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[✗] [CA] A Hanyō - The Half Yōkai [ Loremag Feedback Fixes - Resubmission ]


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The Half Yōkai 





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A Hanyō/Half Yōkai - A term used for individuals who have consumed the spirit of a Yōkai.

Yōkai - A twisted spirit of Iblees' army that takes the form of animals to take advantage of eager descendents.







Yulthar, once a place of peace and prosperity, soon turned towards darkness as occult practices burned through it like a forest fire. Demons of horrible nature roamed the lands and set plague to villages, destroyed homes and even consumed the very families which resided inside them. As darkness overtook Yulthar, the farfolk of the lands soon looked towards any means that they could use to keep a grasp upon their homelands, even if it meant becoming the very monsters that they sought to defeat.


It was one man, unnamed and lost to time, who sought to utilize the power of these horrid creatures and apply it to himself to better protect his village that sat outside the capital city. Seeking out one night, he had come across one of the foul demons that sought to destroy the very existence of the Man and his kin. Such a creature had coined the name Yōkai by locals, a demonic spirit that manifests itself from the very animals that walk the world around them. The powers of these creatures was sourced from the very fear of them whilst their initial creation remains unknown. Nearing towards it nothing but fear, horror, and sickness ran rampant through his mind and body. A bargain was soon to take place, one that is wicked in nature, and perhaps even benefits the Yōkai more than the man before him.


Such a bargain allowed for the Yōkai to reside within the walls of the man’s flesh, in turn allowing him to harbor and even harness slivers of the  Yōkai’s power. However such demon’s are not as foolish as they may seem. For when the body of the man soon turns to rotting flesh and bone the spirit will remain, stronger than it was before. Only once this has happened is the demonic spirit truly set free.


A scream split through the night sky as the transformation began. Crawling through his airways the spirit swiftly entered the man’s soul. Twisting together to form a singular bond between the two of them, the man began to change. The serpentine Yōkai that had once manifested before the man will soon form a new body for the two of them, one of half man, and half  Yōkai. His eyes began to bleed as what once was his rounded pupil swiftly turned into that of a slit, from his mouth a forked tongue creeped outwards and his skin grew cracks that dived into scales. As the transformation was complete, what once was a desperate man and a wicked spirit had become a new being, one that will even walk among the lands of Almaris itself, the first A Hanyō was born.




As beings fled the lands of Yulthar so did the demon’s that chased after them. Disguising themselves within bodies of A Hanyō or objects aboard ships they successfully dispatched themselves onto the lands where people settled as they fled from the very existence of such demons. Weakened from such travels and extended hiding, only now have Yokai once more come forth to wreak havoc on the lands, and attach themselves to unfortunate souls to gain more power for themselves.

Origination of Yokai

As wrath was laid to the lands of Yulthar many creatures of the dark began to plague the lands however none of these were yet able to coin the name Yōkai. This term was reserved for the "demonic" spirits that came through the night causing chaos within the lands. In reality however, Yōkai are much more than what they may portray themselves to be.

As Iblees laid wrath upon the lands of Yulhar so did his many demons and creatures. Among these forces were the Yokai themselves, spirits wrought of pure evil and malice that were a creation of the very fear and wrath that encompassed the minds of the Yultharians. Yokai portrayed a false illusion of themselves onto the lands of Yulthar, often resulting in an image of what appears to be a demonic beast to disguise themselves. After accomplishing this they began to prey upon the lost descendents looking for power to defeat their enemies or even those lost to the world.

This is where the first creation of an A Hanyō comes into play. Through pacting the Yokai are able to create an anchor to the body and mind of a descendent using their body as a vessel to gain worship so that they may ascend themselves further on the mortal realm as they are inherently cursed to remain of Iblees horde.  These creatures give no names nor information about themselves anywhere close to the truth, as they will not reveal their true nature.

Yokai in creation were made to be “spirit” like creatures who served as beasts among Iblees army as he laid waste to Yulthar and engaged in war with descendent kinds. Their soul weak and their abilities minimal under the command of the Daemon. However this very reason is what drives them to pact with something much more pure, the soul of a descendent. Through the pacting with a descendent creating an A Hanyō, they work through the mortal flesh of the power seeking descendent as they create shrines of worship for what the A Hanyō believe to be themselves, but in reality is only gaining the Yokai within them more power which allows the A Hanyō to perform the different rites based upon the sacrifices they grant to their shrines. This also comes into play upon the creation of more A Hanyō, as each A Hanyō Shrine is in all reality a source of power for the Yokai to become more attached with the mortal realm than that of Iblees’ control. Via a powerful shrine, A Hanyō are capable of summoning more Yokai from it so that they may pact with descendents which in turn creates more of their kind.





- Yokai will never reveal their true natures of being descendents of Iblees.

- Yokai are creatures of Iblees wrought of essence created through the fear and terror brought forth by the daemon. They are essentially weak however through worship and pacting they are capable of growing stronger whilst inhabiting a descendents soul.






The A Hanyō is a strange creature, in truth - a fusion of man and the native demons of Yulthar that consumes the descendant and baptizes them in the meta-physical. What emerges from the binding is neither Descendant, nor is it fully Yokai; but rather the manifestation of the unified will shared by both souls, now tainted beyond repair and irrevocably sullied by the demon’s essence, forever forsaken by the Aenguls and their servants - rendering them weak to holy magics. They are fully creatures of their own soul, unable to take on deific connections or magic. Due to the abundance of essence within them, passive wisps of harmless ethereal flame may dance around them, or be projected to no combative benefit purely at the whim of the A Hanyō. A Hanyō are not allowed to enter the spiritual plane as their body is tethered to the mortal realm and will remain there forever even after death.



- Half-Yokai are unable to learn dark magics, magic, and deific magics.

-The sole exception to this rule is Seerdom of both the feat and MA variety, as the Kabalees are able to pervade all. This is due to the fact that the soul of the Half-Yokai is tainted and corrupted by the demon it harbors therein.


-A Hanyo may take upon themselves creation feats such as sorvian sculpting, alchemy, extended alchemy etc.


-Souls harvested via mysticism/naztherak count as two.

-Essence expelled or wisps of flame orbiting the Half-Yokai are non combative, purely for aesthetic flavor and thematic flair. They cannot be used to burn down structures, set people aflame, etc. 


-Half-Yokai possess an acute weakness to all forms of Holy Magick, at the very minimum experiencing great pain as a result of their application. As well, the pain they experience from Malflame and Dragonflame is incredibly heightened, due to their status as inherently magical creatures.

-Auric Oil and Thanhic Steel also serve to more easily wound these creatures, able to deflect all of their sorceries and shear through their flesh like a hot knife through butter.


-Half-Yokai possess a singular magic slot which can only be filled with the MA level of seerdom.




Their physical form is equally curious as compared to the body of the mundane descendant they were birthed from. Their body will have been twisted and warped in accordance with the Yokai they have bonded with - an A Hanyō who has bound themselves to a serpentine Yokai would take upon characteristics such as their eyes turning to serpentine slits, their tongue becoming forked, thin scales growing over their skin, etc. Upon their transformation, they may grow or shrink up to 1 foot at a maximum, this becoming their new height for the duration of their long lives. Though bearing many resemblances to their previous mortal self, their new visage will be fundamentally inhuman - either ethereally beautiful or horrifying, but uncanny and recognizable as unnatural regardless. Their transformation does not lend them any greater strength than their mundane counterparts, though they are granted a greater constitution at a cost; being rendered immune to mundane poisons while likewise being entirely unable to benefit from any alchemical imbibement such as Tawkin Mutations, Potions of Acuity, etc. 


Of note, no matter whether or not they are disguised, their form will slowly take on natural tattoos that depict and resemble the growth of the pair together as they age and gather new experiences. Eventually, the entire body of the A Hanyō becomes that of a beautiful eastern canvas and is easily recognizable by the trained eye. Some wear it as a badge of honor, while others keep it hidden as it is their private journey. Nonetheless, these naturally occurring tattoos only foster a deeper bond between descendant and Yōkai and show such as it grows. 




-Half-Yokai are infertile, and cannot sire or produce children.

-They do not explicitly require sustenance, being entwined with the ethereal, but will often indulge themselves in mortal delicacies and vices.

-Half-Yokai are rendered immune to most mundane poisons & diseases such as Azhl Anemia as a result of their biology, though likewise unable to benefit from all forms of alchemical imbibement such as Alteration Alchemy or the malignant art of Tawkin.


-They may be damaged by alchemical concoctions as mundane descendants would, however.


-Necromantic plagues and Vargr Sigilled plagues will work on them as normal, as they are magical in nature.

-The animalistic appearance does not include claws, wings, extra appendages, etcetera. It is only effective in regards to skin texture, eye appearance, and other small changes. While tusks or horns could be manifested, they are only ever as durable as a mundane beast’s horns - the same applies to nails or claws, these being only as effective as a normal descendant’s nails would be, and would break just as easily. Likewise, this must be of at least semi-common mundane animals, one could not be a chinese dragon A Hanyo, for example.

-The height increase or decrease caps out at 1 foot maximum in difference - this meaning a 4’9 human would only be able to raise themselves up to 5’9 This maxes out at 7 feet tall.

-Their physical strength and characteristics are otherwise unaffected by their transformation, and they may only ever achieve the peak physicality of their former race; a halfling would not be able to achieve orcish strength after transformation, for example.

-While in their un-guised form, the Half-Yokai will always be recognizable as something ethereal and inhuman, even to the untrained eye. 


With their foul ascension, the A Hanyō is freed from the mortal coil as most understand it - taking on a strange and weird form of agelessness, the unison of man and Yokai serving to stall time’s passage. As well, if they were to be slain or killed by most means, death is not the end for these forsaken beings; instead, their soul would linger on the mortal plane as their body would slowly fade into ethereal mists, sinking into the earth below. Over a course of one year, their Yokai would laboriously reconstitute the host body, an intensely painful process that the A Hanyō experiences every agonizing second of - and upon the end of the process, they would reform in a location of personal significance in a display of spiritual power; this being either a puff of mist, emerging from fog, walking forth from a mirror, etc. Death is not without its costs to the A Hanyō, however, as with each death they lose aspects of their prior self, effectively reincarnated as less and less of their mortal identity is passed on. The body may be restored in full, but the mind will suffer the blow. 


However, there may come a time where the A Hanyō has lost their will to live - be it through depression, weariness of the world around them, or other such circumstances. When this time has come, they may perform what is known as  ritual suicide - separating the spirit of the descendant from that of the Yokai, a process that ultimately ends them both. This is a freeform ritual highly personalized to every A Hanyō, with the only real requirement being self-disembowelment with a blade covered in one’s own expelled essence, and upon its conclusion, the soul of the A Hanyō will pass on to whatever fate awaits it.




-Half-Yokai are ageless, permanently stuck at whatever age they were upon transformation until their demise from ritual suicide.

-Upon death outside of ritual suicide, a Half-Yokai’s body would turn into ethereal mist and sink into the earth, reforming after a duration of 1 OOC day has passed, during which time the CA is unplayable. Upon reformation, all of one’s lost extremities, scars, and wounds would be healed, though they may lose certain memories, aspects of their personality, etc. They would not remember their death as per server rules, and death should be a respected threat to the Half-Yokai, as it is an incredibly painful and unpleasant experience which none wish to endure.

-Should the Half-Yokai lose the will to live or otherwise wish to PK on their lonesome, they may perform a freeform ritual suicide within the themes of the CA, the end result being both souls passing on to whatever fate awaits them. They would be unable to be revived through any means, this acting as a permanent and irrevocable end to the persona.

This lore piece does not wield a direct PK method allowing A Hanyō to permanently kill one another, however there is a way to prolong the respawning of such a creature. Through the complete obliteration of their body, the A Hanyō will need a long amount of time to successfully reform itself. A Hanyō who are burnt alive, eaten/consumed, or completely destroyed will take an additional 1 weeks atop of their already 1 day long respawn rate. A Hanyō however who are killed off in an un-respawnable way such as being eaten by a prominent magical creature such as Azdromoth, or other respective PK clauses will be permanently killed.


The reason for doing so, is to allow the lore written in this piece in regards to A Hanyō fighting one another for territory to occur without players ruthlessly PK’ing one another. Further down the line once there are more A Hanyō, perhaps we will include an amendment but to avoid OOC drama/plotting/schemes etc, it is decided that it would be best to not allow it to such an extent of permanently killing the player but instead long cooldowns.





Detached from the mortal lens of perspective, the mind of the A Hanyō is an unsettled, disquieted thing, twisted and warped by the fell ascension they have undergone by merging themselves with the harrowing spirits that haunt Yulthar. The consciousness of man and demon becomes one after their transformation is complete, where the mortal view intermingles with that of the Yokai, to the forever-still painted image befitting of their new mantle - and to become one with the Yokai is to take on a bizarre frame of mind and spiritual condition.


No matter their inclination, all A Hanyō are prideful creatures - considering their condition to place them above mortalkind, often leading them to fashion themselves as pseudo-deities or great spirits for those who know naught of their true nature. Indeed, they are incredibly vain beings, and for one reason or another, they will seek to be worshiped or praised by those that become enchanted with the Yokai’s words. They are narcissistic, selfish and covetous of validation - for theirs is a need to gather fame and grandeur. Throughout Yulthar’s history, there have been conflicts both great and small spurred by the whims of these fell spirits, seeking to claim supremacy and followers from one another - for indeed, as they are territorial akin to wild beasts, the A Hanyō will inevitably come to blows with one another for the sole purpose of defending what is theirs, or claiming what belongs to another. Insults against them are taken only with the utmost seriousness, depending on severity, as the honor of oneself and their name is held as sacred amongst the A Hanyō. Many of these spirits abide by a code of honor of sorts, though this is subjective and varies from individual to individual. These things combined stand as a pillar of not only conflict, but for spirituality, religion, and faith to all be parts of each and every A Hanyō’s story.


However, entwinement with a Yokai is not without its detriments - for they are still creatures of the Dark intrinsically, and though bound in unison with their host, their fell and corrupting whispers still gnaw at the edges of one’s waking mind. Darker temptations and egomania will haunt them like a wolf at their heels, with emotions and vices such as greed, jealousy, obsessive behaviors, gluttony, etc. being commonplace amongst the accursed spirits. To the A Hanyō, their bound Yokai becomes an eternal companion - the devil on their shoulder whispering malignancies and tempting them to fell action throughout the rest of their existence. While not necessarily required to listen, the A Hanyō will forever be taunted and goaded into less-than-stellar morality.

In regard to their willingness to create other Half Yokai or students, often the act is done through a Half Yokai wishing to create followers that will further develop devotion to oneself. For example one that has pacted with a crane yokai, could find themselves with students of other avian species creating a metaphorical “pantheon” of belief. 




-The mind of the Half-Yokai is fundamentally detached from the mortal lens of existence, manifesting in varying degrees as antisocial and egomaniacal behavior. They are inclined to see mundane mortals as ‘Lesser’ or ‘beneath them,’ given their unique state of existence. They may delight in ‘Mortal’ experiences, but theirs is a timeless view of the world, and they are prone to flights of whimsy and feyish trickery.

-Half-Yokai are always prideful and vain, taking their self-image and insults or deriding of their honor or self incredibly seriously. This drives them to seek worship, praise, and offerings from others - even those beholden to another Half-Yokai - at a base level, marking them as inherently selfish beings, no matter what good they may perform; it is all for the benefit of the self, and those they consider as ‘belonging’ to them. These traits form the foundation for conflict, spirituality, religious beliefs, and many other aspects of the Half-Yokai’s story.

-Egomaniacal conditions or states of mind such as severe narcissism are common among the Half-Yokai, leading relationships with them to, more often than not, be unhealthy for all parties involved. The influence of the Yokai is a corrupting one, at its core. 






The Transformation Ritual

The creation ritual begins with the summoning of a Yōkai. This is done through an A Hanyō giving an offering of Blood and Spiritual essence alongside a ritualistic prayer. Such a collection of forces acts as a lure for roaming Yōkai spirits as it will trick wandering  Yōkai into thinking that another has invaded their territory.  After one is lured, the descendent in question will consume the lured spirit through making a pact with it. Once a pact is made the descendant shall inhale the spiritual form of the Yōkai through “eating” its very being. This is done through the summoned Yōkai sliding up and through the nostrils and maw of the soon to be A Hanyō, another term for Half Yōkai. Once inside the body of the descendant the spirit will latch onto the soul and the transformation process will soon begin. During the transformation ritual the Yokai will only speak very broken common.


Once complete, newly made A Hanyō will place a specially made mask over their face, known as a Kamen mask. Each Kamen mask is marked with the blood of the descendent partaking in the ritual. The marking of mortal blood acts as an anchor of the physical to the metaphysical and contains the Yōkai that they have just merged with, finalizing the bond between man and ethereal beast. After such, the new A Hanyō will collapse from exhaustion and need to rest for a minimum of 6 irl hours before being able to roleplay the change into a Half Yōkai.


[Much like Druidic Attunement, the interaction between player and Yōkai is simulated by the valid TA holder to allow for a memorable interaction and freeform rp within reason. Aka. No blowing up a city or anything disastrous. Just have fun with it, if you have a question for an interaction simply verify the scenario with an LT beforehand.]


The Kamen and Yōkai Binding

A Half-Yōkai’s  mask is known as a Kamen. Kamen masks are capable of not only harnessing the powers of the Yokai within the A Hanyō, but they may also suppress it. While wearing their Kamen mask, the passive abilities/tells of an A Hanyō are not displayed, acting as a disguise for the A Hanyō in more than one way.


In their early stages the mask remains upon their face until they are strong enough to contain and control the Yōkai within them. For the first two IRL days, a Half-Yōkai must wear their mask at all times. If removed for a duration longer than one IRL hour, the Yōkai will escape and the descendant will return to normal within the following 24 IRL hours.


The initial performance of Yōkai Baindingu to create the player’s Kamen mask uses the blood of the player becoming the creature.



-This ability creates a Kamen mask, which is listed earlier in the lore piece.


-Emote count is exchangeable, there is no set emote limit.

-Kamen masks may be created with any material, save for thanium or other material that would otherwise not work with this lore piece.

-Kamen masks may not be enchanted by any holy or deity magics, or voidal magics.


-Kamen masks can be shared between A Hanyō , however they do not work if used by someone other than the creator.


-They may be made of any materials that WOULD work with this lore piece.


-They do not have any gained durability, strength, or combative capabilities.


-They may be treated alchemically. (Heat Vision, Athens, etc.)


-If wearing a Kamen mask, users will be unable to perform any abilities of the magic. This means that to cast they will need to remove it from their face.


-Should a connection between the two be broken, their character's soul will be ‘marked’ as a failed attempt prohibiting them from becoming a Half Yokai forever.


- Kamen masks must be ST signed to be valid roleplay items.






The abilities of the A Hanyō vary depending on many different factors, however there are a few core abilities that all A Hanyō have access to perform. Some are performed naturally as a passive ability, while some must be taught by their mentor. Aside from these few core abilities, A Hanyō may perform different Rites that allow them to perform even more different and diverse abilities.


Casting an ability creates an exhaustion within the A Hanyō, for abilities utilize the essence of the Yokai spirit inside of them. Extended casting will result in tiredness, fatigue, and overall weakness for a course of time until the Yokai are able to regenerate themselves. Over-casting could result in the A Hanyō passing out.

A Yokai’s Presence - Passive

When an A Hanyō  performs any swift movement they risk exposure of their true origins. Whether it be running, combat, or intensive movements a “trail” will follow the body of the A Hanyō. This trail is a stream emitted from the Yokai spirit within them and trails no more than 2 meters behind them. This means that in combat trails of light will follow the body of the A Hanyō and are colored according to the character's aura.



Mechanics: When partaking in fast actions, Yokai will appear to have a slight spirit following such actions. This visible spirit is merely a colored replica of the Yokai’s body itself and has no combative effect. This does not include talking, walking, or performing daily activities. This is only suppressed when wearing their Kamen mask.

Emote Example

As the armored Yokai drew his sword, he would slash downwards in a swift manner. As his blade cut through the air before him a stream of green light would follow suit.


Looking onwards the woman began to run at a steady pace - behind her a red soul would chase after her, mimicking her movements exactly. Those who looked closer would find that it’s a mirror image of the running woman, perhaps a warp in reality to those unknown to such origins.




-This will not confuse individuals who look at it.


-This ability happens any time a Yokai performs a swift action (this means they can walk, eat, talk, read, etc. without giving themselves away.) if they are not wearing their kamen mask.


-The color reflects the character's aura.


-The does not make players faster by any means.


Yokai Binding - Non-Combative  (Two Casts)

A Hanyō are capable of creating new Kamen masks for themselves via the Yokai Binding ritual.




To begin the ritual the A Hanyō must gather one count of their own blood, alongside the desired mask that they wish to enchant. Using their blood they must fully submerge their mask before calling forth the Yokai spirit within them. They may do so via a prayer to it, or any other appropriate manner they have developed with their spirit. Once summoned a pool of mist will begin to gather within their lungs. Placing the mask upon their face and breathing through it, they will activate the magical properties of the Yokai spirit onto the mask, binding it’s essence onto it.

Emote Example

Gathering their wooden mask they had just finished carving, the woman would fully submerge it into a wooden bowl containing her own blood. “Come forth Elizara, Yokai spirit of the Hare. For together we will conquer all that we know, but we cannot do such without going unnoticed.”


At once a pool of white mist would begin to seep out of her mouth and nose. Reaching into the bowl of crimson liquid she would pull out her mask before placing it upon her face. A thin coating of mist would slowly creep and crawl over it’s surface absorbing the blood upon it’s surface. Carvings of an unknown language would begin to etch onto the surface of it on behalf of the Yokai’s presence.  Soon the mists would come to a halt, signifying the completion of the Kamen Mask.




-This ability creates a Kamen mask, which is listed earlier in the lore piece.


-Emote count is exchangeable, there is no set emote limit.

-Kamen masks may be created with any material, save for thanium or other material that would otherwise not work with this lore piece.

-Kamen masks may not be enchanted by any holy or deity magics.


-Kamen masks do not require an ST signature. They do however need to be signed by the player who made them.


Ritual Death - Non Combative  (One+ Cast)

The life of an A Hanyō comes to an end at some point whether it be through the actions of others, or even their own alongside the Yokai inside of them.




Through the act of Seppuku, an A Hanyō may perform a self-PK. Utilizing this ability an A Hanyō is able to not only end their life, but the life of the Yokai demon that resides inside of them. This is done via saying a prayer to their Yokai spirit, before sending a blade directly into the core of their body. Piercing their soul the demon will let out a screaming noise heard to all of those within shout radius. Moments after, the screams will come to a stop as the body of the A Hanyō falls lifeless, and the Yokai spirit erupts from the pain, killing them both.

Emote Example

Reciting a prayer to his serpentine Yokai spirit the man would take a firm grip upon his sword. In one swift motion he would drive the blade into the pit of his stomach as a scream erupted through the cave. A scream mixed with not only his, but the Yokai spirit within him. Soon after the man would fall lifeless and a small trail of glowing smoke would emit from his airways, for his deeds were accomplished and the demon within him was no more.




-This hard PK’s the character who performs it.


-The screaming does not damage ears, it is just loud.


-ST will need to be notified of this ability being performed, and their CA will be altered accordingly.


-Any A Hanyō may perform this at any point in time.


-Aesthetic changes are allowed in regard to mists, etc.


-This has no combative effect.

-There is no set emote limit on this ability.




The Shrine of the A Hanyō



Each A Hanyō has a shrine that links to their very spiritual personification in the realm. Shrines act as places where these creatures linger, they also act as an anchor for the inner Yōkai. These shrines come in many different styles and constructions, however all of them serve as divine places of worship in regards to the creatures known as A Hanyō. Should a shrine be destroyed, A Hanyō will suffer severe emotional distress that lasts for a minimum of 1 Year, (7 OOC days) once they are made aware of such destruction. Shrines may be created at any point in an A Hanyo's life by simply calling for their Yokai and extending their essence upon an area over the course of three emotes.

Should a descendent find themself within the shrine of a Half-Yokai, they would often be taken back by the raw power that it possesses; however, it is important to note that each shrine often has more individualistic effects. The air would be filled with many wisps and particles guiding them to the center of the shrine. Should an individual within a shrine seek to destroy it they will only need to ruin the physical properties of the shrine. For example destroying the shrine via brute force, the building with the shrine collapsing and so forth. As the destruction occurs the shrine will “pulse’ in a sense as the power within it lingers outwards into the world.


Through different worships and offerings dedicated to each one’s shrine,  A Hanyō are able to access more abilities and powers. Once the specific ritual has been performed, an A Hanyō gain’s access to these for the rest of their lifespan. Each A Hanyō must be taught of the requirements to attain these abilities through roleplay by a valid TA holder. Each Rite that is performed or “unlocked” by an  A Hanyō not only adds on to the spiritual aspect of the  A Hanyō, but the physical attributes of a shrine as well. With each Rite learned, a new decoration of feature will be made apparent. For example a fledgling  A Hanyō may have a mere stone tower in the midst of a cave, while an ancient  A Hanyō may have a massive temple that serves as their shrine. The Rite’s and their respective abilities goes as follows:


[Rites serve as “abilities” for the A Hanyō. Each Rite “unlocks” different abilities that an  A Hanyō may perform.]


Shrine Redlines:

- They may only have one shrine at a time.

- Visiting other shrines does not inform players how to unlock the different rites, they MUST be learned via roleplay with a TA holder.


- Shrines must be accesible mechanically, meaning they have to always have a way of entry.

- Shrines must be ST signed.


-Shrines must be 10x10


-Shrines can only be re-created once the 7 OOC day grieving period has ended.


- Shrines may not be hidden behind excessive doors, gates, etc.


- Upon attaining an accepted CA, an A Hanyo may make a shrine at any given point.

-Shrines must be given PRO/RO permission if placed within an owned region, and ST permission if using unclaimed tiles.


Rite Of Curses

Ritual/Offering Requirement: To unlock the Rite of Curses, an A Hanyō must adorn their shrine with the blood of a Dark Creature aside from themselves. This includes the blood of any lesser or greater dark creature such as corrupted nephilim, inferi, etc.


Yokai Cursing (Minor) - Combative (One Channel - Two Cast)

A Hanyō are able to perform minor curses on descendents and other humanoid beings as well as animals.



Minor Curses are able to be performed by A Hanyō onto any living thing. These curses are limited to hallucinations, mild sickness (fatigue, sinus infection, lightheadedness, drowsiness, & skin irritation.)


These curses are only applied directly onto the receiver and cannot be attached to objects or areas. A Hanyō are able to do this through evoking their Yokai’s spiritual essence onto the body of the one being cursed. This is done through channeling it’s spiritual essence directly onto the victim for a course of 3 emotes. The range of this ability reaches outwards of 5 meters, and requires one casting emote, then two emotes of spiritual essence flowing from the mouth of the Yokai onto that of the victim. Should the victim leave the radius before the three emotes are completed or should the casting yokai be interrupted physically/magically the cursing will fail. The mist from an A Hanyō would feel warm, and emit a tingling sensation.


Should one find themselves successfully cursed, they will carry this curse upon them for a course of 3 OOC days. A tell of this curse includes slight breathing out of colored mists akin to the color of the A Hanyō that cursed them. Curses may be cleansed by paladins or other appropriate lore pieces that would be able to remove curses from dark creatures. 


Sickness - The affected will find themselves experiencing symptoms of stomach ache, vomiting, cold-chills, sweating, and headaches.

Fatigue - The affected will feel weak in their every move experiencing laziness, mild body pains, and overall tiredness.

Hallucinations - Affected wil find themselves seeing cursed imagery of the animal that resembles the A Hanyō that cursed them. For example one may hallucinate seeing snakes slithering at the edges of the room, or hear the sounds of scales scraping across the floor above them. This is decided upon by the one cursed, not the A Hanyō unless dictated by the cursed player otherwise.




- Sickness : This will not kill anyone ever. Lasts for 3 OOC days.

- Fatigue : This will make characters feel weak and fatigued making typical CRP movements reduced by half. If used in combat this curse only lasts until the end of CRP aside from the 3 OOC day standard.

- Hallucinations : This will not disrupt casting. Emotes are left of up the afflicted to take upon themselves.
- Can only be used twice during a combat scenario.



Emote Example

Looking towards the direction of Wanye Kest, the villainous A Hanyō would let out a howl of laughter. At once a visage of green light would begin to trickle out of his mouth as he spoke in an unintelligible language. His eyes would redden and an eerie chill would begin to crawl down the back of the man that lay before him.


A slight glow would begin to fill the room as the mist which began to collect near the A Hanyō’s mouth would slowly trickle further out towards the man, eventually reaching him. As it graced his face a sense of warmth would be felt upon his skin, however this is a mere disguise of the true nature of the A Hanyō’s casting.


The mist from the A Hanyō would soon cover the entire front side of the man, coating him in the bright green essence. As it began to set into his skin, a slight shiver would send down his spine, and a rattling sound would begin to be heard in the faint distance.




-Curses must follow one of the listed effects of sickness, fatigue, or hallucinations.

-The curse does not extend past three OOC days as the essence of the A Hanyō will have left their body.

-Curses do not stack from the same A Hanyō, however multiple curses may be attained through different ones cursing them.

-A Hanyō may curse each other or any being that has the capability to inhale and exhale air.

-Should a character die that received the curse they will no longer have it.


-A Hanyō may not curse themselves.

-Compatible blood for this ritual must be of the following: Necromancer, Naztherak, Inferi, Corrupted Nephilim, Siliti, Corcitura, Undead, Darkspawn.


- Can only be used twice during a combat scenario.

Yokai Cursing (Major) - Non Combative (One Channel - Four Cast)

A Hanyō are able to perform major curses upon areas of their choosing. They are not however able to grant major curses upon living beings such as the lesser variant of this ability.



Over the course of five emotes, players may create a cursed area with the location of their choosing. RO/PRO permission is required should the area be an owned region. Similar to emitting mists from their body in lesser curses, players will do the same over a large area up to 10x10 blocks. Curses within this area unleash a part of the Yokai to necessarily “haunt” an area. This is primarily done around shrines to ward off players, however it can be utilized for numerous different reasons.


Once an area is cursed, those who enter it will be within the domain of the A Hanyō. Greater curses are primarily hallucinatory curses where players will begin to see imagery of the Yokai in regard to the type of spirit that they are. A cursed area on the behalf of a tiger Yokai could result in the area containing low bestial grows, imagery of bear scatches upon walls, blood pouring over ledges, etc. Once created, A Hanyō cannot alter the curse and they last for a course of 2 OOC weeks. A Hanyō may only have one cursed area at a time, and after cursing they would find themselves extremely exhausted. Like minor curses, the greater one may be removed via paladin cleansing.



Emote Example

Standing before his shrine, the A Hanyō would open his arms wide before he opened his mouth in song. He would sing a tune in an unknown oyashiman language before a multitude of mists began to seep out of his mouth at once.


These mists would seek out the room of the shrine before him like ghouls hunting their prey. With each not in the song more and more would seep out of his mouth coating nearly the entire room with his green aura.


Each wisp found an object to plant itself within, whether it be the walls, cases, or the very shrine itself the room would begin to gain an ethereal green glow to it.


Near instantly the hallucinations would begin to set into the affected room. The sounds of chirping bug’s would fill the A Hanyō’s ears alongside the sound of chitin being crushed. Sounds of taps rang through the room as well as the smell of a very foul scent. At the corner of his eyes images of a green mantis would begin to appear, first on the rafter, then the floor, then the side of the vase however each way that he looked it would disappear to a new location.


As the last of the mists found a home within the room, the A Hanyō would swiftly remove himself. A pain would set into his body with each step as the exhaustion began to take its toll. What laid behind him would be a significantly cursed room via the mantis yokai spirit that inhabits his soul.





-Curses cannot be cast in combat, however can influence combat should it take place in the location.

-Greater curses last 2 OOC weeks.

-A description of the curse will need to be left via signage or a region notice.

-The cursed area can be smaller, however it has a max radius of 10x10 blocks.

-This ability will not cause physical harm to players inside of it.

-This still affects other A Hanyō who enter the area.


- Requires an ST approval sign.


-Requires PRO/RO permission.

- Cannot be used mid-combat.


- Will not disrupt casting should combat be held within a cursed area. However a player can choose to be interrupted if they wish.



Rite of Blessings

Ritual/Offering Requirement: A Hanyō can complete this rite by making an offering of burning great amounts of incense at the site of their shrine, as well as medical tools such as splints, bandages, etc.. This is a significance of the lesser than evil side of the A Hanyō, however every blessing has its twist.


Yokai Blessing - Non Combative (One Channel - One Cast)

A Hanyō are capable of granting lesser blessings to their followers and other soul-bearing beings. Blessings are short, yet bountiful which often leads receivers of them to seek after A Hanyō and enter a cycle of service to receive them.



A Hanyō are capable of granting blessings onto other soul bearing beings as a means of trying to gain their favor, or even trying to conceal their corrupted nature. A Hanyō are able to do this through evoking their Yokai’s spiritual essence onto the body of the one being blessed. This is done through channeling its spiritual essence directly onto the them for a course of 2 emotes. The range of this ability reaches outwards of 5 meters, and requires one casting emote, then one emotes of spiritual essence flowing from the mouth of the Yokai onto that of the receiver. Should the receiver leave the radius before the emotes are completed or should the casting yokai be interrupted physically/magically the blessing will fail. The mist from an A Hanyō would feel warm, and emit a tingling sensation.


Should one find themselves successfully blessed, they will carry it upon them for a course of 3 OOC days. A tell of this blessing includes slight breathing out of colored mists akin to the color of the A Hanyō that gave them the blessing. Blessings may be removed by paladin purging, the blessing of scorthuz, or any other respective ability in lore that would remove an effect from a dark creature.


Life - The blessing of Life will make the receiver feel as if they are youthful and at the peak point in their life. As they breathe out the spiritual essence that inhabits them, the flora and fauna around them will take a liking to their presence. Animals would be attracted, plants would turn towards them or bloom around them, etcetera.



Emote Example

Extending a hand onto the woman, the A Hanyō would begin to hum a sweet toon. Slowly white mists would begin to exhale from her mouth and nose as it carried onwards to that of the face of the woman before her.


As she continued to hum the mists would make contact inflicting a slight warmth onto the woman. With each breath she would inhale more and more of the mists before the world around her began to take shape. Immediately she would feel a sense of self belonging and joy overtake her thoughts. Finishing her blessing, the A Hanyō would end their song before going to wander off into the dark night.




-Blessings must follow one of the listed blessings above.


-Blessed players may cleanse the effects of the blessing via cleansing from a paladin or the blessing of scorthuz.

-The blessing does not extend past three OOC days as the essence of the A Hanyō will have left their body.

-Blessings do not stack from the same A Hanyō, however multiple blessings may be attained through different ones blessing them.

-A Hanyō may bless each other or any being that has the capability to inhale and exhale air.


-Should a character die that received the blessing they will no longer have it.

-A Hanyō may not bless themselves.


Rite of Illusion

Ritual/Offering Requirement: To unlock the Rite of Illusion, A Hanyō will need to imbue a mirror or a pool of water within their shrine with their soul essence, as well as 1 count of their blood.


Illusion - Non Combative (One Cast - Passive)

A Hanyō have the capability to create an illusion surrounding themselves using their spiritual energy. These illusions can be nearly any object or creature of their liking and are used to create a story telling aspect to the CA.


MechanicsExhaling large amounts of their spiritual essence, A Hanyō are able to cloak themselves and create an illusion by morphing the essence to their liking. This includes but is not limited to beasts, inanimate objects, monsters, etcetera. This is a freeform ability however it cannot be used in combat. This spell also is not able to “disguise” the A Hanyō as no matter what they transform into, it will be made of a glowing substance consisting of their colored essence. Should they be struck with an object or weapon it will shatter the disguise and deal damage to the A Hanyō accordingly. This cannot be used in combat. Illusions can be warded off via the blessing of scorthuz, as well as seen through by using a reflective surface such as a mirror. These illusions can only be performed within their respective shrines.


Emote Example

Taking in a deep breath, the woman would exhale a large plume of pink mist around her body. This mist would begin to cling onto her form before the mist began to shine bright with energy as the mist took it’s form and began to charge.


Soon after, her body would begin to change it’s shape and appearance. First two large wings would sprout from her back, antennae would crawl out of her head, and numerous insectoid features would coat her body. What stood before the group would be a glowing pink creature that was the morphin of the A Hanyō before, but also the butterfly representing her Yokai spirit.




-This cannot be used in combat.

-This has no combative ability and cannot be used to hide away or disappear from something by making themselves miniscule.

-This cannot be used to create something smaller than the initial size of the descendent prior to creation.

-This can only be done within their shrine’s radius.


Rite of Combat

Ritual/Offering Requirement: This rite is successfully performed by an A Hanyō placing a set of armor or a piece of weaponry acquired from a fallen enemy which has been successfully coated in their own blood, as well as spiritual essence from any A Hanyō including themselves.


Blade of the Yokai - Combative (One Channel - One Cast)

Coating their sword with their spiritual essence, A Hanyō are able to create a spiritual weapon for a short period of time.



By calling upon their Yokai, A Hanyō are capable of forming a spiritual blade within their hands. This blade is a 2 foot long sword which may also be exchanged for a short dagger. These blades, whilst not physical, may still cause damage in the midst of a fight. Should it strike the body of a soul-bearing being, the affected area would begin to swell in immense pain akin to a hot blade being pressed upon their skin. This will not cause any physical marking or destruction of one’s flesh, merely a pain felt within them. This blade can however be dispelled by the likes of thanium, blessing of scorthuz, auric oil, aurum, or thanhium. This lasts for the duration of 3 emotes in combat, and takes 2 emotes to summon. At the end of the three emotes the weapon will disappear just as it was summoned. The duration of this attack lasts for 2 emotes of pain, before it would fade away swiftly thereafter.


Emote Example

Holding their hands out before them, they would begin to whistle a song to the air around them. A spiritual glow would begin to shine out of the man’s mouth before a fog-like mist seeped outwards from his body.


Within his hands this mist would begin to collect and form a weapon of pure spiritual essence from the A Hanyō . Grabbing its hilt he would hold it in the sky as trials of purple mist seeped down from the blade.


Turning towards his student, he would quickly go to slice the blade through the exposed arm. It would not cause any initial damage and would appear to simply go through it, however seconds after the pain would begin to set in as if the man had just received a burn on his flesh. Swiftly removing his gauntlet he would look for any markings however there would only be his pulsing skin as it reacted to the attack from the teacher.




-Attacks from this weapon can be dispelled via armaments made of thanium, auric oil, aurum, null arcana, etc.


-The blade will only ever be 2 feet long or shorter, and will always be a single, one-sided blade.

-These weapons can only be wielded by the caster, and only one can be created at a time.

-This attack will NEVER kill someone, only cause distracting pain.


-The pain lasts for a duration of two emotes.

-This may damage the caster, or other A Hanyō.


-This can be wielded alongside another weapon, just not two spirit blades.


- Can only be used twice during a combat scenario.


Rite of Creation (TA)

Ritual/Offering Requirement: Once an A Hanyō has mastered all other Rite’s and their respective abilities, they may perform a final ritual to unlock the Rite of Creation. This Rite will allow  A Hanyō to apply for a TA and create more of their kind. Once this Rite is performed, it must be marked on the respective A Hanyō’s Creature Application.  A Hanyō are able to create a total of three other A Hanyō at a time as a reflection of the low amount of Yokai that roam the realms of man. This must be taught to them by another TA holding A Hanyō.


Yokai Summoning - Non Combative

Using this ability, A Hanyō are capable of creating more of their kind.


Mechanics (Copied from the Creation Category)

The creation ritual begins with the summoning of a Yōkai. This is done through an A Hanyō giving an offering of Blood and Spiritual essence alongside a ritualistic prayer. Such a collection of forces acts as a lure for roaming Yōkai spirits.  After one is lured, the descendent in question will consume the lured spirit through making a pact with it. Once a pact is made the descendant shall inhale the spiritual form of the Yōkai through “eating” its very being. This is done through the summoned Yōkai sliding up and through the nostrils and maw of the soon to be A Hanyō, another term for Half Yōkai. Once inside the body of the descendant the spirit will latch onto the soul and the transformation process will soon begin. 


Once complete, newly made A Hanyō will place a specially made mask over their face, known as a Kamen mask. Each Kamen mask is marked with the blood of the descendent partaking in the ritual. The marking of mortal blood acts as an anchor of the physical to the metaphysical and contains the Yōkai that they have just merged with, finalizing the bond between man and ethereal beast. After such, the new A Hanyō will collapse from exhaustion and need to rest for a minimum of 6 irl hours before being able to roleplay the change into a Half Yōkai. 


[Much like Druidic Attunement, the interaction between player and Yōkai is simulated by the valid TA holder to allow for a memorable interaction and freeform rp within reason. Aka. No blowing up a city or anything disastrous. Just have fun with it, if you have a question for an interaction simply verify the scenario with an LT beforehand.]



Emote Example

Standing before their student, the withering A Hanyō would hold two masks before them.”Choose a mask young student, for your decision will mark which Yokai you will face today. Once you find it, you will need to convince it to pact with you. The decision is yours to make, and you will live or die by it.”As the student chose a mask the teacher would withdraw a blade before holding the hand of his student. Slicing diagonally across the palm, the student's hand would begin to fill with blood.  As it did so, the teacher would place the chosen mask onto the student’s hand as the blood began to cover the front of the mask.





-Must be taught in roleplay, and must have an accepted TA to use.

-ALL other rites must be gained before an A Hanyō can learn this ability.











-A Hanyō are infertile.

-A Hanyō must have a valid TA to not only create more, but also to teach the different rite’s and their respective abilities.

-A Hanyō must follow all lore and redlines to this respective piece as well as others.


-Should a question or concern be brought up about the piece, request aid via a lore-writer or appropriate ST.


-A Hanyō are lesser dark creatures.


-The Yokai of an A Hanyō may only be represented as an animal that is available to be played for player events, meaning no dragon, lochness monster variant dinosaur whatever Yokai.


-A Hanyō cannot FTB.  


- Communication with the Yokai is done via common or any other language the character learns after pacting.


- During the pacting ritual the Yokai speak broken common.






The purpose of this piece was to further utilize oyashiman and yulthar lore. Whilst there is only a small settlement specifically dedicated to these lore pieces, they are very much present upon the server at the given time and have been prominent throughout this map. With this piece I am hoping to give more story to the many individuals roleplaying about evil spirits known as “yokai”.

In the feedback that I received it was stated that ST were unsure about this piece's place on the server or what niche role that it fills. This CA is designed to build off of the prevalent amount of faith and religion roleplay allowing individuals to not only disguise themselves within current religion roleplay but to build further on the stories that it creates. Alongside this, the CA fills a very ‘warrior-esc’ niche role as well. The force that drives this CA being that of attaining divine worship on oneself leading them to create their own religions regarding the character that individuals can follow - one example being the Great Owl player eventline that Werewolf had displayed. This proves that this CA can hold a place on this server and can directly impact playerbases to bring fourth fun, mystery, and character development.

It is important to note that whilst this lore piece uses the origins of oyashiman & yulthar lore, this piece is by no regard bound to this aesthetic of roleplay. Players are allowed to take any approach to this as they wish, examples being a Half-Yokai making themselves appear as a great bear god and attaining worship in a norse-like fashion, taking the appearance of a fish god and coercing sailors and pirates to worship them for safe voyages and travels, and so fourth.


Credits : Sug, Qizu, Vallanor

Redline Aid : Sorcerio / Pun, Sewer_Rat

Proofreaders / Consultation : Jentos, Malaise, BlackBobRoss, Unwillingly, Minth, Traveller, Ropceek, Dragoon, Panashea, Olandyr, Imp, Jules, NLThomas


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The child of my body, the flesh of my soul...


Happy to see it wasn't entirely left in the bin. Good stuff, brother

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please not again


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grandfather me in or else it’s a -1 & I’m gonna make sure this fails the reviews 


cheers mate hope u pick well

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am i stupid or should more CAs/MAs have emote examples


anyway, like you know qizu i'm glad to see it's back, hope it gets accepted 





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grandfather me in or else it’s a -1 & I’m gonna make sure to tell ST to fail it in the reviews 


cheers mate hope u pick well



Real talk, I feel as if it'd work a lot better if it was separated from Oyashiman culture. Cultural magics/CAs tend to rely on the activity of the aforementioned culture to prosper. Pieces that have their own culture, history, etc. tend to stand up better than cultural pieces (see Runesmithing)


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21 minutes ago, ronin_champloo said:

grandfather me in or else it’s a -1 & I’m gonna make sure to tell ST to fail it in the reviews 


cheers mate hope u pick well


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Real talk, I feel as if it'd work a lot better if it was separated from Oyashiman culture. Cultural magics/CAs tend to rely on the activity of the aforementioned culture to prosper. Pieces that have their own culture, history, etc. tend to stand up better than cultural pieces (see Runesmithing)


This is one of the problems I have with the piece. The CA itself can work with any culture however the “origin” derives from yulthar / yokai folklore. That by no means makes it rely on the culture per-say as it is more of an aesthetic choice of presenting the lore piece. If I were to remove it, I feel like it’d remove its uniqueness so im not sure what to do.


The only cultural part written in to this piece however is a warrior-esc culture that derives from a hanyo competing with one another for worship and religious purposes. 

Personally speaking for myself I don’t have too much of an idea for a character being based off of oyashiman culture but moreso a character that uses the yulthar lore combined with this piece’s lore to tell a narrative of how individuals can use the darkness in the world to overcome their challanges with heavy influence from IRL mysticism.


If you have ideas on how I could fix what you mentioned however, please reach out.

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1 hour ago, Qizu said:

This is one of the problems I have with the piece. The CA itself can work with any culture however the “origin” derives from yulthar / yokai folklore. That by no means makes it rely on the culture per-say as it is more of an aesthetic choice of presenting the lore piece. If I were to remove it, I feel like it’d remove its uniqueness so im not sure what to do.


The only cultural part written in to this piece however is a warrior-esc culture that derives from a hanyo competing with one another for worship and religious purposes. 

Personally speaking for myself I don’t have too much of an idea for a character being based off of oyashiman culture but moreso a character that uses the yulthar lore combined with this piece’s lore to tell a narrative of how individuals can use the darkness in the world to overcome their challanges with heavy influence from IRL mysticism.


If you have ideas on how I could fix what you mentioned however, please reach out.


Honestly, I'd say that it's just presentation that you need to work on. I feel as if once people see the name and the images here, they'll automatically assume that it's Oyashiman lore. I'd rename the lorepiece to something else, and replace the images but that's just me.

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You don't need a Yokai CA to make Yokai

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took too long to scroll to bottom without reading


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41 minutes ago, ronin_champloo said:


Honestly, I'd say that it's just presentation that you need to work on. I feel as if once people see the name and the images here, they'll automatically assume that it's Oyashiman lore. I'd rename the lorepiece to something else, and replace the images but that's just me.

If you look at Djinn lore it clearly has a theme with pictures of genies and such but not all of them RP like that. The only parts that should effect your roleplay is the mechanics and redlines. Who cares if it has a certain theme. You can roleplay it differently.

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+1 (now can I be grandfathered in??)

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I'll admit that a lot of the critiques I made for this piece when I was on the LT were rather subpar and non consequential, as I was quite inexperienced in the realm of lore review & wish I had the opportunity to make a more helpful response

regardless I do love the aesthetics and theme of this piece and wish more lore was resubmitted instead of being forgotten about forever when denied

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Classic rep farm move. Changes made by Qizu as per denied feedback, don't stack new ones please and put this in the ever eternal lore loop. Ty.

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.

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