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Tcs_tonsils_ 7.5th year - AMA


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Hey, y’all.


So I have been around quite a while, and while it hasn’t been a constant grind, I have witnessed a great many things. Seeing as how I am exactly half way through my 7th year of being apart of LOTC, I though- why not do a AMA. 

So go ahead, ask me anything.

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Got maidens?


Favorite rp moment on one current personas and your earliest personas. 

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most notable rp experience or event?


also how's it feel to somehow be a boomer

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Hi! I really enjoy our roleplay moments and excited to see how it all goes as it continues. So uh questions


favorite animal? (Can be ooc or irp)


favorite clara moment (I know have not been to many yet but surley has to be something)

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1. I can say, with about 85- maybe 86% certainty that I do, in fact, have maidens.


2. Favorite Rp moment on my current character: Honestly, it has got to be falling off the roof of a building and landing in front of the person who was to be my on Iulius Vernhart. It was the first genuine rp I had on Iulius for a few weeks and the whole situation was ridiculous, yet still lead to great things.


3. Favorite Rp on ancient Characters: It was working on a plan to overtake Kal’Urguan from the cultists back in 2014. While I didn’t really know what was going on, to be a part of something so grand was a pleasure.


3. Most notable experience has got to just be Chagrin Frostbeard and the Black Riders of Urguan. I still have people msg me every once and a while talking with me about it and how cringe it was. It is all a good laugh now.


4. Favorite Clara moment has got to be playing cards and eating strawberries. Very fun and cute rp.


5. Cheese on pancakes? If Godan commands it, sure, why not.

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What's a project from your past on LOTC that you would like to go back to?

What's something that LOTC has taught you over the many years of play?


What's something you're proud of from LOTC?


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1 hour ago, GMRO said:

What's a project from your past on LOTC that you would like to go back to?

What's something that LOTC has taught you over the many years of play?


What's something you're proud of from LOTC?



37 minutes ago, Raijen Stars said:

Who's your favorite Johann?


31 minutes ago, DivineCaesar said:

Favourite child on Iulius?
1. Harald

2. Harald

3. Harald

1: Two maps ago (2019), I was an advisor for a House - House Snow, that had gained nobility status in Haense. I was put in charge of figuring out a lot of things for the house, one of which, was the setup of the new keep. I really wish I could go back to that, because I know the one I set up was so, so ugly. All cobblestone with no variation. I shivered just thinking about it.


2. Over the vast number of years, probably the one thing I have learned is take time for a situation to develop in rp. A lot in my earlier years, I tried to force situations and didn’t enjoy when things didn’t go my way. I have learned to be more patient- though, I still have a lot to work on.


3. Honestly, I am very proud of what I have been able to do with Iulius. Jovenaar, Steward, Court Tutor, Governor, etc - Family and more. I have enjoyed rping him and glad to see where he had been and where he is going.


4. Obviously the Aulic Councilor one.


5. Harald is one of my favorites.

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Any type of RP that interests you that you still want to try out? Be it for a specific magic, cult stuff etc etc.

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17 hours ago, NLThomas said:

Any type of RP that interests you that you still want to try out? Be it for a specific magic, cult stuff etc etc.

I have honestly found debate rp the most fun- Duma, negotiations for peace, setting up trade stuff between nations. 

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okay, we may of had a few.. 'disagreements' but has there been any part of iulius-harald rp you've found fun, or anything harald has done that hasn't made you want to commit murder?

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