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Transcript | Krawn z. Alejandro Sands and Florian Sands


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Issued by



11th of Tov ag Yermey, 462 E.S.



Red : Presiding Jovenaar, Atilan Bishop

Green : Prosecution, High Justicar Adele Ludovar

Purple : Defense Council/Defendants - Alejandro Sands (Counseled by Hreidunn) | Florian Theodoric Sands (Counseled by Hadja)

Blue : Court Guards - Audo Weiss | Milonir of Whitehall

White: Bystanders/Others/Witnesses

Presiding Jovenaar, Atilan Bishop: Danke…alright, alright. Court ist in order. Zhe charges are of attempted murder to both Florian und Alejandro Sands..und ein count of fornication towards Alejandro in addition.

AB: How do du plead?

AB: Und by what trial to du vish to plead vith?

AB: Dur options are trial by combat, wit, und trial of plea.

Defense Counselor, Hreidunn: Not Guilty on the murder and fornication charges, your honor.

AB: Und by vhat trial?

Hreidunn: Trial of plea, your honor.

AB (To Prosecutions Table): Dur opening statements.

Prosecutor, Adele Emma Ludovar: Vyr Honor, We have all read the document published by the Prinzen-Regent of Hyspian, Prinzen Francisco de Pelear. The document contains the details upon which one of the Defendants, Alejandro Sands, was disowned from the Viceroyal House of de Pelear for his actions by which he slept with defendant Florian Sands, outside of marriage, and subsequently plotted and unsuccessfully contributed to the attempted murder of his fiancee, Lady Callista. Vy will be presented with evidence and several testimonies that prove these allegations to be true beyond a reasonable doubt that both of these men are guilty.

AB: Alright, defense du may begin dur arguments…

AB (To nearby Court Guard): Cirilla, vith mich for ein moment.

AB (To Prosecutor): May she enter?

AB: Nevermind, just take ein seat.

Lord Palatine, Bishop Iosif: Hurry this up, I’d like to see the sun again this year.

Hreindunn: Your Honor, On account of fornication, Alejandro Sands and Callista Lucia Rose Santos were not legally bound in marriage. As for the attempted murder charges, Lorec ‘Bani’ Stormheart acted of his own account. Not to mention, Alejandro was not in possession of the acclaimed spear that had struck Callista Lucia Rose Santos. Rather, it was Lorrec, who was the one who had entered the Hyspian Library and actively attempted to kill Callista. We believe his motives were based on Insanity. Lorec Bani Stormheart has also attacked Alejandro and Florian, disproving that my client and Mister Stormheart had been in cahoots.

AEL: Firr Lorec is also on trial for attempted murder, and there is nie evidence, to mea knowledge, of this claim - unless the defense can produce some.

AB: Alright as for zhe proof of ein lack of marriage…

Hreidunn: We actually have the man whom had claimed the bounty of Lorec Bani Stormheart present in the court.

AB: Have zhe man in speak called front, he shall speak vhen ich tell him too.

Hreidunn: Flour, come forward if you will.

(Flour, a Musin, is thrown forward in between the tables by a Kong’Sho, a Olog, who is spectating the trial from the corner of the courthouse.)

AB: Alright, now as for zhe marriage or lack of ist zhere anyone zhat can give evidence to such?

Flour: Thank you Kong’Sho.

AEL: Ea should like to clarify.

AB: Speak… please.

AEL: That the charge of fornication has nie relation to whether the defendant was married to Lady Callista or niet. The fornication charge is predicated on the fact that the defendant is niet married to defendant Florian. It, in fact, has niething to do with Lady Callista at all.

AEL: Fornication is defined as ‘lying with another outside of matrimony’. If vy are niet married to this other, then vy are guilty of the crime.

Hreidunn: Objection, Your Honor.

AB: Speak.

Hreidunn: There has been no sexual altercations between my clients Alejandro Sands and Florian Theodoric Sands.

AEL: Objection, Vyr Honour, that is an unsubstantiated claim.

AB: Hmm…Alright…zhen. Ist zhere any proof of such?

AEL: Ea would like to call Prinzenas Amity de Pelear to the stand to prove just that.

AB: Or zhat zhey indeed lay…

AB: Come hither, dur highness to vhere Cirills stands now.

AB: Cirilla, please give room for zhe witness to speak.

AEL: Prinzenas, Vy were kind enough to share a letter with me to answer mea questions, spasiba for that.

AEL: Could vy give vyr account of the incident which vy escribed to me, in which vy encountered the defendants in the bar under the library?

(Princess Amity nods in agreement.)

Hreidunn: Objection, your honor.

AB: Overruled, zhe witness has niet declared anyzhing of objection.

AEL: Please continue, Prinzenas.

AB: Ich do ask zhat zhe prosecution has brought forth ein witness zhat has proved zhat zhey have layed.

AB: But do go on speaking.

Witness, Amity Ionna de Pelear: Si. I needed some downtime and I had yet to see the bar constructed so I decided to head there for some bueno reading and tea. When I got there however, I walked in on Alejandro and Florian shirtless together in a very compromising position.

Hreidunn: Objection, Your Honor.

AB: Aye, ich vill allow it.

Hreidunn: Prior to the claims of Princess Amity de Pelear, was the ‘eye witness’ (Counselor makes air quotation marks.) Pregnant at the time of these claims, with hormones about how could we trust that she couldn't be susceptible to delusions, false claims as you could say.

AEL: Has the Defense any evidence of the Prinzenas’ delusions? 

AEL: Have they testimonies, a medical opinion?

Hreidunn: Hearsay, your honor.

AEL: Vyr honor, ea do niet believe the defense knows what hearsay is. May ea continue mea interview?

AB: Alright…alright, ich am niet going to account for zhe Princesses pregnany mind..as ich highly doubt zhat ist cause.

AB: Now, da, du speak.

AB (To Courthouse door guards): Let zhem in.

AB (To a Von Draco): Von Draco, are du ein witness?

AEL: In vyr testimonial opinion, vyr Highness, did it appear as though the defendants may have been committing - or intending to commit - fornication?

AIP: Immediately when I had entered Alejandro had begun begging mae nont to say anything, saying he would be killed if anyone found out. I believe if I had nont entered that they would have gone through with it. He tried to bribe mae with alcohol while I was pregnant to keep quiet but I refused. I left and told the Viceroy what had happened.

Hreidunn: Speculation, Your Honor.

AEL (To newcomers to Courthouse): None of vy are on mea list of witnesses.

AB: Audo, Milonir, if zhey are niet witnesses, drag zhem out…ich am getting too sick of zhin in mein court!

AB: Zhis court is kept private as ist zhe wishes of zhe victim und to respect her…

AB: Now, if dur niet ein witness from eizher Callista, zhe defense of prosecution, or zhe defense, leave now or so help me Godan!

Courthouse Guard, Audo Weiss: We are doing so, Vyr Honor.

AB: Danke lad.

AB: Objection Sustained.

AB: Continue on.

AEL: Spasiba, vyr highness. Ea hope the court will hold Prinzenas Amity’s testimony in mind, at least. Vyr Highness, was there anything that may have motivated the defendants to wish harm upon the victim?

AB (To Kong’Sho the Olog): Nien….

AIP: Maybe.. He wanted to be free from the engagement to pursue his other lover.

Hreidunn: Speculation, Your Honor.

AEL: Yam asking the witness’s opinion. It is niet speculation, it is her opinion as a witness.


AEL: Ea asked her Highness’s opinion for the purposes of establishing the defendants’ characters. 

An unidentified man: Th’ Victim killed his wife.


AB: Continue vith zhe line of questioning.

AB: Defense, let zhe witness speak in full und zhen du may address zhe witness’s claims.

AB (To Prosecutor): Continue please.

AEL: Spasiba for vyr testimony, vyr Highness. Ea have nie more questions.

AB: Aye, zhe defense may cross-interrogate.

Hreidunn: I have no questions, Your honor.

AB: Anything else, defense?

AB: Witnesses or proof?

Hreidunn: I call Alejandro Sands as witness, Your honor

AB: Aye…have him come….but first….

(Kong’Sho makes a sound akin to calling a cat towards Flour.)

AB: Zhe Musin may speak…

AB: Because he has been vaiting too long.

AB: Speak on what du has to say..

Flour (Displays the head of Lorec ‘Bani’ Stormheart to the Jovenaar): Your honor, Lorec Bani has been dealt with on account of the bounty set out.

AB: Vell, he ist dead…did he reveal anyzhing of import to zhis court?

Flour: Nothing of importance. Only his hatred.

AB: You may sit down.

AB: Zhe officer will have dur money arranged if it hasn't done so already.

AB: Defense proceed with zhe questioning.

Hreidunn: Mister Alejandro Sands, on the night of your claims. Had you been intimate with Florian Theodoric Sands, or had you not committed any sexual acts as claimed by Princess Amity de Pelear?

Defendant, Alejandro Sands: No sexual acts were committed, no

Hreidunn: Mister Alejandro Sands, did Princesss Amity de Pelear walk in on any sexual acts between Mister Florian Theodoric Sands and yourself.

AEL: Objection, Vyr Honour, lying under oath.

AB: Proof?

AEL: Ea will leave Vyr Honour to decide if the witness is a credible source.

AB: Lady Amity, could du please stand for zhe court und explain vhat exactly du saw…

AEL: Vyr Honor, Prinzenas Amity has already given her testimony.

AIP: Everything I had said I said with my full truth. I have nothing to gain out of this

AB: Aye, but she has not testified to zhe nature of zhe situation und ich von’t make claims vithout proof.

An unidentified man, from outside the courthouse: Why not just confess to it, there’s no evidence to the murder but vyr will be found guilty to fornication, whereby the bishop will dish out vyr punishment, which would never be death!

AB: But, if zhat vill be all, Ich vill say zhe Prince speaks his truth on zhe account of him being here und zhe Princess’s lack of definition.

Kong’Sho, to Unidentified man outside courthouse: LATZ NUB IN TRIUL, LATZ NUB BLAH!

AB: For now, zhe man vill niet be charged for lying in court.

AB: As from mein judgment, now does zhe defense have more to say.

Hreidunn: Aye. To cite Princess Amity de Pelar. She had stated that she hadn’t witnessed any ‘laying’ believing to had caught my clients prior.

AB: Shall ve move on?

AEL: Ea have some questions for the witness, Vyr Honour.

AB: Aye, please do so.

AEL: Firr Alejandro, can vy testify to vyr actions immediately following the attack of Lady Callista?

AS: Out of fear for our own safety, we left as Senor Lorec seemed to have lost his mind, and seeing what he did to Callista with the spear, we did not want the same thing to happen to us.

AEL: Just clarify this for me - Vy left vyr fiancee to bleed out after being attacked, and vy decided to leave her alone with the attacker?

Hreidunn: Objection, your honor.

AEL (To Hreidunn): Vy canniet just object, defense, what is vyr objection.

AB: Overruled.

AB: Let zhe prosecutor speak.

AB: Und ask.

AEL: Please continue, Firr Alejandro.

AB (To Carice): Carice, Ich love due as mein niece, but zhis ist ein private trial!

AB (To Carice): Please do niet enter.

Carice: Cool, I won’t enter then!

AS: I am neither a guard, nor a medic. What good would it be for me to risk my life and allow the crazed Senor Lorec to attempt to claim my life, let alone the life of a Prince.

AEL: Mea, Ea See. A scene was described to me in which vy arrived to the clinic. it was either soon after the attack on Lady Callista or it was when checking on the Viceroy. Could vy just walk us through this?

AS: I went to the clinic to see mi padre after receiving notice he had suffered a heart attack.

AEL: This was when Firr Lorec was guarding the door, da?

AEL: With his spear?

AS: Si, Senor Lorec had a spear with him which he indeed use to block the door to allow mi y mi familia to talk with my padre. Though at the time I was not fearful of Senor Lorec and y spear due to this being before the attack took place.

AEL: Ea see. And can vy clarify vyr relationship with Firr Florian?

AS: Close Friends.

AEL: Right…and, yam sure some of us have been wondering, if that is vyr relationship, why do vy share the last name ‘Sands’?

AS: Because when I was disowned I was given the last name ‘Sands’, so as a sign he was going to leave Hyspia with me, he also begun to use the last name ‘Sands’ as if we were hermanos.

AS: A brotherly bond, Persay.

AEL: And…do vy often sit in compromising positions shirtless with vyr hermanos?

AB: As judge, ich vould like to say, zhe disownment letter did say such, if zhe Lady Amity vas involved in zhat under has knowledge of zhat Sands name, she may speak so now or hold her peace. Und may zhe Lady De Pelear speak of vhen zhe incident regarding zhe health of zhe Lady Viceroy.

AS: I did not say we were actual Hermanos, Senorita, as I stated a brotherly bond, which entails a close friendship.

AEL: Vy are niet answering mea question, Firr.

AS: That is the answer I have given, so si, I have.

AEL: Vyr Honour, ea request that vy order the witness to answer the question.

An Unidentified Child, outside of the courthouse: THIS IS FER NAY LETTING ME LEARN THE COURT!

(Sound of Fish hitting armor follows shortly after)

AB: Answer zhe question.

AS: No, I do not often sit in alleged compromising situations with hermanos, y frankly being accused of that I find it insulting. 

AS: I would also like to state, we are not hermanos, the brotherly bond is merely a way to state how good our friendship is.

AEL: Ea see. Vy claim it to be a brotherly bond with Defendant Florian, and yet vy reportedly begged Prinzenas Amity after she walked in on such to niet tell a soul-?

AS: Yes as something like that can be blown out of proportion, as such has happened.

AEL: Yet vy do niet deny the compromising position, as vy did - and vyr representative attempted to do - earlier?

Hreidunn: Reaching, Vyr Honor.

AEL: Nie, Vyr Honour, ea believe ea have, as they say, ‘Got ‘em’.

AB: Does the defense have anything to say or ask?

Hreidunn: Objection, Vyr Honor, reaching. They made no claims in relation to the charges that we’re pleading against.

AB: Sustained.

AEL: Ea have nie more questions, Vyr Honour.

AB: Alright, two zhings…

AS: Tu Honor, if I may, I have something to bring up myself.

AS: Recently I have received a letter from Callista Santos, stating, and I quote ‘I can't have you being here, or else I might not be able to stop myself from killing you’ - I have the note on my person if you would like to see it.

AB: Alright…hmm….

(Kong’Sho proceeds to smash through the courthouse windows, exiting the courthouse.)

AEL: Will Vyr Honour read the letter aloud?

AB: Da.

AB (Reading the note): Da niet call me Calli

AB: We are not friends, you left me to die

AB: I am lucky I am here Alejandro

Courthouse Guard, Milonir of Whitehall: ALRIGHT. ******* ORKSKI. BEEN CAUSING PROBLEMS ALL DAY IN THE CITY.

Kong’Sho: LUP’LEYO.

AB: If you want to see Adam, just bird him

AB: And meet elsewhere

AS (To Atilan): An Amigo, Adam Randell.

Victim, Callista Lucia Rose Santos: A common amigo of ours.

Vassilios, a Spectator from outside: An Idiot.

AB: I cant you have you being here or else…

AB: I might not be able to stop myself

AB: From killing you where you stand

AB: I don't want more blood on my hands

AB: So piss off

AB: And don’t write back. I don't want to see your filth.

AB (Finishing reading note): Your the only want to blame here for your actions

AB: Left to die?

AB: Defense, make your arguments and then prosecution, please.

AEL: Vyr Honour, can we call Lady Callista to the stand to ask her about the letter?

AB: Ich see why niet…Firress Callista to zhe stands.

AB: Did du send zhis letter?

CLRS: I did. Though I wasn't in the right state of mind then, put it plainly - I’m mentally ill.

AB: Ist zhere anyone who can verify such?

Medic, Haus Weiss: Da, Vyr Honor. Ae Can.

AB: Come forward and speak und do show mich zhat note.

CLRS: A father figure of mine has seen me in such psychiatric episodes. Alejandro has seen it, mi hermano camilo, hera, adam randell. And i've even spoken about it quite often your honor.

AB: Alright do go on…

HW: Da, Vyr Honor. Lady Callista suffered large amounts of blood loss from her injury, and has been in a prolonged state of recovery since the attack occurred. Large amounts of blood loss can affect someone’s ability to…think, or act as if they had not lost a large amount of blood. In addition, the attack itself was…traumatic, given the method of injury. It is very possible for Lady Callista to niet be in a sound state of mind, given both conditions.

AB: Aye…Could du be able to explain zhe event zhat got du injured?

AB: If zhat ist niet dur wish, du may speak of niet doing so now…

Carice(From Spectator Stands): So is there any reason for the lawyers to be here or are you just going to ask the questions?

AEL (To Carice): Are vy done? Court is ongoing, keep vyr thoughts to vyself please.

Carice: Are you done? Ask the witness questions.

CLRS: Si, I can…too vividly. I heard on some issue that Alejandro gotten into, Amity said I shouldn't hear it from her. So I went looking for Alejandro, when I found him I brought him up to the top floor of the library to speak to him on such issues, words were exchanged then Lorec came up saying ‘catch callista’ then proceeded to launch a spear into my gut, pinning me against the wall like a arrow in a target, bursting an artery and due to my blood not clotting like everyone else's, Alejandro left with Florian and Lorec, I bled out and lost consciousness after Haus and Veronica came up to me. 

AB: Godan be…Und how did du come up to Callista?

HW: Ae was in Hyspia, resting for the evening. The bell was run, and ae was called by name by Princess Veronica. She led ae to the upper floors of the library, where Lady Callista was found.

CLRS: I only woke up in the clinic, bandaged up and in immense agony, which I presumed was hours later.

Hreidunn: Objection, Your Honor.

AB: Explain.

Hreidunn: Lorec ‘Bani’ Stormheart did not flee the scene with my Clients Mister Alejandro Sands and Mister Florian Theodoric Sands. Rather stayed on the scene after the attack with Callista Lucia Rose Santos.

AB: Hmm…Ist zhere proof of such?

Witness, Princess Veronica Isabella de Pelear: Lorec was on the roof after the attack. He fled shortly after. 

AB (To Princess Veronica Isabella de Pelear): Und zhe Sands vere niet to be seen?

HW: As ae said in ae account to the High Justicar, ae was niet present for the attack, nor did ae see any of the defendants. When ae was called at arrived at the library well after the attack, Ae only saw Lady Callista, Princess Veronica, and Ser Wyn.

AB: Your Highness Veronica, please do speak.

Vassilios (From Outside Courthouse): Guards, Ferrymen idiots outside I think.

Unidentified Male, presumed Ferryman: He’s Lying!

VIP: My Account is the same as Haus’.

Vassilios (From Outside Courthouse): You are aiming a pike at someone. Can we pause the trial to deal with it??

Carice: Who’s also not supposed to be on the stand.

VIP: Er- Your Honor..

AB: But du vere zhere…

AB: Before Haus, da as he said?

Hreidunn: Permission to Speak, your honor.

AB: Da, but after zhe princess can speak as to what she saw before Haus did und how she knew Calli vas injured.

VIP: I was there only a few saint’s minutes before him, si. I went into the Library, saw Callista Santos pinned to a bookcase with a spear y went to get Haus as I don't have the medical knowledge he does.

AB: Defense speak.

AB (To Haus Weiss): Go outside und check what ist going on…

Hreidunn: This would prove Lorec ‘Bani’ Stormheart’s insanity. For after the attack on Callista Lucia Rose Santos, after which he’d go onto the roof, disproving Callista's statement that Lorec ‘Bani’ Stormheart was to leave with Mister Alejandro Sands and Florian Theodoric Sands.

 Hreidunn: Turning the argument of cahoots between my clients and Lorec into insanity, that is.

AEL: Firr Stormheart is dead, it does niet matter if he is proven insane or niet.

AB: It does matter for zhe claims of Alejandro…Und Florian here…

Unidentified Man, outside of Courthouse:  Stop right there you criminal ferrymen!

CLRS: I have Alchemy - so I can throw some fire at them.

Carice: The girl who claimed insanity with fire. Awesome

(A howl of pain can be heard outside the courtroom)

AB: Alright, Ich need to get out zhere…

AEL: Has anyone rung the bell?

AB: Son of ein *****…zhat does niet look gute.

AB: Zhe defendant vas niet married…und zhus did niet break matrimony.

AB: Aye…

AB: So as for laying…

AB: He ist niet guilty of zhat…

AB: He was betrothed.

AB: But niet married…

Carice: Betrothal is a promise of marriage.

AB: Zhough it vas improper…

AB: It isn't under marriage…

Carice: Their wedding date had also been set.

AB: Aye do so…

AB: But zhe date hadn’t passed vith ein married couple..

AB: Zhis isn’t zhe queen’s court, zhis ist ein court of law…

Carice: Which definition are you working under Uncle?

Courthouse Guard, Milonir of Whitehall (Outside of Courthouse): DU TWO! APPREHEND DARKEN ELV!

AB: Hmmm…Zhat does change zhings…

AB: Head upstairs…

CLRS: Let me go upstairs. Is there roof access from here?

Unidentified Man, Outside of Courthouse: Shut your mouth, child. You do not order me around.

AB: Ich do find Alejandro niet to be laying as such vas niet mentioned und sexual act vas niet affirmed by zhe witness..

Transcript End - Transcriber Exited Courthouse to engage raiding Ferrymen

(Transcriber’s Note: The Trial was not ended when Transcriber left - Verdict was rendered out of the courtroom while Transcriber and Courthouse Guards engaged in combat with raiding ferrymen outside of the courthouse.)




Her Excellency, Adele Emma Ludovar, Lady Justiciar of Hanseti-Ruska, 

Kastellan of Domestic Trade, Kastellan of Labour


His Lordship, Haus Weiss, Ward of the Office of the Justiciar


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Audo Weiss smirked bitterly at this transcript as he scrutinised the written embodiment of misconduct and - especially - the final note at the bottom, while enjoying his well-earned coffee with a teaspoon of Zvaervauld Lilac Honey. "Da, the transcriber was sent out. 'Go outside and check what's going on...'. by Godan. That lying Hgh justicaar does niet deserve her position. Ea knew she was a lying wretch..." He growled to himself, remember her words to the Duma in defense of their collective actions - that the guards were sent out while the civilians were escorted to safety. "That snivelling old lady is too complacent. Begging for sympathy in the Duma. Trying to single-handedly undermine to voices of those who clearly have more wits about them. Asking leading questions in the trial. Send a minor ag a civilian out to face Ferrymen ag lie about it when asked. Who put this loonatic in charge of our justice?" He let out a shrewed laugh. "Spasiva GOD that someone was recording this disgrace."

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The long dead Kronk Stormheart is really confused as to what the hell happened to his dwarven clan as there is a wood elf bearing the name involved in a Haeseni case about being gay.

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1 hour ago, Frostdrop1 said:

Audo Weiss smirked bitterly at this transcript as he scrutinised the written embodiment of misconduct and - especially - the final note at the bottom, while enjoying his well-earned coffee with a teaspoon of Zvaervauld Lilac Honey2122.png. "Da, the transcriber was sent out. 'Go outside and check what's going on...'. by Godan. That lying Hgh justicaar does niet deserve her position. Ea knew she was a lying wretch..." He growled to himself, remember her words to the Duma in defense of their collective actions - that the guards were sent out while the civilians were escorted to safety. "That snivelling old lady is too complacent. Begging for sympathy in the Duma. Trying to single-handedly undermine to voices of those who clearly have more wits about them. Asking leading questions in the trial. Send a minor ag a civilian out to face Ferrymen ag lie about it when asked. Who put this loonatic in charge of our justice?" He let out a shrewed laugh. "Spasiva GOD that someone was recording this disgrace."

Verónica sat next to Audo as he read the transcript. She was about to try coffee for first time with him; of course sweetened a bit by Zvaervauld Lilac Honey. Listening to the Weiss heir talk, understanding his frustration "I'm still shocked that Haus was sent out, y I was told not to go.." The princess replied, shaking her head.. Trying the coffee, she made a face of disgust "The whole situation is awful.. much like this.. How can you drink this?"

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53 minutes ago, Bethinwonderland said:

Verónica sat next to Audo as he read the transcript. She was about to try coffee for first time with him; of course sweetened a bit by Zvaervauld Lilac Honey2122.png. Listening to the Weiss heir talk, understanding his frustration "I'm still shocked that Haus was sent out, y I was told not to go.." The princess replied, shaking her head.. Trying the coffee, she made a face of disgust "The whole situation is awful.. much like this.. How can you drink this?"

Audo Weiss looked to the Princess as he set his coffee sweetened with Zvaervauld Lilac Honey2122.png aside. "Awful, awful indeed. None of vy should have been sent. The knight should have come, of course. He should be glad ea did niet lose ea head to that orc." He mumbled, but then he smiled at her, "Busy minds need fuel. Vy get used to it... perhaps the Justicaar's office should invest in coffee for all. We'd provide some honey for them, if they like it sweetened. Maybe it'd keep them awake enough to do their jobs."

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