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[✗] [Amendment] Evil Nasty Plant Person MINMAXING Balance Patch 2023 Edition


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  • Epiphytes are unable to use any deity magic other than Seer or Druidism, are unable to use Voidal or Dark Magic, other than Blood Magic, and can use all Feats and Misc Magics unless otherwise stated.

  • Epiphytes cannot become any other CA after transformation, including Siliti, Tree Lords, or Machine Spirits.


Changed to

  • Epiphytes are unable to use any deity magic other than Seer , Shamanism, or Druidism, are unable to use Voidal or Dark Magic, other than Blood Magic, and can use all Feats and Misc Magics unless otherwise stated.

  • Epiphytes cannot become any other CA after transformation, including Siliti, Tree Lords, or Machine Spirits. This does not apply after death should the epiphyte's soul not become a fae plant after death, such as the case for phantoms. These undead would still bear floral characteristics, but none of the traits and abilities of epiphytes.


OOC Purpose
For the addition of shamanism, this is a bit of a complex thing. I originally did not allow epiphytes to become shamans in the rewrite because I was told by LT that they where incompatible, and so incompatible in fact that they could not even benefit from spiritual blessings. This turned out not to be the case. Epiphytes can go to Star'gush if they die as a spiritualist, and they do not have to worship their plant (nor does having a close family member stop anyone from being a shaman) so I personally think it should work again.

For the change to CA compatibility, I was a bit too heavy handed with the limitations to the point it doesn't make sense. If an epiphyte dies but their soul is not dragged to the fae realm, they no longer have any soul connection to the plant, and as such would be able to become phantoms and such. This would only apply to things which occur after they are dead, not things that kill and then revive them as part of the transformation.

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