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The Spear of Justice Comes

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(Sent across the realm of Almaris upon the backs of roaming toalaks comes a stream of parchments, bearing a neatly written message, though still written in the message maker’s typical berry mash ink, the words red upon the page….)

“It has been some time since I have regarded the world, or even my own kin, for the actions of great world changing have rendered fatigue unto me….but there comes a time where the injustices and disgusting corruption of strange lies and ruinous actions drive even elden bones to motion. To those that recognize my message for what it is, then you know who I am, and what I can do. But to those that do not, heed me well. I am Murdok’Lak, he who slew the aengul traitor of Arcas, he who has borne a thousand wounds and a thousand scars, he who is the Shaman Supreme. I have long since handed down my teachings and lineage to those deserving. Even now, my influence is felt upon the world by the actions of many shamans that have been created from my wisdom, and they go on to make the world better.


I have returned to my kin, as visions have besieged my mind of horrid comings. In my return, I learn that caution when dealing with the unknown is not heeded, strange ilk claiming to be under the influence of the spirits roam the city of my people,  and strange blood shamans have risen, bearing an art they claim to derive from the Spirits. I have even learned that a ritual intended to summon Krug himself managed to only summon up the spirit of a Dark Shaman, and one of the Inferi kind. I have seen many things, and was present when the powers of the Spirits returned to the Children of Krug. I saw no such art, nor no such ilk, and certainly no such foolishness as to see my kin accepting things without question, as if the very idea of vigilance had left them. This will not remain.

I write this now to make my intention clear. I will hunt the heart of the evils in this world, starting with my home. With the purifying and renewal of Orcish Honor, we shall sweep through the land and strike out the very heart of horror that brews in the north. I have returned, as I always will, in the time of the world’s need, just as Krug did. If you read this, and know I come for you, you have but one chance to bend the knee to the Spirits and beg forgiveness. Allow yourself to be cleansed. If not, then run. Run far, and pray my spear does not catch your throat."


(At the bottom of the missive, in leu of a signature, a stamp of red is placed, displaying the image of a smiling toalak, winking with its tongue sticking out.)


Its the Murdok Ark 2, Electric Boogaloo


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Motsham Al-Uk'Yar, Voice of the Spirits softly smirks as another Joins his moot in the war agains the Buurz, Slowly nodding "Agh zoon doze whu klaim tu zerve deeh Ilzgûl tu unleeh yeahrn fohr powagh zhall bi deztroyed"

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Alara Camian, self-appointed successor to the legacy of Fiil'Yar, gave a singular approving nod. "To illuminate the darkness is troublesome work requiring the toil of diligent hands - Few would be better suited to take up the task."

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Kor'garr the Clanless's lips stretch widely around thick tusks in a beaming grin as he reads the missive. The grey orc slowly nods in agreement and understanding before making a comment.


"Yub, et iz tik vor dah uld weyz tu riturn, vor Krug-koind tu vollow dah zpeeritz en truth agh akzhun az well az mere blah." He swiftly rises from his seat in the tavern, making preparations for the old shaman's return.

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