A deceased body stored in the morgue until the next of kin or state come to collect said body for funeral rites.

  • Clinical Trespassing: When a person not injured or a part of hospital staff is interfering with hospital operations.



On The Medical Licensing Process: 

  • Lessons: The Apprentice wishing to become a full practitioner must complete each lesson in the Hospital curriculum under the Surgeon General or Deputy Surgeon General.

  • The Written Medical Exam: Once the Apprentice has completed the training and has gotten the approval of the Surgeon General, they may then take the written exam. This exam will cover hospital policy and procedure while also covering theoretical events where medical knowledge is needed to make the call. 

  • Licensing: Once an Apprentice or applying Auxiliary Medic has completed the medical exam, they are then qualified for a medical license to practice in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska after taking the oath of a Doctor with the Surgeon General.

    • Should any Practitioner or Auxiliary Personnel practice without a license or have gotten their license revoked, they will be banned from practicing medicine within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and if caught will be brought before the court for malpractice.  

    • Should the Surgeon General or Deputy Surgeon General lose their license, they will be stripped of their position, banned from practice, and brought before the court for malpractice and gross incompetence.



On Patient Care:

  • Physicians are entitled to refuse to treat a patient if they are not on active duty.

    • Only the King or the Lord Palatine may overrule this unless at least one of, but not limited to one, the below mentioned conditions are met:

      • They are a Non-descendant creature

      • Have a bad history with the medic in question

      • Have assaulted (verbally or physically) the medic in question

      • Have disregarded previous orders from a practitioner or higher

    • If the patient gets severely crippled, wounded, or dies due to the practitioner refusing to treat the patient when not on active duty, the practitioner cannot be held liable if the patient falls under any of the above mentioned categories.

    • If the practitioner is on active duty they may only refuse treatment if their life is under threat by the patient.

  • Patients may refuse treatment so long as they are fully conscious when the attending medic arrives.

    • Only the Koeng or the Lord Palatine may overrule this should they or the Surgeon General informing them deem it necessary.

    •  Another descendant or next of kin may not refuse on behalf of the patient if said patient is unconscious.


On Morgue Procedures:

  • Entry into the Morgue shall be restricted to the Surgeon General and Deputy Surgeon General. Practitioners and the Lord Palatine may request permission, but this permission must be acquired each entry into the morgue. Apprentices and Auxiliary personnel may only be down in the morgue under the watch of the Surgeon General or Deputy Surgeon General.

  • Proper Care of Corpses and Cadavers will be left to the Surgeon General and Deputy Surgeon General. Each corpse and cadaver will be stored for 13 months before being cremated. This is to prevent a viral pandemic to break out. If the corpse does not have family or the family has not come to collect the corpse, it must be burned.

  • Lessons can be held in the morgue for practical skills. These lessons shall be held by the Surgeon General or Deputy Surgeon General presiding. Only Apprentices and other hospital staff may be down in the morgue if a lesson is taking place there. All others will be asked to leave lest they be charged with clinical trespassing.

  • Cremation will take place when: the corpse has not been collected after 13 months and no family or the state has stated otherwise after being contacted or the cadaver has not been used in 13 months to prevent disease from spreading.

  • Reports will be written by the Surgeon General or Deputy Surgeon General depending on which office is doing the autopsy. The family, State, and Hospital Management shall have access to the autopsy report should the need arise. 





All of the policies above are to be held by the Surgeon General and the staff under them. Should any issues arise, do contact the Hospital of St. Amyas.

Thanks go to past Surgeon General, Aestenia Aevaris, for the original draft of the Code of Conduct.





Her Ladyship, Adrianna Irene Darkwood neé Barclay, Surgeon General of Hanseti-Ruska


Mister Raijen Stars, Deputy Surgeon General of Hanseti-Ruska


Her Ladyship, Erika Renate Barclay, Alderwoman of Hanseti-Ruska





If there are any questions, or anyone is interested in becoming an Apprentice, don't hesitate to DM me or Nathan on discord:


CopOwl#9721 or NathanCr#8314


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