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[✗] [MA/Feat] Blood-Fire


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The Blasphemous Blood-Fire of Arraxes


In the elder days of the world, when dragons still roamed the realm and the art of magic was but a glimmer in the eye of man, there was a rare and powerful magic known as blood fire. This magic was born of the union between the fierce flame of the dragons and the ancient art of blood magic, and it was said to grant its practitioners incredible power and strength.  To wield this magic, a dragon and a skilled magician would need to perform a ritual of great complexity and danger. The dragon would need to breathe forth a great gout of flame, which the magician would then capture and bind using the arcane power of blood magic. The resulting blood fire was said to be a force to be reckoned with, burning with a fierce and unquenchable heat that could ignite even the most stubborn of materials. Those who mastered this magic were said to be able to control the very elements themselves, summoning fourth great storms of fire and lightning to devastate their enemies and protect their allies.


But such power came with a heavy price. The blood fire was a volatile and unpredictable magic, and those who attempted to wield it often found themselves consumed by its fierce energies. Many brave dragons and magicians had been lost to its allure, their bodies consumed by the raging inferno that they had summoned forth.


Yet despite the risks, there were always those who sought to master the blood fire. For they knew that with such power at their fingertips, they could achieve greatness beyond measure and leave a lasting legacy in the world.  The first of them would be the great dragon, Arraxes.




In the First Age of the world, there lived a great dragon named Arraxes. He was a creature of immense size and power, his wings stretching across the sky as he flew from place to place, leaving a trail of smoke and fire in his wake. Arraxes was a curious dragon, always seeking new knowledge and power. And it was in this quest for power that he discovered the ancient art of blood magic. This forbidden magic was shrouded in mystery and fear, spoken of only in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of it at all. It was said that those who practiced blood magic were able to harness the power of their own blood, using it to create great magical artifacts and to perform rituals of great power.


Arraxes was fascinated by this magic, and he devoted himself to learning all that he could about it. He delved deep into ancient tomes, seeking out hidden knowledge and secrets long forgotten by the rest of the world. As he learned more about blood magic, Arraxes began to experiment with it, using his own flame and blood to create powerful magical artifacts. He used these artifacts in rituals to enhance the strength and abilities of himself and his kin. But the use of blood magic was strictly forbidden by the wise ones of Eos and Aos, who saw it as a dangerous and corrupting force. Those who practiced it were shunned and ostracized, their names spoken only in whispers of fear and loathing.


Despite this, Arraxes persisted in his studies, convinced that the power of blood magic was worth any cost. And so, he became among the first of the dragonkin to master the forbidden art of blood fire, a magic that would be shrouded in mystery and fear for ages to come. As Arraxes delved deeper into the forbidden art of blood fire, he began to attract a following of mortals and nephilim alike who were also seeking power and knowledge. Together, they formed a coven at the heel of Arraxes' domain, a lone mountain on a lonely island. The coven was devoted to the study of blood magic, and they spent long hours delving into the ancient texts and rituals of this dark art. They were a secretive group, hidden away from the rest of the world, and they were feared and shunned by those who knew of their existence. But as the years passed, tensions began to rise within the coven. Some of the mortals and nephilim grew jealous of Arraxes' power and influence, and they began to plot against him. One dark night, as Arraxes slept, the members of the coven struck. They surrounded the great dragon and, using the power of blood magic, they were able to overcome him.


As Arraxes lay dying, the coven fled, taking with them the dragon's lexicon of blood fire, a powerful tome filled with the secrets of this forbidden magic.  For many years, the knowledge of blood fire was lost, and the coven was thought to have been disbanded. It was said that the coven had attracted Azdromoth’s own ilk and the likes of his nephilim had been the ones to plot the demise of Arraxes and the theft of his blasphemous lexicon of blood fire. It was the lesser dragonkin whomst realized they could themselves conjure forth the dragons flame required in the blood fire rituals which drove them to usurp the dragon.


But eventually, the secrets of this dark art were rediscovered by a herald of the dragonkin, a powerful drake-knight who sought to reclaim the lost knowledge of his ancestors. The herald searched long and hard for the lexicon, following the whispers and rumors of its existence until he finally came across it hidden away in a forgotten library. And with its help, he was able to reclaim the power of blood fire and use it to great effect.


The blood fire, a magic unlike any other, is a source of both great power and great danger. It is born from the union of blood magic and dragon's flame, two forces that are said to be as old as the world itself.  To wield blood fire is to invite disaster, for it is a magic that consumes the mortal soul. Those who seek to harness its power must be willing to pay a great price, for the blood fire will demand a sacrifice in return. It is a magic that demands complete and total devotion, and those who seek to wield it must be prepared to give up everything they hold dear.


The blood fire twists and corrupts the soul of the Paladin, turning them into something dark and terrible. It consumes their very being, leaving nothing behind but a husk of their former selves. Those who fall to the blood fire are feared and reviled by all, for they are no longer the champions of justice that they once were. They are now servants of the dragons, bound to their will and forced to do their bidding.


The blood fire is a powerful and dangerous magic, one that should be avoided at all costs. Those who seek to wield it are fools, for they do not understand the true cost of its power. It is a magic that demands everything, and it will take everything in return.




This magic, born from the flames of dragons and the power of blood magic, was a force to be reckoned with. The dragonkin would gather together in great rituals, calling forth the power of the dragons and channeling it through their own bodies. They would use the power of blood fire to perform powerful spells and summon great magical forces.


The rituals were said to be both beautiful and terrifying to behold, the air filled with the sound of chanting and the scent of burning blood. The dragonkin would call forth the flames of the dragons, conjuring forth great pillars of fire that reached up to the sky. As the flames burned higher, the dragonkin would enter into a trance-like state, their eyes glowing with the power of the dragons. They would then unleash this power upon their enemies, unleashing great destruction and devastation upon those who dared to oppose them. The power of the blood fire rituals was greatly feared and respected by all who knew of them, and the dragonkin guarded their secrets closely. These rituals were passed down through the generations, a powerful and ancient magic that would continue to shape the destiny of the dragonkin for ages to come.


  • The Blood Fire Tear - In a time long ago, the dragonkin were a proud and ancient race, renowned for their mastery of the arcane arts. Their powers were feared and respected, but none were as mysterious or as feared as their ability to wield the blood fire. This forbidden magic allowed them to open portals to other realms and create undaunted artifice. It was a power that many coveted, but only the bravest and most skilled among the dragonkin dared to wield. To perform this dark ritual, the dragonkin would first call upon the most powerful of dragons, those creatures whose flames burned with the hottest and most intense heat. These noble beasts were said to possess the breath of the gods, and it was their fiery essence that the dragonkin sought to harness. With the aid of the dragons, the dragonkin would then invoke the power of the blood fire, summoning forth its fierce and unstable energies. But the ritual did not end there. The dragonkin would sacrifice one of their own, offering up the vital essence of their kin in a ghastly ritual of blood magic. As the blood of the sacrifice flowed freely, the dragonkin would channel its inner flame into the waiting flames of the dragons, infusing them with a potent and elder draconic energy reminiscent to that of the Arch-Drakaar's own. The inner flame units required for this ritual were significant, and many heralds and nephilim were needed to complete the task. The ritual was a dangerous and unpredictable one, and only the most skilled among the dragonkin could hope to survive its use. With the rite complete, the dragons would unleash their fearsome breath, opening a rift in the fabric of the world itself. Through this portal, the dragonkin could pass into other realms, traveling to distant lands and exploring the mysteries of the many worlds that lay in waiting to be discovered. But be warned, for those who dared to tamper with the blood fire did so at great risk, for its power was both dangerous and unpredictable. Few were those who had ventured forth and returned unchanged by the experience.



  • The presence of at least [2] heralds, beings with mastery over fire and magic.

  • The presence of at least [3] nephilim, powerful beings with the ability to channel elder draconic energy.

  • The sacrifice of one dragonkin, whose vital essence is offered up in a ghastly ritual of blood magic.

  • The calling upon of the most powerful of dragons, creatures whose flames burn with the hottest and most intense heat, to aid in invoking the power of the blood fire.

  • The infusion of the dragonkin's inner flame into the waiting flames of the dragons, infusing them with a potent and elder draconic energy.

  • The unleashing of the dragons' fearsome breath opens a rift in the fabric of the world itself, allowing the dragonkin to pass into other realms.

In addition to these requirements, it is important to note that the power of the blood fire is both dangerous and unpredictable, and few are those who have ventured forth and returned unchanged by the experience.



  • The Goblet of Blood & Fire - In ages long past, the dragonkin were known to conduct dark rituals of blood magic, summoning forth the power of the blood fire to bend the forces of the world to their will. One such ritual was known as the Goblet of Blood and Fire, a fearsome rite that sought to grant the dragonkin the power of prophecy. To create the Goblet, the dragonkin would call upon each and every one of those whose flames burned with the purest and most intense heat. From these noble nephilim, they would gather the fiery essence of their breath, using it to forge the Goblet from the rarest of metals. (must be resistant to dragonsflame). Once the Goblet was complete, the dragonkin would perform the ritual of blood magic, offering up the sacrifice of one of their own to infuse the Goblet with the power of the blood fire. As the sacrifice's essence flowed into the metal, the Goblet would begin to glow with an otherworldly light, pulsing with the energy of the arcane. With the ritual complete, the dragonkin would drink from the Goblet, allowing them to see into the future and glimpse the prophecies that lay hidden in the mists of time.



  • The dragonkin must gather the fiery essence of every nephilim whose flames burn with the purest and most intense heat. A total of 12 nephilim are required for the ritual to succeed.

  • The fiery essence of the nephilim is then used to forge the Goblet of Blood and Fire from the rarest of metals, which must be resistant to dragonsflame.

  • Once the Goblet is complete, the dragonkin must perform the ritual of blood magic. This requires the sacrifice of one of their own, whose essence will flow into the metal and infuse the Goblet with the power of the blood fire.

  • As the sacrifice's essence flows into the metal, the Goblet will begin to glow with an otherworldly light, pulsing with the energy of the arcane.

  • After the ritual is complete, the dragonkin may drink from the Goblet, allowing them to see into the future and glimpse the prophecies that lay hidden in the mists of time.

It is important to note that the power of the blood fire is both dangerous and unpredictable, and those who dare to tamper with it do so at great risk. The creation of the Goblet of Blood and Fire is no exception, and only the most skilled and experienced of dragonkin should attempt this ritual. Even then, few have ventured forth and returned unchanged by the experience.



The Blood-Fire Forge


The dragonkin were a fierce and noble race, and they held the power of the blood fire forge in great reverence. They believed that by bonding their weapons with the power of dragons flame and blood magic, they could create powerful artifice that would enhance their strength and abilities. To use the blood fire forge, the dragonkin would first gather the blood of their kin, a sacred and precious substance. They would then pour this blood into the forge, fueling the dragons flame that burned within. As the flames rose higher, the dragonkin would place their weapon into the forge, allowing it to be imbued with the power of the dragons flame and blood magic. This process was said to be both dangerous and exhilarating, for the heat of the forge was intense and the power of the magic was great.


Those who were able to bond their weapons at the blood fire forge were greatly respected by their kin, for they had proven their bravery and skill. And with their enhanced weapons, they were able to go forth and vanquish their enemies, striking fear into the hearts of all who opposed them. The use of the blood fire forge was a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few among the dragonkin. And so, the powerful artifice created at the forge remained a mystery to the rest of the world, its existence whispered about in hushed tones and legend.


In every regard, using the blood fire forge is a dangerous feat and often considered a ritual that would require the presence of the most skilled blacksmiths.


The forge is where inscriptions would be placed upon that of the draconic armaments and where blood and fire would find union as they are each imbued into the blade. 


    • To use the blood fire forge, the dragonkin must first gather the blood of their kin, a sacred and precious substance, and pour it into the forge to fuel the dragons flame that burns within.

    • The heat of the forge is intense and the power of the magic is great, making the process both dangerous and exhilarating for the dragonkin.

    • The dragonkin must place their weapon into the forge while the flames rise higher, allowing it to be imbued with the power of the dragons flame and blood magic.

    • Using the blood fire forge is a dangerous feat and often considered a ritual that would require the presence of the most skilled blacksmiths.

    • The forge is where inscriptions would be placed upon that of the draconic armaments, enhancing their power even further.

    • Those who are able to bond their weapons at the blood fire forge are greatly respected by their kin, for they have proven their bravery and skill.

    • Please fill out a MArt once roleplay has been completed with a brief story about the creation process and its meaning.  As meaningless artifice does not apply.



Blood-Fire Inscriptions


The dragonkin knew that the power of their weapons did not come from the blades themselves, but from the intricate draconic inscriptions etched into their surfaces. These inscriptions were ancient symbols of great power, calling upon the blood fire that their blades had been imbued with and commanding it to perform certain spells. The dragonkin were masters of these inscriptions, and they spent many sleepless nights studying and perfecting them. They knew that the slightest error in the symbol or the placement of a single line could mean the difference between victory and defeat. When a dragonkin went into battle, they would recite the draconic inscriptions etched into their blade, calling upon the power of the blood fire to enhance their strength and abilities. The blade would then glow with a fierce, otherworldly light, and the dragonkin would be filled with the power of dragons.


Flame Torrent - This inscription summons a cascading deluge of searing flames that engulfs the battlefield in a maelstrom of fire. The intense heat of the flames is capable of melting plate armor, and the torrent of fire is capable of scorching even the most resistant of foes.



    • Flame Torrent is an area-of-effect spell that can affect multiple targets within a [10] meter radius centered on the caster.

    • This spell requires [8] emotes to cast, and consumes [3] inner flame units.

    • Once the spell is cast, it takes [1] emote for the torrent of flames to fully manifest.

    • The flames will last for [3] emotes before dissipating.

    • Any creature caught in the area of effect will suffer severe burns and take [medium to high] damage per emote, depending on their resistance to fire.

    • The intense heat of the flames can melt plate armor within [1-2] emotes of exposure, rendering it useless.

    • The caster, if a herald, is not immune to the flames unless they are nephilim, and is at risk of taking damage if caught in the area of effect.

    • This spell cannot be used in areas that are highly flammable, such as forests or buildings without PRO consent.

    • The spell requires a clear line of sight to the target area, and cannot be cast through walls or other obstacles.

    • The spell cannot be used to target a specific creature, as it affects all creatures within the area of effect.

    • The spell cannot be cast more than once every [1] IRL week, due to the amount of energy required to cast it.



Ethereal Form - This inscription allows the caster to assume an ethereal form, becoming incorporeal and immune to physical attacks. The caster is able to pass through solid objects and move with otherworldly speed, making them nearly impossible to catch. 



    • Ethereal Form is a one-time spell, meaning once the effect fades, the spell will go on a [24] hour cooldown.

    • This spell requires [3] emotes to cast, requiring [3] units of inner flame to create. The ethereal form will last an additional [3] emotes before the caster returns to their physical form.

    • While in ethereal form, the caster is immune to physical attacks and can pass through solid objects, but they are vulnerable to magical attacks.

    • The caster can move with otherworldly speed, making them difficult to catch, but they cannot interact with the physical world.

    • Ethereal Form is not effective against spells that specifically target ethereal beings, and the spell will break if the caster tries to interact with the physical world or attacks someone.

    • This spell is limited to nephilim only.



Arraxes’ Wrath -  [May not be placed upon small bits of jewelry.] This inscription is the ultimate expression of the dragonkin's power, and is only called upon in the direst of circumstances. When cast, it summons a great dragon of flame and fire, whose mighty roar and scorching breath are capable of laying waste to sizable groups of enemies.  



    • When cast, Arraxes' Wrath requires [6] emotes to summon the dragon and consumes [6] Inner Flame units. The spell can only be used once every [24] hours, as the dragon's power is immense and taxing on the caster.

    • Upon completion of the casting, a great dragon of flame and fire will manifest in a [20] meter radius centered on the caster [The dragon itself is a quarter the size of the given range, but will operate within the given range.]. The dragon will roar mightily and unleash its scorching breath, capable of laying waste to sizable groups of enemies [This is simply an honor sort of thing, obviously this is not a 1 hit 1 kill spell, but it is powerful and it is meant to send multiple people retreating or affect multiple people at once if used correctly.].

    • The dragon will remain for [3] emotes before dissipating, and during that time, it will attack any and all creatures within its range, dealing [high] damage per emote, depending on their resistance to fire. The intense heat of the flames is capable of melting plate armor within [2-3] emotes of exposure, rendering it useless.

    • Arraxes' Wrath cannot be used in areas that are highly flammable, such as forests or buildings without PRO consent. The spell requires a clear line of sight to the target area, and cannot be cast through walls or other obstacles.

    • The spell cannot be used to target a specific creature, as the dragon will attack any and all creatures within its range. The caster is not immune to the dragon's flames unless they are nephilim and is at risk of taking damage if caught within the area of effect.





Blood Fire Arrows - This inscription imbues the caster's arrows with the power of blood fire, enabling them to ignite upon impact and deal devastating damage to their target. The arrows are infused with the very essence of the dragonkin's inner flame, and their strike is said to be like the fiery breath of a dragon.



    • Blood Fire Arrows imbues the caster's arrows with the power of blood fire, allowing them to ignite upon impact and deal devastating damage to their target.

    • This spell requires [2] emotes to cast, and consumes [1] inner flame unit for every [3] arrows cast.

    • The Blood Fire Arrows last for [1] emote after being imbued, after which the flames will die out.

    • Upon impact, the Blood Fire Arrows deal [high] damage to the target and set them ablaze, causing [medium to high] damage per emote until extinguished.

    • The Blood Fire Arrows spell requires a bow and arrows to cast.

    • The spell cannot be used on targets that are highly resistant to fire or are immune to burning effects.

    • The spell cannot be used in areas that are highly flammable, such as forests or buildings.

    • The spell cannot be cast more than once every [3] emotes, due to the amount of energy required to imbue the arrows with the power of blood fire.




Paladin purification


This is purely left up to OOC discretion and should the Paladin acknowledge and accept the terms of becoming engulfed by the blood fire then they will then hand over the rights of their character to the ST and ST management for future event-use.  


[Author's Note]  The only reason it is titled both MA and Feat is because it includes both spells and rituals for each, as some inscriptions are limited to only nephilim as they require inner flame to activate.

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1 minute ago, creamynoteblock said:

vehement smithing from walmart

I vehemently love Walmart.  Sorry pal.

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how does this relate to blood magic at all?

is it a magic or a feat?


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Considering how strong these spells are I can't tell if this is serious or not, but assuming it is... considering that blood magic has a reputation for being a non-combative magic I'm not sure how good/beneficial it'd be to change that idea and give it combative uses. Especially considering just how strong these spells are.


Also just knowing blood magic, reading through the background I'm not sure as to why this is connected to blood magic either as it doesn't really make much looking at the abilities etc. The reason I say this is because genus (pretty much the fuel of bm) isn't cited anywhere in the lore nor does it even seem to be used to any degree, and it just feels like BM was thrown in last second to justify this piece existing. When, in my opinion, if tweaked properly could work just fine as its own addition to Nephilim / Azdrazi as a whole.

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1 minute ago, christman said:

how does this relate to blood magic at all?

is it a magic or a feat?


Its a Feat for nephilim and MA for heralds - I gotta finish up some formatting and footnotes- thats my bad for lack of clarification

1 minute ago, Lockages said:

Considering how strong these spells are I can't tell if this is serious or not, but assuming it is... considering that blood magic has a reputation for being a non-combative magic I'm not sure how good/beneficial it'd be to change that idea and give it combative uses. Especially considering just how strong these spells are.


Also just knowing blood magic, reading through the background I'm not sure as to why this is connected to blood magic either as it doesn't really make much looking at the abilities etc. The reason I say this is because genus (pretty much the fuel of bm) isn't cited anywhere in the lore nor does it even seem to be used to any degree, and it just feels like BM was thrown in last second to justify this piece existing. When, in my opinion, if tweaked properly could work just fine as its own addition to Nephilim / Azdrazi as a whole.

Honestly that was my first thought when re reading it over -  I solo authored this and didn't really reach out for feedback - The blood magic sect is to refinforce justification and perhaps I could write out the blood magic part and simply create an addition to dragonsflame itself - But im glad Im recieving feedback now, because these are all changes I am more than willing to apply - Also as for the power of the spells I simply put them to highest point that I thought realistic as its natural for ST to nerf during the review processes.

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First of all the writing in this is good, probably just missing a few key elements redlines etcetc, but I have to agree with lockages its overall very strong without much nor any counter for other MA/CA or just the regular mundane player to go against, love the idea and concept though just needs some readjusting and a revamp overall. 

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3 minutes ago, hotbox_monk said:

Its a Feat for nephilim and MA for heralds - I gotta finish up some formatting and footnotes- thats my bad for lack of clarification

Honestly that was my first thought when re reading it over -  I solo authored this and didn't really reach out for feedback - The blood magic sect is to refinforce justification and perhaps I could write out the blood magic part and simply create an addition to dragonsflame itself - But im glad Im recieving feedback now, because these are all changes I am more than willing to apply - Also as for the power of the spells I simply put them to highest point that I thought realistic as its natural for ST to nerf during the review processes.

Yeah by no means am I trying to shit on it just I feel like I know blood magic pretty well and... absolutely none of this makes sense in terms of, you know, blood magic. If you wanted to create something tied into blood magic + azdrazi I think that could be cool but it needs to be refined more, maybe by coordinating with someone who knows the ins and outs of the lore. I think it'd work best as a standalone thing.

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18 minutes ago, hotbox_monk said:

fabric of the world itself. Through this portal, the dragonkin could pass into other realms, traveling to distant lands and exploring the mysteries of the many worlds that lay in waiting to be discovered. But be warned, for those who dared to tamper with the blood fire did so at great risk, for its power was both dangerous and unpredictable. Few were those who had ventured forth and returned unchanged by the experience.

Arcane displacement

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I have a proposed addition:

  • Intercontinental Ballistic Missile is an area-of-effect spell that can affect multiple targets within a [500] meter radius centered on the point of impact, which is wherever in Almaris the user decides to cast it.

  • This spell requires [15] emotes to cast, and consumes all inner flame units.

  • Once the spell is cast, it takes [3] emotes for the blast radius to fully manifest.

  • The flames will last for [8] emotes before dissipating.

  • Any creature caught in the area of effect will instantly die, regardless of their resistance to fire.

  • The intense heat of the flames can melt plate armor instantly upon exposure, rendering it useless.

  • The caster, if a herald, is not immune to the flames unless they are nephilim, and is at risk of instant death if caught in the area of effect.

  • This spell can be used in areas that are highly flammable, such as forests or buildings, even without PRO consent.

  • The spell does not require a clear line of sight to the target area, and can be cast through walls or other obstacles.

  • The spell cannot be used to target a specific creature, as it affects all creatures within the area of effect.

  • The spell cannot be cast more than once every [1] IRL week, due to the amount of energy required to cast it.

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Just now, Lockages said:

Yeah by no means am I trying to shit on it just I feel like I know blood magic pretty well and... absolutely none of this makes sense in terms of, you know, blood magic. If you wanted to create something tied into blood magic + azdrazi I think that could be cool but it needs to be refined more, maybe by coordinating with someone who knows the ins and outs of the lore. I think it'd work best as a standalone thing.

I definitely agree with you!  And by all means I appreciate any and all feedback as I am passionate about writing, but I understand that I have overlooked key points pertaining to blood magic and failed to acknowledge it at its fullest - as well as you are also correct that in creating this as a standalone piece with some applied nerfs could result in a good addition!


3 minutes ago, kindEmperor said:

First of all the writing in this is good, probably just missing a few key elements redlines etcetc, but I have to agree with lockages its overall very strong without much nor any counter for other MA/CA or just the regular mundane player to go against, love the idea and concept though just needs some readjusting and a revamp overall. 

Most definitely agree there - I had created this magic as a powerful subset with the given mindset that it would be nerfed upon review anyways - though I suppose that is a rather negative mindset to have and I should have prepared it better for actual roleplay-use.

2 minutes ago, wowj said:

Arcane displacement

Except blood magic has its own version to arcane displacement and currently any particular travel outside of the given realm is extremely gatekept and locked.  It is my hopes that even after review/edits and nerfs that this ability may still be given the light of day as it is meant to differ from shunting.  Of course I would not be opposed to the implementation of the Outvoker on a more extreme scale to balance this spell.

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1 minute ago, GlassySkies said:


Its minecraft.  Require any further point?

1 minute ago, BoyWonderr said:

i dread the day that funny dragon people become blood wizards

In fairnes the blood magic part was probably an overstep, but the concept is enjoyable to me personally, but with the given stigma I could see why it wouldn't be to the community.

All in all I wrote this as a way for me to get back into lotc a bit and the rhythm of writing again.  Enjoy or don't, but don't take it too seriously and try and remember that these are ficitional spells to be used in a pixelated text based roleplaying game.  Bless you all and enjoy the read - Seriously I haven't seen anyone comment ab Arraxes yet or the concept of a new dragon :(   very sad

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**** u guys I can summon a dragon with this thats cool af **** u **** u **** u

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