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[Complete] Report (teh60thismyking, gloonkey)


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teh60thismyking, gloonkey



I am sick of the player Gloonkey harassing me. This started way back last map in Celia'nor when I logged off to go to bed during rp that wasn't serious. It was just a discussion about various languages and elven irp and it was late. He proceeded to DM my partner about me logging off, assuming they were me. I asked him to not bother them about me in the future and he's been obsessed and hateful and insulting towards me ever since. Today he decided to mention me and my relationship in OOC. when I called him out he called me a narcassist. When I asked him to stop bothering/talking about me today he doubled down and tried to claim I was told not to interact with him, its a two way street and always has been. I'm tired of his harassment, I'm tired of him being obsessed with me. I just frankly want him to leave me alone. I don't give a shit if he's friends with 60th, I want Gloonkey to stop bothering me and I feel like moderation making an official verdict is going to be the only option there.


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I didn't want to be involved in this because how we got here is absolutely and completely inconsequential. Really, this is a nothing burger. That said, being named in Gloonkey's report, I'm going to respond to both of them with the same message.


I believe there was no harassment meant here. I cannot speak for anything that happened between Gloonkey and Rukio prior to today. I can't speak towards what they may have said to each other in PMs today. But, I can talk about what brought that comment into OOC.


Gloonkey and I were PMing each other about my time as a moderator, and he mentioned that he knew that people sometimes say I had some bias against them as a mod. Now, all current and former mods here that, and I have a pretty standard response that I give to try to explain how I attempted to maintain a sense of neutrality in my rulings. I talk about how I instantly gave GoodGuyMatt a ban when he said something passingly anti-semetic in SOOC in Balian despite us being very good friends. And I talk about how I passed off tickets from Rukio to other mods because I was worried I wouldn't be able to maintain my neutrality there.


I mentioned in the conversation that there were a few times I failed to pass off those tickets, either because it was due to being the only mod available for an emergency (like a combat) or because I didn't originally know that Rukio had changed her name to Teh60thIsMyKing. In response to that, Gloonkey mentioned that Rukio and The60th dated. I mentioned that that makes a lot of sense. Gloonkey eventually asked why them dating made a lot of sense, but he accidentally said it in global OOC. Which is what triggered this whole report. I responded that I meant nothing else beyond the fact that it explains the rename, and the conversation moved on. 


That's it.

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