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Duties and Expectations of Nobles of Balian


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Duties and Expectations of Nobles

7th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 28 B.A.       


A Decree from the Crown



Nobility is an honour, bestowed upon a family by the Crown as a response to dedication and hard work. This honour is not easily retained, and those who hold such a role within the Balianite society must work to retain it throughout their years. However since the founding of Balian, the definition of what one must do and achieve to retain such and its privileges has not been defined.

It is the intention of this codex to serve as a reference for noble families to ensure that they are fulfilling the duties that are expected to complete in servitude to the Kingdom, as well as to ensure that they know what privileges that they are owed. It is important that these are clarified for not only the nobility but also those who seek to gain a noble status for themselves and their family.


Responsibilities and duties-

To maintain one’s nobility, their family must complete several duties that display their fealty to the Kingdom and its people. The Crown and its Chambers will keep a close eye on all peerages to ensure they are performing up to what would be expected. The following are the duties expected by the Crown of its ennobled citizens.

- A noble family must maintain two members of the family within the government, be it in the Chambers, in the Senate, as stewards, as ambassadors, in the standing army etc.

- A noble family must host an event for the citizens of Balian to attend at least once every three Saint’s months, whatever form of event it may be, it must be done to ensure the denizens of Balian find joy in their day to day life outside of work.

- A noble family must always be prepared to take up arms in defence of their Kingdom. Whether they be a member of the Company itself or hold the role as a reservist in the Company, it is imperative that they are prepared to defend the nation.

- They must ensure that they are prepared to be called upon during times of war and strife, being able to offer weapons, men and materials to the Kingdom and Company when needed. 

- They must endeavour to create new jobs and positions within the Kingdom of Balian in order to ensure the prosperity of the non-ennobled people as well as their own.



Privileges and Rights-

In return for the leal service to the Crown and Kingdom and working as hard as one would expect, the Crown offers it’s peerages various privileges that they are entitled to. These privileges are offered to our nobility in return for their work.

- The right for the peer to be referred to as their title, including their noble ranking of their titled land, such as the Baron of Atrus. In addition, family members descended of the peer may be referred to as Lord or Lady.

- A right to a parcel of land, depending on the noble rank will be offered to the noble family on which they may build a Castle or Villa, of which must be approved by the Land Surveyor and Censor of Balian. This land can be denied or delayed if there isn’t the occupiable space to do so. Should it be a castle or otherwise fortified lands, a master key will be handed to the Captain of the Company so that he may ensure it may be used by the Company for defence.

- The right to have their lands protected by the Company upon attack. They would need only inform the Company of attack by bird to ensure that the men rally to defend their lands.

- The right to call upon a Champion when an honour duel may occur with another noble house. This champion will not shift the consequences of the duel to the Champion, but merely act as a vessel for the fight to occur.

- The privilege to attend a yearly meeting between the peers of the Kingdom and the Seneschal and/or King. The peer may take a family member with them to said meeting. 

- The privilege to a private counsel or meeting with the Monarch or any member of the Royal Chambers that they believe they need to meet with. This is for them to ensure that they are doing the best they can in the Kingdom.

- The privilege that noble families are able to take on wards, these are people whose efforts and work will be attributed to the family name, a form of adoption reserved only for the nobility of Balian in which a warded name is taken.

- The privilege of up to two Company soldiers as a guard detail should it be deemed necessary. They may also live in house should the arrangements be made for such.




The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller

    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I,  by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, Protector of the Heartlanders and Protector of The South etcetera



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The Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Vuiller took in the notice. The woman was certainly quite pleased, as her family could easily mark off each duty and then some without a worry. She does hope that other families take this to heart, and that she may yet see a flourishing of the Noble populations doings.

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