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Dúnfarthing Event Calendar ((6/12/2022-6/17/2022))

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[!] You find a scrap of paper nailed to the Dúnwen noticeboard

Event Calendar


~Halflings at work!~

~The Amber Cold~

On this Pumpkin Day we are to prepare tools and other goods required for future work in the village! What is a farmer without his (or her) tools after all? Be there if ye are needing anything. Gather by the work-burrows before the sun is set to receive instruction.
((7 PM EST, Monday the 12th of June, 2023))

~The Deep Cold~

Nuffin' too important on this day. Just go about it as usual.
((4 PM EST for a SoL-Hour style event, Tuesday the 13th of June, 2023))

~Snow's Maiden~

Early spring planting! If ye have any plants that can survive the frost, now's the time to get them into the turf. May also chop lumber and dole out other responsibilities on this Pumpkin Day too.

((4 PM EST, Wednesday the 14th of June, 2023))

~Malin's Welcome~

Plant all yer spring crops on this day if ye haven't already! It's good to plant early once the snow's all melted! Meet by the granary to be assigned an allotment if ye've nay one already.
((4 PM EST, Thursday the 15th of June, 2023))

~The First Seed~

Weed yer gardens, weed yer flowers, weed everything! T'ae uninhabited meadows on the top of the hill will also be cut down to use as animal feed here.

((4 PM EST, Friday the 16th of June, 2023))

~The Grand Harvest~

Field harvesting, obviously. What else is there to do on such a Pumpkin Day? Gather in the tavern and we'll drink before 'n after the harvest.

((4 PM EST, Saturday the 17th of June, 2023))


Knox bless t'a wee!

~Mimosa Applefoot,

local halfling of Dúnfarthing

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