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Town of Atrus: A Game


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“With the Eagles' foresight, we reign victorious.”


Brought back by popular demand and rebranded with a name much more fitting of the game, Town of Atrus is a game that can be run by any, with not a mina spent or supplies needed, save for somewhere to sit upon as the game commences.


Having been run during the last Syndesi Feriae of Balian, more commonly known as the Social Season, it has been in demand to make an appearance once more. The decision to go one better has been made, opening the game to the public as a whole so that those of Balian might enjoy it as a pastime.


Without further ado, this is how you play.


Five or more players are preferred for this, the bigger the group, the better in this instance.


Once you have your players, you gather around where the one hosting the game assigns them their roles in private, generally through a slip of paper passed their way.


Once roles are assigned, the game may begin. Each role has their own goal to accomplish, though the main idea is to find the ‘murderer’ within the town of Atrus and be rid of them.


This may lead to suspicions, accusations thrown about and at the end of each round, someone the group finds suspicious is voted out and ‘hung’, continuing until the culprit is found.


Each round consists of a day and night, the day being used to discuss who may be the murderer and any suspicions had, before a vote is made on who should be ‘hung’, and the night consisting of those roles doing their jobs. Morning comes, revealing what happened in the night and the round ends.


The roles are this, though are customizable for each group and their needs:


An Innocent

It’s right in the name, and they have no particular role other than to simply survive the game. Multiple people may have this role in the game!


The Thief

The Thief is an interesting role as once per game, they may choose someone to steal a role from, rendering that individual an Innocent and the Thief as this new role with the responsibilities attached, i.e. murderer, innocent, seer, etc. Only one person is meant to have this per game.


The Seer

The Seer may choose one person per round to examine as night comes on the town, allowing them to see what role they have and tell the others of the town at their own discretion. Only one person is meant to have this per game.


The Witch

The Witch may bring one person back to life per game, but should they have been ‘hung’ before they used that ability, they are brought back to life the next day and now have the role of an Innocent. Only one person is meant to have this per game.


The Medic

The Medic may choose to follow whoever they wish as night comes and offer them medical assistance should they need it, for example, should the murderer attack the one they are following, that individual is not killed. Only one person is meant to have this per game.


The Murderer

The Murderers job is simple, they murder and try not to get caught. They try to put suspicion on others and get rid of those within the town of Atrus before they are gotten rid of themselves. Only one person is meant to have this per game.


Should there be any questions as to how the game works, inquiries may be sent to Johanne Vuiller.



The Right Honourable, the Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Countess-Dowager of Renduzzo, Lady Procurator of Balian.




Yeah, yeah, I know, Town of Salem! Anyways, you persistent people in my DMs asking me to run this again can shush now, I have pleased the gremlins..


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