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Through realms it soared, that parchment fair


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[!] Through realms it soared, that parchment fair,
Alive it seemed, though worn with care.
Freshness and age in tandem danced,
A tapestry of time, delicately enhanced.



Once upon a time, in the heart of the Silver Walls, Larihei's flock stood united. The harmony of our work, the unity of our purpose, was a testament to the strength of our society. But as the inexorable hands of time continue to spin, society too, shifts and evolves. It is a reality we cannot ignore - change is inevitable, and we must keep pace, or risk stagnation.


As I write this, it is not without a sense of abandonment that I observe the plight of those seeking enlightenment. Our people, who were once open-minded, now shun those who dare to think outside the confines of conformity. A once vibrant society, reduced to a mere echo of its former self, a victim of a corrupt hegemony that has insidiously infiltrated and darkened the minds of the children of Silver. This transgression, this sacrilege against our essence, can only be absolved by Her, the one true shepherd, Larihei.


I pen these words, not in despair, but with a resounding call to anyone who would listen. The era of Larihei has not passed into the annals of forgotten history. Our shepherd will return, I am certain of it. She will return to guide the lost, to enlighten those who have strayed from the path of wisdom and unity.


A sense of anticipation fills me as I end today's entry. I am filled with hope for a future where the Silver Walls, both of the Stars and the Mother echo once again with the harmonious work of Larihei's united flock. It is a future we must strive for, a future we owe to the generations that will come after us.

We must turn a blind eye to the supposed leaders of this world, their minds marred by the corrosive touch of power, an affliction even the mightiest aren't immune to. However, we, the children of Silver, must remember that we are bound by a bond deeper than any traditional kinship. We are brothers and sisters in spirit, bound by the principles of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, a bond that roots deeper than any other. 


In this grand tapestry of existence, we mustn't let our hearts be darkened by the shadows of anger, hate, and grudges. Instead, we ought to embrace the vibrancy of our differences, view them not as dividers but as unique threads that add depth and richness to our collective story.

Each variation, each nuance, offers a lesson, an opportunity for growth and mutual understanding. We are different pages of the same grand book, unique chapters in the story of Larihei’s children. We must turn these pages with respect and reverence, learning from each other's narratives, for in this lies the path to our collective enlightenment.

May Larihei guide us all. 

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"HAIL The PROPHETESS! Hail The Bringer of Purity! Hail! Larihei, Lady of Silver! Our Maid most PURE!" Calls Devoted Pamphilos, a lad most close to such a plight as described here. "Our Kin will know truly of the blessings, once what mars them is polished free. We are silver, incorruptible. Yet we must routinely be polished, so tarnish may be made gleaming once more."


"Return us! The Most Privileged! To that sacred place! Hail Larihei! Hail Haelun'or! Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya!"

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