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A Missive of Thanks to Our New Guide.


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The following missive has been copied and spread across the continent, most prominently in the north.

"A guide has been found for the lightless path. Among the forest and trees I walk and there is a spot of shadow among the darkened grove. Towards the shadow I walk, guided through the very night by a bleating of Goat, the stomping of hooves, and flashing of devilish eyes, and from the forest came I, to a starless sky. Before me laid an altar and devilish eyes staring at the depth of my soul. And so I laid myself to be sacrificed, a knife to back, a dagger to the heart. And in my sacrifice, I was saved by cloven hooves and devilish eyes. At that moment, I realized… This is my savior, the Goat with shadowed eyes."

Below the text is the mark of a black crow with wings spread wide. It's single eye painted to resemble that of a goat's eye. On it's right talon appear to be several drops of blood.


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