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The Academy of Dragur


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“Some became tucked in towering mountains. Some became bubbling volcanoes. A reflection of their devastating nature.”


The Academy
The Academy of Dragur rests within the heart of a Volcano upon the western edge of Almaris. Its walls and entryways are made in scorched stone - even nearing the vicinity of such a monument one would find that their skin began to rise from the sweltering heat. Magma and fire would drip endlessly around the sides of the building and even onto the terrain. Pathways leading to it are covered in draconic markings and imagery leading those who walk them upwards into the heart of the fire. 


Once passing through the arches of the Academy before you will stand a testament of strength. The bridge leading to it is covered in flames and squelching heat. Just to enter such a bountiful place would require the strongest of minds to cross for even the architecture itself is a deterrent. Once making it to the end of the bridge a chorus of voices would begin to ring out from the depths of the gate. Sounds of teachings, chantings, rituals, and more would all be audible.



The Noble, The Prophet, the Beast
Within the Academy there are many teachings. Teachings of the Father of the Nephilim, teachings of Asioth, and teachings of Life. However one constant theme resonates through the air - a tale some might know as the Noble, the Prophet, and the Beast. These three categories represent the different paths of Asioth that one might follow within their journey; all three play a role within Asioth. The Noble stands for corruption, control, preservation, and the constant battle of power that rages a war within the minds of all conscious beings. The Prophet stands for theology, discovery, and balance between light and dark, the foundation of Asioth and even the dragon kin was created through such means and is a very important role. Finally the Beast, the destroyer, the cleanser, for time comes when destruction and recklessness. Rage burns in the hearts of all; Nephilim, Heralds, and even Descendents.


The Acolyte
The foundation of this academy rests in the existence of Acolytes; or as some term it students. For too long have the Legion’s of Azdromoth gone into hiding. Now exists an opportunity for all to let their curiosity rampage through their mind and their actions, for the knowledge of all rests within the minds of the creatures of Stone and Fire and such knowledge is dangerous when kept to one’s mind alone. Nearly all are welcome to venture to the academy, however great knowledge calls for great sacrifice.


The Collection
Within the Academy there are many different features. However, whether it be the throne hall, the rooms, the alchemy lab, the library, there is one distinguished feature that reigns above all; The Collection. This collection is one of many great artifacts of time as well as tomes of knowledge. Scripts of blood runes, texts upon the Aeungudaemonic, scripts of Alchemy are all prevalent alongside many other treasures. This collection continues to grow and will serve as a well of knowledge and power for those who walk it’s halls.



TL;DR This academy is for those interested in heraldry / azdrazi roleplay! If you are interested come approach in roleplay and make sure you are also shown it's location in roleplay!


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mfw harry potter for scalies 


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7 minutes ago, Jentos said:
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mfw harry potter for scalies 



Careful before I invite muffins to it


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congrats this is my 69th post 


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Here before xannic air strike.


Edited by Tabby64
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A certain intrepid beast bore a gaze wrought of malice and deprivation and set it 'pon that of the domain in which the Academy had lain.  Thoughts of serpent flesh participated in company with his ruminations.

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A Lady of Silver prepares to shoot many corrupted children at Dragon University. 

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1 minute ago, Valannor said:

A Lady of Silver prepares to shoot many corrupted children at Dragon University. 



lord forgive me


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Gaisorix looks at the college pamphlet and shakes his head with resounding disappointment.


Fake out black and white GIF

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