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The Tricolored Soirée


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T R I C O L O R E D  S O I R É E

Embrace the Blue, Bask in the Gold, Ignite the Red!





With great pleasure and honor, I cordially invite you to The Tri-Colored Soiree in the Viscount of Atalais. As the esteemed Roa family, we shall open our gates in the beautiful Helios to welcome you for an evening of grandeur and revelry. Join us as we commemorate the rise of Atalais, our flourishing Viscounty, with a night of enchantment. Embrace the tricolor theme that embodies the spirit of our beloved land, where the blue skies meet the golden fields and the fiery red sunsets paint the horizon. Our skilled musicians shall serenade you with melodies that will ignite your spirit, guiding you through waltzes, mazurkas, and Cha cha slides. 


We simply ask our esteemed guests to honor the occasion by adorning themselves in the regal colors of blue, gold, or red. If you wish to forgo this it's simply there to add to the revelry. 



Invitation List:


His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Prince of Helious and his esteemed kin

His Royal Majesty, Adrian I, King of Balian and his esteemed kin

Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelar, Vicereine of Hyspia and her esteemed kin

His Highness, Maegor Valraenos, Prince of Aeltarys and his esteemed kin

The Right Honorable, Cosima Monika, Countess of the Hohengarten and her esteemed kin

Firr Otto Lothar Bishop, Heir to House Bishop and his steemed kin


The Citizens of Helious

The Citizens of Balian

The Citizens of Hyspia

The Culture of Aeltary



Time of the Event:


The event will be held the Sunday 18th at 6PM EST
The coords of the place it will be held in are [497; -9; 2906]

All this whole post wouldnt be possible without Tigergiri so, she's got copyright over this too.




Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Viscount of Atalais, Lord of Erice



Lady Firentia Ivonne Roa, Heiress to Atalais and Erice

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