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THE SCROLL OF ROYAL LAW | Laws of the Númenedain

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Issued 20th The Grand Harvest, 131 SA.

In the name of His Royal Majesty Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor


SECTION I. Laws of State

   The following are those laws which outline the hierarchy of our Kingdom’s government, as well as the laws of inheritance and succession.


I. The ruling monarch, hereafter referred to as ‘the Crown’ or ‘the White Throne’, shall hold full and unquestioned authority over the lands and titles of the Kingdom.

II. The Crown shall have the authority to dictate, enforce and alter this code at their discretion.

III. Those empowered by the Crown to enforce the law, including Knights, levies of the royal house, and others appointed to such authority by decree, shall be privileged to interpret and enforce the law as appropriate and necessary, and shall hold that privilege at the pleasure of the Crown.

IV. Subjects of the White Throne shall be obligated to adhere to any and all royal decrees or taxes levies.

V. The succession of the Kingdom shall be determined by appointment of the Crown. In such an event that the monarch is slain or becomes otherwise incapable of ruling without an appointed heir, the crown shall pass to the oldest trueborn child.

VI. The recognized Houses of the realm shall have the right to dictate their own traditions of inheritance. However, should a dispute of inheritance threaten the peace, it may be settled at the Crown’s discretion.

VII. No title held by an Adunian House or individual shall, in any circumstance other than Royal assent, pass to one not of Adunic blood.


SECTION II. Laws of the Crown

   Listed hereafter are those laws which shall dictate the honorable conduct to which subjects of and visitors to our Kingdom are to hold themselves.


I. For a subject to act to our Kingdom’s detriment in any way, be that by the raising of arms or the aiding of Her enemies, shall be considered Treason.

II. To practice or to affiliate knowingly with those who practice the Dark Arts is strictly forbidden, and shall be considered the crime of Unholiness.

III. No individual shall willfully slay another outside of defense of self or others, and to do so shall be considered Murder.

IV. No person shall willfully do harm to another outside of defense of self or others, and to do so shall be considered Assault.

V. To make use of any magic in a manner which is harmful to the Crown’s properties or to others, or in a way that is counter to the decrees of the Crown, shall be considered the crime of Sorcery.

VI. To deprive or dispossess another of their rightfully owned property or goods shall be considered Theft.

VII. To damage the properties of the Crown shall be considered Vandalism.

VIII. To publicly encourage the practice of Pagan faiths, or to cast insult upon our Lord GOD Almighty shall be considered Blasphemy.

IX. To damage properties of the Church, or to dishonor icons of the Exalted or the Saints shall be considered Sacrilege.

X. Should one accused of a crime so desire, they may request trial by combat or to appeal to the Crown for royal trial. Those known for fact to be guilty do not receive this privilege.


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