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[Complete] Report (Teh60thIsMyKing)


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I was talking with Burnsider earlier today regarding some things in the community in general, and some player names were brought up. Among them were players such as The60th, and subsequently, Teh60thIsMyKing, aka Rukio13. When discussing this, a piece of this conversation, out of context, was leaked into OOC due to a typo on my end, which caused Teh60thIsMyKing to react abruptly, calling me a 'freak' for doing so. Regardless, I made it clear that this was a generalised conversation about the community, and this individual's name had come up once as a result, and that she had been prior notified by staff months ago that she and I were to be kept separate, without exception. This is an incident I intended to report a few months ago when, after an OOC incident with another player over a dispute over unauthorised skin usage that has since been resolved, she told me in SOOC to 'Keep [her] name out of [my] mouth <3' in a deliberately provocative and condescending tone, one which she has always used towards me in an attempt to escalate the situation and provoke a reaction, given my reputation for being easy to provoke at times.


This entire incident between she and I was provoked initially when I first started playing LOTC again in late summer, early fall 2022, when I was roleplaying on my current character, Sarrin Isilioleth, back when he was called Seryn Merethi with another one of her characters, whom I believe to be Nehtamo, but I am unsure, as the screenshots and logs no longer exist. She left the server mid-RP, and mistaking him for her, I messaged him on Discord, which can be seen in the first few screenshots. Later on, she contacted me telling her not to message her boyfriend, although this is something that I was confused about at the time, and she got very defensive over. Now, whilst I understand and respect her right to defend her partner, nothing I said or did was in any way toxic or inflammatory. In fact, at the time of writing, The60th and I get along without issue, and I don't see any problems relating to him. However, Teh60thIsMyKing, who will be hereafter referred to as Rukio, does have a strong reputation of toxicity on LOTC to an extent that it eclipses even my own.


A long-time-ago issue I remember having with her over OOC was one particular discussion between myself, her, and Epiphytes, at the time known as Josifi, over an argument which started regarding drug use. Personally, this incident is not incredibly relevant as anything but context, but the TL;DR of it is that Epiphytes and I were having an argument, and Rukio decided to make an ableist comment towards myself, that being 'Gloonkey are you on the spectrum' - referring to the Autism spectrum, which as someone with mental and physical health disabilities himself is an incredibly prejudiced comment to make. I cite this, because these comments indicate that Rukio's disposition towards me has been one of gaslighting, manipulation and outright discrimination from the onset of our relationship's negativity. Now, whilst if this had come from a friend, I'd have understood that it may have been a snide joke, but from Rukio, it comes across as, at best, a cheap shot at someone who's already preoccupied with someone else, and at worst, outright ableism, a fact I made clear to Rukio just before I started writing this report. This counts as both a form of discrimination and harassment, as I've also been briefed by some of my friends that Rukio has a habit of talking negatively about numerous players behind closed doors, myself included. 


This brings us to today. As the screenshots will say, Rukio decided to continue harassment even after she was briefed in OOC why her name was mentioned. Now, whilst I acknowledge that the context of the statement is itself in poor standing, it is also worth stating that Rukio is also guilty of this exact issue, and as such, it is in no way right to posit this as an issue exclusive to myself. She has harassed not only me, but my friends, she has slandered staff, and she has overall made at least one nation in LOTC completely unplayable for me due to her gaslighting, her manipulative and toxic behaviour overall. For example, when I last reported her, my report was briefly public, which allowed her to see that one of the players who DM'd me at the time, Salium, who was personally deeply hurt by her inappropriate comments and toxic conduct was giving me support. Salium, later following that point, messaged me to notify me that Rukio had accordingly confronted him privately to try and intimidate him regarding this. Additionally, during the time I was making this report, I chose to speak about this with Epiphytes/Josifi, to obtain his permission to mention what had occurred, and he mentioned that he had not been speaking to Rukio at the time of this incident, only that she had chosen to make that comment completely randomly. This, in conjunction with everything else, is why I have had enough of Rukio and her constant harassment. She has slandered members of our community, harassed numerous others, made discriminatory remarks about myself (at least the ones we know of) and has constantly made our community a deeply unsafe space.


I apologise to any staff who have to read this. I know it's a deeply long and unpleasant topic, but I've been trying for MONTHS to not bring this up. I was very tempted to report Rukio after the last incident in question, but I chose (foolishly) to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume this incident would not repeat.


Enough is enough. I'm sorry, but I will not allow toxicity towards our players, towards staff and towards anyone on this server continue from one particular player who, from what I've seen, is as rude as they are unwilling to learn and be better.




























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If link doesn't work, someone please privately message me so I can update it. Keep in mind, I'll be updating this as time goes on, but some of the evidence is from a long time ago due to this being a long-term harassment issue. Thank you.


(x, y, z)



Evidence of uncooperative conduct.


The screenshots provided should elucidate that I explicitly told Rukio that I did not want ANY further contact with her in ANY capacity ever. I have told her in OOC, and I thought this was enough earlier, yet she DM'd me again despite the warnings. I've made it clear that I do not wish to have a civil relationship with her either, as some mutual friends of ours have offered to mediate. Although I have tried to be polite, this has failed in the past, thus why staff have mandated that we remain separate.




Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

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The screenshots are not working.


I will also add, there are no official "restraining orders" on LotC. A "do not contact this person" is simply a recommendation to avoid being banned, because conflict will inevitably arise.

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I didn't want to be involved in this because how we got here is absolutely and completely inconsequential. Really, this is a nothing burger. That said, being named in Gloonkey's report, I'm going to respond to both of them with the same message.


I believe there was no harassment meant here. I cannot speak for anything that happened between Gloonkey and Rukio prior to today. I can't speak towards what they may have said to each other in PMs today. But, I can talk about what brought that comment into OOC.


Gloonkey and I were PMing each other about my time as a moderator, and he mentioned that he knew that people sometimes say I had some bias against them as a mod. Now, all current and former mods here that, and I have a pretty standard response that I give to try to explain how I attempted to maintain a sense of neutrality in my rulings. I talk about how I instantly gave GoodGuyMatt a ban when he said something passingly anti-semetic in SOOC in Balian despite us being very good friends. And I talk about how I passed off tickets from Rukio to other mods because I was worried I wouldn't be able to maintain my neutrality there.


I mentioned in the conversation that there were a few times I failed to pass off those tickets, either because it was due to being the only mod available for an emergency (like a combat) or because I didn't originally know that Rukio had changed her name to Teh60thIsMyKing. In response to that, Gloonkey mentioned that Rukio and The60th dated. I mentioned that that makes a lot of sense. Gloonkey eventually asked why them dating made a lot of sense, but he accidentally said it in global OOC. Which is what triggered this whole report. I responded that I meant nothing else beyond the fact that it explains the rename, and the conversation moved on. 


That's it.

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