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[✗] [Alchemy Addition] Draconic Alchemy


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Draconic Alchemy


Within the bones of the ancient draconic beings, the insanity for creation lingers within all. It is only up to them on how they choose to do so.




Nephilim Hair



Life x 1
Burning x 1
Balance x 1

A clump of hair harvested from a Nephilim and often contains ash.

Upon the head of a Nephilim.


This may be harvested through cutting a clump of hair from a Nephilim’s head.

Raw Effect(s):
This possesses no raw effects though upon one going to light this hair aflame it will serve no use.


- Must be collected from an individual with an accepted Nephilim CA.
- Cannot be used for armor or anything to make it fire resistant, it’s just hair folks.


Nephilim Flame



Burning x 2
Heat x 2
Strength x 1
Purity x 1

Smoldering hot flames from a Nephilim.

Wherever a Nephilim chooses to cast their dragon’s flame.

Whilst fire itself is not harvested here, the ashes left from a Nephilim’s flame is. The collector will need to scrape large amounts of ash created from Nephilim’s flame into a pan in which they will need to add undistilled water into to create a dark, murky substance.

Raw Effect(s):
This contains no raw effects that can be used mundanely however contains ‘magical’ properties that can be used in the following lore. 


- Must be collected from an individual with an accepted Nephilim CA.
- Needs to be collected within the same encounter of the Nephilim casting upon an object.
- Only one count of Nephilim’s Flame can be collected per cast from a Nephilim player.

Corrupted Nephilim Bone



Chaos x 2
Rage x 1
Instability x 1
Dark x 1

A bone often covered in dark ashes. While upon the Corrupted Nephilim it will be wrapped with purple or black draconic flames.

Upon the skeletal body of a corrupted Nephilim.

Harvesting this must be done via breaking the bone off of a Corrupted Nephilim. Once harvested, the Alchemist will need to grind the bone into a powdery substance.

Raw Effect(s):
This poses no raw effects aside from a bone that can be used for mundane crafting.


- Must be collected from an individual with an accepted Nephilim CA.
- The Nephilim must be 4/8 units corrupted.



Golden Shavings



Curtailment x 1
Weakness x 1
Rigidity x 1

Shavings from an aurum object, often a large clump of aurum  flakings.

Upon any aurum item or object.

Harvesting Golden Shavings is done via taking a sharp edge to a piece of aurum and cutting off shavings from it, for any purpose it must be enough shavings to fill the palm of one’s hand.

Raw Effect(s):
This serves no raw effects aside from what is already specified within Aurum Lore.


- Just shiny flakes, nothing more.

Nephilim Blood



Life x 2
Burning x 1
Heat x 1
Light x 1
Dark x 1

A thick reddish orange substance that is an increasingly high temperature often harms an individual should they spill it upon their flesh.

Within the body of a Nephilim.

This is harvested through attaining the blood of a Nephilim and must be done through proper roleplay. Must be one pint total.

Raw Effect(s):
This blood is hot to the touch and is very warm to the touch and often smiles quite foul.

The raw effects of this reagent follow the lore of genus and blood in respect to blood magic and blood properties. Below is an excerpt from the Blood Reagent in Alchemy lore.

“If not coagulated into gelatinous scabs, blood when freshly drawn and preserved at low temperatures above freezing can be used in transfusions between two descendants of the same race to counter blood loss. 


Blood also contains genus, a potent substance that tethers the descendant body to its soul blueprint via its mana pool. When removed from this cycle, the genus is quickly corroded and lost, rendering the arcane properties of blood inert.”


- Must be collected from an individual with an accepted Nephilim CA.
-Genus will decay and be lost to blood after one narrative day or three OOC hours (whichever comes first) following its host’s death or removal from said host’s body (again, whichever comes first). 

-The use of genus is intrinsically tied with blood magic and genus cannot be identified or utilized without additional lore.
- This cannot be weaponized by any means.






Dragon Dreaming


Brief Description:
This concoction, when consumed by an individual, will open their mind to the insanity that many Nephilim experience themselves. During the effective period they will feel an alienation of their own body, and feel as if they don’t belong within it.

- Black Bile  (Base)

- Heat x 2
- Fear x 1
- Chaos x 1
- Nephilim Blood x 1

One must first collect their base within a cauldron and bring it to a boil. Once this has happened the alchemist will first add their extracted reagents of Heat, Fear, and Chaos whilst stirring in each one slowly. The concoction will begin to bubble signifying that it is ready for the next reagent, Nephilim Blood to be added. When this is added, a wave of fire will expand across the concoction burning hues of red and orange. Once these flames go out the remaining liquid can be collected. It will appear as a black sludge that will be quite hard to swallow.

The effects of this concoction only last for the duration of 1 OOC day at minimum, but on consent of the consumer they may expand the effects of this for longer periods of time. Once ingested the consumer will feel their senses begin to go fuzzy. Their hearing will muffle, their vision blur, their feelings numb, and their smell will disappear as well. This only happens for a few seconds before all at once their senses come back to them but this time they will feel quite different.

The consumer over the course of the next hour will begin to feel a sense of dissociation with their own body and mind. Looking upon a reflection they would be unable to recognize themselves, and feel a sense of being trapped within their form. They may forget their name and memories during this time and for some completely forget who they are. Their passions they once had may no longer exist and their feelings would feel as if they do not exist entirely.

Once the time has passed for this concoctions effect,  the consumer will begin to feel more like themselves and be completely back to normal as they were before the consuming of this potion.

- Requires ST signed item.
- OOC Permission required to consume this potion.

- This will not affect the user long term unless they wish to do so.
- The entire potion must be consumed and deleted mechanically once such is done.
- This cannot be disguised in another liquid or food.
- This potion will not make one harm themselves.
- This does not give the alchemist control over the consumer in any form.
- Tier Two



The Hoarders Embrace


Brief Description:
Consuming this concoction will give one a sense of immense greed for shiny objects often akin to that of a dwarven’s greed or a musin’s desire for bright objects.

- Distilled Water (Base)
- Golden Shavings x 1
- Nephilim’s Flame x 1
- Chaos x 1
- Endurance x 1
- Instability x 1

This position may be created as the Alchemist sees fit so long as they utilize the required symbols and reagents.

Once consumed this will give the user an immense rush of desire to collect shiny and bright objects akin to that of a Nephilim’s Hoarding habits. They will seek out gems, jewels, aurum coins, and more for the duration of 3 OOC Hours. They will often fill their pockets to the brim with objects and make themselves laughing stocks or even criminals but such is decided by the player consuming the potion.

- Requires ST signed item.
- OOC Permission required to consume this potion.

- This potion’s effects only last 3 OOC hours.
- The entire potion must be consumed and deleted mechanically once such is done.
- This cannot be disguised in another liquid or food.
- This potion will not make one harm themselves or others.
- This does not give the alchemist control over the consumer in any form.
- Tier Two

Serpent's Smoke


Brief Description:
By applying this powder to a fire it will create a dark black smoke with depictions of draconic beings and associated imagery within it.

- Distilled Water (Base)
- Chaos x 1
- Growth x 1
- Connection x 1

First one must take the base and bring it to a boil within a cauldron. Once this is done the alchemist may begin to slowly add the symbols into the mixture stirring each one in full. Once they have all been added, this concoction must be placed within the sunlight and allowed to dry fully.

Once the liquid has dried leaving a strong essence within the walls of the container the alchemist will need to scrape or break off the clumps of the concoction and grind it through the means of a mortar and pestle creating a dark red powder that can be placed within a vile or a bag.

When thrown onto an open flame it will begin to build up a dark smoke for the course of one emotes. After this emote of building up a thick black flame, the next three emotes will consist of the smoke containing depictions of dragons. Some examples include dragonic wings spreading from the smoke, dragons flying across them, or large draconic maws opening wide before snapping down vigorously.

- Does NOT require an ST signature.
- Users can not control the smoke as they wish in regard to using it to attack individuals and so on.
- The smoke will rise straight above the flame.
- Users must emote the displays created by the smoke.
- Tier One.


Bone Dance Undergoing Changes


Brief Description:
By placing this concoction onto a skeletal frame it will animate it to exist as a normal creature or object for an extended amount of time.

- Nephilim Blood ( Base )
- Nephilim Flame x 1
- Corrupted Nephilim Bone x 1
- Life x 2
- Chaos x 1
- Dark x 1

This concoction is created by taking the base Nephilim’s Blood, and placing it within a cauldron. The container or cauldron will need to be heated with a large amount of heat, often placed among a bonfire or magma itself. Once the liquid begins to curdle and boil, powdered symbols such as Life, Chaos, and Dark will need to be added. At this point the concoction will darken immensely in color and often emit small flames from the edges of the mixture. One bottle of Nephilim Flame will need to be added next making the concoction liquify even more. The alchemist will need to stir this liquid ash into the mixture slowly allowing all of the reagents to firmly mix with one another.

As the alchemists continues to stir atop the immense heat required to create this recipe, the contents will begin to evaporate making the substance become a thick creamy substance. Once this occurs, the final ingredient, Corrupted Nephilim Bone. As soon as this substance makes contact with the mixture it will become enveloped in purple and black flames. This mixture will be extremely hot and will burn any who touch it during the creation process.

Once these flames die out and the liquid begins to cool as a result of the alchemist removing the cauldron from the heat source, it may be placed into a thick bottle and bottled accordingly.

When smothered or thrown onto a skeletal entity, it will ignite it in a dark purple fire. These fires contain a trace of life energy and will begin to animate the skeletal being as it raises into the air. This essentially turns what once was a skeleton into an NPC of sorts. They will be wrapped in purple flames that bring no harm to individuals who touch them as they are very weak.

These creations are unable to move from their resisting place and stand idle in their location, often bobbing, looking from side to side, and other similar motions. They have no capability of being harnessed and upon any forceful attack will fall immediately to the ground and the flames will disperse.

Consuming this concoction will corrupt a Nephilim for a total of 0.5 Counts.

- Requires ST signature.
- Has absolutely ZERO combative ability.
- Potion can corrupt a nephilim if consumed for 0.5 counts, the same as Infernal Alchemy Reagents.
- Creations must be emoted or a sign must be placed.
- Cannot be used on skeletal beings larger than a human. (Dog’s, Birds, Descendents, Sheep, Rats, Etc.)
- Requires one potion per skeleton.
- Tier Three.






- These recipes are considered rare and must be taught through proper roleplay and must be performed by an individual with an accepted Alchemy Feat.
- All interactions to collect reagents must be done through proper roleplay.
- Learning these recipes does not provide knowledge of Nephilim or Azdromoth or any associated lore pieces.







My purpose in writing this piece merely reflects on my passion for writing lore, especially lore associated with dragons or Nephilim. I have thought long and hard about this idea for some time and am only just now finishing a rough draft I started many months ago. The goal with this piece is to further expand the range of draconic roleplay among the server, as it is often held within close knit communities. This lore will also help in a sense of bringing a more fantasy aspect to alchemy roleplay that, for many, is making combative potions for themselves. The potions and concoctions I listed above were intended to further develop one's character and allow them to participate in aspects of Azdromoth centered roleplay.

In respect for other draconic rp communities, should this be accepted I have already made arrangements for another member to be grandfathered into this alchemical knowledge.

Credits - Qizu




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Spicy, though why would herald blood be any different from normal blood in this regard?

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2 minutes ago, rukio said:

Spicy, though why would herald blood be any different from normal blood in this regard?

"After the placement of this marking, the mortal will find themselves capable of comprehending the low draconic tongue, as well as learning a pair of minor abilities. This mark functions as an indirect bond or tether to Azdromoth, inherited from the Ordained Herald or Azdrazi that places it, and from it stems a flow of Azdromothian draan that can be utilized for their various abilities both as base Heralds and later as Ordained ones."

I would assume that some instance of draan would be located within the blood of a herald as the draan flows through their body. In a sense giving it a sort of 'magical' property in regard to the lore piece. I could be wrong though I was a bit uncertain about it myself.

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This is horrifying I like it. +1

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4 minutes ago, Qizu said:


To my knowledge, and I may be wrong, a herald is completely unchanged physically beyond the tattoos and ability to speak low draconic. There's no instance of draan within the blood or body. Because we don't physically have draan, the tattoos allow a herald to utilize Azdromoth's draan, which is why only nephilim who were heralds can use herald spells/be healed by the herald's healing spell (had to learn them as a herald) if memory serves.  

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Love myself some draconic lore


I can only hope the other LT will be willing to take up more alchemy bloat bc this is v cool

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Just now, rukio said:

To my knowledge, and I may be wrong, a herald is completely unchanged physically beyond the tattoos and ability to speak low draconic. There's no instance of draan within the blood or body. Because we don't physically have draan, the tattoos allow a herald to utilize Azdromoth's draan, which is why only nephilim who were heralds can use herald spells/be healed by the herald's healing spell (had to learn them as a herald) if memory serves.  

hrmm I'll seek out some clarification on it or perhaps an ST will lend a reply clarifying it. If this is the case it is as simple as a removal from the lore piece.

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I love meh some Dragon lore!? (please don't pk me/disconnect me) I was not forced to plus one this, I have no reason to lie and I believe that all Dragon lore = good lore luv meh dragons +1

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28 minutes ago, Qizu said:

"After the placement of this marking, the mortal will find themselves capable of comprehending the low draconic tongue, as well as learning a pair of minor abilities. This mark functions as an indirect bond or tether to Azdromoth, inherited from the Ordained Herald or Azdrazi that places it, and from it stems a flow of Azdromothian draan that can be utilized for their various abilities both as base Heralds and later as Ordained ones."

I would assume that some instance of draan would be located within the blood of a herald as the draan flows through their body. In a sense giving it a sort of 'magical' property in regard to the lore piece. I could be wrong though I was a bit uncertain about it myself.

Heralds have the same blood as any descendant. The draan does not flow through their blood. 

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Half of this is already done by Heraldry, and in a far more engaging manner. The greed one is somewhat interesting, but then it's a nose dive with giving alchemy the capability to magically reanimate skeletons like Necromancers. Interesting in concept, but it suffers from the same issue a lot of alch pieces have where they try and do magic (but better/cheaper). 

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1 hour ago, Valannor said:

Half of this is already done by Heraldry, and in a far more engaging manner. The greed one is somewhat interesting, but then it's a nose dive with giving alchemy the capability to magically reanimate skeletons like Necromancers. Interesting in concept, but it suffers from the same issue a lot of alch pieces have where they try and do magic (but better/cheaper). 

Absolutely none of this is done by heraldry. The only similar thing is heralds having the ability to control flames and ordained heralds using virolah, whereas in this lore there is a potion that creates draconic imagery within a pillar of smoke.

As per the skeletal animations it isn't really a nose dive as corrupted azdrazi are a skeletal animation themselves, by using alchemy this allows them to simply extend their flames to other animations that have absolutely zero purpose aside from roleplay decorations in their lab and so on.

1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:

Heralds have the same blood as any descendant. The draan does not flow through their blood. 

I've removed Herald's Blood form the lore piece, thank you for the feed back to all who gave me some insight on it : )

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6 minutes ago, Qizu said:

Absolutely none of this is done by heraldry. The only similar thing is heralds having the ability to control flames and ordained heralds using virolah, whereas in this lore there is a potion that creates draconic imagery within a pillar of smoke.


Dragon Dreaming - Virolah, Non-Combative


Smoke Horror - Zil Kresh for fire, to the point of the given example in lore being creating shapes of dragons to compliment Azdromoth


Bone Dance - Necromancy Branding


Alchemy shouldn't be used to just do magic but [better/cheaper], and should be unique and befitting the theme of alchemy. 🤷‍♂️

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15 minutes ago, Valannor said:


Dragon Dreaming - Virolah, Non-Combative


Smoke Horror - Zil Khresh for fire, to the point of the given example in lore being creating shapes of dragons to compliment Azdromoth


Bone Dance - Necromancy Branding


Alchemy shouldn't be used to just do magic but [better/cheaper], and should be unique and befitting the theme of alchemy. 🤷‍♂️

Dragon Dreaming is much more different from Virolah and is more-so focused upon displaying the mind of a Nephilim to others more so on the lesser desirable aspects. Virolah is a hallucinatory spell that creates distortion of one's vision alongside paranoia, whereas Dragon Dreaming is an inflicted state of insanity and creates a dysphoria about the character for extended periods of time. For example a herald being given it and seeing themselves as an azdrazi trapped inside a human mind creating a senseless character, clergymen ingesting it to get insight on how 'horrid' nephilim are and blaming their nature to have ill-thoughts as they would during their experience with the potion and so fourth.

The Smoke Horror potion extends spoke visual displays to players whereas nobody on the server is really capable of doing it as there are no smoke manipulation spells to my knowledge. It is complimentary to Zil Kresh but it is not the same thing.

I looked up what you mentioned in regard to Bone Dance and it is nothing alike what I found regarding "Necromany Branding."


"Rite of Branding

To be made a scion is an atrocious undertaking, wherein the life of a willing mortal is sustained through the sorcery of a necromancer. In order to “brand” a scion, a necromancer must channel their own lifeforce as though enacting a malediction, whilst simultaneously harnessing the lifeforce of the to-be witch. This is often done in a ritual form, unique to the necromancer who performs it, though always results in the melding of the drawn lifeforces which are then simultaneously imbued into the body of the scion. This fell synergy grants the scion the unprecedented capacity to evade the clutches of death, albeit at a grave cost far beyond mortal reckoning. By appearance, the scion seems like any other man; walking as man, walking among them, and yet man he is not. Though indeed living, the loathsome scion is prone to suffering far beyond that which is meant for a mortal man, bearing a penchant for misery; and yet they seldom gain any token of merit for their toil." 

Alchemy shouldn't be used to just do magic but [better/cheaper], and should be unique and befitting the theme of alchemy. 🤷‍♂️

This is in comparison to Infernal Alchemy whereas it contains mind altering potions as well. Manipulating smoke is comparable to how other alchemic potions create loud wailing noises, allows players to breath fire and ice like a dragon, turn people into frogs, and so fourth. This befits the theme of alchemy in many ways as within the server lore draconic entities crave creation, this is only a lesser act to suit that craving which can be performed by their children and followers.

In regard to doing something better or cheaper, there is no logical way that a Nephilim can simply make someone "go crazy", become a hoarder, manipulate smoke, or make a skeleton behave as a corrupted nephilim with their magic, it would require a concoction created through means such as alchemy. This lore is in no way "cheaper" and actually puts a bounty upon the heads of Nephilim and their followers as they have very useful symbols attached to them as well as the capability to create character defining potions as well.

I feel as if this alchemy addition is very unique and approaches another one of the "taboo" aspects of alchemy in regard to many seeing Nephilim as dark creatures. No other alchemic creations, to my knowledge, perform what is detailed here. The only similarity with other alchemy pieces would be the beguiling brew by chance making someone go insane and crave gold.


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Its an interesting lore piece, though truthfully the Bone Dance one is the only one I've a gripe with, considering I don't see why a azdrazi or corrupted azdrazi would raise and animate skeletons. Just feels likes it intruding upon Necromancy cantrip branding, with no theme and thematic about it besides. "Glowing fire skeleton."


Saw the above post as well, and thought I should submit one of the correct snippets of Cantrip Branding.

"By using branding, a necromancer is capable of raising embalmed corpses and skeletons to work as their assistants and janitors outside of combat. There are tools for different tasks, as a few undead rats will be quite useful in retrieving bone matter and viscera from a gutter- but a full sized human will not. As these animations are purely non-combat, anything relating to combat including traps, pit falls, etc are unable to be constructed by these undead. In addition, if combat is to ever start in the vicinity of a risen cadaver, it will immediately fall inert as the Necromancer’s attention is then focused on their oculus, or on a branded combat animation. Cantrip branding may be used in tandem with oculus bound undead, up until combat starts in their vicinity. Anything larger than a descendant is unable to be risen by the cantrip, requiring the handling force of an oculus to restrain the creature. As for miniscule creatures, ‘swarms’ of risen insects may be no larger than a human’s head, whereas rodents and other small fauna may range in their numbers, but are limited to the mass of a human. Notable as well is that swarms of creatures operate in a hivemind, unable to work as individuals in any regard."


Though I'm always a fan of aesthetic potions like the Smoke Horrors, I feel like it should be re-named to something more dragon themed. Considering the name does not at all entail what it does, at least reading it.  Likewise the Dragon Dreaming and Hoarders Embrace are cool potions, honestly don't have much to say about them. 


Something I would suggest, is changing Aurum flakes from just earth, to also making it purely Aether or a EarthxAether mix. Considering during the alchemical extraction process, you utilize aurum tools to extract Aether reagents. 

Other then that, like to see more reagents and reasons to go Dragon Hunting for parts, and seeing how those ingredients could shine in potential future pieces. 

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4 minutes ago, SilvertheGM said:

Its an interesting lore piece, though truthfully the Bone Dance one is the only one I've a gripe with, considering I don't see why a azdrazi or corrupted azdrazi would raise and animate skeletons. Just feels likes it intruding upon Necromancy cantrip branding, with no theme and thematic about it besides. "Glowing fire skeleton."


Though I'm always a fan of aesthetic potions like the Smoke Horrors, I feel like it should be re-named to something more dragon themed. Considering the name does not at all entail what it does, at least reading it.  Likewise the Dragon Dreaming and Hoarders Embrace are cool potions, honestly don't have much to say about them. 


Something I would suggest, is changing Aurum flakes from just earth, to also making it purely Aether or a EarthxAether mix. Considering during the alchemical extraction process, you utilize aurum tools to extract Aether reagents. 

Other then that, like to see more reagents and reasons to go Dragon Hunting for parts, and seeing how those ingredients could shine in potential future pieces. 

The bone dance was made off of the abilities that a corrupted azdrazi can use. They can transform the bones and flames within their own body to make any creation of themselves that they wish. Essentially this creates a replica of the corrupted flames and is a mimic of what corrupted azdrazi do. I can't say that I didn't expect a lot of backlash from it though. 

The Smoke Horrors name could be changed aye, but I'm not sure what to change it to.

I plan on adding some more reagents and potions later on in the day after I got some more feedback, as per the Earth x Aether in my head it was supposed to just be earth but I did think of adding aether. It's just that I didn't want to add on aether to a lot of things.


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