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[✗] Kitsune race / konosune


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Konosune Race



A kitsune or a konosune is similar to a spirit but they are not the same. The Konosune are large foxes with human intelligence. All Konosune have a human form they can shift to. there are two kinds of kitsune or konosune being Zenko and Nogitsune. There was a time when farmers of rice and wheat would pray to the spirits to help their crops. These farmers lived with Konosune spirits and were the main spirits they worshiped. In return for their praise the Zenko would protect these farmers. Be ridding rodents and other creatures that destroyed crops. The Nogitsune, on the other hand, would destroy the crops and bring terror to these societies. The Zenko would fight against the Nogitsune in order to prevent these things but time after time the farmers were misfortunate enough to encounter a Nogitsune. Some, decided to worship the Nogitsune, they allowed their crops to grow, killing the same creatures who hindered their crop growth. yet they would treated them as slaves to do their bidding. Eventually these farmers became tired of poor treatment. Seeking to destroy the Nogitsune the farmers sought out the Zenko. They agreed to helping and drove the Nogitsune out of their lands. Most the the Nogitsune were expelled by the Zenko and the mages who fought alongside them. The Zenko left the farmers in an attempt to find the Nogitsune left in an attempt to prevent them from destroying anything else, without shedding more blood. The Konosune almost always use a humanoid form of themself, even though they have the ability to transform into their fox form. (Takes 3 emotes, [the body would change, ears and a tail would pop out, they fully finish transforming as fur pops from their skin.) They use these forms in order to prevent from to prevent frightening those who interact with them. Many of the Zenko eventually started to stop hunting the Nogitsune and started to settle in different whether human, orc, dwarf, or elves kingdoms the konosune attempted to live in all. They are often very open about being recognised as a spirit. When a konosune is conceived the soul of a deceased warrior is implanted into the creature. Those who are corrupt take on the body of a Nogitsune while those who are pure take on the Body of a Zenko. They do not have their own settlements always living somewhere with other races.

A zenko is a kind and gentle animal. They often get attached easily to people. Similar to a dog but with human intelligence. They have white fur and golden eyes, rarely they can have hazel eyes with golden dots.


a Nogitsune is a mischievous version of the Zenko. It strives to hurt others and is a very good liar. They also have human intelligence but instead of traveling with another person they travel in packs of varying numbers.

                                                                                                         Physical Description

These creatures have 1-9 tails depending on age. For every 100 years a kitsune gains a tail maxing out at 9. They start with one. They have red,orange,yellow, or white fire with streaks of colors as well. so for example, a kitsune could have white fur and yellow/gold lines along their backs. (when in their original fox-like form) They have red or gold eyes. Most of them get to around 4 - 5 feet in height. Unless they are posing as a human in which case they can appear to be up to 5'10 in height. 
pDbOmS7AWBO4N12C4Sbd--2--sbf4f.thumb.jpg.40d4eea46fdc6220d23f64b18c946824.jpgNogitsuneSee the source image

The Good
they are brave little creatures
they are very intelligent, their wisdom grows the longer they live

can not die of old age

The bad
They are very hyperactive and emotionally reckless
they are afraid of deep water in most cases because they have trouble swimming.

their fur is very flammable.

They are limited on strength 

can not use voidal magic





Mental Description

They have a very hyperactive personality type. Many konosune are different to that of their parents in ideology. They also have a hard time with emotional control.




Any kind of unique abilities, such as a magic or special body functions (e.g. forming acid and spitting it out), should be covered here.

  • Human Transformation
  • They can change into a human version of themself at any point of time. and back. (Takes 3 emotes in order to do both)
  • They can either emote it, use a skin cache, or just change their skin and relog. But they can keep on the same skin and say the changed to a human form.
  • Can not shift to any human they want, rather they can only translate their fox like appearance into that of a human version of the same attributes.


General Red lines/Restrictions

All kitsune are unable to learn voidal magic

No Konosune is ever to be in a romantic relationship with any race that is not a konosune. They can NOT feel love for any other race that is not platonic.


Purpose (OOC)

The kitsune use to be a playable race on LOTC. It was later removed due to inactivity. I think that this can appeal to certain communities and will also have a different way to roleplay. Though similar RP to kah, i believe, this type of race and interaction could be for cultural blending of a specific race. It also brings more color and flexibility to a type of roleplay kha barely scratches the surface on. 


Citation Spoiler

Though this lore is entirely different and was a bare minimum for idealism i used these two links and ideas.


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ST members heed my call and please allow this race so kha can be a respectable race instead of the furry go to race

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-1 somehow worse than original satyr lore

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11 minutes ago, Aaunic Roleplayer said:

-1 somehow worse than original satyr lore

glad you enjoyed it

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2 minutes ago, tasty_cheesecake said:

I double checked what このすね means and it seems to just mean "this ankle"?

did you use google translate for that

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With someone having so many enthusiasts—as seen by the three postings of this— as well as the question of why kitsune should be a race. In real life, they have such a rich mythology. However, your writing appears to be weak here. Everything appears hurried and ill-planned. It almost verbatim restates the justification for "why should kitsunes be a race" (btw when you copy and paste from another place to the  forums the text background changes and everyone knows its a copy-paste from at least somewhere..)

I believe you might have a lot greater piece of lore if you took the time to conduct additional historical research and consider how to integrate this. I would advise looking into the Kha, Musin, or even hou-zi ca lore applications. and contrast because they practically had their own narrative as opposed to simply saying they were here before and are now. In addition, if the Kitsune race was mentioned in the Ca mythology at one point, I would go speak with the author and get the lore revised. A lot of ca's fall off cause they aren't fun to be played especially if they lack culture.
There would be no reason for someone to create a character if this was accepted even if. owo Neko kitsune. It is likely to make a lot of people uncomfortable



9 minutes ago, tasty_cheesecake said:

I double checked what このすね means and it seems to just mean "this ankle"?

I checked cause i saw the comment and came up with shank?

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Hi, playable creature posts are some of the more difficult ones to write well. Might I suggest you try to make some non-playable creatures for people to interactive with to hone your writing skills? Trying to jump right in the deep end is not going to get you what you want.

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I very much agree with what the others are saying. I don't believe there should just be a race that exists to be "cute" and all just so another race can be more serious. The whole "companion" but still seems a bit.. off to me, I believe the best way it's been done was with Siliti lore but even then it has rules in place to not make it weird. It's more of having a Siliti's Thrall see the Siliti as a best friend, someone they can trust. The abilities should also follow how it general goes for other magics, having a name, description, mechanics, and redlines. Also the adulthood is weird, Im sorry but I dont like seeing characters that are 100 years old and are children. It used to be that elves weren't culturally adults until they were 50 and it has led to some people playing child-like characters at age 30 or 40

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48 minutes ago, Aaunic Roleplayer said:

-1 somehow worse than original satyr lore


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21 minutes ago, MeteorDragon said:

I very much agree with what the others are saying. I don't believe there should just be a race that exists to be "cute" and all just so another race can be more serious. The whole "companion" but still seems a bit.. off to me, I believe the best way it's been done was with Siliti lore but even then it has rules in place to not make it weird. It's more of having a Siliti's Thrall see the Siliti as a best friend, someone they can trust. The abilities should also follow how it general goes for other magics, having a name, description, mechanics, and redlines. Also the adulthood is weird, Im sorry but I dont like seeing characters that are 100 years old and are children. It used to be that elves weren't culturally adults until they were 50 and it has led to some people playing child-like characters at age 30 or 40

i changed the lore entirely to have a deeper connection and related it more to the original way kitsune were thought of in japanese mythology.

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if someone is better at writing lore and likes this concept. please message me at Arcane#1332 on discord

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52 minutes ago, SplendidSaber said:


i helped write it, i have the right to shit talk it


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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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